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Formerly THE Denver Journal of HOMEOPATHY.

SAMUEL S. SMYTHE, M. D., Editor.

W. A. BURE, M. D., Associate Editor. J. WYLIE ANDERSON, M. D., Managing Editor.

All books for review, magazines, exchanges, correspondence and articles for publication in this Journal should henceforth be sent to Dr. S. S. Smythe, Editor, 403 California Building, Denver, Colorado.

All business communications should be addressed to Dr. J. Wylie Anderson, 16 Steele Block, Denver, Colorado.


In our war against Spain the United States stands out alone, an unique figure, in the history of nations. Our action has no parallel in international law, and international lawyers sagely argue that there are no precedents which sustain us in making war on humanitarian grounds. We have ignored pre. cedents, and have opened the way to a better civilization. We are not only making a just war for humanity's sake, but are also making a new history and a new law. Meanwhile the nations stand aghast at our temerity; silent, sullen and threatening. In all the family of nations, only one, England, offers us the slightest show of sympathy and encouragement. All honor then to Great Britain, whose attitude in this instance has been as a bulwark against an undercurrent of hostility on the part of other European powers.

The spectacle of a nation going to war on purely humanitarian grounds, with nothing to gain and at an immense sacrifice of life and treasure, is well calculated to excite the wonder and admiration of all right-minded people. The barbarities of Spain toward her own people were of such a character as to

4. The Proper Place and Period of Clinical W. Four Year's Course.

5. Preparatory Studies and Preparatory Depar Medical Colleges.

Tinea tricophinina, on the anterior of both wi woman in middle age, was killed by the application, L morning, of Sulphurous acid. Kippax suggests a us per cent. acid, but in this case a greater strength was n used in full strength. The parasite yielded in a few d the skin soon became healthy.


At the College Rooms, the morning of April 11th, 1898, Drs. { E. C. Morton, Wheeler, Pollock, King, Mahon, N. Wetlaufer, E. V Vinland, O'Connor, Peterson, Ilahi Baksh and McCurtain, met f pose of organizing the Alumni Association of the Denver Ho Medical College.

Dr. Pearl B. Wheeler was elected President, Dr. Anna A son, Secretary protem, Drs. N. Wetlaufer, McCurtain, Mastin were appointed a committee on Constitution and By-Laws, and i to report at the meeting to be held April 23rd,

The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Dr Wheeler, President; Dr. O. S. Vinland, 1st Vice-President; Dr. i Pollock, 2nd Vice-President; Dr. Walter J. King, Recording Secr A. Peterson, Corresponding Secretary; Dr. A. J. Cardwell, Treas

The Constitution and By-Laws adopted April 23rd state: ". of this Association shall be to keep its members in touch with th Homeopathic Medical College, and with each other." It provides and associate members, the latter to be the Faculty of the Co also states that one of the plans and intentions of the Associat "tender the graduating class of the Denver Homeopathic Medica a reception and banquet on the evening following the Comm Exercises."

Copies of the Constitution and By-Laws as adopted will be n graduates, so that all may read and thereby intelligently unite 1. the Alumni Association a success from the very start.

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have demanded the attention and unanimous protest of all the nations of the earth, but it remained for the United States alone, after exhausting persuasive methods, to finally say to the Spanish government that

"The abhorrent conditions which have existed for more
than three years in the island of Cuba, so near our own
borders, have shocked the moral sense of the people of
the United States, have been a disgrace to Christian
civilization, culminating, as they have, in the destruc-
tion of a United States battleship, with 266 of its
officers and crew, while on a friendly visit in the har-
bor of Havana, and cannot longer be endured." *

"That it is the duty of the United States to demand,
and the Government of the United States does hereby
demand, that the Government of Spain at once relin-
quish its authority and government in the island of
Cuba, and withdraw its land and naval forces from
Cuba and Cuban waters.

What a grand contribution to the world's war record is that. Is it any wonder that the nations stand amazed at such a demand? To have demanded of Spain a cessation of her barbarous methods would have been considered by many a very bold step, but when we say to her that she must abandon Cuba and relinquish its government, we take a stand in defence of human rights and justice without a parallel in history, and which has not even been dreamed of in the philosophy of nations.

In addition to this, we at the same time tell the world
"That the United States hereby disclaims any disposi-
tion or intention to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction or
control over said island, except for the pacification
thereof, and asserts its determination, when that is ac-
complished, to leave the government and control of the
island to its people."

Have we not a right to expect from all civilized governments at least their moral support in our unselfish endeavor to



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