Imágenes de páginas

Superintendent A. R. Clifton of Monrovia, chairman of the committee appointed by Mark Keppel in compliance with a resolution of the Los Angeles County teachers, has filed a very interesting report on the financial conditions of the schools of Los Angeles County. The grand jury's report shows that, while the expenditures of money for schools in 1918-1919 were $9,515,788.35 and in 1922-1923 $52,595,738.38, the actual figures from the auditor's books as obtained by the committee showed only $41,042,007.05 for 1922-1923. These figures are interesting and the totals are so enormous that the only conclusion is that Los Angeles County taxpayers believe in splendid buildings, in adequate equipment, in good salaries, and that education pays. The taxpayers vote the bonds, provide the county money and special taxes. Los Angeles County is great, not on account of its climate, not on account of its real estate activity, but on account of its schools.

Mark Keppel sent a check of $60,022 to the State Treasurer for the Teachers' Retirement Salary. This was semi-annual payment of 9660 teachers. There are 350 teachers in Los Angeles County exempt, so that Superintendent Keppel has over 10,000 teachers on the county payroll.

The San Francisco Teachers' Association held an interesting election on February 12 for officers. There were over 1700 votes cast. John Drew, principal of the Humboldt Evening High School, which ranks as one of the best in the United States, was elected.

Eugene Barker, principal of Santa Rosa High School, and Floyd P. Bailey, dean, have arranged with the superintendent of public instruction to offer a course in the Junior College for Teachers on "The Constitution of the United States." Those passing the examination will receive two units of college credits for the work.

Mr. Scott of C. F. Weber & Company, 609 Mission street, San Francisco, delivered a fine address at the convention of the National School Supply Association on legislation and its tendencies in reference to schools and their equipment.

The Postmaster General of the United States has requested that the schools devote February 18 to 25 as better mailing week. Every boy and girl from primary department to post-graduate in our universities should be given "check up" on their ability to address mail matter properly. The taxpayers indirectly pay $1,740,000 to correct the methods of the careless people who use the postal service.

Louisa McDermott and Elizabeth Hauslet have interesting communications in the San Francisco Grade Teachers' Bulletin for February, 1924.

There will be a new department of optometry started by the University of California under direction of the California State Association of Optometrists.

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By W. M. Culp

With the return of more prosperous conditions in the Imperial Valley, Horace C. Coe, county superintendent of schools, has his schools in better shape than ever before. He is assisted in the office by two deputy superintendents, Mrs. Hazel Baker Reed and Miss Lura Kirkpatrick. Rural supervision is in the hands of Mrs. Esther J. Kavanaugh and Miss Estelle H. Keeler. The supervisor of attendance is Mrs. Effie H. Swanson.

A new manual for the use of the public schools of Imperial County has been issued by Horace C. Coe and his county board of education. This manual is exceedingly well worked out, the latest viewpoints of educational leaders have been woven in. Much credit is given to Mrs. Esther J. Kavanaugh, who worked out a greater portion of the manual at the summer session at Berkeley last year.

Miss Evelyn Bowman, acting county librarian of Imperial County, expects to take the State Library Board's examination in June.

The Imperial County Board of Education includes three new members-Geo. R.

Momyer, principal of the Brawley High School; B. M. Gruwell, district superintendent of Holtville grammar schools, and Mrs. Hattie A. Spencer, principal of the Imperial Grammar School. Mr. Momyer has been elected president for this year.

Mrs. Grace Farrell, member of the Imperial County Board of Education, teaches in the Jasper school.

A. P. Shibley, district superintendent of El Centro schools, has charge of five schools and some 1200 pupils. The enrollment of El Centro schools is increasing rapidly and is surpassing that of the boom cotton years of 1920-21. Mr. Shibley has been carrying on a vigorous testing program. He has given the Stanford achievement tests to the grades from the fourth to the eighth, inclusive. These tests co-ordinated with mental tests of last year were made the basis for the reorganization of classes. Mr. Shibley has used the Stanford achievement tests successfully with as many as 375 pupils at one time.

Geo. R. Momyer, principal of the Brawley High School, has just moved his school back into the high school building, which was badly wrecked in the disastrous gas explosion of last year.

E. V. Abernathy, principal of the Holtville Union High School, is a Missouri man. Last year he took his Master's Degree in education at the University of Southern California.

M. S. Templeton, district superintendent of the Imperial schools, is making a success of his work in his new position.

Fred H. Eldred, Occidental College graduate, who has been in government work in the East for the last eight years, is teaching science in the El Centro High School.

C. B. Collins, district superintendent of Calexico schools, is one of Imperial County's most active workers in the California Teachers' Association.

Dean S. Richmond, district superintendent of Brawley grammar schools, has his schools crowded more than ever before.

C. R. Prince, district superintendent of the Calipatria, schools for the last four years, has been carrying on a continuous constructive program. The grammar school now enrolls over 500 pupils, the largest number in its history.

Paul G. Ward, superintendent of Hemet schools, has his high school students in manual training doing the work on the erection of a gymnasium as a class project. A school year will be taken in the work. As a consequence a $24,000 building is being constructed at a cost of $8,000. A hangar from Marsh Field was purchased for $200 and torn down and moved to the high school campus at Hemet. The girders were erected by outside help, but all of the other work on the building has been and is being done by three groups of students working eighty minutes each. The building is 66 feet by 122 feet; has a stage 30 feet in depth by 38 feet across. Four dressing rooms and boys' showers occupy the structure. A lean-to to the building will be added which will house the offices of the physical education instructor and a bowling alley. The floor of the gymnasium is large enough for two basket ball courts. The building will hold 1500 people and is to be used as a community meeting place for the San Jacinto Valley.

Floyd S. Hayden, principal of the Azusa High School; Ben S. Millikan, principal of the Covina High School, and A. R. Clifton, superintendent of Monrovia city schools, have joined their high schools into a local entertainment circuit. That is, the dramatic and music section of each of the schools present a program at each of the other two schools. In other words, the public speaking students get three times the usual amount of public presentation. The various student bodies enjoy the programs immensely.

F. W. Whitney, principal of the Banning High School, and C. O. Harvey, district superintendent of the Beaumont schools, have both been active in the securing of community cement tennis courts for their respective communities.

Miss Margaret Van Voorhees has been appointed director of physical education in the San Diego County schools by Miss Ada York, county superintendent. Miss Van Voorhees succeeds Miss Jessie Rand Tanner of the San Diego Teachers' College, who was giving part-time to the work.

Pasadena has just put into operation the second term of school three junior high schools and one vocational training school instead of the one junior high school previously mentioned. These schools are the Washington Junior High School, the Marshall Junior High, and the Wilson Vocational School.



The season of teachers' institutes is about past. "The tumult and the shouting cease,' to quote without either irony or sarcasm, and teachers return to their tasks, putting, let us trust, new faith in the prayer, “Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet." I wonder how many of the teachers of today realize that their institutes have had a history, have contributed materially to teaching as a profession and to their present professional recognition, such as it is.

The writer, drawn by an interest that called from the far past, wandered into several of these gatherings this fall. Always, by way of contrast, they revived institute experiences of older days, when he himself taught district schools in the Mississippi Valley. Our institutes lasted never less than a full week, five and a half days, and sometimes two full weeks. They were imitators of the old academic normal schools— that is, they aimed largely at patching up the early schooling of those who were about to teach and who faced the examination for teachers' certificate which commonly followed the institute. In connection with the present, the great defect of the early teachers' institute was a lack of competent instructors. Except for a very few, they were without the grand vision, devoid of a sense of relative values, tempted often to entertain more than to instruct. For the most part they were in earnest, but they stood unseeing at the portals of institute development.

Sentiment used sometimes to run away with the lecturer. I recall one who opened his work about as follows:

"Fellow teachers: Before I approach the more immediate problems of class work, I feel it my duty to touch on something very dear to me, a treasure which I have long carried, always shall carry, in my pocket. Here he drew out his pocketbook and took from it a folded letter. "You see this paper! It contains what should be dear to every true American. It is a letter-a letter written by Abraham Lincoln-written by his own hand-the original! Think of it! An autographic letter of our honored. and martyred President! Think of it! I place this chair here. I lay the letter carefully upon it. It must not be handled. The line will form in the outer aisle on my left. You may all now pass up that aisle, past the chair and view this letter." Such, not uncommonly, was the introduction to institute programs, or to a talk on United States history and history teaching.

That reminds me of another "up the left aisle" episode. The superintendent of a very large county evidently had notions about the social amenities, for after the two chief instructors had each spoken, he marshalled us up the left aisle with instructions to pass by them as they stood on each side of the pulpit, reach up and shake hands. with them. We did it with due solemnity, and returned to our seats without anyone's speaking and, so far as I can recall, without so much as a smile.

That effort at launching an institute was very much to be preferred, however, to the effort of another county superintendent I recall. What strength he had was always getting lost in vain originalities. Not believing in institutes, as they were known.

in his day, or in the expenditure of public money for them, he gruffly opened one of his own institutes, in substance as follows: Teachers: You all know what I think of institutes. A waste of time and money. Ought to change the law. But the law has forced me to call this one. So I have here three instructors (pointing). I don't know if they have anything to say that will do you any good. But here they are." Except to call their names that was all the introduction they had.

Relative values? They were too often conspicuous for their absence. Many of those early teachers were civil war veterans, specially interested in the history of the civil war. We listened to long detailed descriptions of battles and campaigns they had been engaged in. There was seldom any self display; but those campaigns still meant much to them, were important, and so they gave us, in the fullness of their memories, history which we could never use. Those were the days, too, of the trick problems in arithmetic, of utterly irrelevant data in geography. We used to watch. (it wasn't always an understanding listening) the instructors handle these irrelevancies by the hour. The days of carefully selected and organized subject matter had. not yet dawned. So if you could pronounce Popocatepetl and Gila correctly, you passed a paragon of geographic knowledge, whether you could locate them or give an account of their significance or not.


The early institutes did bring about an interchange of experience and ideas among teachers. Regular experience meetings were held. But they also had their temptations. For example, there was the local teacher who had been called upon for a few words on expression. He was supposed to know about expression, for he was reputed to have been an actor; though whether he had left a more lucrative for a less lucrative profession, or vice versa, we never knew. Anyway, he started a discourse on expression from the actor's viewpoint. He told us that actors were trained to express various emotions voluntarily; that, for example, they were even trained to shed tears at will so as to express deep sorrow; that he could do it; that he would show us he could. And he did, for he had the trick. He dropped his head slightly to the right, assumed a doleful expression, blinked a few times, and presently the tears coursed down his face.

The veteran of the old district school had his stories to tell. I recall one who had belonged to the very early days, when the school house was a rough and ready affair, and when it was often said the teacher had to thrash all the big boys to hold his school. He told us of how he mastered his first school. He had heard how tough it was. So when he appeared the first morning he carried an ax-but said nothing. Entering the school he stood the ax against the wall behind his chair-but said nothing. For a time the wonder and curiosity of the scholars held mischief in abeyance; but finally one or two of the big boys grew restless and began to create disturbance. Then the school master reached back, grasped his ax, and hurled it down the center aisle the entire length of the room to the rear wall, where it buried its blade an inch or more and hung menacingly above the blackboard. That, at least, was his story.

On one occasion we sat through a long discussion as to whether a drunkard gets up early in the morning or not. A majority agreed that he did; he'd be on hand for a drink with the first opening of a bar. I do not mean to imply that these aberrations were the rule at institute sittings. They were not, for we generally recited American history all over again, reviewed our geography, reviewed arithmetic and picked. up bits of physiology and hygiene. But they do suggest the temptations, too strong always to be overcome in the days when there was no developed sense of proportion and the interchange of experience could not resist growing daring, if not thrilling.

The old institute days even produced some inspiring institute instructors. Let me pay tribute to one Jonathan Piper, who in his later years represented a book company, but who had mastered didactics, it was evident, in the days when he had been a school man. He seldom expressed views as to what the subject matter should be, but took it as he found it in the texts and showed us how to teach it. He could do that with every subject. He came before our institute one year, announcing that reading, which he was about to discuss, was the most important subject in the curriculum. An hour later he took up arithmetic, saying: "This is the most important subject in the curriculum." In the same way hour by hour followed history, geography, writing, civil government, each in its turn the most important subject in the curriculum, until finally this whimsical attack of his subjects began to take on meaning and point in the minds of teachers. In later years California institutes knew one instructor, at least, who was like Piper in didactic versatility-Thomas Heaton. As a methodologist he was inexhaustible.

In spite of the fact that institutes were, for years, exploited by all the "isms" there were, fairly early they began to enjoy special lectures by leaders in thought and doctrine, purveyors of more liberal culture, inspiration and ideals. They were the forerunners of the modern institute lecturers.

Came, then, the years of the doctrinal renaissance of teaching. Formal psychology

California School

of Fine Arts

(Formerly Mark Hopkins Institute) California Street San Francisco


Affiliated College of the University of California Illustrated catalogue mailed on application


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stepped into the educational circle; teaching practise was recast as pedagogy. New languages, pedagogese and psychologish, were spoken. Institutes began to demand instructors who could speak them. This line of development, too, had its callowstage. I recall one institute some twentyfive years ago in Nebraska to which three philosophic-minded instructors were brought from a distance. The first spoke the new lingo. The teachers were impressed; but his two co-laborers even more so. Each, in his turn, vied with his predecessors in philosophic flights on wings of Hegelian terminology, until it became evident that a three-cornered contest was being staged. I think the teachers rather enjoyed it. Such things really had to be, you know, so that they might be outgrown. It was the same with child-study, and experimental psychology. They had to proselyte before they were really ready for utterance. The propagandist is always exposed to the refiner's fire. Thus, for example, was the young but earnest institute worker who was deeply interested in hypnotism and suggestion. In fact, he was pretty well read on it, though he had had no practical experience. Before one institute he told the stock story of how to hypnotize a hen. One of those perennial iconoclasts who are always present, challenged the truth of the lecturer's claim, and at the next lecture produced the hen for a demonstration. Of course the speaker had to try, and of course he failed. His stock fell before the institute; but only over night, for he took that hen with him and before the next day had taught it how to be hypnotized.

outside grounds. Calipatria Union High School now enrolls some eighty students.

Miss Myrta L. McClellan, instructor in geography at the University of California, Southern Branch, has taken out a leave of absence. Miss McClellan will attend the University of Chicago, where she will work

on her Master's Thesis. Miss McClellan will reach Chicago via the Panama Canal and New York. Her steamship will make numerous Latin American stops.

Harry L. Howe, principal of the Coachella Valley Union High School, has charge of a high school in perhaps one of the most unique sections of the Western United States. The great Coachella Valley lies between the San Bernardino and San Jacinto mountains-a vast dry desert land, with drifting sands and stunted desert plants. The mountains on either side are jagged rock heaps, brown and gray in color. To the west lies Mount San Jacinto, snow covered many months of the year.

From these mountains seep the waters that bubble to the surface from deep-drillthat bubble to the surface from deep-drilled artesian wells, from which the water for irrigation is obtained.

Here is where the date farms of America are found, owned by white people and cultivated mostly by Mexican labor. Here the Deglet Noors ripen in abundance. This is a real land of little rain, for the average yearly rainfall is two inches.

Mr. Howe's high school district is only 150 miles across. The high school is situated three miles from the town of Coa

planned by Mr. Howe. In its arrangements it has been built to meet desert conditions and is wonderfully well adapted for that purpose.

In his work Mr. Howe is ably assisted by his vice-principal, Miss Martha J. Brown, and his corps of six teachers. The enrollment this year numbers 112.

George M. Green, principal of the Inglewood High School, is superintending the expenditure of a $200,000 bond issue. Fifty thousand dollars is being spent in the construction of a boys' gymnasium; $150,000 will be spent for a twenty-room classroom building in which there will be a study hall and mathematics classes will be held in this for juniors and seniors. English, history building. This structure will relieve the crowdedness in the other buildings of the Inglewood plant. The Inglewood High

School now enrolls 1227.


Ben S. Millikan, principal of the Covina Union High School, has won a very close. bond election for $200,000. The vote was three over the necessary two-thirds. hundred thousand dollars of this amount will be spent for a science building; $50,000 for an addition to the auditorium; $25,000 on shops, and $15,000 on a new athletic field. The high school gymnasium recently burned down and will be replaced. Twelve thousand dollars insurance was received. This is the sixth year of Mr. Millikan's work at Covina. The school enrollment has increased 100 per cent and now

So the development went on. A good chella, off the state highway on a level plain. numbers 395. deal of chaff was blown away. A lot of fine wheat remained, at least in this sensethat institute instruction in the main came to have a vital bearing on large school issues, on practical problems. In a more balanced, better proportioned way, it came to be distinctive of the teaching profession.

In California, I understand, we have one phase of institute development, peculiar to the state. I refer to the more or less intimate connection of county and city institutes with state-wide teachers' associations. For organization purposes and for the professional strength that belongs to strong organization, this connection has been good. It may be a moot question whether it makes as readily for greater practical efficiency in the individual. For already some counties are not only breaking away to handle local issues occasionally, but they are even breaking the counties up in small gatherings, particularly their practical problems, and thus calling out the teachers individually.

The high school at Calipatria has just moved into a modern, up-to-date $150,000 plant. The high school building is located on a 20-acre plot on the highway west of town. It is a two-story structure. The arrangements of rooms are particularly apt. Offices, classrooms, domestic science department, chemistry and physic rooms, bookkeeping department, are excellently provided for. There is an attractive library room and a fine music room with stage for dramatics and public speaking. Mr. Prince has planned the building not only for the present, but also with an eye toward future growth. Shops and an athletic building occupy the

The high school children hold classes out of doors the whole year round as the present school building is open to the air. It is a square building constructed around a grass court, out upon which all rooms open with folding doors.

A new building is being erected at a cost of $50,000. This new building has been

Harold V. Hartshorn, principal of the Perris High School, has been doing some very intensive work in the training of the high school debaters. He is training them to think and talk on their feet rather than to rely on memorized notes.

Order School Supplies Now

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Miss Thelma Brackett, librarian of Siskiyou County Free Library, sends the following report of the meeting of the Ninth District of the California Library Association, which met at Yreka on February 1st and 2nd. In sending out the invitations as president of the district, Miss Brackett told the librarians that snow had been ordered

and a good cold reception was promised. She says: "While but few members were able to attend, those present made up in quality for the lack of quantity. Plans had been made in the fall for a snow party. It was not realized that the entire state would suffer from a phenomenally dry winter as a result.

The meeting Friday evening accordingly opened with apologies by the president for the misrepresentations contained in the invitations. Mrs. Clarence Soule was the first speaker of the evening. Her topic was "The Door in the Wall." Mrs. Soule has an unquenchable enthusiasm for books, and she has as well the ability to share her appreciation with others. Her talk ably demonstrated how valuable may be the door of books in which might otherwise prove a blank wall of existence.

Mr. Milton J. Ferguson, state librarian, gave a talk on "Some Things Worth While." He spoke of the effect of moving pictures and books of exaggerated types, which render the individual incapable of distinguishing the false from the worth while things

of life.

Saturday morning was devoted to practical discussions. After a short address by Mr. J. W. Miller, county superintendent of schools, on the relation between school and

library, a general discussion on "Guiding the Child's Reading" was led by Mrs. Adams of Trinity County. The points brought out proved the impossibility of trying to solve mountain problems by city methods. Whatever is done to influence the child's choice

of books must be accomplished by hacking a trail through the wilderness, with adap

tations of the methods now in use.

Miss Blanche Chalfant, librarian of Butte County Free Library, led the second discussion on general problems. Here, practical homely questions of library method were brought up, and if not answered were at least aired and viewed from new angles. As a conclusion to the program, on Sunday, after all the guests had gone, there was a light fall of snow.

Stockton Free Public Library, which serves not only the city of Stockton but also the whole county of San Joaquin, reports a circulation for the year 1923 of 422,590, an increase over 1922 of 30,023 and a gain over 1920 of 155,922, or 58 per cent.

Work began on January 14th on the new $1,500,000 library building for Los Angeles, on the Normal Hill site. The arrival of a

By Julia G. Babcock

steam shovel, of trucks, and a host of workmen marked an epoch in the history of the city. The members of the library board, the librarian and public-spirited citizens. have worked tirelessly to bring to pass the beginning of this great project, and are able to visualize in this work of excavation the

beauty of the finished structure.

Mr. Charles F. Woods, librarian of the Riverside Public Library, reports the geographical distribution of the students and graduates of the Riverside Library Service School from its inception in 1913 through the summer of 1923. It is as follows: Alabama, 1; Arizona, 11; California, 293; Colorado, 7; Idaho, 9; Illinois, 2; Indiana, 11; Iowa, 8; Kansas, 1; Massachusetts, 3; Michigan, 4; Missouri, 4; Montana, 7; New Mexico, 10; New Jersey, 1; New York, 5; North Dakota, 1; Ohio, 3; Oklahoma, 4; Oregon, 4; Pennsylvania, 2; South Dakota, 1; Texas, 10; Utah, 2; Washington, 8; West Virginia, 1; Wisconsin, 3; Wyoming, 3; Washington, D. C., 2. There were also three students from British Columbia; one from Hawaii; one from Ontario, and one from Scotland.

Miss Lenala A. Martin, librarian of Lassen County Free Library, sends the following interesting items:

The Monticloa Club of Susanville, a woman's organization, has a thriving art class, which meets once a week in the county library office and is in charge of the county librarian. Italian art is now being studied. being studied. The members of the class are very much interested in the course and are determined to take up the art of other countries when finished with Italian art. Two collections of art pictures have been borrowed from the State Library. These pictures have been studied not only by the art class but also by the high school pupils,

whose teacher makes a special effort to interest her classes in these pictures. The exhibits have been held in the county library office. We have been very much pleased at the interest of these boys and girls, who come back again and again to look at the pictures. These pupils in the past have never had an opportunity of seeing art collections of any kind or of learning about the great masters. We feel that a good work has been started.

We have been interested to note the amount of service which has been given to

the schools during the past seven months. Our service includes all the elementary schools in Lassen County. The result of our investigation is the following: Number of books, records, maps, pictures (mounted and framed), etc., sent out this year, 7661; value of this material... Magazine subscriptions, 123; valued at

Cost to County Library for handling books, etc., supplies and transportation

Books, records, etc., kept over in schools from previous years, 3,114 valued at






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It is of interest to pause and consider what is being done in the aggregate for the schools of the state in those counties, forty-two of them, which have county libra

ries. The brief statement above as to the amount of service rendered in one county illustrates something of the magnitude of the whole. Sometimes rural schools are


spoken of as being "less fortunate" than city schools, but with an abundance of books in good condition, with up-to-date maps, current periodicals, pictures, charts, stereographs, music records, and all the other good things that are going out from county libraries to the remotest schools, they should be congratulated upon their good fortune. It is the city with less careful service for its schools that should awake from its complacency and emulate the work that is being done from day to day and from year to year by county libraries all up and down the state of California.

A pleasant custom has been inaugurated in Fresno, growing out of this thought that it would be agreeable and profitable for neighboring librarians to get together more. frequently than once or twice a year. On Saturday afternoon, January 19th, a library luncheon was served at the Hotel Fresno, attended by librarians from as far north as Modesto and as far south as Bakersfield. After the luncheon informal discussions of library problems were held, and a visit was made to the Fresno County Free Library. erings at least once in two months. It is planned to have these informal gath

The twenty-ninth annual meeting of the California Library Association will be held. in Pasadena, at the Hotel Huntington, on April 28th, 29th and 30th, and the County Librarians' Convention will be held on the same dates and upon May 1st following. Miss Jeannette M. Drake, librarian of the Pasadena Public Library, is president of the California Library Association, and a fine program is anticipated.

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The following poem was written by W. P. Dean, assistant superintendent of Modesto schools, in commemoration of the building of the Don Pedro dam and the distribution of electricity over the upper San Joaquin Valley:

Through the ages man has pondered;
Bowed his head in awe and wonder;
Worshipped all the giant forces;
Saw in fire and storm and water
Giants battling with each other.
Shrank when forked fire of lightning
Shattered monarchs of the forest;
Swam the flood but felt his weakness,
As in sound of some Niagara
He had dared to brave the rapids.
Did these men of cave and forest,
Pondering on these mighty forces,
Dream their dreams of future power?
Dream their sons' sons should fulfill them?
That the day should come when vision,
Skill, and wisdom, born of freedom-
These should harness, bit and bridle
Flashing lightning, rushing water?
Bid them work for children's children?
Warmth and light for all the people?

Old world kingdoms since have risen,
Shone for centuries, then have fallen;
Others built upon their ashes;
They in turn to follow after;

Since the first men glimpsed the vision.
Of this blessing for all people.
But the land of its fulfillment
Must be far from old world princes;
Must be free for mind and conscience;
Such a land is California.

'Twas not chance that it was destined
The fulfillment should be westward,
Far from all the old world failures,
Farthest outpost of the west-land.
Here are mountains high and wooded,
Holding back the snows of winter
Till the warmest days of summer
Call the cool life-giving water
Down a hundred rugged rivers
To refresh the sun-parched valleys.

Vision, will and skill have triumphed;
Fields of green and cattle feeding;
Vines and trees with branches loaded;
Watered by the snow of mountains.
Silver cords unite the firesides,
Thro' which flow the lightning flashes,
Turning wheels of farm and factory,
Spreading warmth and light before it.
People of a favored valley,
You are heirs to this great blessing.


Long Beach voted a bond issue January

15 of $4,900,000 for new school buildings,

sites and equipment by a majority of sixteen to one. The people of Long Beach

by their vote showed their faith in the able

administration of Superintendent W. L. Stephens. The bond issue was necessitated by the fact that some 2500 children were on half-day session. This bond issue is scheduled to care for the expansion of the next three years.

Long Beach has just acquired a large amount of new territory by annexation. Catalina Island is now in the Long Beach school district. Fifty thousand dollars of the bond issue is for a high school building on the island. The Wrigley interests (owners of the island) transport all school goods free and give passes to school supervisors who visit the island.

An east-end high school is proposed with a site of fifteen to twenty acres and buildings and equipment costing $1,150,000.

The Jefferson junior high school and the Franklin junior high school, of a capacity now of 1000, are to be increased to a 1500 capacity at a cost of some $690,000. Seven hundred thousand dollars is scheduled for a new north-side junior high school; $2,310,000 will be spent enlarging some fourteen present school plants, and in the securing of future sites.

When attending Educational Angeles, make your headquart Conventions or Visiting Los ers at the

Hotel Stowell

414-16-18 So. Spring St.

Beach "Rest
"Rest easy

The tremendous growth of Long Beach is shown in the last ten-year cycle. In 1912-13 the enrollment was 6,518; in 192223 it was 19,984.

For the promotion of thrift among school children, S. H. Thompson, superintendent of Whittier grammar schools, has inaugurated a system that is different and highly successful. The thrift campaign has been organized more in the form of a contest between the different schools and between the classes in each school. The teacher is merely a report taker of the classes' progress each month. The school authorities handle no money. Each individual child must go to his own bank, make his own deposits, and learn the rudiments of banking from early contact with a real banking institution. Every month the children up through the fifth grade bring a report from their parents of the amount they have deposited in a savings account; the upper grade children bring their bank books so that the teacher can make a report.


Let us Re-tire Your Trucks-We also Manufacture, Rent and Repair Invalid Chairs

Thousands of Teachers in
of Teachers in Rural Schools

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have astonished and delighted their Superintendents, school board members and the parents of their pupils, by
their rare skill in demonstrating and teaching practical handwriting. We have made it possible for any teacher in
any part of the world to become in a few months an inspirational and successful leader in penmanship reform.

makes the mastery of the MECHANICS and PEDAGOGY of rhythmic easy to write and easy to read MUS-
CULAR MOVEMENT HANDWRITING, easy of accomplishment in a few months. The course is offered free
to all teachers whose pupils have the PALMER METHOD TEXT BOOKS.
Teachers who are not familiar with the PALMER METHOD PENMANSHIP PLAN are invited to write
our nearest office for information.

[blocks in formation]

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Los Angeles

275 rooms, each
with bath and
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