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Oldest and Best-Established School Board Periodical on the Pacific Coast.... Representative of California Federation of School Women's Clubs, Teachers' Association of San Francisco and devoted to the interests of 20,000 Teachers of California


The Western Journalof Education

HARR WAGNER, Managing Editor.

OFFICIAL DEPARTMENT Official News and Articles furnished by Will C. Wood and other members of the State Department of Education.

ALICE ROSE POWER, School Director, City and County of San Francisco, San Francisco, Associate Editor.

Founded in 1895, it commands the support of every teacher who is interested in the newest lines of educational thought, and of every trustee who desires to keep in touch with movements for the betterment of the schools. It is not run in the interest of any special organization, of any interest or type of educational doctrine. Its field includes an optimistic support of the best class of educational uplift, both of men and measures.

Manuscripts, Contributions of



educational character, including Methods, Devices, School News, Matters Special Interest to School Trustees, etc., desired.

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Price 15 Cents

Source Material for Bird and Arbor Day
March 7, 1924

This material was submitted to the Western Journal of Education by Mrs.
Grace Chandler Stanley, Commissioner of Elementary Education. The State Board
of Education and the teachers are great y indebted to H. C. Bryant of the Cali-
fornia Fish and Game Commission for much of this material.


Many years ago an enlightened citizen of California, anxious to conserve the birds, the trees and flowers of this state, secured the enactment of a law dedicating the seventh of March of each year as Conservation, Bird and Arbor Day. He selected the seventh of March because this is the anniversary of the birth of Luther Burbanka great citizen of California who has done so much for the improvement and conservation of plant life.

The law requires all educational institutions to observe this day, not as a holiday, but by including in the school work of the day suitable exercises having for their object instruction as to the value of birds and trees and the promotion of a spirit of protection towards them.

All dwellers in California who really love the state, her wonderful resources and her wealth of bird life, of forests, of ferns and lovely flowers, will join in the observance of this day in spirit and in truth. Every year witnesses the destruction of vast acres of redwoods, pines, manzanita and other trees, not only for commercial purposes, but also wantonly because of carelessness in handling fires in the forest. Each one of us, large or small, old or young, can do his share to conserve the bird life and forests which add so much to the beauty of California. Therefore, I earnestly enjoin upon all superintendents and teachers the holding of suitable exercises on March 7, 1924, to the end that California's wealth of flower, forest and bird life may be conserved.

Yours very truly, WILL C. WOOD, Superintendent of Public Instruction.

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Trees are the arms of Mother Earth lifted up in worship of her Maker. Where they are, Beauty dwells; where they are not, the land is ugly, though it be rich, for its richness is but greasy fatness and its gaudy raiment is but cheap imitation of forest finery.

Trees are the shelter of man and beast and bird; they furnish the roof above us, the shade about us, and the nesting places of love and song. They call children out to play; they entice sweethearts into leafy coverts to seal their vows with fond caresses; they console and gratefully reward old age. They are the fittest ornaments of wealth and the inalienable possessions of the poor who can enjoy them without having title to them. They are the masts that

fly the flags of all nations and the sails of all the seas; they are the timbers that bridge forbidding streams; they bear the wires of the world's intelligence; they hold the rails that carry the traffic of the continents; they are the carved and polished furnishings of the home; they cradle the young and coffin the dead.

Trees are nature's prime sources of food; their fruits and nuts gave sustenance to the first tribes of men and are the sweetest and most nourishing of the earth's products.

Trees herald the spring with glorious banners of leaf and bloom; they clothe the autumn in garments of gold and royal purple; bared to the winter's cold, they are the harp of the winds and they whisper the music of the infinite spaces.

Before the earth could be peopled, it was set thick with trees; and when man has run his course and the race we know has disappeared in the completeness of its mission or perishes in the destruction of its trees, the earth will spring up again with new forests to shelter and sustain a new race of men and beasts and birds to work out a greater destiny. Perhaps if we are wise enough to replenish our wasting forests and to make ourselves worthy of the gift of trees, we may be permitted to accomplish that greater destiny which the Mighty Forester, the Perfect Orchardist, the Loving Father, requires in the fulfillment of His sublime purpose.-Clarence Ousley.

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thought of trees as being do get sick; some get well and some do not. Did you ever see a dead tree?

I am going to tell you about a sick tree. It has been sick a long time. It has taken bushels of medicine and seems to be getting a little better and its friends hope it will quite recover. Some time ago a worm began to eat into this tree. This made a hole. Water got into this hole and rotted the wood around it which made it larger and larger. At first the tree did not mind it much, just thought it had a cold or something and would be well again in a little while. But the worms and the water and insects kept at work as the days and weeks and the months and the years went by until the tree was very sick.

It was a maple tree, beautiful and grand. It stood at the corner of the street and threw its shade over the home of some little children. The sick tree was frequently the subject of conversation in the home and a real anxiety on the part of the parents. By this time the tree had become so ill that it was feared that the next wind storm would certainly overcome its weakened body, and that it would be broken off and possibly blown over upon the home of the little people who had so many times played in its cool shade.

But one day a tree doctor came along and looked at the tree. He saw at once that the tree was very ill and that something must be done quickly if the tree were There was to get well. no hospital to which he could take the tree, so he decided

to try and cure it just where it stood. The next day he came with a huge knife, a hammer, and nails, some boards, some cement, and paint. The first thing he did was to dig out all the decayed parts until the trunk was but a mere shell.

More than two-thirds of the body for about four feet was dead and had to be removed. When he had cleaned out all the dead wood he drove nails into the live part which remained. This seemed a cruel thing to do, this driving nails into a sick tree. But this tree doctor, like the doctors who come to see sick boys and girls, knew just what to do to make this sick tree get well. The nails were all driven on the inside of the tree. Across the nails he placed a little. strip of boards, making little shelves in the hollow part of the tree. Upon these little shelves he put the cement until the tree was filled where the rotten wood had

been, and once more it looked nice and round, only there was no bark on the cement side of the tree. This became very hard when it dried and so kept out all the worms, rain and insects and was to the tree what plasters and bandages are to our sores and bruises. After the cement dried, the tree doctor came back and painted the cement and along the edges where the tree. and cement came together. This was done to make it more sure that the water could not get into the tree to rot it.

When the tree awakened after the doctor had done this work, it felt much better and soon it began to grow. This was three years ago, and since it has begun to grow around the cement. Some day it may grow around the cement and be well again.


Dy R. F. Hammatt,
United States Forest Service

When the pioneer missionaries, in the spring of 1841, planted from their all too scanty stock of seed the first little garden ever sown in Montana, there was great discontent and outcry among the Flatheads. Missionaries and Indians were both living scantily on roots and bark, supplemented by buffalo meat, fish, and such small stores of potatoes and grains as could be spared from the white man's provisions. The savages thought the seed was put in the ground to prevent them from. eating it. They did not understand the necessity for saving a little then, in order to have plenty for the future.

As the Flatheads of 1841 viewed any attempts at agriculture, so do some people today view any attempts at forestry. The story of the progress terpart in the story of the progress of forestry of agriculture among the Indians finds its counamong civilized nations. The Indians thought the seed was put in the ground to prevent them from using it, and many people imagine that the National Forests were created to prevent them from using the timber and other resources within them. Even the smallest child now understands that the seed for the missionaries' garden was withheld in order that the supply might be multiplied. And so it is with the resources of the National Forests. The forester, when he restricts the cutting of seed trees, and when he protects the small seedlings from damage, does so, not for the purpose of reducing the amount of timber to be used, but so that the supply may be multiplied.

Nature, unaided, raised sufficient grasses and grains, meats, nuts and fruits so that the Indians of California, the Pitts, Shastas, the Round Val

ley, the Klamath, and other tribes, might wander at will, taking their living wherever it might be found and with but little thought for the lean years. The white man early recognized, however, that nature, alone, makes a poor agriculturist, and that, in order to insure an abundance for an increasing population, she must be aided by agriculture. What agriculture is to ordinary

farm crops, silviculture (the raising of trees) is to wood production, for nature as a silviculturist is little more of a success than nature as an agriculturist. Since time immemorial nature has been busily engaged in planting and growing trees in Northern California, yet she has succeeded in raising, in the pine belt, an average of only about 8000 feet per acre. Probably the best timber in Siskiyou County is to be found in the sugar-pine stands belonging to the McCloud River Lumber Company, which run as high as 50,000 feet per Yet other nations have actually demonstrated that as much as 80,000 to 100,000 feet to the acre can be grown.


In spite, then, of the vaunted prodigality of nature, field and forest alike will produce manyfold as much when directed by man as when left to their own devices. That portion of our 18,000,000 acres of California's National Forests which is capable of timber growth may be made to produce as much wood as an unregulated, unprotected area of much greater extent. For, while it has taken 200 years to grow some of our present saw logs, a forest having a fair representation of the different aged young trees within it may, by proper care and protection, be made to yield a crop of timber every thirty or forty years, often exceeding in volume the crop resulting from 200 years of unaided and unprotected growth.

Use is a virtue, and waste a sin. The National Forests of California, therefore, are so managed that their resources may be used. In spite of the old saying that "You cannot have your loaf and eat it too," it is entirely practicable to eat your loaf and at the same time raise more grain as grist for the grinding. That is why the forester protects the young trees from fire, why he insists that only the old and the mature trees be cut today, why seed trees are left; why, while providing for the utilization of the annual forage crop, he yet insists that the life of that crop shall not be destroyed by overgrazing or killed by trampling.

It has been said that the civilization of any people may be accurately gauged by that selfcontrol which enables them to save sufficient from a present supply in order that they may Such action depends largely profit by a harvest. upon an ability to visualize and capitalize the future. It is only by the exercise of such vision, such forethought and such self-control that our Nation, and California as an integral part of the Nation, may retain her rightful place in the sun. And since, in spite of all substitutes, wood is held to be as indispensable to man's prosperity and progress as water, light or air, forestry now takes its place beside agriculture in the very life of our Nation.


By C. M. Goethe California is proud of her highways, but she might be still more proud of them were they beautified by trees. There is no one who would choose a bleak treeless highway in place of one bordered with trees. The absence of trees means bleakness and bareness. To many the irregular undisturbed growth of native trees along a roadside appeals most, but it is a wonderful and inspiring sight to look down long avenues of regularly placed trees. So much of the native flora is destroyed when land is brought under cultivation that emphasis should be placed on the planting of native trees, such as Monterey pine, redwood, laurel and live oak. This opportunity of replacing in a measure the native forests destroyed should not be overlooked.

Of course, in addition to the pleasure afforded by roadside trees, there are the more practical uses, such as shade, wind breaks, fire wood, and even a crop of nuts or fruit.

The planting of trees along the roadside may fall to the lot of either the individual, the county or the state government. The part that an individual may play is evidenced by the work of Mr. C. E. V. Saunders of Sacramento, whose business carries him over many Northern California counties. He has for many years, during the rainy season, carried with him a supply of California black walnuts selected for their size. While the season is rainy he makes a habit of stamping a series of these into the wet ground with his heel, making almost the natural environment for the

*Secure from the State Forester, Sacramento, California, Bulletin No. 4, entitled: "Street and Highway Planting.' This bulletin gives full details as to the most desirable trees for planting and the manner of planting them.

The State Librarian, Sacramento, has a loan collection of slides, accompanied with suitable short talks furnished by the State Forester, which may be obtained by any school.

nut, as it sprouts readily even laying on top of the ground. In this way Mr. Saunders has added quickly, efficiently, and yet with practically no expense except his time, to the roadside forestry of our state.

More than this, he has been contributing to what is even more desirable, the forestration of native trees. The native California walnut is the remnant of an old flora. It has been a native of this state almost from the days of the sabertoothed tiger and of the wild peacock and other animals found fossilized in Southern California, having persisted since the days when camels, elephants and bison were a part of our fauna. Just as the old Virginia families were proud to belong to the F. F. V., so, if the California walnut had a soul, it might be proud to belong to the first families of California.

In another way Mr. Saunders has been of service in roadside forestry. Some ten years ago in a foothill country he was in the habit of stopping at a spring for a drink. It occurred to him to take to this spring several Bartlett pear trees suited to the moist growth around springs. Today these trees bear heavy fruit which are enjoyed by wayfarers who stop at the spring for a drink. In Burmah and other European countries these things are done by the Buddhists who desire to acquire merit, such acts of benevolence extending from the planting of a fruit bearing tree or the placing of a jug at a spring, to even building elaborate rest houses and bungalows for the wayfarer in a country where hotels are often several days' marches apart.

In some countries forestry boards have been organized, with the result that the highways have been beautified. The State Forestry Board, which sees the value of tree planting, has been thus far handicapped in work of this kind because of the lack of funds to establish a nursery.

Roadside forestry applies equally well to the city, for there is no one thing that is more attractive or that adds more to a city's refinement than a well planned and well executed planting of trees along its streets.

THE JUICY STEAK By Mrs. Junea W. Kelly Everyone during his whole life is dependent upon the forests. Therefore, we should take every means to prevent waste and to help plant new forests.

Just to show you boys and girls that the above is true, I will give you one example. Follow the juicy steak from the mountain pasture to the dinner table. Trees are necessary on the watershed to supply water for the grass to grow and for the streams to flow so that cattle will find food and drink. In many places fences are necessary. There must be wood for the posts. The loading and unloading platforms for cattle are made of wood. Did you ever think of the millions of wooden railroad ties under which the wooden cattle cars travel in reaching the market? Even the butcher's wooden chopping block plays its part, and the handles of his saws, hatchets and knives are made of that indispensable product. After it reaches the home the meat is trimmed with wooden-handled knives, fried in a wooden-handled pan and served on a wooden table.

So everything that makes wood scarcer, such as forest fires, wasteful lumbering, and cutting trees without planting new ones, makes the steak cost more and your father and mother must work harder to give you your daily food. Let us,then, all help protect the forests.


Each Christmas in the United States alone, some 5,000,000 Christmas trees are used and many more wasted. True, the forests are here for use and every child should have his Christmas tree. If the trees are taken without thought for the future there will soon be a time when those trees near at hand will become scarce, and on account of long distant transportation only the richer people will be able to afford them. Yet, we are told by our forestry department that if the young trees were cut out judiciously where the stand is too dense. the taking of these trees would be a benefit to our forests. Christmas trees would become a by-product of good forestry. Let

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us insist that our Christmas trees be so taken that their use will be a benefit to the forest rather than a detriment.

In California the Toyon, or Christmas red berry, is extensively used for decoration. There is a law making it a misdemeanor to pick any berries or to offer for sale any berries growing on public or private lands unless, in the case of private land, the owner gives his written consent. As good law-abiding citizens everybody should live up to the spirit of the law. Also the officers of the state should see to its enforcement. This is, however, almost impossible because it is so difficult to prove the source from which the berries are obtained. If the berry is to be protected it seems there should be a law to entirely prohibit its sale.

Some of our wild flowers that are becoming extinct, such as the trillium, mission bells and other members of the lily family, should also be protected. In other words, there should be game laws to protect certain of the plants. Some of our Eastern states-for example, Vermont and Connecticut-already have such laws.

People have become educated to the fact that wild ducks, geese, trout and venison cannot be sold in the market. Why not apply the same principle to the berries and wild flowers?

When picking native greens, berries and flowers, let us remember:

Pick for use, not for abuse,
And leave the most to reproduce.

-The Garden Club of Alameda Co.


United States Forest Service California's forest trees are known the wide world over. In California alone is to be found the monarch big tree (Sequoia washingtoniana), whose deformed and fire-scarred but always magnificent trunks furnish an unique record of a two

thousand year struggle for existence. Here, too, is the redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), which, while commercially so important, yet occupies but a single narrow strip barely twenty-five miles wide along our shores. Its northern limit is the Oregon line, its southern is Monterey Bay, and it flourishes only within the fog belt.

Then there is the aristocratic sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana), king of the pines. It also grows best in our own state. Another native son is found in incense cedar, the wood of which, while often full of defects, is yet so eagerly sought for the manufacture of pencils. Monterey pine (Pinus

radiata) is to be found only in the immediate

vicinity of the bay of the same name, while the few sole survivors of the dwarfed and gnarled but always picturesque Torrey pine (Pinus torreyana) can be seen (in their native haunts) only in the neighborhood of San Diego.

The forest is the original home of the tree, and it is in the forest that most of our native trees reach their best development. California's forests are extensive, and they, too, are widely known. The commercial, or merchantable, forests of the state cover nearly twenty million acres roughly one-fifth its total area and may be divided into three broad but distinct forest regions. The first is the Redwood belt, which lies between the Coast Range and the Pacific Ocean from Monterey Bay to above Crescent City. Here the forest is nearly pure redwood, although Douglas fir enters considerably into the mixture. Second, comes the Sierra region, loIcated in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and striking the two large central valleys of the state on the east. Sugar and western yellow pine (Pinus ponderosa) predominate in this region, although with them are to be found many other species, including three firs (Douglas, white and California red) and incense cedar. On the eastern slope

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of these mountains, sugar pine is less abundant than on the west, and western yellow pine gives way to Jeffrey. The third region, the Northern Coast Range, which includes the forested portions of the Coast Range Mountains from Lake County through Trinity and Siskiyou to the Orcgon line, is distinguished from the second principally by the larger percentage of Douglas fir (Psendotsuga taxifolia), which occurs with the pines, as well as by large stands of pure fir.

These three regions contain today nearly three hundred million feet of merchantable timber. Two-thirds of this amount is now in private ownership; sixty-five per cent of this two-thirds is within the pine belt and thirty-five per cent in the redwood. Appproximately one-third, or one hundred million feet is owned by the Federal Government, and is within the National Forests, which do not include any of the redwood.

The National Forests, containing 18,000,000 acres of government land, occupy the greater part of both slopes of the Sierras from the Orcgon line to the Tehachapi, the Klamath River Mountains, the entire ridges of the Coast Range as far south as Lake County, and the Coast Ranges from near Monterey southward to the Mexican boundary. Within their boundaries are some of the most impressive scenery and finest camping, hunting and fishing grounds still in government ownership within the state. Created primarily to insure a permanent supply of timber and to protect the water supply needed by the people of the State of California for irrigation

and domestic use, the National Forests (not to be confused with National Parks) offer, besides, exceptional opportunities for almost every form of recreation.

Many people believe that these forests are reserved from all forms of use, to be held by the Federal Government in perpetuity and for the benefit of future generations only. Such is not the case. As a matter of fact, their resourcestimber, forage, water, minerals, recreation-all are for use in the ways which will make them of the greatest good to the greatest number in the long run.

One aim of the Forest Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, which administers them, is to make these forests national playgrounds, where the vacationists, the hiker and the lover of the saddle may find a delightful and, at the same time, a simple, inexpensive outing. Recreation is encouraged. Camping is free and is unrestricted. Public camp grounds equipped with fireplaces, rest houses and, where necessary, domestic water supply systems, have been established for those who may wish to use them. There are, besides, innumerable beautiful camp spots, perhaps less well known, on every road and trail. Sites for summer homes, upon which may be erected the rough-hewn log cabin or the rustic bungalow, may be leased at nominal rates (seldom exceeding $20 a year) if something more than a temporary camp is desired.

You will find yourself under no burdensome restrictions when you use the National Forests for recreation. You may go where you please, pitch camp wherever fancy strikes you, and stay as long as you like. You may have what wood you need free of charge, and forage for your saddle and pack animals. The free use of the government telephone lines, built primarily to aid in fire protection, is yours for the asking. Care with fire, proper camp sanitation, and conservative use of the camp improvements provided is practically all that is asked of you.

Information about the National Forests, their resources of wood, water, and forage, possibilities for summer homes, location of camp grounds and information about the relation of these resources to the industrial life and growth of our state may be secured from the District Forester at San Francisco.

HOW TO PLANT A TREE By H. A. Greene, Monterey, Cal. (Reprinted from The Tri-County Agricultural News) Since the root tips or last year's roots are the only feeders for a tree, the hole for the reception of one to be transplanted should be double in dimensions, at least, to the outside measurement of the remaining root system. When new roots are sent forth, mellow, fertile soil should be there. to receive them. If not convenient to pro

vide special soil use the surface dirt at hand, since it contains more plant food, and pack the same about the roots, leaving no air spaces. The dirt immediately around the roots must be freed from rubbish.

The smaller the ball of earth retained about the roots of the tree to be transplanted or the fewer roots saved, the greater the danger of its starvation.

When the root hairs once shrivel they never revive so prevent their exposure to sun or wind; best keep them covered and with something damp.

If any of the roots of the plants are found to be bruised or broken, cut them off slanting, with a sharp knife.

A root system requires a degree of air so do not bury the tree any deeper than it stood before. Have its upper roots comfortably covered. In planting, hold the tree firmly, about where it is to stand and sift cleaned soil, free from clods, about the roots. Pack carefully but firmly. Should you be planting in the growing season pour water freely into the hole to more firmly pack the soil, but if the plant is dormant and the soil wet, do not use water.

Prune the top of the tree to a few main branches directly above the buds or even with stem only, in order not to tax the roots, for otherwise the transpiration of water from foliage may be too great draft for the remaining root feeders. For older trees, being transplanted, their tops must be balanced with the root measure, favoring the latter.

Many trees die because persons dislike to destroy the beauty or form of a tree by pruning severely, though a handsomer tree is sooner supplied by adequately cutting away branches.

When a transplanted tree starts to grow, water frequently for a time, at least; see that the soil at the roots is continuously damp.

For a tree to grow vigorously it must be supplied with drainage below. Shallow soil, particularly when clayey earth lies beneath, is unfavorable for tree planting. In many places it is necessary to blast out the bottom of a hole, in rock or hardpan, to get a tree to thrive. With sticky sub-soil drainage must be supplied in one way or another. If the ground is sloping, a system of ditches, not less than three feet deep, connecting with each tree hole should be dug. Broken rock to the depth of about three inches should be placed on the bottom and covered with gravel or sand.

Keep the soil around the tree loosened up, don't allow it to cake or crack, also pull out weeds. This will prevent excessive evaporation; it will help matters to use a mulch.

To plant trees on swampy land spread out the roots on the surface of the ground and turn the soil over them, forming a conical mound. This mound should then be covered by moss or inverted sod. Trees with tap roots are not desirable for this way of planting.

In taking seedlings from the wild only take those growing in the open, unshaded, and better select the smaller ones, about a old. year

Unless a ball of earth is maintained about the roots one should, immediately upon taking the seedling from the ground, dip its roots into a vessel containing mud,

thus coating them for protection, then keep covered without excluding air.

Trees having an abundance of fibrous roots are most likely to succeed. "What is worth doing is worth doing well!" This particularly applies to tree planting.


I. Charter Oak

In history we often see
The record of a noted tree.

We'll now some history pages turn
And note what trees we there discern:
And foremost of this famous band
We think the Charter Oak should stand.
We love to read the story o'er
How Andrus came from England's shore
As governor in this new land,
And ruled it with a tyrant's hand;
How, when he came to Hartford town
Demanding with a haughty frown
The charter of the people's rights,
All suddenly out went the lights;
And, ere again they re-appeared,
The charter to their hearts endeared
Lay safely in this hollow tree,
Guard of the people's liberty.
All honor, then, to Wadsworth's name,
Who gave the Charter Oak its fame.

II. Liberty Elm
Another very famous tree
Was called the Elm of Liberty.
Beneath its shade the patriots bold
For tyranny their hatred told.
Upon its branches high and free
Was often hung in effigy

Opposed the freedom which they sought.
Such persons as the patriots thought
In war time, oft beneath this tree
The people prayed for victory;
And when at last the old tree fell
There sadly rang each Boston bell.

III. Washington Elm In Cambridge there is standing yet A tree we never should forget; For here, equipped with sword and gun, There stood our honored Washington, When of the little patriot band For freedom's cause he took command. Despite its age-three hundred yearsIts lofty head it still uprears; Its mighty arms extending wide, It stands our country's boasted pride.

IV. Burgoyne's Elm When, in spite of pride, pomp and boast, Burgoyne surrendered with his host, And then was brought to Albany A prisoner of war to be, In gratitude for his defeat, That day, upon the city street, An elm was planted, which they say Still stands in memory of that day.

V. The Treaty Elm Within the Quaker City's realm, There stood the famous Treaty Elm. Here, with its sheltering boughs above, Good William Penn, in peace and love, The Indians met, and there agreed Upon that treaty which we read Was never broken, though no oath Was taken-justice guiding both. A monument now marks the ground Where once this honored tree was found.

VI. Tree from Napoleon's Grave Within a city of the dead, Near Bunker Hill, just at the head

Of Cotton Mather's grave, there stands.
A weeping willow which fond hands
Brought from Napoleon's grave, they say,
In St. Helena, far away.

VII. The Cary Tree

I'll tell you of a sycamore,

And how two poets' names it bore;
Upon Ohio's soil it stands.

'Twas placed there by the childish hands.

Of sister poets, and is known

As Alice and Phoebe Cary's own.

One day, when little girls, they found

A sapling lying on the ground;
They planted it with tenderest care
Beside this pleasant highway, where
It grew and thrived and lived to be
To all around, the Cary tree.

VIII. Hamilton Trees

In New York City proudly stand.
Thirteen monarchs, lofty, grand,

Their branches tow'ring toward the sun
Are monuments of Hamilton,

Who planted them in pride that we
Had won our cause and liberty—

A tribute, history relates,
To the original thirteen states.

IX. Recitation for School

We reverence these famous trees.
What better monuments than these?
How fitting on each Arbor Day
That we a grateful tribute pay

To poet, statesman, author, friend,

To one whose deeds our hearts commend, As lovingly we plant a tree

Held sacred to his memory;

A fresh memorial, as each year

New life and buds and leaves appear—
A living monument tree,
True type of immortality.

-Ada Simpson Sherwood.


Under the greenwood tree
Who loves to lie with me
And tune his merry note

Unto the sweet bird's throat;

Come hither, come hither, come hither!

Here shall he see

No enemy

But winter and rough weather.

What is your greenwood tree? The greenwood tree of England meant a forest tree in the full leafy bloom of midsummer. Your greenwood tree may be one of the lofty redwoods, or a eucalyptus, a pepper tree, an umbrella or a lonely joskna. But whatever may be its variety it may have all the charm and romance the world can offer.

Many years ago a plum thicket, consisting of a bunch of scraggly growing wild plum trees, was my most enjoyable playhouse. In the spring the blossoms, snowy white, filled the air with their sweet odors, and to this day there is nothing so fragrant to me as the odor of plum blossoms. Our teacher had a weakness for them and those pupils who were full of guilt used to try to win his favor by keeping his desk covered with blossom-filled branches. The prune and the orange of California and the cherry of far-off Japan are famed in song and story, but the little old plum thicket of my childhood will always have first place in my affections.

Then how we watched the plums as they filled out, turned from green to yellow and then one cheek would begin to glow. The punching process began with the first yellow tint to be followed later by hesitating nibbles, for wild plums have some pucker even at their ripest. The birds did their share of the tasting, too, and such a time as we had altogether. Did you ever eat wild plum jelly? Nothing can be so beautiful or so pungent in flavor as that quivering column that graced the table along with the Thanksgiving turkey. And plum butter! The great stone


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jars in the cellar that were filled with this delicious concoction spoke eloquently of its popularity. As the glasses and jars were emptied, spring came on and the whole delightful experience could be lived through again.

But whatever your tree is, know all you can about it, its root, its trunk, its branches and leaves, how it looks as you stand under it, in it, or at a distance; what birds nest in it, what insects feed on it, what pests destroy it. The more you know about it the better you will love it and the more deeply it will be impressed upon your mind.

Now that you know what one person's greenwood tree is, wouldn't it be fun to hear about others? Let's make a collection of them. Will you send me the best story about somebody's tree that you can find? I should like to have them. Perhaps you and I together could make a book of them for another Arbor Day. Would someone like to learn this beautiful poem?

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree;

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
-Joyce Kilmer.


(Air, “Auld Lang Syne")

In soil the dearest and the best
On which the sun can shine,
We plant thee, tree, in hope today;
O, let our cause be thine!
Strike deep thy roots, wax wide and tall,
That all this truth may know,
Thou art our type of future power,
Like thee, we too shall grow.


Like thee, we too shall grow;

[blocks in formation]
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