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University of MICHIGAN

Middlesex, he had thus expressed himself, after stating that the wealth of the Irish church had been grossly exaggerated:" He could state, in conclusion, that many of the highest dignitaries of the church of Ireland were anxious that an investigation should take place, not partial in its bearings, and that the whole of their political and moral relations to the country should be brought under view. He hoped ere long that some such inquiry would take place, that some commission would go forth, to view, with their own eyes, impartially, and on the spot, the bearings of the church establishment on the condition of Ireland." Here was an accurate description of, and, as it seemed to him, a sufficient authority for, the appointment of the Irish church commission.

reach them. This individual wrote to the Irish secretary's office, requesting that a statement might be submitted to the lord-lieutenant, setting forth that, after all these unavailing efforts to recover tithe, in the course of eighty days, the average amount collected was but 81. a-day. This gentleman declared his conviction that, unless the military were encamped over the entire district whence his income arose, there would be no possibility of starving the cattle out. He should not have noticed this matter thus publicly, if he did not feel it to be his duty to give hon. members a sample of what had frequently occurred in Ireland, in order to show the folly of persevering in the present system. The abandonment of the redemption clause, and of the investment in land, had been objected to. If the investment in land was abandoned, the redemption clause must also be given up, in the present state of the money-market. He thought that if an investment in land could be avoided, they were bound to avoid it. The majority of Irish landlords objected to it, and it was also objectionable on account of the political influence which it would confer on the church. He did not mean to say, however, that government would not have adopted the other course, if it had not discovered another resource for the tithe-owner in the shape of a rentcharge. The late colonial secretary had likewise inveighed strongly against the commission which had just been issued, describing it as a "miserable abortion;" but in a speech delivered by him in 1824, on a motion of the member for

The division on Mr. Hume's amendment gave seventy-one in its favour, and 354 against it. The committee then divided on the original motion, when the resolution of ministers was carried by a majority of sixty-four, there being 235 for it, and 171 against it. At this stage, however, the progress of the bill was arrested for a time by circumstances to which it is now proper to advert, as they were calculated, by their moral and political effects on the composition of the government, and on the relations of parties, to exercise a strong influence on the spirit of all subsequent measures, and on the power or inclination of the ministers to resist dangerous demands, or adopt a decided and independent line of policy.


Bill for renewing the Irish Coercion Act introduced into the House Lords-Private correspondence of Members of the Government with the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland-Bill read a second time-Attacks of Mr. O'Connell against ministers on account of the Bill-Secret communications made to him by Mr. Littleton regarding the opinions and intentions of the Government in relation to certain Provisions of the Bill restraining Public Meetings-The Cabinet determine that these clauses shall be retained.-Disclosures made in the House of Commons by Mr. Littleton and Mr. O'Connell - Mr. Littleton tenders his Resignation, which is refused-Debate on Motion to refer the Papers on the State of Ireland to a Select Committee-Mr. O'Connell gives notice of a Motion for production of the correspondence with the Lord-Lieutenant-The Chancellor of the Exchequer resigns-In consequence of his Resignation, Earl Grey resigns-Explanations by these Ministers as to the Causes of their Retirement-Viscount Melbourne made Prime Minister-Lord Althorp withdraws his resignation and continues in office as Chancellor of the ExchequerCoercion Bill withdrawn in the House of Lords, and discussion thereon-Debate in the Lords on Motion for production of the LordLieutenant's letter.


N the preceding session it had been found necessary to pass what was termed the coercion bill, by which the government was armed with extraordinary powers to encounter, and, if possible, to put down, the insurrectionary violence and combination which covered Ireland with crime and confusion. The act was to expire in August of the present year, and ministers had determined to propose its renewal. According to the statement made in parliament by lord Grey, when he moved the first reading of this bill for that purpose (July 1st), it had been found both necessary and effective... Four districts had been proclaimed the eity and county of

Kilkenny; five baronies of the King's County; four baronies of the county of Westmeath; and the baronies of Longford and Leitrim in the county of Galway. The first two districts had been proclaimed on the 14th of April, and the immediate effect was a great diminution in the number of offences. The number of offences in Kilkenny county between April 1832 and 1833 had been 590; between April 1833 and April 1834, only 331. In the four baronies of King's County, the number of crimes reported during the month of March 1834, had amounted in all to seventy-three; of which twenty-three were attacks upon houses, fourteen were illegal meet

ings, ten appearing in arms, and seven for administering illegal oaths, making a total of fifty-four offences of an insurrectionary character. During the subsequent month, the number of crimes reported was only eight, making a diminution of sixty-five upon the whole, and of forty-six upon crimes of an insurrectionary description. In the proclaimed baronies of the county of Westmeath, the crimes during April were twenty-one; the district was proclaimed on the 14th of May, and during that month the crimes were only three. Letters containing inquiries as to the expediency of renewing the act had been addressed by the Irish government to the inspectors general of police; and all the answers contained assurances of the benefits which it had produced, and urgently pressed on the government the necessity of renewing it. It was determined, however, not to renew those parts of the bill which provided for the trial of offenders in certain cases by courts-martial; government being of opinion that this part of the existing law, which had never been acted on, might be dispensed with. But there were other provisions in the bill, which the agitators of Ireland viewed with still greater dislike, because they interfered with the working of their own engines of influence and agitation. These were the powers which the act conferred to prevent the holding of meetings of a dangerous character, or so conducted as to be injurious to the public peace. It was by these meetings that the leaders of the Catholic party were enabled to work on the ignorance and passions of the multitude; it was there that they recommended and en

couraged combined resistance to the law; it was from these sources that the troubled waters of discord and rebellion went abroad over the country. To escape from these restrictions was to O'Connell and his followers an object of much greater importance, than that the lower disturbers, whom they misled, should be tried only by the regular tribunals of the country. That a peasant should have the benefit of a jury, or of an investigation by a civil magistrate, availed nothing, so long as the corn exchange was not suffered to re-echo with the inflammatory harangues of the member for Dublin. The lordlieutenant of Ireland had recommended that the whole act should be renewed, with the exception of

the clause relative to the courts martial; but on the 23rd of June, lord Grey received from him a letter, which suggested that the clause against public meetings might likewise be dispensed with. What influence or suggestions had been brought to bear on the marquis Wellesley, in order to induce him to this change of opinion, became afterwards the subject of much discussion. Members of the cabinet, without the knowledge of lord Grey, had been corresponding with the marquis. The object of these communications had been, not to insure more certainly the tranquillity of Ireland, but to smooth the way of ministers in the house of Commons by concessions to O'Connell and his adherents. Lord Grey stated in the house of Lords (July 9th) that the letter in question appeared to have been written by the lordlieutenant, not so much from any original view of his own regarding the state of Ireland, as from certain considerations suggested to him by

others, which affected the political state of England, and which had been conveyed to marquis Wellesley without the knowledge or privity of the head of the cabinet. Lord Grey, who dissented entirely from these new views, immediately wrote to the lord-lieutenant to reconsider the matter, and to take nothing into account but what was necessary and fitting for Ireland. Some correspondence followed, the result of which was, that marquis Wellesley expressed an opinion that, if it would promote the accomplishment of other objects, the clauses regarding public meetings might be omitted, without endangering the safety of Ireland, and more particularly if, by means of the omission, an extension of the term could be obtained. The subject was brought before the cabinet, and the cabinet was divided in opinion. The minority, consisting of lord Althorp, Mr. C. Grant, Mr. Spring Rice, Mr. Ellis, and Mr. Abercromby objected to the renewal of the clauses in question; but they acquiesced in the determination of the majority that the bill should be proposed in the form in which lord Grey had now introduced it. In fact, lord Grey, on moving the first reading of the bill, stated his opinion, that it was not more indispensable to put down the combinations and excesses which assumed an almost revolutionary character, than to check the causes by which they were produced. It was vain, he maintained, to say that political agitation had no connexion with predial outrage. It was impossible that men should pursue a perpetual system of excitement and agitation, inflaming the passions and courting the prejudices of the people, and

continually reproaching them as slaves submitting to a tyranny which it was their duty to oppose, without stirring up a general spirit of resistance to the constituted authorities, and of disobedience to the laws. It would not be the part of a wise legislator, or of a just and humane man, to enact severe laws against actual crime, without taking measures to destroy the causes to which, in a great degree, they were to be ascribed.

On the second reading of the bill (July 4), lord Durham having objected to the clauses which regarded public meetings, Earl Grey declared his dissent from him to be absolute, that if he could not have proposed the renewal of this bill with these clauses, he would not have proposed it at all. Without them the bill would be ineffectual, impolitic, and cruel; it would punish the miserable victims of delusion, and let those escape scotfree, who, from whatever motive, had of late years, supplied to Ireland the fuel of agitation and disturbance.-On the same occasion, the lord Chancellor expressed himself in equally strong terms, that the bill was absolutely necessary, and that the clauses in question were as necessary as any others. Finding himself compelled to admit, he said, that there was actual violence requiring to be suppressed, he had to ask himself, whether, being thus bound to suspend public rights as regarded predial outrages and popular commotions, he was entitled, in justice to those who called for protection, and consistently with the nature of the measure itself, to draw a distinction between disturbances in the country and dangerous meetings in towns?

Whether he would bear with the whole weight of his loins on the peasant, but not lay even his little finger on those who, year after year, foolishly and mischievously continued to agitate an already settled question? When he saw that the conduct of these persons had a tendency to increase excitement, to nourish, propagate, and generalize the flame of local agitation, could he stop short without seeking a remedy for this evil? Must he not address his attention to the cause of excitement as well as to the parties excited? The clauses regarding public meetings no doubt were a suspension of rights; but so were all the other clauses of the bill, to which no objection was made even by lord Durham. To give power to prevent or to disperse public meetings, was no greater infraction of the constitutional rights of the people, than to enact, as the bill did enact, that no man should cross his threshold after sunset, or go about his business according to his own convenience, even though he was breaking no law. If he suspended one species of right, he felt it was equally necessary to suspend the other. The earl of Wicklow, having expressed his gratification at hearing the opinions of the prime minister, and of the lord chancellor, that this bill ought not to pass, unless it contained the clauses for the better regulation of public meetings, lord Brougham added, that originally he had wished that the public meeting clauses, as well as those respecting courtsmartial, should be omitted; but when he found the facts to be such as they appeared to be in the papers read by earl Grey on introducing the bill, he had formed the opinion which he had just expressed.

The bill was read a second time in the house of Lords without any serious opposition, and the committee was fixed for the 7th of July; but, in the meantime, disclosures were made in the house of Commons, which stopped its progress in its present shape, and overturned the minister who had proposed it. Mr. Littleton, the Irish secretary, instead of meeting O'Connell with bold defiance, as Mr. Stanley had done when he filled the same office, had betaken himself to the unhappy course of negotiating with him, soothing him, and even intrusting him with the views and determinations of the cabinet. He committed the still greater error of doing all this without the knowledge of his superior, the head of the government. It was certain that the opposition, which the agitator and his party had given to the tithe bill, would only assume a more virulent and determined character, when the interests of their own political importance came to be more directly concerned by any proposed renewal of the coercion act. O'Connell, in fact, had already declared open war, so soon as the intention of continuing the provisions of that measure was announced. A vacancy having occurred in the representation of the county of Wexford, O'Connell addressed a letter to the electors, on the 18th of June, calling upon them to return a repealer. He commenced thus:-" an audacious and imbecile ministry threaten to renew the act which annihilates constitutional rights in Ireland. The base and atrocious whig faction dare to threaten Ireland with slavery. Under the pretext of crimes which we hate more than they do, they would deprive Irishmen of that freedom which our

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