Imágenes de páginas

to find these works republished among a collection of Standard Novels. Our readers are doubtless too well acquainted with their merits to render necessary any but a passing notice of this fact.

The Life of Wiclif. By C. W. Le Bas, M.A.

of Papal or synodical infallibility; but we stand with the Bible in our hands, prepared to abide by the doctrines we can discover in it, because furnished with evidences for its truth, (thanks to the Reformation for this also!) which appeal to the understanding, and to the understanding only; so that no man competently acquainted with them need shrink from the encounter of the infidel, or

Sketch of the Reformation in England. feel for a moment that his faith is put to shame By the Rev. I. G. Blunt.


We have classed these two works under the same head, only because of the natural connexion of their subject matter. The first is Number I. of a new series of periodical volumes, entitled "The Theological Library;" the second is Num. ber XXVI. of "The Family Library." Blunt's is an excellent book. It contains, skilfully condensed into a moderate compass, all the information which it is requisite, or almost desirable, for any but a Churchman to have, respecting the most extraordinary and important event in the history of his own or any other country under Heaven. Whether regarded in a political or a religious view, we think the Protestant Reformation justly entitled to be so considered. Now that religious order has been long established, when a pure faith has come forth from the re finer's fire, and superstition and persecution for conscience sake, are matters of history rather than of experience, we are no longer fair judges of the sentiments and conduct of the men who lived upon the verge of the Reformation. We readily perceive and acknowledge that it was a high and holy enterprise, but we need scarcely remark, that it was also a bold and imminently hazardous


"In the age of Wiclif," says Mr. Le Bas, "the sentiments of reverence for the papacy had, indeed, from various canses, been somewhat rudely shaken in this country: but still there were but faint symptoms of any serious defection from the majesty of Romish tradition, and little promise of the reinstatement of the heavenly witnesses in their original honour. The biblical method of instruction was still trampled under foot by the fastidions pride of the scholastic discipline, and by the overbearing authority of irrefragable and seraphic doctors. And yet, in this state of the public mind it was that Wiclif had the fortitude and the independence to associate the study of the Scriptures with the keenest pursuit of the scholastic metaphysics; and not only so, but to assign to them the full supremacy which belongs to them, as disclosing to us the way, the truth, and the life.'"

To this just and accurate statement of the case, a statement, too, which applies with little less force to Lather, and Zuingle, and the confessors

and martyrs of our own Reformation in England, than to Wiclif, we cannot add a more suitable appendix than the concluding paragraph of Mr. Blant's sketch of this great religious revolution. "To the Reformation we owe it, that a knowledge of religion has kept pace in the country with other knowledge; and that, in the general advance of science, and the general appetite for inquiry, this paramount principle of all has been placed in a position to require nothing but a fair field and no favour, in order to assert its just pretensions. We are here embarrassed by no dogmas of corrupt and unenlightened times, still riveted upon our reluctant acceptance by an idea Feb.-VOL. XXXVI. NO. CXXXIV.

by his philosophy. Infidelity there may be in the country, for there will ever be men who will not trouble themselves to examine the grounds of their religion, and men who will not dare to do it: but how far more intense would it have been, and more dangerous, had the spirit of the times been, in other respects, what it is, and the Reformation yet to come; religion yet to be exonerated of weights which sunk it heretofore in this country, and still sink it in countries around us; inquiry to be resisted in an age of curiosity; opinions to be bolstered up (for they may not be retracted) in an age of incredulity; and pageants to be addressed to the senses in an age which, at least, calls itself profound. As it is, we have nothing to conceal, nothing to evade, nothing to impose. The reasonableness as well as righteousness of our reformed faith recommends it; and whatever may be the shocks it may have to sustain from scoffs, and doubts, and clamour, and licentiousness, and seditious tongues, and an abused press, it will itself, we doubt not, prevail against them all, and save, too, as we trust, the nation which has cherished it, from the terrible evils, both moral, social, and political, that come of a heart of unbelief."

It was upon this great question that the wondermade known. In the revival of the Gospel, the ful, the gigantic influence of the press was first art of printing served, in a measure, the same end as the miraculous gift of tongues at its original publication. It was a new and most important principle introduced into the social system, and which has now for upwards of three centuries been gradually acquiring greater and greater strength. But we must make an end of our homily, lest much speaking minister not to edification. We like both the books under review well." The Life of Wiclif" is diligently and ably written; "The Sketch of the Reformation" is a sound and earnest book, and full of matter. the next number of "The Theological Library," we expect much. We have heard such admirable sermons from the Author (Dr. Shuttleworth) in sweet St. Mary's, when we dwelt upon the pleasant banks of Isis, that we are sure beforehand any thing from his pen will be truly good.


Africa. Vol. II.-Egyptians.
Reflections on the ancient Nations of

Although containing the result of much research upon the state of ancient Egypt in general, the greater part of this valuable work is devoted to a consideration of the history, dominion, and fall of that Titan among cities, and type of magnificence and mystery, the still great and illus trious Thebes. A very acute and ingenious essay upon the extent to which monuments may be admitted as historical evidence, and an examination of the plan followed by Champollion in deciphering the Phonetic hieroglyphics, are introductory of a series of reflections upon almost

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every subject connected with the existence of
that flourishing empire, which formerly extended
its power from the banks of the Nile to those of
the Euphrates, and perhaps to the Indus itself.
These reflections are in their nature so varions,
and involve so much deep investigation, that it is
impossible, within the limits to which we are
confined, to do more than mention the deductions
drawn from a few among the number. M. Heeren
considers the priest and warrior castes of the old
Egyptians to have sprung from a Nubian origin,
and strengthens his theory by a comparison of
the antiquities and inscriptions at Meroe with
those of the Thebaid, as well as by the circum-
stance, that the Negro character of countenance
is nowhere perceptible among the victorious
bands, sculptured upon the palaces and tombs
within that district. He thinks the region known
by the name of Lower Egypt to have been
peopled long after the foundation of Thebes, and
to have continued for a very considerable period
in subjection to it, contrary to the authority of
Mane bo. He also supposes the pyramids of
Memphis to have been erected under the dynasty
of the Hyksos or Nomad kings. He has described
at great length the monuments of Thebes, with the
multitudinous bas reliefs upon the walls of the
stupendous buildings at Carnac and Luxor, and
conjectures the Osymandyas of Diodorus to be
the same person as the great Rameses or Sesos-
tris, while he believes the famous naval engage.
ment sculptured at Medinet Abou, a representa-
tion of his conquests upon the shores of the
Indian Sea. The whole of this part of the volume,
together with a discussion relative to the im-
portation of certain religious rites from Meroe
into the Thebaid, and the connexion of this cir
cumstance with a well known passage in the first
book of Homer, are fully deserving the attention
of the scholar and antiquary. We next arrive
at the chapter of commerce and manufactures.
Many particulars upon these points have been
taken from the monuments at Eilethyia, and
Herodotus is copiously quoted wherever his autho-
rity is admissible. A consideration of the causes
which led to the decline of the power of the
Pharaohs forms the subject of the fifth chapter:
nor is the Appendix, in which several curious
papers are inserted, unworthy the rest of the
volume. Five well-executed maps also give ad-
ditional value to its contents. Egypt, concerning
which every day, in this era of general research,
reveals some new and interesting particular, must
become a subject of still greater attention by the
publication of M. Heeren's reflections. The lite-
rature of this country has received a valuable
addition by his labours, and the translator is
deserving of high praise for the manner in which
he has introduced his Author to the English
reader. The whole work, both from the matter
it contains, and the elegance of its typography, is
a credit to the university and press from which it
has issued.

less ambitions aspirations might ensure for his efforts. Of this his lately published tragedies are a sufficient instance. Smoothness of versification, considerable historical knowledge, and bursts of feeling and pathos, we frequently ineet with; but, upon the whole, we find but little of that deep insight into the human beart, and that masterly delineation of passion, in its various shades and modifications, which alone could enable us to pronounce the title of dramatic poet justly acquired. We think, too, he has been unfortunate in the subjects he has selected. The day is gone by, when the desire of being considered the descendants of an illustrious ancestry formed a general and national mania. For our own parts,

we care not the value of a brass celt, and we be-
lieve the greater part of the public are affected
by the same indifference, whether our forefathers
were indeed the "bony, gaunt, and blue dyed
savages" Mr. Pennie's Cæsar has designated
them, or whether the high-flown descriptions of
the poets and historians of the Elizabethan age
on this head are true to the letter. All the pains,
therefore, which the Author of the National
Dramas has taken to cast a splendour and pomp
of circumstance round the earlier epochs of our
history, appear to us thrown away. We object
also to those perpetual declamations about the
future greatness of Britain, in which his charac-
ters are so fond of indulging. These compliments
to our ownselves, which it is so easy to force the
ideal past to pay us, partake too much of the
character of those melo-dramatic traps for ap-
plause, in the shape of eulogies upon British
magnanimity, honour, faith, and so forth, which
are as sure as any cause can be of its effect, of
producing thunders of acclamation from the
patriots in the upper galleries. Thus much for
Mr. Pennie's faults. We are happy to add, that
there are many compensating beauties in his pro-
ductions, which offer a fair claim to public
patronage. His "Dragon King," in particular,
is a chaste and polished composition, and dis-
closes numerous passages which exhibit striking
imagery gracefully conveyed. The scene in which
King Arthur discovers himself to the inhabitants
of Sorbiodunum, is exceedingly animated, and the
incantations of the Adelrunæ are well in cha-
racter. "Imogenia," too, is an engaging and
well-finished conception, and more likely to ex-
cite the sympathy of the reader than any other
character introduced among the dramatis persona
in the volume. Mr. Pennie's description of a
Roman galley, in another tragedy, strikes us as
happy enough to deserve quotation. He pictures
the vessel with

Her crimson banners to the winds displayed
With beak of burnished brass and bank on bank
Of oars that rose and fell like giant wings
Of silver flashing in the midday sun.

This is just and poetical, and we could adduce many other passages superior to the above in power if our space permitted. On the whole,

Britain's Historical Drama. By J. F. although faults and merits are pretty equally dis


We think Mr. Pennie is quite unconscious in what his own strength consists. He proceeds too much upon the "aut Cæsar aut nihil" principle, and by aiming only at the highest departments of literature, fails of obtaining that applause which

tributed throughout his performances, we think Mr. Pennie deserves much more of the general attention than he has hitherto received. He is an unpretending and industrious author, who has hitherto pursued his carer under the auspices of no party, and encouragement might be the means of stimulating him to still greater exertions. We

must not pass over his Notes without bestowing our commendation upon the research they display, but where did Mr. Pennie learn that Aristomenes sacrificed three hundred victims to Jupiter of Ithome? That he thrice offered the Hecatom. phonia we are aware, but this is altogether a different matter. We hope Mr. Pennie, in a future note, will make reparation for the injustice he has done the patriotic Messenian.

Family Classical Library. -Plutarch. Vol. II.

dition of the suffering poor, the evil, like most others, will not have occurred without producing a beneficial effect. As remedies of the extensive demoralization and helpless poverty under which so large a number of our fellow countrymen are labouring, the Author of this clever essay proposes, in the first place, the education of the lower classes, under the authority and superintendence of Government; secondly, a greater degree of intimacy and a stronger disposition to No. XXIV. coalesce among the several castes into which

Plutarch is, perhaps, of all classical authors, the fittest to appear in an English translation, and under a popular form. There is nothing in his thoughts and language which may not be easily transfused into another tongue; and his narrations are conveyed by so graceful and unaffected a style, that the wise and venerable philosopher does not appear throughout his writings more frequently than the social and entertaining friend. It has been the fashion, in these censorious days, to deride his credulity and superficial knowledge of character, and his want of that terseness and condensation which distinguish the works of the sterner historians. The latter defect, however, if it is to be considered as such, may be considered the chief cause of his widely extended popularity, and a means of ensuring the affections of the multitude for his labours until the end of time. It is not every one, who possesses either the ability or the inclination often to grapple with the vast and shadowy abstractions of Tacitus and Thucydides, and at a time when the mind, wearied with pre. vious exertion, is willing to be amused at the expense of no considerable effort; under the sunshine, for instance, of a summer evening, or by the cheerful blaze of the wintry hearth, the Choronean sage is always received as a grateful and welcome visitant. His authority, too, is not to be lightly prized upon historical points; for it must be remembered, that his information has, in many cases, been drawn from commentaries written by the very characters whose exploits he commemorates, and from many an accurate compilation, famous in his own day, but which time has long since condemned to the same dust and obscurity which envelope the hand that traced it. We are glad to see the Langhornes' translation of this pleasing Author forming part of " The Family Classical Library," as we are convinced its appearance will be of equal benefit to the public and the publisher. This second volume contains the Lives of Pericles, Fabius Maximus, Coriolanus, Timoleon, Panlus Emilius, Pelopidas, and Marcellus,-enough for the price, in all conscience. The wood-cuts, however, are utterly unworthy of the text they accompany. The conqueror of Corioli is a sulky schoolboy, and he of Corinth resembles a Jewish salesman. The very presence of such heads is enough to excite a prejudice against their supposed owners; and yet these ill-favoured caricatures are termed illus. trations.

Thoughts on Education, Union of Classes, and Co-operation. Suggested by the late Riots at Bristol.

Deeply as the late scenes of violence and outrage at Bristol and elsewhere are to be deplored, if they have the effect of calling the public attention to the best means of alleviating the con

society is divided; and, in the last place, the extensive adoption of what is generally known by the name of the co-operative system of labour. As to the second of these measures, it may be sufficient to observe, that it can only be considered as the result of either of the others; for, until led by their own interests or pleasures, it is useless to exhort the rich and well-informed to enter into a voluntary amalgamation with the destitute and unenlightened. The other expedients are unobjectionable. The education of the poor, to a partial extent, by various religious societies, has already been carried into effect with such happy results, that it is much to be marvelled at that the plan recommended has not long ago been adopted by Government, as the best means of preserving order and ensuring comfort among the various members of the great national body. Co-operation is so perfectly new an appearance in the political horizon, that it is impossible at present to conjecture what may be its ultimate results; but so far as it has been hitherto tried, the voice of experience has spoken loudly and justly in its favour. The Author of the present pamphlet is evidently imbued with a strong feeling of interest for the welfare of his country; and his remarks upon the present condition of society are dictated by good sense and justice of reasoning. He is a clear and consistent writer, and a person of no mean literary attainments. Both the importance of the subject which he discusses, and his manner of treating it, will ensure him a general and respectful attention.

Useful Arts.

Cabinet Encyclopedia. Porcelain and Glass Manufacture.

The interest and importance, attached to the manufacture of these beautiful substances, have very properly ensured the different processes by which they are worked and brought to perfection, an early place among the treatises upon the useful arts, published in Dr. Lardner's "Encyclopedia." The general reader will find much more of entertainment in his investigation of the subject than he might at first be led to expect; for not only is every mechanical operation minutely detailed, but the historical part of the work is extensive, and displays much research, commencing with the preparation of the bricks of Babylon, and the ingenious fable narrated by Pliny, of the accidental discovery of glass at the mouth of the Belus, and ending with the beautiful vases of Wedgewood, and the famous disks of Guinand and

Frauenhofer. The porcelain works of China occupy a whole chapter, which forms, perhaps, the best compendium of the information respecting this celebrated manufacture extant. Nor should we pass over without praise the chemical investigation of the substances made use of in the production of glass and earthen vessels of all sorts

and qualifies. The chapter upon gems appears to contain much less than might have been anticipated on this head; but this is probably owing to the secrecy with which those, who are acquainted with the method of fabricating the imitations of these costly ornaments, endeavour to veil the knowledge they possess, and the deficiency is well made up by the quantity of matter comprised in the description of the colouring and painting of glass. Numerous wood cuts, neatly executed, embellish the volume, and are very serviceable in illustration of the printed details. Upon the whole, we have seldom spent an hour of greater gratification than while engaged in the perusal of this twenty-sixth number of "The Cabinet Encyclopedia," a publication, which, we sincerely hope, is succeeding as it deserves.

An Address delivered to the Literary and Philosophical Society at Kingston-uponHull. By C. Frost, F.S.A.

To the inhabitants of Hull and its vicinity, this is no doubt an acceptable publication, and even to us, who are affected by no local associations in its perusal, the contents of its pages have proved highly satisfactory. We are gratified to find that a provincial town can boast of so much living talent, and so manifest a zeal for the interests of science. We have been also agreeably surprised at the number of eminent characters to which the town of Hull has given birth. The names of Andrew Marvel, Mason, Milner, and Wilberforce, are sufficient in themselves to confer celebrity upon any spot, but to these Mr. Frost has added a host of others of no mean note, whose lives he has neatly sketched, and so far as we have the means of ascertaining, with great accuracy of date and circumstance. We hope the spirit and ardour in philosophical research, displayed by the Society of which Mr. Frost is the President, may be efficacious in inducing the formation of many others throughout those country towns, where equal facility for their institution and support is afforded.

An Introductory Lecture delivered at King's College, London.

We fully agree with Professor Ventouillac in the sentiments which have dictated his Introductory Lecture. The literature of France has hitherto received but very imperfect justice at our hands. To wade through the exercises of Chambaud, to translate Telemachus and Voltaire's History of Charles of Sweden, or at the utmost a tragedy of Racine, in this is generally comprised all that is taught in our schools respecting a language which contains as many treasures of thought and elegance of sentiment as any tongue extant. The disadvantages of this system are more particularly felt by the female part of the community, who, after spending many years in the laborious drudgery mentioned, end by reading one or two French authors imperfectly, and speaking a dialect much resembling that used by the Prioress in Chaucer. The grand error, we imagine, consists in making philology an insulated study, and never considering it as a mere aid to the understanding and appreciation of intellectual efforts, which must be effectually concealed without its assistance; but whether this be the cause or not, the existence of the fact complained of is undeniable. How few, for example, are there, even among those

who are considered respectable French scholars, to whom the names of the acute Montaigne and the profound Montesquieu are known through the medium of their works. Again, how greatly is it to be regretted that the invaluable "Memoirs of Joinville," and "The Chronicles of Froissart,” to the latter of whom we are so much indebted for the elucidation of various parts of our own history, should be almost universally neglected. Content with a very few flowers, taken from the department of the belles lettres, we leave, what it may be allowed us to term the best part of French literature unregarded, and even the absurd novels of Florian are patronised to the exclusion of the most philosophical of his fellowcountrymen. A better taste, it is to be apprebended, is now dawning upon us, and it is a proof of good sense on the part of those who superintend the affairs of King's College, that they have established a French Professorship, on an equal footing with those for the Greek and Latin languages. M. Ventouillac appears, both in taste and acquirements, if we may judge from the îndications of these qualities displayed in his first lecture, eminently suited to fulfil the duties of his station. There is only one point in his discourse upon which we must differ from him. We allude to his estimate of the comparative merits, or rather demerits, of Voltaire aud Rousseau. M. Ventonillac, while he bestows an abundant share of censure upon the former writer, appears to regard the latter with a degree of pity and forbearance, to which, in our opinion, he is in no wise entitled.

Producing Man's Companion. Rights of Morality. State of Society in England.

Much of what is unquestionably true, and much of what is ingeniously paradoxical, are here presented within the compass of some hundred and fifty pages. Two of the titles of the book might certainly be omitted. We are at a loss to know why the producer should be more interested in the discussions introduced, than those erroneously considered as the non producing members of society; and the exact meaning of the Rights of Morality, we have yet to learn. The writer is beyond controversy a man of ability, and we have no doubt has been influenced in the publication of his sentiments by the best motives; but his great fault consists in his rapid and sweeping conclusions, and the brief compass in which he dispatches propositions, requiring ten times the space he has allowed them to investigate and determine. For instance, his reflections are directed within the compass of a few pages to moral right, (which perhaps is what is intended to be signified in the title of the book,) arbitrary right, money, value of commodities, profit, entail, supply of food, &c.; and upon each of these he has contented himself with laying down a few axioms, without attempting to enter into any thing like argument or proof. It is a principal feature of the present state of our affairs, that during a time of unexampled political interest, every one thinks himself qualified to enact the part of pilot to the State, and the press consequently teems with the productions of theoretical politicians, whose works, in too many instances, resemble those erude and ill-shaped abortions, which the ancient naturalists supposed to be produced on the margin of the

receding Nile. To the great bulk of the public this is productive of but little inconvenience, but to us, who are in the habit of reading their lucubrations, the very words "producers and nonproducers, metallic and paper currency, free and restricted trade," are about as pleasant as was the juice of Lebanon to the ears of the Royal Dane in Hamlet. We do not mean, however, to apply these remarks to the author of the work before us. We have stated that he is a man of talent, and are not inclined to retract our opinion. A great deal of useful truth is mingled with doctrines occasionally extravagant; and an animated and impressive manner of conveying his sentiments adds to the general interest of his essay, which will be found to contain enough of originality to warrant us in recommending it to political economists in particular, and the reading public in general.

A Vision. In five Cantos.

It is but an invidions office to sit in judgment npon the productions of a poet but eighteen years of age. In this case the critic may deliver too severe an opinion upon abilities, which time might mature and display in a very different light from that in which they at first appeared; while, on the other hand, he is in danger of encouraging hopes which the fully developed powers of the author may never enable him to realise. The only safe course is to say as little as possible upon the occasion, and this method we shall accordingly adopt in noticing the poem before us. We must confess that we cannot exactly comprehend the plot of the production, and the metre abounds in deficiencies. The writer does not appear as yet to be master of even the mechanical part of versi fication, and to acquire correctness in this particalar must be his first object. When this is accomplished, and not till then, his poems will be in a condition to meet the award of public criticism.

Edinburgh Cabinet Library. Polar Seas and Regions.

In addition to the original matter contained in the above work, this third edition comprises many particulars of a new and interesting character; and the diligence with which they have been prepared for publication affords strength to their claim to that public patronage, which the proprietors of the Edinburgh "Cabinet Library" have already so liberally experienced. The former editions were well calculated for general circulation, containing, as our readers are probably aware, the result of almost every inquiry into the extent, characteristic features, and natu ral productions of the Polar regions, together with outlines of the various voyages made since the time of Pytheas, for the purpose of exploring the recesses of the great Northern Ocean. The pens of Sir John Leslie and Professor Jameson were employed in the preparation of the meteorological and geological portions of the work, and Mr. Hugh Murray furnished the account of the voy

• We shall take an opportunity to return to this work, and criticise it more attentively in another part of the Magazine.-ED.

ages of discovery. As the product of the labours of these eminent writers has been for some time before the public, it is our intention, in the present notice, merely to consider the particulars, now for the first time submitted to general perusal. One of the most important of these additions is the fac simile of a curious Runic inscription found, in 1824, on the island of Kingiktorsoak, under the parallel of 73 degrees, with a translation by Dr. Rain, Secretary of the Royal Antiquarian Society at Copenhagen. This inscription, which is, probably, of as ancient a date as the year 1135, and which shows to what an extent the early Scandinavian adventurers carried their zeal for discovery, will be considered of great consequence by antiquaries. There is also an ingenious vindication of Mr. Hugh Murray's views with respect to the voyage of Cortereal, which the writer of the "Memoir of Sebastian Cabot" maintains, with little appearance of truth or reason, never to have been extended beyond the southern extremity of Labrador. Mr. Murray seems indisputably to have made out his case, in carrying that enterprising navigator as far as 60 degrees of north latitude, or the entrance of Hudson's Strait. It is well known that the year 1831 proved the most destructive upon record to the British vessels engaged in the whale fishery. An account of the wintering at Operniwick of the crew of the John of Greenock, totally wrecked in that year, and communicated by Mr. George Inglis, mate, will be found an impressive and well compiled narrative. To this is added a general summary of the results of the whale fishery in 1831, and an examination of the present commercial aspect of this extensive ground of speculation, which will be practically useful to many readers. Indeed, those who undertake its perusal for the sake of instruction, or individuals of the more numerous class, who are merely induced to examine its pages for the purpose of amusement, will equally have reason to be pleased with the spirited efforts made for their commendation by the publishers of this popular volume.

Poetical Pieces. By M. A. Curling.

Second Edition.

We should be unwilling to incur the imputation of ill placed severity of judgment, or backwardness to welcome the first efforts of incipient powers, which might hereafter be displayed to greater advantage, under the guidance of a more matured intellect; yet we must confess, that we cannot discover in the pages before us any indication which would enable us to encourage the Authoress to proceed in the path of literature she has selected. Her poetry, though, perhaps, calculated for a circle of private friends, will assuredly be unable to bear the severe test of public criticism. To deliver any other opinion upon it, would only be to excite hopes which, we fear, would have but little chance of being gratified, and to stimulate exertions which might ensure both applause and success, if directed to a more attainable object.

Maturini Corderii Colloquiorum Centuria Selecta, &c. Editio Nova.

We are no friends to the use of the Colloquies of Corderius as an initiatory school-book.

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