Imágenes de páginas

Department of War, don. to lib. xi.
Dow, Capt. J. M., don. to mus. ii.
Dowler, Dr. Bennett, don. to lib. xv.
Duchaillu, P. B., Communication from,
48; Report of Committee on, 81.
Duméril, A. M. C., death of, announced,


Dunlap, B. G., don. to mus. i.
Dunlap, Thomas, don. to lib. iv.
Dunn, Dr. T. C., don. to mus. v.
Durand, E., Remarks on changing the
name Carya Texana to C. Buckleyi,
547; don. to mus. vii.; don. to lib.
vii. xx.

Editors of New Orleans Medical and
Surgical Journal, don. to lib. i. viii.
xiii. xv. xviii. xx.

Editors of New York Journal of Medi-
cine, don. to lib. iv. vii. viii.
Editors of New York Medical Press,
don. to lib. ii.

Editors of North Amer. Med. -Chirurg.
Review, don, to lib. iv. viii. xiii. xv.

Editor of Revue et Magasin de Zoo-
logie, &c., don, to lib. i. ii. iv. v. vii.
ix. xi. xiii. xv. xvi. xviii. xxi.
Editors of San Francisco Medical Press,
don, to lib. viii.

Editor of American Journal of Med-Editors of Southern Medical and Sur-
ical Sciences, don. to lib. viii. xiii.

Editor of American Journal of Phar-
macy, don. to lib. i. iv. viii. xii. xv.


Editors of American Journal of Sci-
ence and Arts, don. to lib. i. iv. viii.
xiii. xv. xxi.
Editors of American Medical Times,
don. to lib. x. xi. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi.
xvii. xviii. xix. xx. xxi.
Editor of Annual of Scientific Dis-
covery, don. to lib. iii.
Editors of Archiv fur Naturgeschichte,
don. to lib. vi.

Editors of Austrian Journal of Medi-

cal Practice, don. to lib. vi.
Editors of Bibliotheque Universelle,
Revue Suisse et Etrangère, don. to
lib. x. xvi. xx.

Editor of California Farmer, don. to
lib. viii. ix. x. xi. xiii. xv. xxi.
Editor Charleston Medical Journal

and Review, don. to lib. i. iv. ix.
xiii. XV. XX.

Editors of Dental Cosmos, don. to lib.
i. iii. iv. v. viii. ix. xi. xiii. xv. xvi.
xviii. xxi.
Editors of Edinburgh New Philosoph.
Journal, don. to lib. viii. xv. xviii.
Editor of Gardener's Monthly, don.
to lib. ix. x. xi. xiii. xv. xvi. xvii.
xx. xxi.

Editors of Hutching's California Maga-
zine, don. to lib. ix.
Editors of Ibis, don. to lib. i.

Editors of Journal de Conchyliologie,
don. to lib. xviii.
Editor of Mining Magazine and Jour-
nal of Geology, don, to lib. xiii.
Editors of Neues Jahrbuch fur Mine-
ralogie, &c., don. to lib. vi. ix. xii.

gical Journal, don. to lib. i. iii. iv.
vii, viii. x. xi, xiii. xv. xviii. xix. xxi.
Editors of St. Joseph's Journal of

Medicine and Surgery, don. to lib. ii.
Election of Members and Correspon-
dents, 579.

Election of Officers for 1861, 578.
Election of Standing Committees, 48.
Encke, M., don. to lib. xiv.
Engelmann, Dr. George, don. to lib. iv.
Engelmann, H., see Meek.
Evans, Dr. John, application

Co-operation of the Academy, 2.


Fahnestock, G. W., don. to mus. iii.
Field, Lieut. Thomas Y., U. S. N., don.
to mus. iii.

Fisher, Dr. James C., read extract of
letter from J. H. Redfield, 148; an-
nounced the death of Victor G. Au-
dubon, 325; announced the death of
A. M. C. Duméril, 415; Remarks on
a specimen of Peat from a bed of
leaves on the Atrato River, 515;
Resolutions by, on the death of Vice-
President Le Conte, 516; Report on
the Library, 575.

Forshay, C. S., don. to lib. xiii.
Foulke, William Parker, Remarks on
experiments of T. Sterry Hunt, 96;
don. to mus. vii.

Fraley, W. W., don. to mus. iv.
France, Minister of Public Works, don,
to lib. ii. xi, xvi.

Frost, C. W., don. to mus. iii.; don. to
lib. xiv.

Gabb, William M., Descriptions of new
species of Fossils, probably Triassic,
from Virginia, 1; Descriptions of
new species of Cretaceous Fossils, 1;
Descriptions of new species of Cre-
taceous Fossils from New Jersey, 86,

93; Descriptions of some new spe-
cies of Cretaceous Fossils from
South America in the collection of
the Academy, 148, 197; On the
identity of Ammonites Texanus, Roe-
mer, and A, vespertinus, Morton, 202;
Catalogue of the Museum of the
Academy for the use of visitors, 304;
Description of a new species of Ce-
phalopod from the Eocene of Texas,
305, 324; see Horn: Description of
new species of Tertiary and Creta-
ceous Fossils, 417; Description of a
new species of Cassidulus from the
Cretaceous formation of Alabama;
Description of a new genus and spe-
cies of Amorphozoa from the Creta-
ceous formation of New Jersey, 515,
518, 519; Remarks on Jurassic Fos-
sils in reply to a letter of Jules
Marcou, 548; Description of some
new species of Tertiary Fossils from
Chiriqui, Central America, 551, 567;
don. to mus. i.; don. to lib. xv.
Garsia, Dr. W. M., don. to mus. iv.
Gassies, J. B., don to lib. xviii.
Gerhart, A. S., don. to mus. vii.
Gill, Theodore, Notes on the Nomen-
clature of North American Fishes,
and on the pertinence of Alosa teres
DeKay, to the genus Dussumieza,
Val. 2, 19, 21. Conspectus Piscium
in expeditione ad Oceanum Pacificum
Septentrionalum, C. Ringgold et J.
Rogers ducibus, a G. Stimpson, M. D.
Collectore; Sicydianæ, 96, 100;
Monograph of the genus Labrisomus
of Swainson; Monograph of the
genus Labrax, of Cuvier; Mono-
graph of the Philypni, 97, 102, 108,

Gistel, Dr. Johannes, don. to lib. xxi.
Glasco, J. M., don. to mus. vi.
Gould, Dr. A. A. don. to mus. vi.
Grateloup, M. le Dr., don. to lib. iv. xx.

Haidinger, Wilhelm, don. to lib. vi.
Haldeman, S. S., don. to mus. vi.
Hall, James, don. to lib. iii. xiv.
Hall, T. J., don. to lib. viii.
Hallowell, Dr. Edward, death of, an-
nounced, 81; Reptilia of the North
Pacific Exploring Expedition, edited
by E. D. Cope, 415, 480.
Hammond, Dr. Wm A. and Dr. S.
Weir Mitchell, on the physical and
chemical characteristics of Corroval
and Vao, two recently discovered
varieties of Woorara, and a new al-

kaloid containing their active prin-
ciple, 100.

Hanson, H. C., don. to mus. v.
Harris, Edward, don. to mus. vii.
Harris, Dr. R. P., don. to mus. iii. v.
Hartman, W. D., don. to mus. iv.
Hartshorne, Dr. Henry, don. to lib. xxi.
Hayden, Dr. F. V., see Meek.
Hays, Dr. I. I., announcement of his
progress in raising funds for his Arc-
tic Expedition, 149; don, to lib. iv.
Henry, Dr. Bernard, announcement of
death of, 148.

Hering, C. J., don. to mus. iii.
Hernandez, Dr. Don Jose de la Sur,
don. to lib. iv.

Hoeckley, F. S., don. to mus. v.
Holloway, W. E., don. to mus. i.
Hopper, J. M. and O. C. Herbert, vote
of thanks to, for donations, 3.
Horn, George W., descriptions of three
new species of Gorgonidæ in Mus.
Acad. Nat. Sci., 202, 233; on Milne-
Edwards' synonymy of Xiphigorgia
setacea, and Wm. M. Gabb, descrip-
tions of new Cretaceous Corals from
New Jersey, 363, 366, 367; descrip-
tions of new Corals in Mus. Acad.
Nat. Sci., 415, 435; descriptions of
new North American Coleoptera, in
the Cabinet of the Entomological
Society of Philadelphia, 551; 569;
don.'to mus. v.

Horn, P. C., don. to mus. iii.
Hornes, Dr. Morris, don. to lib. vi.
Howe, Joseph, don. to lib. i.
Huffnagle, Dr., don. to mus. v.
Hunt, T. Sterry, letter from, on ex-
periments with Chloride of Calcium
and Magnesia precipitated by Car-
bonate of Soda, 96.

India, Secretary of State for, don. to
lib. x.

Institute, Canadian of Arts &c, don. to
lib. ii. iv. ix. x. xiii. xviii.
Institute, Essex, Salem, don. to lib.
xvi. xviii.

Institute, Royal Imperial Geological,
Vienna, don. to lib. vi. xviii.
Institute, Maryland, don. to lib. iii. xv.
Institution, Royal Lombard, of Science,
&c., don, to lib. x.

Jackson, Dr. J. B. S., don. to mus. iv,
Jackson, Dr. R. M. S., don. to lib. xiii.
Jan, M., don. to lib. iii.
Janeway, Dr. J. H., don. to mus. i.;
don. to lib. xi.

Jeanes, Joseph, don. to mus. vi. vii.
Jeanes, Samuel, don. to mus. vi. vii.
Jessup, Augustus E., resolutions on
death of, 1; letter from A. D. Jessup,
E. A. Jessup and Mrs. Clara J. Moore,
children of the late, 95.
Jolis, Auguste C., don. to lib. xix.
Jones & White, don. to lib. vii.

Kane, Dr. J. K., don. to mus. ii. iii.
Kaull, William, don. to mus. i.
Kellog, F., don. to mus. i.
Kennicott, Robert, description of new
species of North American Reptiles
in the Museum of the Smithsonian
Institution, 325; 328.

Kern, Edward M., don. to mus. iv.
Kirschbaum, C. S., don. to lib. ix.
Kollar, Dr., don. to mus. v.
Krider, John, don. to. mus. i, v.
Kurtz, J. D., don. to lib. i.

Lamont, Dr. J., don. to lib. v.
Langstroth, L. L., don. to lib. vii.
Lapham, J. A., a list of the fresh-water
shells of Wisconsin, 146; 154.
Lea, Isaac, LL. D., Prest. Acad. Nat.
Sci., remarks on the death of A. E.
Jessup and resolutions by, 1; re-
marks on the history of Anthracite
coal, 2; remarks on the number of
species of Unionidæ in the United
States and Territories, 3; remarks
on abnormal shells, 51; descriptions
of four new species of Unionidæ from
Brazil; description of fifteen new
species of Uruguayan Unionidæ ; re-
marks on the number of Unionidæ of
North America, 85; 89; 90; de-
scription of four new species of Me-
laniadae of the United States; descrip-
tions of five new species of Uniones
from Alabama, 86; 92; 93; remarks
on letter of Dr. Lewis on the color-
ing matter of the nacre of Uniones,
88; remarks on a new form of palpi
of Anodonta, 97; remarks on letter
of Dr. Showalter of Ala., on speci-
mens of Physa; and on letter from
Dr. Lewis on self-registering ther-
mometer, 147; descriptions of four-
teen new species of Schizostoma,
Anculosa, &c., 148; 186; remarks
on perforation of rocks by Echini,
149; descriptions of two new species
of Uniones from Georgia; descrip-
tions of three new species of Uniones
from Mexico; descriptions of six new
species of Unionidæ from Alabama;

descriptions of seven new species of
Unionidæ from the United States;
descriptions of three new species of
exotic Unionidæ, 302; 305; read an
extract of a letter from Bishop El-
liott on Helix Cumberlandiana, 363;
new Unionidæ of the United States
and Northern Mexico, 415; read let-
ter from Jules Marcou, 548; read
letters from Mr. Tyson of Md. 550;
don. to mus. ii. iii. iv. v. vii. don. to
lib. iv. v. xxi.

Lea, M. Carey, don. to lib. i. xiii. xxi.
Le Conte, Maj. John, Vice President,
announcement of death of, and reso-
lutions concerning, 516; don. to mus.

Le Conte, Dr. J. L., remarks on the
geographical distribution of Coleop-
tera, 49; resolutions by on death of
Dr. Edward Hallowell, 82; notes on
Coleoptera found at Fort Simpson,
Mackenzie River, with remarks on
other northern species, 304; 315; sy-
nopsis of the Scaphidiidae of the Uni-
ted States, 304; 321; don. to mus. vii.
don. to lib. x.

Leidy, Dr. Joseph, remarks on Alber-
tite, 54; announcement of the pur-
chase of the collection of coal fossils
of Mr. Eli Bowen, 54; remarks on
Hyalonema mirabilis, 85; announce-
ment of the presentation by Dr. T.
B. Wilson of his entire collection of
Birds, 86; remarks on experiments
with Trichina spiralis, 96; remarks
on a new and rich botanical locality
at Jackson, New Jersey, 98; resolu-
tion to exchange the Journal and
Proceedings with Mr. J. N. H. Barris
for a suite of fossils, 150; notice of
specimen of Hyla, 305; remarks on
fossil teeth of Hippotherium from
Washington Co., Texas, 416; re-
marks on an extinct Peccary from
Dr. D. D. Owen, 416; announced the
death of Dr. David Dale Owen, 516;
don. to mus. i. iii. vi. vii. don. to lib.
xiii. xiv. xvii.

Le Moine, J. M., don. to lib. vi.
Lesley, J. P., remarks on letter of T.

Sterry Hunt, 96; remarks on a boul-
der of Gneiss on the Orange Co., N.
Y. Highlands, 97; remarks on the
geology of the White Mountains, 363.
Lesquereux, Leo, don. to lib. xxi.
Lewis, Dr. James, catalogue of the
shell-bearing Mollusca found in the

vicinity of Mohawk, N. Y., 1; 17;
extract of letter from, 88.
Lewis, George T., don. to mus. iii.
Leopoldt, F., don. to lib. x.
Librarian, Report of, 575.

Library, Trustees of New York State,
don. to lib. ix.

Logan, Dr. J. Dickinson, don. to mus. vii.
Lowes, J. B. and J. H. Gilbert, don. to
lib. vii.

Lyceum of Natural History, New York,
don. to lib. iv.

Lynch, Capt. Wm. F., U. S. N., don. to
lib. iv.

Mactier, Wm. L., don. to mus. i. don.
to lib. xiv.

Marcou, Jules, letter from in regard to
Jurassic fossils, 548; don. to lib.

Marsh, Benj. V., don. to mus. iv.
Martius, Carl Freidrick Philipp v., don.
to lib. vi.

Mason, E. P., don. to mus. i.

can Humming Birds Nos. 3 and 4,
517; 551.

Moore, Dr. Francis, don. to mus. v.
Morris, Dr. J. C., don. to mus. vi.
Moss, T. F., don. to mus. iii. iv.
Moulins, Charles de, don. to lib. xix.


Mueller, Dr. Carolus, don. to lib. v. xi.
Museum, Geological, Calcutta, don. to
lib., iii. viii.

Newberry, Dr. J. S., don. to lib. xix.

Nicholson, Capt., don. to mus. ii.
Norris, Thaddeus W. don. to mus. vi.

Observatory, Royal of Munich, don. to
to lib. vi.

Ohio, Legislature of, don. to lib. xi.
Orrick, A. C., don. to mus. ii.
Osten, Sacken, Baron R., Appendix to
the paper entitled "new genera and
species of North American Tipulida
with short palpi," 2; 15.
Owen, Dr. David Dale, announcement
of the death of, 516.

Matthews, S. H., don. to mus. vii.
McChesney, J. H., don. to lib. iii.
McKibben, J., don. to mus. iv.
Meehan, Thomas, note on Carya Texana, Paine, Martyn, M. D., don. to lib. xiii.
547, don. to lib. x.
Pennsylvania, State of, don. to lib. i. ii.
Meek, F. B. and H. Engelmann, report Perkins, Edward L., vote of thanks to,
to Capt. J. H Simpson, 126; and for donation, 3; don. to mus. i.
Dr. F. V. Hayden, descriptions of Petermann, Dr. A., don, to lib. vii.
new organic remains from the Ter-Phillips, J. S., don, to mus. iii.
tiary, Cretaceous and Jurassic rocks
of Nebraska, 148; 175; descriptions
of new fossil remains collected in Ne-
braska and Utah, &c., 302; 308;
and A. H. Wortben, descriptions of
new species of Crinoidea from the
Carboniferous rocks of Illinois and
other Western States, 363; 379; and
Dr. F. V. Hayden, Systematic cata-
logue with synonymy of Jurassic,
Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils col-
lected in Nebraska, &c., 415; 417;
descriptions of new Carboniferous
fossils from Illinois and other West-
ern States, 416; 447.

Meigs, Dr. J. Aitken, observations upon
the form of the Occiput in the vari-
ous races of men, 363; 397; don. to
mus. i.

Milson, Dr. Augustus, don. to mus. iii.
Misser, P., don. to lib. v.

Mitchell, Dr. S. Weir, see Hammond;
don. to mus. v. don. to lib. i. vii.

Pickering, Dr. Charles, remarks on the
history of Anthracite coal, 2.
Pierce, J. Newton, don. to mus. v.
Piggott, John T. don. to mus. v.
Potts & Klett, don. to mus. ii.
Powel, Samuel, remarks on binocular
vision, 99; don. to mus. i. iii.
Prime, Temple, descriptions of new
species of Cyrena and Corbicula in
the Mus. Acad. Nat. Sci., 51; 80;
Synonymy of the Cyclades a family
of Acephalous Mollusca, part 1st,
199; 267; don. to mus. v. don, to
lib. ii.

Purves, L., don. to mus. i.

Quetelet, M. Ad., don. to lib. xiv.
Quetelet, M. Ernest, don. to lib. xiv.

Rand, Dr. B. H., resolution of thanks
to Van Amburgh & Co., 516.
Rand, F. D., don. to mus. iii.
Ravenel, H. W., don. to mus. iv.

Montes de Oca, Rafael, Mexican Hum-Redfield, John H., description of a
ming Birds No. 1, 3; 47; Mexican
Humming Birds No. 2, 54; 80; Mexi-

new species of Marginella, 148;

Report of Committee on Memorial in
aid of Dr. Evans, 2.
Report of Committee on letter of A. E.
Jessup, &c., 100.

Report of Committee on Proceedings,

Report of Publication Committee, 48.
Resolutions on the death of A. E. Jes-
sup, 1.

Resolutions in relation to the meteor-
ite of Port Orford, W. T., 2.
Resolutions on the death of Dr. Ed-
ward Hallowell, 82.

Resolutions on the death of George W.
Carpenter, 201.

Resolutions on the death of Vice Presi-
dent Le Conte, 516.

Roepper, Mr., don. to mus. iii.

by him in his recent explorations
across the continent, 97, 126.
Sinclair, Dr., U. S. N., don. to mus.


Slack, Dr. J. H., remarks on the dis-
covery of some fossil bones, 3; re-
marks on the finding of teeth of
Mosasaurus, 54; don. to mus. i. ii.
iii. iv. vii.

Smith, Aubrey H., and Alex. H. Smith,
letter on the habits of the Beaver,
146; remarks on a black snake,
which, when alarmed, ascended a
tree, 149; don. to mus. vii.
Smith, Charles E., don. to mus. vii.
Smith, N. and E., don. to mus. i.
Smithsonian Institution, don. to mus.
i. ii. iii. v. ; don. to lib. i. xii. xiii.

Rogers, Prof. Fairman, don. to mus. Snowden, J. Ross., don. to lib. ii.

Rogers, Prof. Robert E., remarks on
the debitumenization of coal and
propagation of concussion, 53; re-
marks on Petroleum wells of West-
ern Pennsylvania, 147; exhibition
of a modification of Gore's apparatus
of revolving metallic ball, 148; ex-
hibition of experiments on the de-
composing power of Carbonic Acid
in solution, and of Prof. Way's
light, and reclamation of, for Dr.
Hare, 515; don. to mus. iv.
Rogers, Prof. Wm. B., remarks on
Albertite, or so-called Albert coal of
New Brunswick, 98; remarks on
experiments in binocular vision, 98;
don. to lib. vii.

Ruschenberger, Dr. W. S. W., re-
marks on binocular vision, 99; re-
signation from Committees, 324;
don. to mus. ii.

Samuel, David, don. to mus. iii.
Sauvalle, F. A., don. to mus. vi.
Say, Mrs. Lucy W., don. to lib. iv. v.
xi. xvi. xvii. xxi.
Scattergood, Theo., don. to mus. ii.
Schmidt, Dr. H. D., method of paint-
ing moist anatomical preparations,


Secretary, Recording, Report of, 572.
Seidel, Ludwig, don. to lib. v.
Semple, Dr., U. S. N., don. to mus. ii.

Short, J., don. to mus. iv.
Shumard, Dr. B. F., don. to lib. i. ii.
iii. xvi.

Simpson, Capt. J. H., Top. Eng., no-
tice of geological discoveries made

Society, Academique de Maine et Loire,
don. to lib. vi.

Society, American Antiquarian, don.
to lib. ii. x.

Society, American Geographical and
Statistical, don. to lib. xiii.

Society, American Philosophical, don.
to lib. i. x.

Society, Arts and Institutions in Union,
London, don. to lib. ii. xvii.
Society, Beforderung des Gartenbans,
Berlin, don. to lib. xii.
Society, Boston Natural History, don.
to lib. i. iii. iv. ix. xi. xiv. xviii.
Society, Chemical, of London, don. to
lib. xxi.

Society, Deutschen Geologischen, Ber-
lin, don. to lib. ii. vi. xviii. xix.
Society, Entomologique de France,
Paris, don. to lib. iv.

Society, Entomologischen, Berlin, don.
to lib. xii.

Society, Entomologischen zu Stettin,
don. to lib. vi.

Society, Freunde der Naturgeschichte

in Meklenburg, don. to lib. vi. xviii.
Society, fürstlich Jablonowskischen
zu Leipzig, don. to lib. vi.
Society, Geological, of Dublin, don. to
lib. viii.

Society, Geological, of London, don. to
lib. i. vii. xi. xvii.
Society, Historical, of Pennsylvania,
don. to lib. iii.

Society, Imperiale des Naturalistes de
Moscou, don. to lib. ii. xix.
Society, Imperiale des Sciences, &c.,
de Cherbourg, don. to lib. ix. xix.
Society, K. K. Zoologisch-botanischen,
Wien, don. to lib. xviii.

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