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WHAT is aunty talking about or saying to her sweet, smiling little niece?

How good and gracious God is! How much the Lord Jesus loves sinners, the biggest and the littlest! How exceedingly desirous he is that all should come to himaccept offered mercy through the shedding of his own precious blood!

Is not this beautiful? worthy the imitation of every aunty? The more little folks and great folks talk with Jesus and about Jesus, "the way, the truth, and the life," the more will they delight in it a great deal.

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THE Saviour, who died on Calvary, to save little folks as well as the big folks? Is little Mary in the audience? Young friends, do you know how lovingly the dear Saviourthe Lamb of God-welcomes little children to his happy fold? He numbers the lambs among his flock. "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God." Luke xviii. 16.

Dear children, now is the spring-time of your lives, be sure to plant choice seeds, which may burst forth in beauty, bloom, and bear "the peaceable fruits of righteousness." Jesus was as young as any of you, who " never did sin, neither was guile found in his mouth." He is the perfect example for all. Do you not wish, children, like Jesus, to go about doing good? He loves little children, and will never refuse to hear their cries.

"Then lift your little hands in prayer;

The Saviour bids you come;

Safe in his bosom he will bear

The lambs to his bright home."


See this little boy kneeling behind the tree!

A GENTLEMAN passing at the time saw his little hands clasped together, and his face upturned to heaven, evidently in earnest prayer, little thinking that any one was near. Listening attentively, he heard the dear little fellow, in a soft voice, half choked with sighs, say: "Dear Saviour, wash awuy her sins and save my dear mother."

As he rose from his knees the gentleman stepped forward, and taking his hand, asked him where he lived.

"I live down there in that small house," he said. "And where did you learn to pray, my dear?"

you ?"

"At the Sunday-school, where my teacher told me Jesus died for me, and that now He lives in heaven." "And do you love the Lord who died for "Oh yes! oh yes! indeed I do, and I so wish my dear mother loved Him too, for she is very ill and may soon die. I try all I can to make her, and I pray to God for her and father."

"And do you think He hears your prayers, and will really save your father and mother ?"

66 Oh yes, for my teacher tells me that God loves to hear



little children pray, and that whatever we ask in the name of Jesus, He is sure to give us."

Having said this, the little fellow added: "Now I must go; good-bye," drew away his hand, and smiling sweetly, ran off to his home.

About twelve months after this, the gentleman being again in the village, called to enquire after his little friend, and learned from his father, that both he and his mother were dead, and that his wife had found, ere she died, the forgiveness of sins through the words of her little boy. He said, too, that after his mother's death, he used to come to him and tell him all he learned at the Sunday-school, and that thus, through his son's means, he had also been led to believe in Jesus.

The poor father wept as he talked about his dear little boy, and as he wiped away his tears, said: "I am now just waiting to join him and my dear wife above, there to praise the blessed God, that taught us both to love Him through the infant lips of our child."

"Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings Thou hast perfected praise."-Matt. xxi. 16.

"O'er the head of listening children

Christ his sweetest blessings gave;
Little hands may aid his mission,
A dying world to save."

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He loves prayer-it's his soul's delight. He's at the mercy-seat 'ere the dawning light.

It was about five in the morning when he awoke, and began one of the hymns which he had learned from his mother's lips.

"Awake, my heart, awake and sing

The praise of God, who gives us all
Food, sleep, and every precious thing;

To God, thy Friend, direct thy call."

This he repeated aloud to himself. The maid, who was about to milk the cows, had heard him; and, touched by these lines, she entered the stable with the lantern in her hand, and wished the lad "good morning."

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