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hate me; and show mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.”—Ex. xx. 5, 6.

The command, "Be ye holy, for I am holy," is applicable to every little son and daughter of Adam's fallen race.

"If children thus earnestly seek him below,

They shall see him and hear him above,
In that beautiful place he has gone to prepare,
For all who are washed and forgiven;

And many dear children are gathering there,
For of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Save all the little folks, you save the world. Let the "little folks" grow up wicked, proud, disobedient, (as most of them are growing up ;) and the world becomes more and more wicked, an aceldama, a field of blood! as we now see it! Therefore lay the ax at the root. Begin where God begins.

God said to his ancient people, "Thou shalt teach these words which I command thee diligently unto thy children when thou liest down and when thou risest up." Lead the children directly to Jesus-rest not till you are sure they are in his arms. Never let go their hands till then.


One thing is certain-none educated in a home of cheerful, consistent, heart-felt piety, the love of Jesus, regenerated and sanctified, can ever afterward be led to despise the religion of the Bible.

A child trained from infancy's early dawnings "in the way he should go" till the age of maturity or the leaving the paternal roof, God says, " he will not depart from it."


Author of “LITTLE MARY IN A NUT-SHELL,” No. 303 West Twentieth Street, N. Y.


"A word spoken in season how good it is."-Pro. xv. 23.

"Open rebuke is better than secret love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful."-Pro. xxvii. 56.

"Let the righteous smite me: it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head: for yet my prayer also shali be in their calamities."-Psa. cxli. 5.

"To conquer is a glorious thing:

To dare in mind, in heart, in deed;
'Tis great, 'tis glorious to succeed!"

BELOVED in the chair editorial, you have friends, not a few, but, who among them all dearer, or more faithful than the one now addressing you? Who among your numerous friends say to you kindly, for mercy's sake "stop and think before you farther go ?" "A friend in need is a friend


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'He that rebuketh a man, afterwards shall find more favor than he that flattereth with the tongue." "Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins."-James v. 20.

For lack of timely outspoken, loving, God-fearing faithfulness in rebuking sin, we are perishing, dying the death! In brandishing the two-edged sword of God's truth against popular sins that cry aloud for vengeance, what are we in comparison with you if clothed in your right minds, sitting at the feet of the Lord Jesus? Yet, feeble as we are-

insignificant as we are-speak we must to be refreshed, for duty's sake, for Christ's sake.

"For right is right, since God is God,

And right the day must win;

To doubt would be disloyalty,

To falter would be sin."

Beloved editors and publishers, when you advertise and puff books and papers, what is it for-to please the Master? Can you, dare you put pen to paper in literary notices, till you know whether you are building the Lord's kingdom or Satan's? Only a short time since we said to a religious editor, "Friend, what could induce you to notice that vile sheet, made up more or less of lies?" 'Why," said he, smilingly, "it was a mere compliment, everybody puffs it!" Serve the devil by way of compliment, or because others serve him! Another very pious editor slaughters by wholesale. Some four or five beautiful volumes are placed on his table for puffing. He gravely and sanctifiedly tells the public, he is pressed with duty, and has no time for critical examination, but from the contents he presumes they must be worthy of commendation. Besides, other good editors have puffed them, and forthwith he draws his bow at a venture, takes a leap in the dark, sink or swim, kill or no kill, for the Lord or for the devil, he lets fly! Could Satan desire an agent more to his liking? Thus the leprosy spreads-takes deep root.

Some publications in the book and periodical form begin with lies, keep on steadily and increasingly with lies and lying, page after page, all through, boldly, unblushingly, devilishly, letting everybody see and know they are the devil's faithful servants. Others again, conceal the cloven



foot-the snake lies coiled unseen, everything outwardly appears beautiful and fair.

"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man ; but the end thereof are the ways of death."

"Far off, the road which leads to death

Looks beautiful and fair."

Satan's ways are moveable, thou canst not know them. Read along-by and by, what do you see, the serpent with forked tongue? Not long since we saw a new book from the "American Tract Society," puffed here, puffed there, by religious editors, not excepting the "Female Guardian." Surely, thought we, this must be a valuable keepsake: we ventured to purchase several copies. What now? Satan in the beginning? No. Where then? in the middle? There the viper was sure! Oh! oh! what a devil! what a devil! His infernal nose is getting into every dish! Embrace him, clasp him to the bosom, who don't? what religious editor, novel writer, puffer and seller does not take stock in this lucrative business?

Look at the trash, heaps on heaps, the silliest of the silly, the foolishest of the foolish, the devilishest of the devilish, termed "gift books, Christmas or holiday presents for children," sent forth from religious book stores, advertised and puffed by religious editors! What a curse, what a curse! Is it a wonder that so many of our dear youth are lovers of pleasure-baptized infidels? sons and daughters of Belial? To advertise and puff these imps of Satan, placed on your tables by pious booksellers, what but serving the devil is it? What else, friends? Ashamed of it?

Not a blush is on your cheeks. You bow the knee to Baal with heart-felt complacency, with as good grace and digni

fied composure, as you sit down to a luxurious repast, brazen-facedly! "Such is the way of an adulterous woman: She eateth and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness."-Prov. xxx. 20.

Sick at heart, on opening your weekly and monthly issues, and beholding your abominable time-serving, popularity-seeking, catering to a corrupt public taste; your receiving honor of men, while casting behind you the honor that cometh from God only! puffing meanwhile the very bubblings and scum of the pit, the rottenest of the rotten, the quintescence of hell-how otherwise than sick even to vomiting! Not only sick, but we fear greatly. We open your linsey-woolsy sheets tremblingly, lest venomous, hissing serpents, not a few with forked tongues and heads uplifted, run here, run there, biting or stinging to death, little folks and big folks, up stairs and down. Frequently we are constrained for mercy's sake, the safety of our family, little ones and great ones, to scream out piercingly: "Beware of the snakes, the coiled serpents! run! flee! escape for your life!"


These last mentioned, advertised and puffed by pious editors (snakes in the grass), are Satan's transformations,

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