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LITTLE MARY pray? Go to the Lord for guidance, wisdom and grace? Supplicate a throne of mercy in faith, in the name of Jesus, for herself and for others? Assuredly, morning, noon and at even tide; sooner would she dispense with her regular meals-breakfast, dinner and supper. See her at it at early dawn, ere the sun streaks the east.

"Wake while yet the sparkling dewdrops

Gem each flower's tiny bell;

Kneel with calm and thankful spirit

Kneel and breathe thy morning prayer."


Little Mary at her Morning Walk. "Mid fruits and flowers-the singing of birds."

BEAUTIFUL! What more?

The lark is up to meet the sun,

The bee is on the wing;

The ant his labor has begun,

And groves with music ring.

The morning air adds brightness to the blood, freshness to life, and vigor to the whole frame. "The freshness of the lip is one of the surest signs of health." Would you be well, enjoy health, life, vigor of soul and body? have your heart dance joyfully like the April breeze, and your blood flowing like an April brook? Up with the lark! inhale the pure sweetness of early dawn!


"Wake while yet the sparkling dew-drops
Gem each flowret's tiny bell-
With the joyous woodland warblers,
Loud their grateful chorus swell-
Kneel with calm and thankful spirit,

Kneel and breathe thy morning prayer."

See, morever, little "Trip" is keeping sweet Mary company; taking the lead friskingly.

Rise early! Up betimes? Who questions it? Sleep? dozes away the precious golden season-the prime of day-when all nature is alive, and on the wing-the merry songsters,-the tuneful lark, the blue bird and robbin red breast. Wake, wake!-wake up, little sleepers-up and on your knees ere the sun streaks the


"Wake! for behold the rising light

Of morning gilds the sky!
Its glories call for thankful songs,

For action, prompt and high."

Prayer is called for-searching the Scriptures-the first thing. All the most eminently distinguished for elevated piety and usefulness have been early risers. The Lord Jesus, our great Exemplar, not only spent whole nights in prayer, but, also, "in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed." See Mark i. 25, and no doubt that this was his frequent custom. Mark, too, those who first visited the tomb of our blessed Lord. Who were they? what the hour of this visitatation? before the dawn, "while it was yet dark." Their souls were kindled, lighted up in a flame most holy.


WHAT IS GRANDPA DOING? Talking to these little girls about the way of salvation through the sufferings and death of bleeding Mercy!-the happy land where saints immortal reign! Is little Mary among the attentive listeners? Look and see. Millions on millions of the littlest of the little have been washed white in the atoning blood of the Lamb, and are now tuning their golden harps around the throne of God melodiously.

And one special object of grandpa is, doubtless, to enlist as many little folks and big folks as he possibly can on the side of the Lord Jesus. Happy meeting! Glorious won't it be when both grandpa and these little ones meet face to face in the kingdom above, where parting will be no more!

"Around the throne of God in heaven

Thousands of children stand,

Children whose sins are all forgiven,

A holy, happy band,

Singing glory, glory, glory."

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"He will feed his flock like a shepherd: he will gather the lambs with his arms, and carry them in his bosom."

How sweet it is, dear Mary, to be a little one whom Jesus loves, and how happy must those little ones be that know his love and prize it! How happy a thing it would be, if every little one were a lamb of the great and good Shepherd! And why should it not be so? Each one is invited to come to Jesus. If you would be happy, come to this great and loving Shepherd, who carries the lambs in his arms. Seek now your Saviour in the days of your childhood; you will then be happy for life and prepared for death. This would not be the mere delight of the moment, as your pleasures now are; it would be eternal happiness, eternal joy.

"The Shepherd sought his sheep,

The Father sought his child;
They followed me o'er vale and hill,

O'er deserts waste and wild."

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