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in vogue: a good many are composed of small, and a tablier on the skirt: the sleeves, rather fruits, as currants, grapes, &c., &c.; others, more than a three-quarter length, display the called à la paysanne, are of field flowers. The bouillonne of the muslin under-sleeves. Chapeau guirlande à la Romaine forms a bandeau of of a new white fancy material; the brim rather flowers. These guirlandes are very much ad- large, and very open, is quite round; the intemired; so also are the Fontanges, composed of rior is trimmed with tulle bouillonné and white velvet leaves veined with silver; they are worn brides, the exterior with two white fancy feathers with a bouquet of flowers on one side, and a placed in different directions. The pardessus is knot of ribbon with long ends, of the colour of a manteau à la Reine of crimson velvet, lined the leaves, and broché in silver, on the other. with white satin, and trimmed with silk galons This is the last novelty that has appeared. to correspond.


The spring colours are not yet quite decided, but it is believed that the light shades of rose, green, and blue, will be in favour; so also will lilac, light shades of yellow, and poussière. Neutral tints are expected to be most in request for the promenade.


corsage Pompadour, tight to the shape, deeply No. 3. EVENING DRESS.-Green satin robe; pointed, and moderately low; it is encircled by the short tight sleeve, descending to the ruffle, a single fall of broad black lace, which covers also of black lace, and looped in the Maintenon style at the bend of the arm: the skirt is a demitrain; it is covered nearly to the hips by three very deep black lace flounces, each headed by a

DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES. rouleau of green fancy silk. The hair arranged


PUBLIC PROMENADE DRESS.-Plaided silk robe; a plain high corsage fitting the shape closely, and encircled round the top with a Valenciennes lace ruche: long tight sleeves. White satin capote; a drawn shape, round and moderately open: the exterior of the brim is trimmed on each side with a gerbe of red exotics; the interior with small flowers of the same hue and white brides. Black satin pelisse hongroise; it is a half-length, and lined with black silk; the corsage fits the shape exactly; the skirt is of moderate width, round and square at bottom. The pelisse closes entirely down the front, and is trimmed in the Hungarian style, with silk buttons and braiding: the effect both of the form and trimming is highly advantageous to the shape; the sleeves are rather more than a half-length, and of an easy width except at the bottom, where they are rather wide; they are finished with cuffs à la mousquetaire, ornamented with buttons and braiding.

CARRIAGE DRESS.-Robe of blue gros d'Afrique; it is of that shade called bleu de France; the corsage is quite high, tight to the shape, and descends in a short rounded point: the corsage and skirt are decorated with an échelle of biais; they are set on with very little fulness, headed by routeaux, and ornamented at each end and in the centre by butterfly knots of ribbon; they form a stomacher on the corsage,

in twisted bands at the sides, and drawn up behind in tresses, is adorned with a bandeau of pearls ; it goes round the head, and, descending at the back, twines round the tresses in which the hind hair is arranged.

No. 4. BALL DRESS.-Grey lilac satin robe; corsage Louis XV., tight to the shape, not quite so deeply pointed as the one just described, low and round at the top, is ornamented with a round berthe of two falls of Mechlin lace, descending over the very short tight sleeve, so as only to show a little of the lace that covers it. A bouquet of three white marabouts, shaded with blue, droops in the centre of the berthe: the skirt is trimmed high with three rows of flounces; they are put two together at regular distances, and are looped in the drapery style with bouquets of marabouts. Head-dress of hair à la Sevigne, ornamented with a bouquet of marabouts placed far back on each side.

No. 5. BALL-DRESS FOR A YOUNG UNMARRIED LADY.-White crape robe over white taffeta; the corsage deeply pointed, moderately low, and square, is trimmed with a berthe of the same; it forms a small pelerine over the back and shoulders, completely covering the sleeve, but is arched and shallow in front: it is bordered with a wreath of moss roses and their foliage; the ends of the wreath form a bouquet in the centre of the breast. The hair is arranged in soft braids in front, and a round knot at the back; it is adorned with a wreath of small flowers and foliage, in which two roses are placed low at each side.


MORNING DRESS.-Robe of one of the new poussière figured silks; the corsage, made quite up to the throat, and close fitting, is trimmed with a lappel, forming a small pelerine round the back and shoulders; narrowing as it descends, it terminates at the waist, just above the short rounded point of the corsage; it is cut in deep sharp dents; they are bordered with two rows of flat fancy silk trimming to correspond. The sleeves a three-quarter length, easy till the turn of the elbow, but wide at the bottom, are finished to correspond. The trimming of the corsage and sleeves is surmounted by a rouleau. Three very deep flounces, each headed, and bordered en suite, decorate the skirt. Lace ruche round the throat; muslin under sleeves. Chapeau of blue poult de soie, the exterior embroidered. A small, moderately open brim, trimmed in the interior with blue flowers and brides. Lace collar; muslin under-sleeves. A demisaison pardessus should be worn with this dress for the promenade.

CARRIAGE DRESS.- Crimson satin robe, shaded with black; the corsage, half-high at the back, and very open on the bosom, descends a little in front at the bottom of the waist, and is bordered with a flat black silk trimming of rich open work, descending to the bottom of the corsage, and meeting a triple row of the same, which dividing at the waist, descends en tablier down the front of the skirt. The sleeves a halflength, rather wide at the bottom, and looped at the front of the arm, are finished with trimming to correspond. Embroidered muslin high chemisette, trimmed round the throat with a fall of lace. Muslin under-sleeves. Green velvet chapeau: the exterior trimmed with several rows of velvet puffs of a lighter shade, and a willow plume of a novel form on each side a row of puffs encircling the edge of the brim, and brides to correspond, complete the garniture. Embroidered muslin chemisette and undersleeves. The pardessus may be a velvet or satin mantelet or visite.


No. 3. HOME DRESS.-Emerald green gros de Naples robe; a high corsage, a little open on the bosom. Tight sleeves, a three-quarter length. Velvet cazaweck of the same colour; it is of the habit form, a falling collar, short lappels, a little open on the bosom. The basquines are short, and rounded in front. The garniture is black silk buttons and braiding. Cambric cuffs; white silk neck-knot. Pink satin capote, a drawn and rather close shape; the garniture is

composed of three tétes de plumes, placed low on each side, and brides-both correspond.

No. 4. SOCIAL PARTY DRESS.-Azure blue

taffeta robe; corsage Raphael, trimmed, as is also the front of the skirt, with knots of passementerie to correspond. Short mancherons over Venetian sleeves of spotted tulle. The hair, disposed in soft braids, is decorated with a small foundation of point de Alençon placed at the back of the head, rising above the summit of it, and surmounting at the sides a tuft of white roses, from which a gerbe of small flowers and foliage issues; floating lappels of green velvet ribbon complete the garniture.

No. 5. MORNING VISITING DRESS.-Shot spring silk robe; a high corsage, tight to the shape, and moderately pointed, is trimmed down the front, and also down the front of the skirt, with fancy silk ornaments to correspond. Tight sleeves, a three-quarter length, trimmed at the top with two rows of fringe, disposed so as to have the effect of mancherons. White poult de soie capote; a drawn shape, very open brim; the interior decorated with tulle, disposed in full hollow plaits, very low at the sides; a tuft of coques of narrow rose ribbon is placed on each side above the tulle; white brides complete the garniture. Lace collar; tulle de Bruxelles under-sleeves. A cashmere shawl, or one of a lighter kind, may be worn with this dress.

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