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privately, and insist on the punishment of the Prince and the others who abetted the Boxer movement as a preliminary to the peace negotiations. He fears that his mission will fail unless he can meet the foreign Ministers with an assurance that the guilty will be condignly punished.

Acting Consul-General Warren to the Marquess of Salisbury.— (Received September 14.)


Shanghae, August 7, 1900. I HAVE the honour to inclose translation of two Imperial Decrees of the 2nd August, communicated to me officially by his Excellency Shêng.

Both Decrees lay the blame for the present situation on the missionaries and their converts. The first Decree provides for the escort of the Ministers to Tien-tsin, and significantly alludes to the possibility of their being attacked en route. It also allows for messages en clair being transmitted on their behalf by the Tsung-li Yamên. In view of this I yesterday sent a message to Sir Claude MacDonald, to which a reply might come within five days.

The second Decree begins with a declaration of neutrality towards civilian foreigners, but commands a campaign of extermination against native converts, unless they are willing to throw in their lot with the Imperialist side. The Boxers are called "Patriots," and the acts of violence committed in their name are provided for in advance by the allusion to robbers and banditti pretending to be "Patriots."

These Decrees are considered by local Chinese to imply a certain degree of weakening in Prince Tuan's power in the capital. On the other hand, the reports-which appear to be quite authentic-of the execution of two Tsung-li Yamên Ministers, Hsu Ching Chiêng and Yuan Ch'ang, clearly show that whether Prince Tuan's individual authority has or has not decreased, the capital is in a state of indescribable confusion, in which the anti-foreign party is absolutely predominant, and which renders the situation of foreigners there most dangerous. I have, &c.,

The Marquess of Salisbury.


(Inclosure 1.)-Imperial Decree of August 2, 1900.


WHEREAS on account of the recent troubles in the capital between the populace and missionaries and their converts, war has broken out between China and the foreign Powers;

And whereas all the Ministers of foreign countries resident in

Peking should be protected; the Prince and Ministers of the Tsung-li Yamên have frequently addressed to them letters of encouragement and inquiry, pointing out that in view of the disorder prevailing in Peking full measures of protection were difficult to carry out, and the Tsung-li Yamên therefore suggested that they should proceed under escort to Tien-tsin, where they could retire for the time being and avoid all cause for alarm:

We accordingly command the Grand Secretary Yung Lu to select reliable military and civil officers of high rank to escort the Ministers to Tien-tsin with an armed guard. When the Ministers have fixed a date for leaving Peking they shall be escorted with every care en route, and any attack upon them by banditti shall be rigorously punished, while no pains shall be spared to render their journey safe.

Before leaving Peking, each Minister shall, if he desires, communicate with his Government en clair, and the message shall be transmitted by the Tsung-li Yamên without any delay.

The good feeling of the Throne towards the strangers from afar will thus be apparent.

(Inclosure 2.)-- Imperial Decree of August 2, 1900.


DURING the present outbreak of hostilities between China and the Powers, the foreign merchants, Missions, &c., throughout the Empire must be considered as outside the sphere of hostilities. All Viceroys and Governors have, therefore, already been commanded to protect them as usual, and now that our troops are massing round Peking, all general officers marching with their forces towards the capital shall also respect this command, and make arrangements for the protection of all foreign merchants and missionaries, in order to assist the Throne in demonstrating its kindly feeling towards the strangers from afar.

With regard to native converts, these are also children of our State and of the same origin as ourselves; but since the troubles began between the "Ch'üan" (Boxers) and the Christians, the converts in many places have taken up defensive positions in their villages, intrenching themselves and throwing up earthworks to resist the Imperial troops. Such people as these are acting as rebels, and must absolutely be exterminated. However, if they repent, in fear of the punishment due to them, and adopt a new line of conduct, the net of destruction may be opened, and they may be allowed to escape.

Recently the General Sung Ch'ing reported that the converts at


Ta Po Tien, in the Pao-ch'i district, when exhorted by him, all expressed their willingness to cast aside their weapons and destroy their fortifications. They then scattered and returned to their villages. It is therefore evident that these converts are not all of their own free will banditti and robbers. In all cases where converts express their willingness to surrender in the above manner, we hereby command all military and local authorities to act in the same way towards them, and not to put them to death indiscriminately. But all cases of robbers and banditti pretending to be patriots, and wreaking their vengeance on the converts, must be investigated and dealt with according to their circumstances, in order that disorder may be put a stop to.

Obey this.

Acting Consul-General Warren to the Marquess of Salisbury.— (Received September 14.)


Shanghae, August 7, 1900.

I HAD the honour to telegraph to you yesterday that the Governor of Chekiang admitted the murder of five British subjects at Ch'ü Chou.

These are the missionaries referred in my telegram of the 28th July, and it would appear that the four who were supposed to have left Chang Shan for Ch'ü Chou decided to remain at their posts, and are, it is to be hoped, still unharmed.

The Governor expresses the deepest regret at the sad occurrence, and has degraded the Prefect, Taotai, and General of the place for their negligence. Unfortunate as these repeated massacres of isolated missionaries are, they are not, as far as I can judge, due to any remissness on the part of the officials in these parts, all of whom are endeavouring to the utmost of their power to preserve peace and order.

I inclose copy of Mr. King's despatch of the 6th August reporting on the case.

I have just ascertained that the names of the murdered persons are Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Thompson, Miss Sherwood, Miss Manchester, and Miss J. E. Desmond.

I have, &c.,

The Marquess of Salisbury.


* About 60 miles east of Peking.-TRANSLATOR.


(Inclosure.) Consui King to Acting Consul-General Warren.

Hangchow, August 6, 1900. WITH reference to my letter of the 31st ultimo and my telegram of yesterday I have the honour to inform yout hat I am in receipt of a communication from the Governor to the following effect:

His Excellency states that five foreigners were killed at Ch'ü Chou, but does not mention on what date.

With regard to the others who were reported to have been killed while passing through Ch'ü Chou in their flight from Ch'ang Shan or elsewhere, he says no trace can be found, but that search is being made for them.

His Excellency adds that the Chên T'ai, Taotai, and Chih Fu of Ch'ü Chou are to be deprived of their posts for maladministration, and that all officials not discharging their duties properly and with due zeal will be punished.

He states, in conclusion, that he has requested the Viceroy at Nanking to inform the Chinese Minister in London and also the Consular Body at Shanghae of the foregoing, and expresses more than once his deep and sincere regret at what has occurred.

P. L. Warren, Esq.

I have, &c.,


Acting Consui-General Warren to the Marquess of Salisbury(Received September 11.)


Shanghae, September 11, 1900. ACCORDING to the Report of the China Inland Mission, 23 missionaries (including females) have been killed in Shansi, 11 in Chekiang, and 4 in Chibli, making a total of 38; 73 persons are missing in Shansi, of whom 63 are British. No news of them has been received since end of June, and there is but little hope for their safety.

The Marquess of Salisbury to Sir E. Monson."

(Telegraphic.) Foreign Office, September 14, 1900. A COMMUNICATION has been made by the Russian Government respecting their intentions, of which the following is a summary.

It had been their first object to protect Russian Legation and nationals in Peking, their second to assist the Chinese Government to restore order.

* Also to Lord Currie, Sir F. Lascelles, Sir H. Rumbold, Sir C. Scott, and Lord Pauncefote.

The Russian Government adhere to the principles communicated to you in my telegram of the 20th July.

Russia has been forced to occupy Newchwang and send troops to Manchuria by the progress of events, such as the attack on Russian troops at Newchwang and the hostilities of Chinese along the Russian frontier, including the bombardment of Blagovestchensk.

Russia will withdraw from Chinese territory when the pacification of Manchuria is attained and the security of the railroad assured, provided such action does not meet with obstacles caused by the proceedings of other Powers.

The inviolability of the rights of foreign States and international Companies in Newchwang and in the railways repaired by Russian troops is to be maintained.

The first object had been effected by the rescue of the Legations.

The departure from Peking of the Emperor, Empress-Regent, and Tsung-li Yamên, to whom Minister is accredited, had temporarily hindered the second object.

It is therefore proposed by the Russian Government to withdraw to Tien-tsin their Minister, his staff, and the Russian troops.

Russia will, in concert with other States, appoint Representatives to negotiate, when the legitimate Chinese Government resume power and nominate Plenipotentiaries.

Consul Carles to the Marquess of Salisbury.—(Received September 27 ) Tien-tsin, July 31, 1900.


I HAVE the honour to inclose translation of an Imperial Edict of the 18th instant, enjoining protection of the Legations in Peking, and of foreigners generally throughout the provinces.

Provision is also to be made for losses incurred by foreigners, through proceedings which were not acts of war.

The high authorities are at the same time instructed to put down the pillaging, murdering, and maltreatment of law-abiding people, which has taken place at the hands of brigands and rebels.

With reference to the last paragraph, the information which has reached me within the last few days is to the effect that the Boxers, who were disheartened for a time by the capture of Tientsin, by the allied forces, and through the loss of some of their leaders, are now mustering in great force in villages and towns 20 miles to the west of Tien-tsin, and also in places lying a few miles off the high road to Peking.

The Marquess of Salisbury.

I have, C.,


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