Imágenes de páginas

The cradle was made by Nokomis.

Of the linden-tree she made it.

The cradle was bedded soft.

Nokomis bedded it with moss and


The cradle was safely bound.

Nokomis bound it with sinews of

the reindeer.

The reindeer


It was dark in the wigwam.
Hiawatha was in his cradle.

The little boy was fretful.
His grandmother nursed him.

She stilled his fretful wail by

saying, “Hush!”

Hiawatha was in his cradle.

[graphic][merged small]

Hiawatha rocked in his cradle.

He was in the wigwam of his


It was dark and he was fretful.
Nokomis stilled his fretful wail.
She rocked his cradle, saying,
"Hush! the Bear will hear thee!

Hush the Naked Bear will hear


Old Nokomis was in the wigwam. She was singing of the forest.

She said the bear lived there. She called him the Naked Bear. The little Hiawatha was fretful. She lulled him into slumber.

"Hush!" said Nokomis, "the Bear will hear thee!"

[merged small][graphic]

Nokomis was old. She was old and wrinkled. Shenursed

the little Hiawatha.

There was a cradle in the wigwam. Nokomis made it. She made it of linden. It was the little Hiawatha's cradle.

Hiawatha's cradle was soft.

Nokomis bedded it with rushes and moss. It was bound with reindeer sinews.

The wrinkled old Nokomis rocked Hiawatha. She lulled him into slumber.

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