Imágenes de páginas
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Visit of the Secretary of State. Instructs him to in- 1241
form the Government of Panama that the Secre-
tary will arrive Feb. 27 and proceed to Costa Rica,
Feb. 29.

Same subject. Transmits an expression by the
Government of Panama of its pleasure in the
prospective visit of the Secretary.

Same subject. Address of welcome by the Governor

of Colon.

Same subject.
Same subject.

Speech in reply.

Speech by the Minister for Foreign
Affairs at a dinner given to Mr. Knox.
Same subject. Speech in reply..

Same subject. An account of the Secretary's visit
in Panama.

Railway concessions. The Dziuk concession has
been revoked.

Same subject. Enlarges upon his telegram of Mar 5.
Visit of the Secretary of State. Incloses a note of
thanks sent by him to the Minister for Foreign
Affairs for the reception tendered to Mr. Knox, and
the response of the Minister.
Railway concessions. Incloses a note from the Min-
ister for Foreign Affairs regarding the projected
section of the Panama-David road.
Reinstatement of police officers. The Panaman
Government has dismissed the officers objected
to; incloses note from the Minister for Foreign Af-
fairs to that effect.

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ing the matter mentioned in his No. 96.
Reinstatement of police officers. Acknowledges his
No. 97; the Department is gratified at the rectifi-
cation of the error and the expressions of the For-
eign Office in its note.

Apr. 8 Railway concessions. Informs him of the forina-
tion of a board to investigate Panama railroad
projects, of which the Minister is made a member;
instructs him how to proceed.


Same to same..

Apr. 15

Wireless telegraph. Incloses a memorandum by the Solicitor of the Department dated Apr. 4, 1912, considering the subject of the establishment of wireless telegraph stations in Panama from the point of view of the rights given to the United States by the treaty of 1903; in the Solicitor's opinion those rights make it unnecessary to enter into negotiations with Panama for acquirement of authority to establish such stations; this opinion is fortified by numerous citations of decisions and other authorities.

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Same subject. Incloses the Solicitor's memoran

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dum of Apr. 4; inquires whether it is the Navy
Department's desire that this Department now
proceed to notify the Government of Panama of
the purpose of the United States to acquire sites
for wireless stations in accordance with the rights
granted by treaty.

Same subject. Replies to his Apr. 15; he will re-
quest this Department to acquire the sites men-
tioned after concluding certain tests now being

Same subject. Reiterates his objection to the Na-
tional Theater installation by the Government of
Panama and requests that the Minister be in-
structed to use his influence against the erection of
any radio stations in Panama except those of the
Navy Department.



















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Mr. Wilson to Mr. Dodge May 9 (telegram).

Same subject. Instructs him to learn whether the
presidential candidates, Porras and Díaz, favor
American supervision of registration of voters and
of the elections. Inquires whether he, Colonel
Goethals, and Colonel Fletcher could act as a com-
mittee for that purpose.

Mr. Dodge to Mr. Knox ( Same subject. Representatives of Porras and Díaz

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declare in writing that both parties and their
leaders desire American supervision.

Same subject. Informs him of the political situation
in Panama, the desire of the Government and both
parties for American supervision of the approach-
ing elections; recalls precedents therefor: incloses
request therefor by the Minister of Panama; rec-
ommends such supervision.

Same subject. Acknowledges his May 6 (included
in letter to Mr. Taft).

Same subject. Directs him to instruct the American
Minister that he, as chairman, and Colonel Goethals
and Colonel Greene are to act as a committee to
supervise registrations and elections in Panama.
Wireless telegraph. Incloses an instruction to the
Minister dated May 13.

Same subject. Incloses letter from the Secretary of
the Navy dated Apr. 22; instructs him, guided by
the Solicitor's memorandum of Apr. 4, to use his
influence against the erection of any radio stations
in Panama except those of the Navy Department.
Election supervision. Informs him of the action
directed by the President to be taken.
Same subject. The President has decided to have
this Government supervise the elections and has
appointed Mr. Dodge, Colonel Goethals, and Col-
onel Greene to conduct the supervision. Instructs
him so to inform the Government of l'anama.
Railway concessions. Incloses report of the board
and copy of the contract.













May 14

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Mr. Arias to Mr. Wilson..... May 16
Mr. Dodge to Mr. Knox..... May 20
Mr. Knox to Mr. Dodge (tel- May 31

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Railway concessions. The Department desires the
omission from the contract transmitted in his No.
128 of certain portions relating to renunciation of
diplomatic remedy for disagreements between the
parties, and to hypothecation of the $250,000 an-

Election supervision. Reports request of Mr. Chiari,
Minister for Foreign Affairs, to extend American
supervision to control of the police. Refers the
måtter to the committee.

Same subject. Reports intimidation of the Porras
partisans by the police. The committee favor
Mr. Chiari's request that they extend their super-
vision to the police.

Same subject. Recommends extending committee's
supervision to the municipal elections, and re-
quests instructions.




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Same subject. This Government consents to the
request concerning municipal elections.
Wireless telegraph. Refers to instruction No. 51 of
May 13, with which he is complying. The National
Theater installation was not, he believes, an inten-
tional breach of agreement by Panama. Recom-
mends purchase of this plant by the United States.
Election supervision. Reports steps taken to stop
police interference with the committee's work.
Same subject. Requests authority to call upon the
Tenth Infantry and the Marines in case of need.
Same subject. Reports proceedings of the commit-
tee and incloses instructions to supervisors of vot-







Mr. Knox to Mr. Dodge June 28 (telegram).

Same subject. Reports irregularities by Porras
party complained of by the Minister of Panama;
also his complaint that Mr. Dodge has suppressed
a letter from the President thanking Presi tent
Arosemena for his congratulations on renomina-
tion. Instructs him that if it will not affect the
elections he may make the letter public.

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Same subject. Replies to his request for authority
to call on the Tenth Infantry and the Marines.
The request is granted.
Wireless telegraph. Incloses the Minister's No. 148
and requests the Navy Department's comments.
Election supervision. Replies to Departments
June 28, 1 p. m. All complaints might be brought
before the committee. The committee did not
suppress the congratulatory letter, but objected
to the manner of its publication. The Govern-
ment is endeavoring to obstruct the committee's

Same subject. The elections are being conducted
satisfactorily. Porras undoubtedly elected.
Same subject. Comment on the election-day hap-
penings. Diaz partisans refused to vote in some
districts, charging fraud. They did not expect the
committee's supervision to be effective and are
bitter over its thorough supervision.
Wireless telegraph. Refers to his June 29, and re-
iterates his Department's opinion concerning
erection of radio stations by private individuals
or by the Government of Panama. The Navy
Department is ready to purchase the National
Theater radio apparatus.
Election supervision. The Diaz partisans request
the President to postpone the next elections so
they can present charges of fraud. The President
has referred the matter to the committee.
Assault upon American citizens. One American
civilian killed, others wounded, also United States
unarmed soldiers, by police in unprovoked attack
upon American citizens.









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8 Election supervision. Describes methods of the
Government to prevent the execution of the com-
mittee's instructions; demands made by the com-
mittee. Proposal made by Unión Patriótica to
place police, finances, and electoral reforms in
charge of the United States.



essary to fair elections to request Panaman Gov-
ernment to order immediate deposit of all arms of
police under guard of supervisors.


Same to same (telegram).... July 9 Same subject. Supervisory committee thinks it nec

Same to same (telegram) Assault on American citizens. Confirms his July 4;

Mr. Knox to Mr. Dodge..... July 10

Same to same (telegram).... July 11

Mr. Dodge to Mr. Knox July 13 (telegram).

Same to same (telegram).... July 16

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recommends that Government of Panama be re-
quested to suspend Chief of Police Quijano and
Inspector General of Police de la Ossa, the officers
for the attack.

Wireless telegraph. Instructs him to say to the
Foreign Office that the Navy Department will
buy the National Theater apparatus.
Election supervision. Refers to his July 9; this
Government will not be a party to postponing
elections; intends to stand by the committee and
see that fair elections are held. Instructs him so
to inform the Government.
Same subject. Refers to his July 9; committee has
informed the Foreign Office of its intention to exe-
cute the instructions it has received. Diaz leaders
advise their partisans not to vote.
Same subject. Reports satisfactory elections in
most districts; where there are disorders protests
have been made to the Government.
Same subject. Refers to his No. 154 and reports re-
ply of the Foreign Office to the demands made by
the committee; it is so unsatisfactory that the com-
mittee has decided to make no further representa-
tions to the Government, but to act on the author-
ity already granted it. Summarizes further corre-
spondence with the Unión Patriótica regarding
postponement of elections; refers to manifesto
withdrawing candidacy of Diaz and charging the
committee with fraud. Comments on the elec-
tion laws and on the election.
Same subject. Further comment on the clections.
Dr. Porras will be inaugurated Oct. 1, 1912. The
committee's accounts will be audited and sent to
the Department.







Same to same (telegram).... Aug. 3

Same subject. The electoral assemblies unan-
imously elected Dr. Porras to be President of
Panama on Aug. 2, 1912.


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179 Same to same..


1912. Aug. 7

Same to same (telegram).... Aug. 20

Same to same (telegram).... Aug. 21

Wireless telegraph. He has complied with the in-
struction No. 61 regarding the National theater
apparatus. Major Butler, U. S. M. C., will re-
port against erecting the apparatus in l'anaman
territory: the Minister concurs.

Railway concessions. Refers to Department's tele-
gram of May 31. The present administration, hav-
ing only five weeks more in office, is in lined to de-
fer con lusion of the railroad contract to the new

Same subject. The Minister is informed of a sub-
stitution in the contract of the $5,000,000 on de-
posit in New York for the $250,000 annuity, said
to have been made with the consent of the De-

Mr. Adee to Mr. Dodge (tel- Aug. 22 Same subject. Instructs him to inform the Foreign

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Office that the substitution in the contract, men-
tioned in Mr. Dodge's telegrams of Aug. 20 and 21,
was not made with the knowledge or consent of
the department.

Wireless telegraph. Incloses the Minister's Aug. 7..
Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 179 of Aug. 7,
which he has forwarded to the Navy Department.
Assault on American citizens. Instructs him imme-
diately to make demand for removal of Quijano
and de la Ossa.

Railway concessions. He has complied with the
instruction of Aug. 22 and incloses copy of the
correspondence on the subject with the Foreign

Assault on American citizens. His note in pursu-
ance of instructions of Aug. 22, delivered Aug. 23.
Quijano hurriedly left the country the same day.
Same subject. The note of the Foreign Office in
response to the Minister's note of Aug. 23 is argu-
mentative and dilatory.

Wireless telegraph. Acknowledges his Aug. 22;
agrees with the Minister's recommendation that
the National Theater apparatus should not be
operated upon Panaman territory.

Assault on American citizens. Instructs him to
repeat his demand for the immediate removal of
the responsible officers and for the proper reorgani-
zation of the police force.

Same subject. Incloses his note of Aug. 31 to the
Foreign Office in pursuance of the instructions of
Aug. 30, and reply of the Foreign Office of Sept. 2,
saying that de la Ossa had been separated from
the captaincy of the police.
Railway commission. Refers to his No. 194 and
gives further reasons for the postponement by the
Panaman Government of action on the contract.
Assault upon American citizens. Refers to his 201;
police transfers and resignations are making it diffi-
cult to secure evidence.

Same subject. Mr. Dodge's action is approved.
Same subject. Instructs him to insist on immediate
and adequate punishment of those criminally liable
for the attack on American citizens; on an indem-
nity for killing and wounding American citizens;
and on a formal expression of regret by the Gov-
ernment of Panama for the affair, unless its charac-
ter be hereafter discovered materially changed by
the facts.

Same subject. The response of the Foreign Office to
his note based on the instructions of Sept. 24 is
argumentative and unsatisfactory; summary
given; it is dated on the last day of the Arosemena
administration; accompanying it is a bulky book
of testimony; the Minister inquires concerning
translation thereof.

Inauguration of President Porras. Congratulates
him upon his inauguration.

Same subject. Notifies him of the inauguration...
Same subject. Notifies him of the inauguration..
Assault upon American citizens. Instruction to
translate the testimony at the Legation.
Wireless telegraph. Asks if it will be agreeable to
his Government to receive payment through the
Consul General of Panama at New York, for the
National Theater radio apparatus.





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Inauguration of President Porras. Transmits the autograph letter of President Porras to the President announcing his inauguration. Assault on American citizens. The Government is not expediting the search for the guilty policemen; incloses copy of his note in that connection. Inauguration of President Porras. Acknowledges his letter of Oct. 14.

Assault upon American citizens. Refers to his 238 of Oct. 28 and incloses note of Foreign Oflice declaring the sincere determination of the Government to identify and punish the guilty policemen. Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 238 and approves his action. Inauguration of President Porras. Transmits the President's letter in reply to President Porras. Assault upon American citizens. The Government requests copy of the testimony secured by the Legation, to assist it in placing the blame upon men higher up in the former administration. Requests instructions.

Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 240. Wireless telegraph. Refers to his No. 16 of Oct. 12; assures him that the Government of Panama has no objection to the method of payment he mentions. Assault upon American citizens. Acknowledges Mr. Andrews's No. 249; instructs him to confer with the officials of the Canal Zone with reference to furnishing the Government of Panama with the collected testimony.









1260 1240


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Same subject. Amplifies the telegram of Nov. 23.... Same subject. Paraguayan Government charges Argentine's support of revolution; Brazil and Uruguay in sympathy with the Government. Same subject. At request of the Diplomatic Corps the Argentine and Brazilian naval commanders at Asuncion have forbidden revolutionist war vessels to shell the city.

Same subject. Incloses statement showing presidential succession in Paraguay from 1870 to the present.

Same subject. Isasi is succeeded by Irala in the Foreign Office. Brazil and Argentina both strengthen their fleets. Brazil for, Argentina against the Government.

Same subject. The Government overthrown Jan. 14; President Rojas and others arrested. Same subject. Peña succeeds Rojas as Provisional President: personnel of new cabinet given. Quotes note from Minister of Foreign Relations to the Legation. Comment on the situation.








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