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I teftified to N-much aftonishment that a man so reflect ing as M. Degelmann fhould fuffer himfelf to announce for "paltry a declaration."

Report of the Council of Five Hundred, on the 29th Brumaire, (November 19.)

THE report yesterday prefented by Daunou, on the mode of renewing a third of the convention, and on the mode of diftributing the new deputies named by the departments, is a fpecimen of wifdom, impartiality, and the moft deliberate reflections. He fpoke upwards of two hours, and prefented a number of confiderations appropriate to the subject, but which it is impoflible to give in detail. The firft queftion he confidered was, whether, on the principle of the decree which unites Belgium to France, the nine departments who took no share in the laft election, ought, on the ift of Germinal, to name the whole number of deputies whom they are authorised to chufe in confequence of the extent of their population? He referred to the conftitution, which determines that the legislative body fhall be renewed one-third every year; in confequence 250 members go out on the 1ft of Germinal; if ci-devant Belgium fhould appoint the whole number of deputies in proportion to its population, it would fend 22; the number of members to quit the legislative body would in that cafe amount to 272 instead of 250, and the number of thofe renewed would exceed the third ftipulated by the conftitution. The reporter admitted that the department united 10 the Republic, from the moment of union, acquired an incon teftible right to concur in the formation of the legislative body; but the union of Belgium is pofterior to the convocation of the laft electoral affemblies; the right of appointment could only apply to what had not yet been determined, and not to what had already been afcertained.

Extract of the Procefs Verbal of the Sitting of the 10th Frimaire, (November 30,) Official.

THE HE Executive Directory admitted into the hall of its fittings the Prince of Belmonte Pignatelli, minifter plenipotentiary of the King of the Two Sicilies. He made the following fpeech:. "The King, my mafter, orders me, Citizen Directors, to confirm to you his fentiments of fincere friendship and high con deration for the French Republic. The treaty we have juft concluded will tranfmit them folemnly to pofterity. Fulfilling

this honourable tafk, and fulfilling it towards you, whofe moderation and wisdom are perfonally known to me, my mind looks joyfully forward, and forms the happiest prefages for the general peace of Europe. May this peace foon reconcile folidly the grand interefts of nations, and crown the wishes of humanity!"

The Prefident, Barras, made the following anfwer:

"Monfeigneur, the minifter plenipotentiary of the King of the Two Sicilies, the Executive Directory has heard with fatisfaction the affectionate fentiments you teftify to it on the part of the King of the Two Sicilies. Affure him, Monfeigneur the ambalfador, of a fincere friendship and attachinent. This promife is inviolable; it is founded on fincerity, the first of republican virtues. Up to this time the victories of the French nation have attracted all the attention of aftonished Europe. The Republic is known by its laurels and its triumphs only. In peace it will be ftill admired by the conftancy of its friendship, and its fidelity in the execution of treaties.

"The Executive Directory invites, by its wishes, that day of peace, that delightful day, when all the hoftile governments, after the example of the King of the Two Sicilies, abjuring their horrid fyftem, will at length confent to extinguifh the blood-gored torches of difcord: and thefe wifhes will be crowned, if all the minifters charged to bring about this general peace, bring into this honourable miffion the fentiments and the zeal you have employed in re-establishing a good understanding between the two nations."

Copy of the Letter from the Chancellor of the Exchequer to the Lord Mayor.


Downing-Street, 1ft December. ITAKE the liberty of tranfmitting to your lordship a copy of a letter which I have thought it my duty to write to the governor and deputy governor of the bank, and of the memorandum therein referred to, which it is their intention to lay before a court of proprietors this day. I have the fatisfaction of thinking that the plan therein suggested is likely to receive the greatest countenance from many great mercantile bodies and refpectable houses in the metropolis.

The repeated proofs which the citizens of London have given of their zeal and public fpirit, leave me no doubt, that, if it appears likely to promote the interefts of the country at this important crifis, it will receive their chearful fupport in their individual capacity, as well as that of the corporate body, and of the different public companies. It is unneceflary for me to ftate


the effect which fuch an example would produce throughout the kingdom. With this view I would request your lordship, if you fee no impropriety in the meafure, to take as Speedily as poffible fuch fteps as you may think most adviseable for bringing the fubject under the confideration of the common council, and of the different public companies, and for afcertaining to what extent they may be inclined to contribute to the fuccefs of the plan, in the event of its receiving the approbation of parliament. I have the honour, &c.


Copy of the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Letter read at the Bank.

THAT under the prefent circumftances it feemed peculiarly neceffary that provifion fhould be made for the fervices of the enfuing year, without having recourfe to the accustomed way of railing money by a loan, at the prefent price of the funds. It was therefore in contemplation to propofe to parliament that onefourth of the income of individuals of a certain class should be applied to that purpose, to be repaid according to the terms fpecified in the inclofed memorandum. There were strong reafons to believe that many gentlemen would voluntarily fubfcribe a larger proportion than what might be required of them, but the extent of contribution greatly depended on the examples that might be given, particularly on that which might be held out by the bank of England. He therefore earnestly hoped that the court of directors of the governor and company of the bank of England, and the proprietors, impreffed with that zeal which they had always manifefted for the public good, and convinced of the importance of the prefent crifis, would be induced to take the lead in a measure fo highly conducive to the maintenance of public credit, and which would strongly tend to the acceleration of a permanent and honourable peace.


The following is the Propofition made by his Majefly the Emperor and King to the States of the Kingdom of Hungary in Diet affembled, at Prefburg.

HIS Majefty the Emperor and King doubts not that the states

of this kingdom are fufficiently convinced, by the contents of his letters patent, with what affiduous care he has made all the efforts which his folicitude dictated to him, to guard the different nations fubmitted to him, as well as his hereditary dominions,


and confequently the kingdom of Hungary, from the fury and the incurfions of the enemy. Never have dangers more immi nent threatened this kingdom than at the prefent epoch, when the French nation, having emigrated as it were from her dwellings, is feeking to prepare by an obftinate war, which it has undertaken four years ago, without any juft pretence, the deftruction of lawful governments, of the chriftian religion, and of all the nobility; and that with the defign of being enabled, after having obtained that end, to overwhelm the more easily the other claffes of fociety with their tyrannical yoke. That nation, formerly fo famed for the gentleness of her manners, furpaffes, at this moment, the most barbarous nations in cruelty, favage ferocity, and irreligion. We have before our eyes the most convincing proof of that barbarifm, both in fecing the French people themselves languifh under the preffure of the evils which they have prepared for themfelves, and in contemplating the ravages, the devaftations, committed upon the towns and villages of the Germanic territory, and the fad and deplorable fituation of fubjugated Italy.

In the mean time his Majefty has hitherto neglected nothing to check the audacity of that licentious enemy, and to comfort, as much as poffible, his faithful fubjects for the heavy burden of this difaftrous war. His Majefty has been fatisfied with the voluntary gifts of a great number of them, animated by the laudable example which the ftates had fet in the diet of 1792, furnished by their own accord; his Majefty fupplied himself with the exigencies of the royal treafure all the other expences of the war. All those free gifts, which fhewed the zeal for, and the real love of the country, were far from being fufficient to check the boldness of the enemy, who felt himself impelled to make efforts ftill more confiderable. However, his Majefty has never been difmayed, either by the iffue of battles, or by the inftability of affairs. He had an unfhaken confidence in the Hungarian nation, who, by their hereditary valour, had it always in their power to ward off all danger, and to force an enemy, who defpifes all divine rights, as well as thofe of humanity, to lay down arms, and to conclude a peace worthy of his Majefty's auguft houfe, and of his hereditary crown-a peace which that enemy has always haughtily refused.

His Majefty has not forgotten that it is folely owing to the bravery and loyalty of the Hungarian nation that the monarchy has been preferved, under the reign of his auguft grandmother, Maria Therefa, at the critical epoch of 1741; and on this account he has no doubt but the worthy defcendants of thofe fupporters of the throne will preferve the dignity of his illuftrious houfe with equal folicitude and energy, and refcue the country from the ruin with which it is menaced. It will be roufed again,


that ancient warlike fpirit which fhielded from fo many hoftile enterprizes the crowns of his Majefty's illuftrious ancestors; it will exceed, by new exploits, the great hopes of his Royal and Apoftolic Majefty, and the expectation of all Europe.

This is what his Majesty the Emperor and King wifhed to propofe and communicate to the ftates, farther requesting them to make the folę objects of their deliberations the means the most proper to ftrengthen at this moment the throne, the defence of the ancient conftitution of the kingdom, the protection of the Fights and privileges of the nobility, and the maintenance of holy religion, against the machinations of the enemy, which tend to the fubverfion of every conftitution and every worship; and that, in confequence, they take a refolution which fhall form another monument of the unthaken fame of fidelity towards the illuftrious houfe of Auftria, which their ancestors have acquired, and of that ardent love of the country and the conftitution, which they have equally inherited of their forefathers.

In other refpects his Majefty the Emperor and King is moft graciously pleafed to allure the estates of his royal grace and affection.

Refolution prefented to the Emperor by the States of Hungary, Anfwer to his Majesty's Propofitions.

THE propofition addreffed on the part of his Apoftolic Majefty to the ftates furnishes them a fresh proof of the confidence which his Majesty always repofed in the unshaken fidelity of his faithful Hungarian nation, in deigning to recolle& and confirm the bravery which their ancestors have always displayed in fupport of the august house of Auftria: his Majefty has given a farther teftimony of his paternal confidence, in reprefenting to the grandees and the ftates in diet affembled, the magnitude of the danger of the prefent war, in which a deftructive enemy threatens the hereditary kingdoms and provinces; the states, therefore, animated with the example of their ancestors, have refolved fully to realize the expectation not only of the hereditary dominions, but of all Europe. The ftates, wishing to follow the footsteps of their ancestors, will neglect no means in their power to avert all future danger, and to compel the enemy to make a peace suitable to the dignity of his Majesty, and to the honour of the nation.

It is very flattering to the states that his Majesty deigned not to question the devotion and the fidelity of which they have not long ago given affurances at the foot of the throne, when they made oath to facrifice their blood and their lives for his Majesty and the


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