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From the LONDON GAZETTE, July 2.

Admiralty Office, July 2, 1796.

Copy of a Letter from Vice Admiral Onflow, commanding his Majefty's Ships and Veffels at Plymouth, to Mr. Nepean, dated June 30, 1796. HEREWITH I have the pleasure to inclofe a letter from Captain Tomlinfon, of his Majefty's floop La Suffifante, containing particulars of his fuccefs in capturing the Morgan French privateer, and recapturing the fix English merchant ships named in the inclosed lift, that had been taken by her, and which you will be pleafed to lay before my Lords Commiffioners of the Admiralty.

So complete a piece of fervice, performed by a veffel of fuch fmail force as the Suffifante, I am perfuaded their Lordships will admit, re flects great credit on Captain Tomlinfon, his officers, and men.

SIR, La Suffifante, Plymouth, June 30, 1796. I BEG leave to acquaint you, that his Majefty's floop La Suffifante, under my command, has retaken two English merchant fhips, on the 27th inft. near the Ifle de Bas (from Oporto, loaded with wine.) I gained intelligence from the prisoners, that the French privateer which they belonged to, carried fixteen guns and ten fwivels; and that on the preceding day fhe was to the northward of Scilly, in chace of feveral English veffels: I therefore immediately dispatched the prizes, with orders to go to Plymouth, and stood in for the French coaft, between Ufhant and the Ifle de Bas, in hopes of meeting her on her return, or any other prizes that the fhould fend into Morlaix or Breft.

On the following morning I had the good fortune to discover the above mentioned privateer, and four loaded merchant fhips, (her prizes) standing towards us; and, as I fetched within gun-fhot of the privateer, we gave her feveral broadfides as we paffed on oppofite tacks; and, on our putting about to follow her, fhe made the fignal for her prizes to difperfe. They were then about feven miles from u to the N. W.

At one P. M. we fetched very near her lee quarter, and opened a well-directed fire of mufquetry upon them from forward," which obliged them to ftrike before we could get alongfide to bring cur great guns to bear upon her.

As the greatest dispatch was neceffary to enable us to overtake the prizes, which were endeavouring to escape by steering on different directions, I ordered Lieutenant Pickford to take command of the privateer, to fend the French captain and officers on board the Suffifante immediately, and then to make fail and affift me in taking the merchant fhips, which fervice was performed very much to my fatisfaction, he having taken two of them, one of which I had not the leaft hopes of his being able to come up with, as fhe was very far to the windward.

To the fpirited and active behaviour of the officers and crew of the Suffifante, I confider myself in a great measure indebted for our fuc cefs, which is as complete as I could wish it to be, for, exclufive of


the privateer, which is a fine copper-bottomed brig, capable of doing much mischief, we have likewife retaken fix valuable English merchant ships, which are all that she had captured.

Inclofed, I have the honour to transmit you a list of the prizes, and their cargoes, and am,

Sir, &c.


To Vice-Admiral Onflow,

Commander in Chief at Plymouth.

Lift of Vessels retaken by the Suffifante, Nicholas Tomlinson, Esq. Com mander, on the 27th and 28th of June, 1796.

Draper, burthen 200 tons, of Dublin, from Oporto, bound to Dublin, laden with 400 pipes of wine, and 11 bales of cotton.

Brothers, burthen 180 tons, of Liverpool, from Oporto, bound to Liverpool, laden with 350 pipes and 30 hogfheads of wine, and 72 bales of cotton.

Mary Ann, burthen 170 tons, of Dublin, from Oporto, bound to Dublin, laden with 272 pipes of wine, 11 bags of cotton, and 5 casks of vinegar.

Ann, burthen 170 tons, of Dublin, from Oporto, bound to Dublin, laden with 303 pipes of wine, 15 boxes, and 20 balkets of le


Vine, burthen 110 tons, of Lancaster, from Oporto, bound to Lancafter, laden with 108 pipes and four hogfheads of wine, 175 bags of cotton, three tons and a half of cork, lemons, &c.

Eliza, burthen 160 tons, of Dublin, from London, bound to Dub Jiu, laden with 250 chefts of tea, 250 barrels of porter, a quantity of fteel, and other dry goods.




Parliament-fireet, July 4, 1796.

DISPATCHES, of which the following are copies, have been received from Lieutenant-general Sir Ralph Abercromby, K. B. by the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, one of his Majefty's principal fecretaries of ftate.


St. Lucia, May 22, 1796. IN addition to my letter of the 2d of May, I have the honour to acquaint you that Major-general Whyte has returned from Berbice, which colony accepted of the terms offered to Demerary, and is now in our quiet poffeffion.

I am, &c.

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St. Lucia, May 22, 1796.

SIR, IN my letter of the 4th of May, I had the honour to acquaint you of the unsuccessful attack on the enemy's batteries on the side of the Grand ¡Cul de Sac; and as it had been previously determined that the principal attack on the enemy's works fhould be made on the north fide of Morne Fortune by the Ridge of Duchaffeaux, every exertion was made to complete the road for erecting the neceffary batteries, and to bring forward the artillery and ammunition. On the 16th instant the bat teries, confifting of eighteen pieces of ordnance, were opened. These could only be confidered in the light of a first parallel. The fecond parallel is now nearly complete, and the lodgment for the last or third is to be made to-morrow. If this operation should be attended with the effect expected from it, it is probable that we shall, in the course of ten sor twelve days, be in poffeffion of the enemy's works upon Morne Fortune. It is difficult for me to give an adequate idea of the ground on which we are obliged to act. The natural obstructions, as well as every obftacle that the enemy could throw in our way, render the post of Morne Fortune not only respectable, but in a high degree difficult to be fubdued.

As the enemy ftill retained poffeffion of the Vigie, and as they only held it with a flender force, it appeared of confequence to get poffeffion of it, as it would shorten our line of attack, and cover our right flank; and alfo as it gave us in fome degree the command of the Carenage. For this purpofe, on the night of the 17th inftant, the 21ft regiment, happening to be the regiment nearest at hand, was ordered to march immediately after it was dark to take poffeffion of the Vigie, where the enemy had not apparently more than from 150 to 200 men.-The first part of the attack fucceeded to our wishes, a battery of three eighteen pounders, which was feebly defended, was feized, the guns fpiked and thrown over the precipice. There remained on the fummit of the hill one large gun and a field-piece, which the regiment was ordered to take poffeffion of; unfortunately the guide was wounded, and the troops became uncertain of the right approach to the hill: while in this fituation, the enemy's grape-fhot took effect to fuch degree, as induced Lieutenantcolonel Hay to order the regiment to retreat, which it did with confiderable lofs. Lieutentant-colonel Macdonald handsomely advanced with part of the grenadiers to cover the retreat of the 31ft regiment, which he accomplished. It is proper to obferve, that a night attack on the Vigie was indifpenfably neceffary, as three batteries of the enemy flanked the neck of land which connects the Vigie with the Main; and în general in this country, when you have to march to attack an enemy's poft, who have artillery, and where it is impoffible for you to advance with any on your part, it is almost a matter of neceffity to attack at night.

Hitherto the troops continue healthy, notwithstanding their exertions and fatigue.


I am, &c. (Signed)


Head-Quarters, St. Lucia, May 31, 1795.

I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 18th of March. In my letter of the 22d of May I acquainted you, that



on the day following we intended to make a lodgement as near to theenemy's works as poffible. This, however, was deferred from neceffity till the 24th.

The 27th, 53d, and 57th regiments had been previously placed near the point of attack. On the morning of the 24th, the 27th regiment lodged themselves upon two different points, the nearest of which was not more than five hundred yards from the fort. The enemy made a vigorous effort to diflodge them, but by the good conduct and spirit of Brigadier-general Moore, and the steady and intrepid behaviour of the officers and men of the 27th regiment, the enemy were twice repulfed with confiderable lofs, and before the night the troops were compleatly under cover: at the fame time the communication to the pofts occupied by the 27th regiment, was carried on with the utmost vigour, and two batteries for eight pieces of artillery were begun.

Upon the evening of the 24th, the enemy defired a suspension of arms until noon the next day, which was granted till eight in the morning. A capitulation for the whole ifland enfued, a copy of which I have the honour to enclofe. On the 26th, the garrifon, to the amount of two thousand men, marched out and laid down their arms, and are become prifoners of war. Fidgeon Ifland is in our poffeffion: the 55th regiment has been detached to Souffriere and Vieux Fort, to receive the submiffion of the garrifons of thofe places. From Souffriere we have been informed that peaceable poffeflion has been given; from Vieux Fort there is no report. The principal object of the blockade of Morne Fortune has been obtained. The enemy has been prevented from escaping into the woods; their troops, whom they call regulars, have been made prifoners of war, and the armed negroes have been in a confiderable degree difarmed.

Our operations have been attended with confiderable labour and fatigue, roads were every where to be made through a mountainous and rugged country, artillery and ammunition to be carried forward, and the line of investment, extending about ten miles, to be fupplied with provifions, without the affiftance of carriages, and with few horfes.

It is but justice to the troops to say that their conduct has been meritorious; that they have undergone an uncommon fhare of fatigue with cheerfulness, and in feveral inftances have given proofs of the greatest intrepidity. We are under great obligations to Brigadier-general Knox for planning and executing the road of communication from Choc Bay, by Chabot, to Morne Duchaffeaux. Brigadier-general Lloyd, of the royal artillery, and Captain Hay the chief engineer, may juftly claim their share of praife. Brigadier-general Hope has on all occafions moft willingly come forward and exerted himfelf in times of danger, to which he was not called from his fituation of Adjutant-general.

Rear-admiral Sir Hugh Chriftian and the royal navy have never ceased to fhew the utmost alacrity in forwarding the public fervice. To their fkill and unremitting labour, the fuccefs which has attended his Majefty's arms is in a great measure due. By their efforts alone, the artillery was advanced to the batteries, and every co-operation, which could poffibly be expected or defired, has been afforded in the fullest manner. I have the honour to enclofe the return of killed and wounded during our operations in this ifland, together with a return of the artillery, ftores, and ammunition, as far as we have been enabled to VOL. V.



collect. This will be delivered to you by Major Forbes, my aid de camp, whom I beg leave to recommend to your protection.

I have the honour to be, &c.

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Articles of Capitulation of the land of St. Lucia.

I. The island of St. Lucia, the Morne Fortune, and its dependencies, together with all the effects belonging to the French Republic, fhall be faithfully delivered to the generals of the British forces.

Anfwer. Agreed to.

II. Property and perfons of every defeription fhall be placed under the protection of the law; and paffports fhall be granted to fuch perfons as may wish to leave the island.

Anfwer. All property and inhabitants will be fubject to and under the protection of the English laws. Perfons wifhing to quit the ifland nuft obtain permiffion of the governor or commander of the island.

III. No inhabitant fhall be disturbed, molefted, or banished, on account of his opinions, or for having held any place under the French Republic.

Anfwer. Agreed to, as anfwered in the fecond article.

IV. The agent general, the commander in chief, and the forces of the Republic, who have defended the ifland, fhall march out with the honours of war, and deliver their arms; the officers only being allowed to keep their fwords: they fhall be treated as prifoners of war, and fent back to France as foon as pofiible.

Aniwer. The firft part of this article granted, but the troops muft remain prifoners of war until exchanged.

V. The British forces fhall take poffeffion of the Morne Fortune at the hour which may be appointed for that purpofe, and the French garrifon fhall march out with their arms and baggage, drums beating, and colours flying.

Anfwer. The fort to be put into the poffeffion of the British troops to-morrow at noon; the garrifon to march out of the fort in the manner defired. The garrifon to occupy houfes in the neighbourhood of the fort, until veffels fhall be provided for their reception.

VI. The garrifon fhall pile their arms at the place which may be appointed for that purpose, and hall immediately be fent to France. The officers fhall be allowed to take with them their wives and children.

Anfwer. The arms to be piled on the glacis without the fort. Anfwer has already been given as to the difpofal of the garrifon. The. officers may difpofe of their wives and children as they please.

VII. The agent general of the Executive Directory, his aides-decamp, fecretary, and other perfons attached to him, fhall be allowed to keep all papers and effects belonging to his office. The fame favour fhall be granted to the commander in chief and all the officers of the garrifon.

Aniwer. Agreed to; but all papers relating to the fate of the island, public works, and all plans and maps, to be given up.

VIII. The volunteers ferving with the French forces fhall be allowed to keep their knapfacks.

Anfwer. Agiced to, according to the return given in by the com mander in chief.

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