Imágenes de páginas

(No. VI.)

A Lift of Ships late belonging to the United States, under the command bis Excellency Rear-admiral Engelbertus Lucas, which furrendered on the 17th of Auguft, 1796, to a Detachment of the Squadron of his Majefty's Ships under the command of the Hon. Sir George Keith Elphin flone, K. B. in Saldanha Bay.

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N. B. Many of the guns are brafs, befides which they are well fur nifhed with caronnades,

They have four field pieces of land artillery on board. The troops are under the command of the Rear-admiral; Lieut, Colonel Henri is adjutant-general, and Monf. Grandecourt, commandant of artillery. G. K. ELPHINSTONE.

Monarch, Saldanha Bay, Aug. 19, 1796.

(No. VII.)

A Lift of his Majefty's Ships of the Detachment of the Squadron under the command of the Hon. Sir George Keith Elphinstone, K. B. to which the Dutch Squadron, under the command of his Excellency Engelbertus Lucas, furrendered on the 17th of Auguft, 1796, in Saldanha Bay.

Monarch, 74 guns, 612 men, Vice-admiral the Hon. Sir George Keith Elphinstone, K. B. Captain John Elphinstone.

Tremendous, 74 guns, 590 men, Rear-admiral Thomas Pringle: Cap tain John Aylmer.

America, 64 guns, 491 men, Commodore John Blanket.

Stately, 64 guns, 491 men, Captain Billy Douglas.
Ruby, 64 guns, 491 men, Captain Jacob Waller.
Sceptre, 64 guns, 491 men, Captain W. Effington.
Trident, 64 guns, 491 men, Captain E. O. Ofborne.
Jupiter, 50 guns, 343 men, Captain George Loffack.
Crefcent, 36 guns, 264 men, Captain Edward Buller.
Sphynx, 24 guns, 155 men, Captain Andrew Tod.
Mofelle, 16 guns, 121 men, Captain Charles Brisbane.
Rattlefnake, 16 guns, 121 men, Captain Edward Ramage.
Echo, 16 guns, 121 men, Captain John Turner,
Hope, loop, Captain Thomas Alexander.

Monarch, Saldanha Bay, Aug. 19, 1796,


From the LONDON GAZETTE, Nov. 5.

Admiralty Office, Nov. 5, 1796.

Copy of a Letter from Vice-admiral Kingfmill, Commander in Chief of bis Majefty's Ships and Veffels at Cork, to Evan Nepean, Efq. dated on board his Majefty's Ship Polyphemus, the 29th of October, 1796.


I HAVE the fatisfaction to acquaint you, for the information of my Lords Commiffioners of the Admiralty, that the purpose for which I ordered his Majefty's fhip Santa Margarita out on a cruize, as ftated in my letter of the 19th inftaut, has been moft fortunately accomplished, by her capturing two French fhip privateers, and retaking one of their prizes: particulars of which will be seen in the accompanying letters of Captain Martin.

I have the honour to be, &c,
Your most obedient humble fervant,

Extract of a Letter from Captain Martin, of his Majefty's Ship Santa Margarita, to Vice-admiral Kingsmill, dated at Sea, the 24th of Octo ber, 1796.

I HAVE the honour to inform you, that his Majesty's fhip under my command has this day captured a very fast failing fhip privateer, called Le Buonaparte, of 16 guns and 137 men; fhe has been ten days from Breft, and taken three veffels, as named in the margin.*

Extract of another Letter from Captain Martin, of the Santa Margarita, to Vice-admiral Kingsmill, dated the 27th of October, 1796.

ON the 25th inftant, in the morning, we discovered two fhips, that immediately made towards us, and approached nearly within hale before they obferved the Santa Margarita to be a frigate. They endeavoured to render the retreat of one or other of them fecure, by ftauding on different tacks, and I followed the largeft, with little profpect of taking the other; but Mr. Birchall, the first lieutenant, with a degree of zeal and intrepidity that does him the highest honour, voluntarily offered to attack her in a boat; at this time our fhot had reduced her fail, fo as to enable the boat to get along fide, and I had the fatisfaction to see her taken poffeffion of in a moft gallant and most officer-like manner. The fhip we followed ftruck her colours, after having received a few fhot, and proved to be Le Vengeur, of 11 guns and 110 men, twelve days from Breft, and had only captured the fhip Potommah, from Poole, bound to Newfoundland, with provifions and merchandize, retaken by the boat commanded by Lieutenant Birchall.

The fhip Clarence, Ashington, from Jamaica to London, fent to Breft; Neptune brig, from Dublin to St. Michael's, funk; Ann brig, of Poole, to Naples, burat.


From the LONDON GAZETTE, November g.

Admiralty Office, Nov. 8.

Copy of a Letter from Rear-admiral Harvey, Commander in Chief of his Majefty's Ships and Veffels at the Leeward Ilands, to Evan Nepean, Efq. dated on Board his Majefty's Ship Prince of Wales, in Fort Royal Bay, Martinique, the 17th September, 1796.


I AM to acquaint you, for the information of their Lordships, that La Victoire French fchooner privateer, carrying fix carriage guns and four fwivels, with fixty-five men, arrived here this morning, having been captured by his Majefty's floop Zebra (Captain Hurft) the 12th inftant, between Grenada and Tobago. This privateer had been from Guadaloupe eight days, and had taken one floop, laden with provifions, from Barbadoes to this ifland, but fhe was recaptured by the Lapwing off Marigalante.

I am, Sir,

Your most obedient humble fervant,

Copy of another Letter from Rear-admiral Harvey to Evan Nejean, Efq. dated the 21ft of September, 1796.


I AM to acquaint you, for the information of their Lordships, that his Majesty's fhip L'Aimable, on the 15th inftant, captured off Guadaloupe a French privateer, called the Iris, of fix guns and fifty men, belonging to that ifland, and recaptured at the fame time the fhip Swift, from St. Kitt's, bound to Barbadoes, in ballaft, which had been taken the preceding day by the privateer.

I am, Sir, &c. &c. &c.



DISPATCHES, of which the following are copies, have been received from Captain Anftruther and Robert Craufurd, Efq. by the right honourable Lord Grenville, his Majefty's principal fecretary of ftate for foreign affairs.


Head Quarters of his Royal Highness the Archduke Charles of Auftria, Herboltzheim, October 17, 1796.

IN my dispatch of the 13th I had the honour of giving your Lordship an account of the movements of the corps under the command of


Generals La Tour, Nauendorff, and Petrafch, down to the 9th inftant. On the 10th General La Tour followed the enemy towards Stokach and Engen; but finding that their retreat through the Val D'Enfer could no longer be prevented, he difcontinued the purfuit; and marched by his right towards the valley of the Kinzig, in order to form a junction with his royal highnefs, The Archduke arrived with his main body in the neighbourhood of Hornberg. On the 15th Generals Nauendorff and Petrafch preceded him nearly in the fame direction. The former took poft at Eltzach on the 14th, and the latter at Kintzign. On the 15th the corps of the Prince of Conde and General Frolich alone continued to follow the enemy through the defiles of the Black Foreft.

In the mean time General Moreau loft no time in profiting of the advantages which his van guard had gained on the 9th and 10th inftant. He paffed, with his whole army, through the Val D'Enfer, and arrived at Fribourg on the 13th. Next day he occupied Waldkirch, and his pofts extended along the heights on the right bank of the Eltz.

This menacing movement of the enemy, and the extreme difficulty of making an immediate attempt on Kehl, determined his royal highnets to defer the execution of that enterprize. Leaving therefore a sufficient corps to obferve the place, he marched on the 16th to Malborgen, and affumed the immediate command of the army of La Tour.


[blocks in formation]

Head Quarters of his Royal Highness the
Archduke Charles of Auftria, Fribourgs
October 21, 1796.

I HAVE the honour of informing your Lordship, that on the 19th inftant his royal highness the Archduke attacked the enemy, and after an obftinate combat made himself master of all the pofitions on the right bank of the Eltz.

The troops deftined for this operation marched from the camp near Centzingen before day-break; but fuch were the difficulties of the ground, and the badness of the roads, that it was near eleven o'clock before they reached the different points at which they were to affemble; they were then diftributed into three different columns, of which the right, under General La Tour, was destined to attack the village of Kindringen; the centre, commanded by General Wartenfleben, was to carry the heights behind Maltertingen; the left, under General Petrasch, was to proceed along the road from Heimbarch, towards Emendingen, whilft Major general Merfeld, with one brigade, attacked the woods on his left, and Prince Frederick of Orange, with another, endeavoured to pass over the highest parts of the mountains, fo as to turn the right of the enemy. General Nauendorff, from Elkach, had orders to attack at the fame time the post of Waldkirch.

About noon the action began: the column of the right met with a moft obftinate refiftance; it was repeatedly repulfed in its attack upon Kindringen, and the fuccefs remained for fome time doubtful, until his royal highness, putting himself at the head of the grenadiers, they


returned with fury to the charge, and drove the enemy with great lofs from the village.

Major-general Merfeld had no lefs difficulty in making himself mafter of the wood above Keimbach; the ground was extremely favourable to the enemy, and he defended it inch by inch; nor was he completely driven from it until the Prince of Orange, after a moft laborious march, through a country which feemed impenetrable for troops, appeared in the open ground above Emendingen, and began to attack his right flank. From that moment the victory became decifive. The enemy repaffed the Eltz at Emendingen and Deningen, destroying the bridges in order to cover his retreat.

General Nauendorff, in the mean time, had been no lefs fuccefsful towards Waldkirchen; at the moment his column were affembled, he found himself attacked by a large body of the enemy, commanded by General Moreau in perfon, whom he not only repulfed, but drove beyond Waldkirchen, and made himself master of that poft, and of the paffage of the river. On this occafion three battalions of the enemy were furrounded, one of which laid down its arms, and the other two were difperfed in the woods.

Early on the 20th, the van-guard of the army paffed the Eltz at Emendingen, and found that the enemy had taken a pofition immediate ly behind the village of Dentzlingen, with his right to the mountains, and his left to the marthy ground beyond the village of Verftelten. His royal highnefs determined immediately to attack him, and for that purpofe ordered General La Tour, with the right wing, to crofs the Eltz at Deningen, whilft he himself, with the left, and the corps of Nauendorff, advanced along the plain towards Fribourg. The advanc ed guard of the Archduke's column diflodged the enemy from Dentzingen without difficulty; but as General La Tour met with confiderable oppofition, and was obliged to re-establish the bridge of Deningen, under the fire of the enemy's artillery, it was evening before he was able to force the paffage of the river, fo that his royal highnefs did not judge it expedient to bring on a general affair, in which only one part of the army could have been engaged. The Prince of Furstenburg, however, who commanded the right of General La Tour's column, found means to diflodge the enemy from Riegel, from whence he menaced the great road to Brifach.

The whole army paffed the night within half cannon fhot of the the enemy's advanced pofts, and every thing was prepared for renewing the action early this morning.

The enemy, however, did not wait the attack: his main body retired during the night, and the rear guard followed at day-break: A fmall corps only took the route of Brifach, where it paffed the Rhine, and destroyed the bridge: the reft of the army directed its march upon Huningen, where a large tete-de-pont is faid to be eftablished.

During the operations of the main army, the corps of the Prince of Conde and General Frolich were extremely active in the mountains. On the 18th the Prince of Conde drove the enemy, with very confiderable lofs, from the ftrong pofts of St. Megers and St. Peter, in the valley of that name, and General Frolich forced fome of the most important paffes of the Val D'Enfer. On the 19th and 20th they continued to drive the enemy before them, and this morning appeared defcending from the mountains above Fribourg, at the moment that the Archduke's VOL. V.

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