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every English fhip in the Mole, twenty-three in number, together with. great part of the valuable effects in the warehouses, and about two hundred and forty oxen for the ufe of his Majefty's fleet, have, in the courfe of two days and nights, been faved.


I have the honour, &c.


Victory, off Toulon, July 1, 1796.

HAVING feen the factory and English fubjects, and the convoy, with their valuable effects fafe into Corfica, I proceeded in his Majefty's fhip the Inconftant, Captain Freemantle, to receive the commander in chief's inftructions for my future government in the fervice of his Majefty's fleet; and having received Sir John Jervis's orders, I am returning immediately to Corfica, in his Majefty's fhip Inconftant, to rejoin the factory, and execute his commands.

I am, &c.

Admiralty Office, July 22, 1796.


Extra of a Letter from Vice-Admiral Macbride to Mr. Nepean, dated on board his Majefty's Ship Ruffell, in Yarmouth Roads, July 21, 1796.

PLEASE to inform my lords commiffioners of the admiralty of the arrival of his Majefty's fhip Glatton, after having had an action with fix French frigates, a brig, and cutter, off Helvoetfluys. Enclofed is a letter from Captain Trollope, giving an account of that fpirited affair: 1 have ordered her to the Nore to refit.

Copy of a Letter from Captain Trollope, of his Majefty's Ship the Glatton, 40 Vice. Admiral Macbride, commanding his Majefty's Ships and Veels in Yarmouth Roads, dated the 21ft inftant.

I BEG leave to inform you, that, in purfuance of your orders, I failed in his Majefty's fhip Glatton on the 15th of July from Yarmouth Roads, in order to join Captain Savage and a fquadron under his command; and on the 16th, at one P. M. we obferved a fquadron about four or five leagues off Helvoet. Owing to light winds and calms, it was feven P. M. before we were near enough to discover the fquadron to confift of fix frigates, one of which, the Commodore's fhip, appeared to mount near fifty guns; two others appeared about thirty-fix guns, remarkably fine long frigates; and the other three fmaller, and might mount about twenty guns each. There were also a very fine brig and cutter with them.

We foon fufpected, from their fignals, and their not answering our private fignals, that they were enemies, and immediately cleared for action, and bore down to them. From their manoeuvring, it was ten at night before we got clofe alongside the third fhip in the enemy's line, which from her fize we fuppofed to be the commodore: when, after hailing her, and finding them to be a French squadron, I ordered him to strike his colours, which he returned with a broadfide, and I believe was well repaid by one from the Glatton, within twenty yards; after which the action became general with the enemy's fquadron, the two headmoft of

which had tacked, and one of the largest had placed herself alongside, and another on our weather bow, and the fternmoft had placed themfelves on our lee quarter and ftern: in this manner we were engaged on both fides for a few minutes, with our yard-arms nearly touching thofe of the enemy on each fide; but I am happy to acquaint you, that in less than twenty minutes our fire had beat them off on all fides; but when we attempted to follow them, we, much to our regret, found it impoffible. I have no doubt, from the apparent confufion the enemy were in, we should have gained a decisive victory, but unfortunately, in attempting to wear, we found every part of our running rigging totally cut to pieces, and the major part of our standing rigging; every stay, except the mizen, either cut or badly wounded, and our mats and yards confiderably damaged. In this fituation, although every officer and man exerted themfelves to the utmost the whole night, it was feven in the morning before the fhip was in tolerable order to renew the action. The enemy, who appeared in the morning in a close line, seemed to have fuffered very little in their rigging, although I am certain they must have much damage in their hulls, at which the whole of our fire was directed. As they did not chufe to come near us again, although they muft plainly have feen our disabled state, but made the beft of their way to Flushing, and we followed them as close as we could till the 17th at nine A. M. when they were within three leagues of that port, with the hopes of meeting with fome affiftance to enable me to deftroy them; but it coming on to blow hard at weft, in the disabled ftate the fhip was in, we were forced to haul off the shore; but although we were not able to take any of them, I trust you will think the officers and men whom I have the honour to command in the Glatton, to whom I have reason to give every merit for their steady, gallant, and cool behaviour in the attack, have done their utmost, and also some good, iu driving fo very fuperior a force into port to refit, that might have done very confiderable damage to our trade had they got to sea,

I cannot conclude this without recommending to your notice, in the ftrougeft manner, Lieutenant Robert Williams (2d), my first lieutenant, who gave me every afsistance in his power on the upper deck; and also Lieutenant Schonberg, fecond lieutenant, and Lieutenant Pringle, third lieutenant, who commanded on the lower deck; and alfo Captain Strangeways, of the marines, who, I am very forry to acquaint you, has received a bad wound with a musket ball in his thigh, which is not extracted yet, who, after he had received it, and with a tourniquet on, infifted on coming on deck to his quarters again, where he remained, encouraging his men, till he was faint with the lofs of blood, and I was under the neceffity of ordering him to be carried down again, and ali the warrant officers and petty officers and thip's company behaved as English failors always do on fuch occafions. And I am particularly happy in acquainting you, that I have not loft one life in fo warm an action, and only one wounded befides Captain Strangeways, viz. William Hall, the corporal of marines, who alfo received a mufket ball through his thigh bone; the ball paffed out on the opposite fide. Our small lofs can only be attributed to their firing totally at our rigging, to disable us, in which they too well fucceeded; and his Majefty's fhip Glatton being unfit to keep the fea, from the damage fhe had received in her mafts, yards, and rigging, I have thought fit, for the good of his Majefty's fervice, to come to Yarmouth Roads to refit.



Admiralty Office, July 23, 1796.

Extract of a Letter from Vice-Admiral King fmill, Commander in Chief of his Majefty's Ships and Veffels at Cork, to Mr. Nepan, dated L'Engageante, Cork Harbour, July 23, 1796.

YOU will please further to inform their lordships, that his Majefty's. floop Hazard is just returned, and has brought in with her a French brig privateer, of 14 guns, and 106 men, Le Terrible, from Breft, out fix days, but had not captured any thing, which the fell in with yefterday, at three A. M. Scilly bearing S. S. E. fixteen leagues, but having chaced her to the N. E. until eleven o'clock, and being unable to weather the Land's End, or Scilly, it blowing hard, and a great fea running, Captain Ruddach thought proper to come hither.

From the LONDON GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, Tuesday, July 26, 1796.

Parliament-frect, July 25.

DISPATCHES, of which the following are copies, were this day received by the right honourable Henry Dundas, one of his Majefty's principal fecretaries of ftate, from Lieutenant-General Sir Ralph Abercromby, K. B. commander in chief of his Majefty's troops in the Weft Indies.


St. Vincent's, June 21, 1796.

THE laft letter which I had the honour to write to you was on the 31ft of May, from St. Lucia, wherein I acquainted you with the reduction of that ifland. Brigadier-general Moore informs me, in a letter of the 12th of June, that every thing remained quiet, and I have every reafon to hope that the meafures he has adopted will tend to insure tranquillity, as far as it depends upon him.

The embarkation of the artillery and troops deftined to act in St. Vincent's and Grenada, neceffarily employed fome days, and at that moment the weather proved particularly unfavourable. The whole, however, was embarked and ready to fail on the third of June. The St. Vincent divifion was ordered to rendezvous at Kingfton Bay, and that for Grenada at Cariacou, one of the Grenadines. While the troops were affembling at the rendezvous, Major-general Nicolls met me at Cariacou, where the operations for Grenada were fettled. On the 7th inftant I returned to St. Vincent, and on the 8th, in the evening, the troops difembarked. The following day they marched in one column, by the right, as far as Stubbs, about eight miles from Kingfton; each divifion halted that evening oppofite to their refpective point of attack. On the roth in the morning the enemy's flank was turned. Two twelve-pounders, two fix-pounders, and two howitzers, were advanced, with confiderable difficulty, within fix hundred yards of the enemy's works; but, notwithstanding our efforts to drive the enemy from the post on the Old Vigie, by means of a well-ferved artillery, they maintained themfelves from feven in the morning until two in the afternoon. Major-general Morfhead had very handfomely, early VOL. V.


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in the day, offered to carry the redoubt by affault, but being willing to fpare the lives of the troops, and obferving that the part of the line which he commanded laboured under disadvantages, the affault was deferred until the decline of the day rendered it abfolutely neceffary.

From Major-general Hunter's divifion on the right, a part of Lowenstein's corps, and two companies of the 42d regiment, with fome ifland rangers, availed themfelves of the profile of the hill, and lodged themselves within a very short distance of the fort. At two o'clock the two remaining companies of the 42d regiment, from Major-general Hunter's column, and the Bufis, fupported by the York Rangers, from Major-general Morthead's, were ordered to advance to the attack. The enemy, unable to withstand their ardour, retired from their first, fecond, and third redoubts, but rallied round the New Vigie, their principal poft. They were now fully in our power, as Brigadier-general Knox had cut off their communication with the Carib country, and Lieutenant-colonel Dickens, of the 34th regiment, who had been previously ordered to make a diverfion with the remains of his own and the 2d West India regiment upon their right, where the Caribs were pofted, had fucceeded beyond expectation, having forced the Caribs to retire, and taken their post. The enemy, therefore, in the New Vigie, defired to capitulate, which was granted upon the conditions herewith inclofed.

The number of prifoners about 700. At the first of the attack, the Caribs, and, towards the close of it, near 200 of the infurgents of the island, made their escape into the woods.

Lieutenant-colonel Spencer, with 600 men, was immediately detached to Mount Young, and Lieutenant-colonel Gower, with 300 men, embarked to go by fea to Owia; but being unable to land, on account of the furf, he has returned, the troops have been disembarked, and he has marched through the Carib country.

I feel myself under great obligations to Major-general Hunter, and to the gentlemen of the ifland, for the local information which they gave me, and for the zeal and intelligence which they fhewed in conducting the columns. I have to thank Major-general Morfhead for his exertions; and am highly satisfied with the fpirited behaviour of the officers and foldiers. The corps of ifland rangers, commanded by Lieutenant-colonel Haffey and Major Jackson, rendered effential fervice. Captain Douglas, of the royal engineers, was among the wounded, and is fince dead. He is a real lois to the fervice in this country, as he was indefatigable in the discharge of his duty, and had acquired a minute knowledge of this ifland.

Captain Wolley, of his Majefty's fhip the Arethufa, was intrufted by Rear-Admiral Sir Hugh Chriftian with the command of the navy acting with us in the expedition against St. Vincent's and Grenada, in which I can fay, with the greatest truth, he has conducted himielf with very great judgment and good will.

I have the honour to be, &c.


Articles of Capitulation which Lieutenant-general Sir Ralph Abercromby, K. B. Commander in Chief of his Majefty's Forces in the West Indies, grants to the French Government in St. Vincent's, the 11th of June, 1796.

Art. I. The garrifon of the Vigie and dependencies to march out this day at twelve o'clock, and lay down their arms.

Art. II. The negroes, &c. are to return to their respective proprietors.

Art. III. The reft of the garrifon become prifoners of war. The officers are allowed to retain their words, and all are allowed to keep their private effects.

Art. IV. Such perfons as have been guilty of murders, or of burning houfes or eftates, must be fubject to the judgement of the laws of the ifland.

Art. V. The commandant of the French troops fhall caufe to be given up, as foon as poffible, all the pofts which the French troops are in poffeflion of in this ifland; and the faid troops are to become prifoners upon the conditions granted to the garrifon of the Vigie.

Art. VI. The commandant of the French troops fhall be refponfible that all artillery, ammunition, and ftores, of every kind, fhall be delivered up to the British troops in the order they are now in, and any injury or wafte committed on them from this time will be confidered as a breach of faith.

Art. VII. By the fourth article it is understood that all perfons, except fuch as come under the meaning of that article, are for this time pardoned for having departed from their allegiance to his Majefty.

Art. VIII. In addition to the first article, the commander in chief confents that the garrifon fhould march out with the honours of war. R. ABERCROMBY. T. WOLLEY. "


We, the undersigned, adminiftrators of the French army in this ifiand, accept the above articles of capitulation, fubject to the fanction of the delegated commiffary, and of the military committee.



Com. Del.

CH. SUGUE, Adminiftrator. BOUNY, Commandant en Ser cond.

(For the Commander in Chief of the Republican Army Marinier.)

D. VICTOR, Aid de Camp.)

Return of Ordnance, Ammunition, and Stores, taken at the New Vigie, and Mounts Young and William, St. Vincent's, June 19, 1796.


Brafs Ordnance, on travelling carriages, which are in general unferviceable.

2 Light fix pounders, 1 light three pounder, 1 five and half inch howitzer. Mortars on beds, 1 eight inch, 1 five and half inch, 1 four and twofifths inch.


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