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be chiefly conducted on the lecture plan, and will be free to all holding assembly tickets. There will be special classes in music, elocution, domestic economy, and art. The great number of teachers who spend their vacation at the beach makes it possible for classes to be formed and instruction to be given in any department desired.


This assembly on the shore of Green Bay will hold a twelve days' session beginning August 1. The Chautauqua work is to receive especial attention, and a competent leader has been secured for the Round Tables. Full information regarding this assembly may be had on application to Rev. A. J. Benjamin, Appleton, Wisconsin.



Midland Chautauqua is planning to give the strongest program that has been presented in its history. The engagements for talent are not yet completed, and some places will be held open until the very last moment, to be filled in case certain very desirable talent can be secured. A feature has always been Music Festival Day. extensive plans have been made for this than usual. Among the leading speakers already engaged are: Governor La Follette, Senator J. R. Burton, Mrs. Booth, Mrs. Chant, Gen. Zach Sweeney, Prof. H. V. Richards, Gen. Chas. King, Rabbi Hirsch, Jane Addams, and Maj. E. H. Cooper. Of the musicians. and entertainers, the following is a partial list: African Boys, Ottumwa Male Quartet, Edmund Vance Cooke, Imperial Hand Bell Ringers, Isabel Garghill Beecher, Chas. Egbert Grant, Karl Germaine, Robert Fullerton, and N. L. Baker. Recognition Day will be July 16, the address to be given by Geo. E. Vincent. Chautauqua work is to be pushed to the front this year. The Round Table is under the supervision of the Chautauqua league of Des Moines and Dr. Jesse L. Hurlbut, who will be present the entire session. Dr. Hurlbut will also have charge of the Bible school. In addition to the Bible school, there will be conducted a school of domestic science, which will consist of twelve lectures to be given by Maria Parloa. These lectures will be accompanied by demonstrations, and will constitute a most valuable course on scientific housekeeping. Leon Vincent will give a course of lectures on literature, and there will be a school of health, including classes in physical culture,

conducted by competent persons from Battle Creek sanitarium.


The assembly at Monona Lake opens July 18 and closes August 2, giving a session of sixteen days, two days longer than in previous years. Dr. Geo. W. Case will have charge of Round Tables and C. L. S. C. address will be delivered by Arthur Fallows of work, and on Recognition Day, August 1, an London. Such well-known speakers as Dr. MacArthur, Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, John Temple Graves, Thos. Dixon, Leland Powers, and Dr. F. W. Gunsaulus assure the patrons of this assembly a most admirable program.

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CASINO AT MONONA LAKE (WIS.) CHAUTAUQUA. rium, costing ten thousand dollars. This building, designed by Mr. Morrison H. Vail of Chicago, is a reproduction, with many improvements, of the Rock River and Lake Monona auditoriums. It will accommodate on special occasions about five thousand people. It is built upon a solid foundation of Cumberland mountain sandstone. It has, besides the great audience room, a large number of apartments for officers, dressing rooms, orchestra room, etc. The "Chautauqua Temple" will also be inaugurated. This dainty little building will afford room for Chautauqua work, and will be headquarters for all associated interests. Mrs. A. E. Shipley of Des Moines, will be in charge of

this department. She will conduct a number of Round Tables, and will otherwise direct and stimulate Chautauqua interests. The summer schools have been amply provided for. Among the leading instructors will be Dr. Alexander Patterson, Chancellor Summey, Mrs. Crafts, and others, in Bible work; Dr. William Spencer Currell in English literature; Dr. Lynes in languages; Dr. Jas. A. Lyon and others in sciences; Dr. Henry G. Hanchett in music; Mr. F. Townsend Southwick and Mrs. Genevieve Stebbins, principals of the New York School of Expression, in expression; Miss Willette Allen, in kindergarten work. Much attention will be paid to biblical instruction. The platform will introduce many distinguished lecturers and entertainers, prominent among them Dr. McIntyre, Governor Taylor, Colonel Denby,

The handsome new auditorium dedicated last year was pronounced by all to be perfect in its adaptability, and a model in its beauty. It seats five thousand people comfortably, without an obstructed view. A great many new cottages are being built for the coming season, and never before have there been so many applications for cottages. Dr. W. L. Davidson, who has been for eleven years superintendent of instruction, has this year prepared the best program ever offered his patrons. Among the lecturers for this season are the following: Dr. T. DeWitt Talmage, Dr. Robert S. MacArthur, Jahu DeWitt Miller, Father Francis C. Kelley, Dr. Morgan Wood, Mrs. L. Ormiston Chant of London, England, Dr. P. S. Henson, Senator J. P. Dolliver, Hon. Lou Beauchamp, Col. Homer B. Sprague, George Wharton


James, Maj. James B. Pond, and Bolling Arthur Johnson. Miss Katherine E. Oliver and sisters, Mr. Adrian M. Newens, Mrs. Olivia S. Hall, Prof. James P. Whyte and wife, Louis Spencer Daniel, and P. M. Pearson are the readers. Dr. W. H. Pontius will be in charge of the chor


The Royal Hungarian Gypsy Orchestra will be present during the entire session. Miss Donna Adair, Miss Marie Carter, Miss Louise Ainsworth, Miss Genevieve Wheat, Edwin Charles Rowdon, and Delmore Cheney are the soloists. The Schumann Lady Quartet and the Mendelssohn Male Quartet will each be present for a week. Miss Benaldine Smith and Miss Gretchen McCurdy Gallagher are the violinists; Anna Berger Lynch is the cornet virtuoso. The following will give entertainments: The Boston Carnival and Concert Company, the Imperial Hand Bell Ringers, the Hawthorne Musical Club, the Elysian Entertainers, Rosani, in feats of jugglery, Karl Germaine, the magician, moving pictures, and Hendrickson, the famous magician. C. L. S. C. Recognition Day will be August 15; address by Dr. Robert S. MacMOUNTAIN LAKE PARK, MARYLAND. Arthur. Round Tables will be addressed by The Chautauqua assembly at Mountain J. Arthur Fallows of England and others. The Lake Park, Maryland, will hold its nineteenth summer school includes twenty departments annual session August 1-28. All modern of important school work, in charge of improvements have been introduced, without teachers from the best universities and colhaving disturbed in the least the unrivaled leges. Devotional hours are a feature of beauty of" The Paradise of the Alleghenies." the assembly, and this year there will be

Professor Daniel, Professor Leon H. Vincent, Dr. Homer T. Wilson, Hon. Lou J. Beauchamp, Mr. Cleveland Moffet, Mr. Spillman Riggs, Mr. Edward P. Elliott, Mrs. Isabel Garghill Beecher, Madame Eppinghausen-Bailey, Mrs. Aline Blondner, and many others. Many handsome new cottages, new bridges, and other improvements will be seen on the mountain. Everything points to a more successful season than ever.

exposition by Dr. Stanley O. Royal, Dr. S. W. Gamble, Dr. B. F. Beazell, Dr. T. C. Beach, Dr. T. N. Eaton, and others. Everything indicates that the Mountain Chautauqua will have its very best session.


The management intends to make the assembly of 1901 a notable one in its history. A session of five weeks will be held from July 2 to August 8. Many improvements have been made in all the departments. The department of instruction will be stronger than ever, offering courses of study in science and mathematics, ancient and modern languages, literature, history, art, music, pedagogy, domestic science, and physical culture under the most popular professors in the state. The department of entertainment offers a most varied program. A band or orchestra will be in attendance daily, besides which some of the finest vocal and instrumental organizations in the country have been engaged for concerts and entertainments. There will be many illustrated lectures of travel, interspersed with moving pictures, chalk talks, impersonators, dramatic monologists, and other novelties by the best artists. All these are free to everyone on the grounds. Prof. L. E. McGinnes of Steelton, Pennsylvania, will have charge of the C. L. S. C. department. Recognition Day will be August 1.


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The fifteenth annual session of Connecticut Valley Chautauqua Assembly at Laurel Park, Northampton, Massachusetts, will be The Chautauqua-by-the-Sea for eastern held July 9-19, inclusive. The new electric New England at Ocean Park, Maine, promline enables patrons to come and go as they ises to eclipse all previous sessions with its please, and brings thousands daily. No opening-century program. A broad range assembly in this country does more dignified of subjects will be discussed by lecturers of C. L. S. C. work than this one. Round wide reputation. There will be several special Tables are held daily, and this year will be courses, illustrated and otherwise. Various conducted by Prof. A. H. Evans. The unique features with fine talent will be year's work will be discussed, and there will brought out on the special days of the be lectures by Mr. J. Arthur Fallows of assembly, all of which will be not only enterEngland, on literary themes and biography. taining but highly educative and uplifting. A large class is always graduated and many A fine course of Round Tables will be prereaders secured. This year Recognition sented, child-study being their most promiDay will be July 17, with Dr. W. L. David- nent feature. The dramatic recital work son to address the class. The Chautauqua will be by the best talent. A large corps of program this year is the best ever offered excellent musical artists will render the to the patrons at Laurel Park. Among the concerts very attractive. The summer lecturers are: Rev. Sam P. Jones, Dr. school of oratory and physical culture will Morgan Wood, Father Francis C. Kelley, keep well up to its standard of excellence.

Several new teachers have been secured in Bible study, and all grades from the biblical institute down to the primary class will be ably conducted. The assembly dates are July 26 to September 2. Recognition Day, August 9, will be replete with good things. Rev. Dr. English will be orator of the day. The C. L. S. C. alumni banquet will be one of its pleasing attractions. At the grand concert in the evening the beautiful cantata, "The Building of the Ship," will be rendered by five artists and a full assembly chorus. Funds are being raised for a memorial of the late superintendent of the assembly, Rev. E. W. Porter, who for nearly a score of years was actively identified with the work of the Ocean Park Assembly. A substantial building to be erected on the site of the old tabernacle will be a permanent expression of regard from the patrons of this assembly.


the oratorio, "Redemption." Mrs. Geneva Clark Wilson and Prof. Glenn Hall of Chicago will assist in solo work. The Y. M. C. A. of the state will hold their summer Bible congress in connection with the assembly. A Sunday-School Day program has been prepared with Gov. W. E. Stanley as chairman of the day, a children's chorus of five hundred, and an address by Dr. W. A. Quayle of Indianapolis. On the Fourth of July the program will include orations, by Senator Charles A. Towne and Congressman Charles Landis, and other patriotic features. July 3 is C. L. S. C. Recognition Day, and President Whitford of Milton College, Wisconsin, will deliver the address. Mrs. L. B. Kellogg will continue as superintendent of the C. L. S. C. department, with Round Tables and class reunions. The Woman's Council, with Mrs. Noble Prentis as superintendent, will hold daily meetings. Lectures on art will be given by Miss Montgomery, and on literature by Prof. Vernon Squires. Professor Hamill of Illinois will have charge of the classes in normal Bible study and Sundayschool methods. Lectures on biblical literature will be given by Dr. Alex. Patterson of Chicago. Popular morning, afternoon, and evening lectures will be given by the leading lecturers of the country. Professor Hulett's orchestra of Kansas City, with a full assembly chorus, and the First Regiment Band will furnish abundant music. Liquid air experiments, Edmund Vance Cooke, humorist, and the American Vitagraph Company are among the features provided for entertainment. Among the new features are a

The Ocean Grove Assembly will hold its seventeenth annual session at Ocean Grove, New Jersey, July 8-18. B. B. Loomis, Ph. D., D. D., is again to be superintendent of instruction, and will be assisted by a full corps of able instructors and lecturers. Thursday, July 18, will be Recognition Day, when all members of the C. L. S. C. Class of 1901 who may be present will be entitled to pass through the Golden Gate and under the Arches, and will receive their diplomas from the hand of Bishop J. N. FitzGerald, the president of the Ocean Grove Association. The systematic study of the Bible will be an important feature of the work of the assem-Missionary Hour presided over by Dr. Julia bly this year.


Smith of India, a school of shorthand, Y.
M. C. A. Bible school, and the boys' camp.


This assembly will be in session from June 24 to July 5. Forest Park, Ottawa, Kansas, The Pacific Grove Assembly, in common where the assembly is held, has been greatly with all the Pacific coast assemblies this improved. The removal of the circular drive year, has on its program large numbers of to the northward, and the opening of the the notables who will visit the Pacific coast grounds formerly included within it, for in connection with the International Convententing, has wonderfully improved both the tion of the Epworth League. The chief beauty and convenience of the grounds. A features of the program will be made up forward movement in the Boys' Club has from those who will attend the convention. been inaugurated. The Chautauqua Boys' Bishop C. C. McCabe, Dr. J. M. Buckley, military camp will be near the Boys' Build- Dr. J. W. Bashford, and Dr. W. A. Quayle ing, and a splendid program under the will appear on the program; Polk Miller direction of Dr. James Naismith and Rev. has been engaged; and the Park Sisters of W. G. Searles has been prepared. The New York, and the Juanita Glee Club of Musical Festival Day will be a special attrac- Chicago will furnish music. Dr. H. M. tion. The choral unions of Emporia, Law- Hamill of the International Committee will rence, Ottawa, and other cities will unite in carry the Sunday-school normal work. An

alumni association of coast Chautauquans tauqua secretary of Iowa, will deliver the

was formed last year, and that body will give a reunion and banquet at the opening of the assembly, as a reception to the undergraduates in attendance. Field Day with a Round Table on the shores of the Pacific is one of the annual features of this assembly. Round Tables are carefully planned, and a Forum Hour is conducted every morning, which is a free platform for discussion of timely topics.


The Rocky Mountain Chautauqua Assembly which holds its sessions at Glen Park, Colorado, offers an especially attractive program this season. Using the Chautauqua Assembly as a basis, Glen Park has enlarged its scope until it has become an all-summer educational and family resort where choice spirits are sure of pleasant fellowship, and where various Christian and philanthropic organizations

address, and Rev. Robert Coltman, D. D., will present the diplomas. The superintendents of departments are: Bible normal, Rev. B. B. Tyler, D. D., of the International Sunday-School Lesson Committee; Sundayschool normal, Mrs. J. A. Walker of the International Sunday-School Committee; science, Prof. I. E. Cutler of the University of Denver, and Prof. E. Bethel, Director of Academy of Science, Colorado; oratory, Mrs. Mabel W. Edwards; musical director, Monsieur Claude A. Rossignol; literature, Mrs. A. E. Shipley of Iowa; microscopy, J. B. Kinley, M. D.; kindergarten, Miss Frances Shiland. A ten days' Y. M. C. A. Junior camp in which all the associations in the state will participate will be held about the middle of June. The Chautauqua Assembly proper will be held July 5 to August 9. The Sunday-School Institute for training teachers will hold sessions July 8 to July 26. The Y. M. C. A. Conference and Bible

school will meet from August 11 to August 18. The studies of the Bible by books, nature study out of doors, and literature will be emphasized in the course. Among the prominent speakers already secured are: President Aylesworth of the Agricultural College; President J. H. T. Mains of Iowa College; Rev. E. K. Chandler, D. D., of Bishop's College, Marshall, Texas; Mrs. A. E. Shipley, state Chautauqua secretary of Iowa; Dr. A. B. Hyde of the University of Denver; Dr. B. B. Tyler, D. D., of the International Sunday-School Lesson Com




make their home. The Public Comfort building erected last summer, containing post-office, long distance telephone exchange, bath rooms, barber shop, retiring rooms, etc., proved a great addition to the park. The resort opens June 1 and closes October 1. President J. H. T. Mains of Iowa College will deliver the opening address. The opening concert will be given by the Tuesday Musical Club of Denver. Concerts during the season will be given by the Monday Musical Club of Colorado Springs, the Monday Musical Club of Pueblo, the College of Music of University of Denver, the Dawkins Violin Quartet, Joseph Newman, Glen Park chorus under direction of C. A. Rossignol, and others. Recognition Day is Friday, August 9. Mrs. A. E. Shipley, state Chau

of the Central Christian Advocate, Kansas City; Dr. Crowell of the Moody Bible Institute; Dr. A. B. Harsha of New York; and J. F. Tuttle, Jr.


A new assembly to be known as The Twentieth-Century Assembly is to be held at Assembly Park, Peoria, Illinois, July 2-11. The funds for the establishment of this assembly are donated by the generous citizens of Peoria. The park is located three miles from the city, and contains one hundred and six acres. Hon. Henry Watterson will deliver his new lecture "America Afloat," as illustrated in the life of Paul Jones, on July 4. Other lecturers on the program are:

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