AND LATE EDITOR OF "THE MORNING ADVERTISER." IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. LONDON: TINSLEY BROTHERS, 18, CATHERINE STREET, STRAND. [Right of Translation Reserved.] 1871. OF MICA PREFACE. LORD MACAULAY once remarked, that the only true history of a country is to be found in its Newspapers. Concurring in the justice of the observation, I have endeavoured, in these two Volumes, to record with as much accuracy as possible, the leading incidents which have occurred in connexion with our Newspaper Press from its origin, two centuries and a half ago, till the present time. I am sure the readers of my Work will agree with me, that no one could engage in a more interesting or instructive task, than to trace the gradual development of our English Journalism, from what it was in the early part of the seventeenth century to what it is in 1871. The two Volumes now presented to the public are exclusively devoted to a historical view of the past Newspaper Press of the metropolis, and to sketches of the existing Daily, Tri-weekly, and Bi-weekly Journals. The plan of my Work would not allow |