THE HYMNAL REVISED AND ENLARGED AS ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL CONVENTION OF The Protestant Episcopal Church in the PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS NEW YORK: HENRY FROWDE 183 Eng. 6 P467 18920 It was voted by both houses of the General Convention held in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two that the final report of the joint Commission on the Hymnal, as amended by concurrent vote of the two Houses, be set forth and authorized as the Hymnal of this Church, provided that the use of the present Hymnal be allowed until the next General Convention. CERTIFICATE. It is hereby certified that this edition of the Hymnal having been compared with, and corrected by, the standard book as the General Convention has directed, is permitted to be published accordingly. On behalf of the Commission empowered to superintend the publication of the Hymnal. WILLIAM CROSWELL DOANE, Chairman. CANON 25 OF TITLE 1 OF THE DIGEST. OF CHURCH MUSIC. §1. The Hymns which are set forth by authority, and Anthems in the words of Holy Scripture, are allowed to be sung in all Congregations of this Church before and after Morning and Evening Prayer, and also before and after Sermons, at the discretion of the Minister, whose duty it shall be, by standing directions, or from time to time, to appoint such authorized Hymns or Anthems as are to be sung. § 2. It shall be the duty of every Minister of this Church, with such assistance as he may see fit to employ from persons skilled in music, to give order concerning the tunes to be sung at any time in his Church; and especially, it shall be his duty to suppress all light and unseemly music, and all indecency and irreverence in the performance, by which vain and ungodly persons profane the service of the sanctuary. |