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productions, but this is far from being the case. Several of the pieces, we believe, appear for the first time in print. From the preface we extract a single passage, which describes in Dr. Croly's own powerful manner, the advances of Popery and Tractarianism among us :

'Strong only where the Church is weak, sects disappear before her ascending vigour, like vapours rising in the dusk and chill, but no sooner touched by the sun, than they evaporate by the course of nature. The Church in our day needs waste but little anxiety upon them. Her true hazard is from an enemy of another nature. Sectarianism startles the mind by its arrogance, or its sternness. But Popery has attractions for every failing of man; it assimilates with every strength of the passions, and every weakness of the understanding; and it assimilates in silence, conquers noiselessly, and melts into the mind. What are the perils of the casual blasts, that echo round the battlements of the Church in her hour of slumber, but are unheard and forgotten, as soon as her dwellers awake and bestir themselves in the business of the day; compared with the modern malaria, that creeps over the surface, without disfiguring the soil; glides through gate and loophole, unfelt and unseen; fills her chambers with gradual decay, and leaving the whole noble edifice uninjured to the eye, yet leaves it tenantless for ever!"-(p. 9.)

THE TOUCHSTONE; or, the Claims and Privileges of true Religion briefly considered. By Mrs. ANN GRANT. 18mo. London: Nisbet. 1842.

THERE is an earnestness and depth of feeling in this work likely to impress the reader, and the principles of the writer are truly Scriptural. We quote the following closing remark from the Introduction:

"The affections of the spiritual Christian are all attuned to one glowing, transcendent theme-a dying Saviour's love. He contemplates a world around him, sleeping the sleep of death-lying under the dominion of Satan and hugging the loathsome chain, either in unsuspecting fatuity or resolute choice a world over which, during this the transient day of its visitation, mercy still unfolds her heavenly banner, but on which also, according to the sure word of prophecy, the vials of Almighty wrath are finally to be poured out; and forgetting all those minor interests of time which are suffered to occupy the mind of man, to his eternal ruin, he can discourse of nought beside save death and judgment and eternity, man's lost estate and the great salvation. Let those who can, contribute to the amusement of such a world, to its mirth, its cruel enchantment, its demoralization; be it his, regarding each lighter theme as an idle impertinence,' to reiterate evermore upon its drowsy senses, 'What meanest thou, O perishing sleeper? arise and call upon thy God!

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BAGSTER'S CRITICAL NEW TESTAMENT: GREEK AND ENGLISH. One pocket volume. London: Bagster. 1842.

In this very convenient and handsome volume, we have the Greek text of Scholz, with the Readings, both textual and marginal, of Griesbach; and the Variations of the editions of Stephens, 1550, Beza, 1598, and the Elzevir, 1633, together with the English authorized Version and its marginal renderings.

We cannot, obviously, take up the work critically; but judging of it from a rapid inspection, we are inclined to say that it is a volume of such extreme commodiousness, and possessing such desirable features, that, before long, every student of the Greek Scriptures in these kingdoms will feel the necessity of possessing himself of it.


THE author is well known as one of the Ministers of the High Church at Edinburgh, and as the writer of works on Affliction that have gone through many editions. The present, though with little that is very striking or original, is a refreshing, practical and useful work. Subjects of controversy are avoided or dealt with so judiciously as to guard against opposing errors and lead the reader to fuller truth. The book is divided into three parts :-Part. 1. The Spirit's work in the Conversion of Sinners. Part 2. Illustrative Cases, nine of which are given; and Part 3. The Spirit's work in the Edification of his People after their Conversion.

It is delightful to see how beautifully real Christians, of different Protestant Churches, who hold the Head, harmonize in their statements of the great doctrines of the Gospel. There is very little in these volumes which a pious Episcopalian might not have said. We should have been glad to have seen the giving of the Spirit in connection with the exaltation of Christ, and the future enlarged outpouring of the Spirit so clearly promised under the New Covenant, more particularly dwelt upon by a devout, candid, and scriptural writer like the author of this volume.

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HINTS FROM A SCHOOLMISTRESS TO MOTHERS, DAUGHTERS, AND GOVERNESSES, on the practical Application of the Principles of Education. 12mo. London: Painter. 1842.

SOME practical and useful remarks on the principles of education and on female studies, form an Introduction to a large range of questions, for examination on moral responsibility, intellectual attainments and female accomplishments. The evils of the absence of religious principle, and the efficacy of its presence, are pointed out. It would have been well if the writer had stated more explicitly those great evangelical truths which are the main spring of all that is excellent both in children and adults.

THE CHURCH OF ST. JAMES; the Primitive Hebrew Christian Church of Jerusalem: its History, Character, and Constitution. By the Rev. J. B. CARTWRIGHT. London: Wertheim. 1842.

We have been both instructed and pleased with this volume. Mr. Cartwright has gathered together, from sources quite inaccessible to common readers, a great amount of curious information respecting the first Hebrew Christian Church, and has brought out a pleasing fresh proof in favour of the Episcopal constitution of our own Church. The observance of the Mosaic law by the first Jewish Christian Church is clearly manifested; but we must not build too much on this fact, when the Providence of God so distinctly, by the destruction of Jerusalem, rendered its observance impracticable in subsequent ages. It shews, however, that the highest spirituality of Christian attainment is consistent with the observance of those legal rites and ceremonies. The remarks on the first Christians selling their property and having all in common, are peculiarly edifying, and the time may speedily come when they may more directly apply to the state of the Gentile churches. On the whole, we have great pleasure in commending this interesting volume to our readers.

FIFTY-TWO SKETCHES OF SERMONS on Miscellaneous Subjects. By the Rev. F. CLOSE. 8vo. Hatchards. 1842. THESE sketches of Sermons are founded on the plan of Simeon's Hora Homileticæ, and calculated to be useful in various ways both in the ministry and in the family. They are plain, practical, and Evangelical. Without much of originality or depth of thought, they are stirring, awakening and useful. We are not aware of Mr. Close's own views on the Millennium; he seems (page 106, 107,) to withhold it altogether, and to be so offended by the vagaries of the Irvingite and Plymouth-brethren schools (which are undoubtedly much calculated to prejudice men against even the truths which they hold) as to leave it to be implied that there is no truth in what has been distinctly held in the Christian Church, in all ages, from St. John to this time. But this is only an occasional point, the general character of these sketches is quite practical, sound, and edifying, and most of them are well calculated for family instruction. Our excellent brother at Cheltenham will have no truce with any thing which he considers heretical or erroneous, and when he has the Scriptures with him his zeal is truly exemplary and admirable.

FOUR SERMONS intended to illustrate the Argument of the first three Chapters of the Romans. By the Rev. J. HOLROYD. 12mo. Second Edition. Rivingtons. 1841.

THE preface of this second edition is an answer to objections to some positions in the Sermons, which had been made, we suppose, by some Reviewer. The explanation and qualification of the expressions meet the objections. The Sermons contain the plan of salvation, as stated by the Apostle to the Romans, under these four heads-The whole world guilty before God; the Death of Christ an Atonement for sin; Justification secured by Faith in God; and the Moral Law established by faith. Such sermons must be useful in the large commercial town of Leeds, and are well suited to withstand the prevailing error of this day.

SERMONS, Practical, Historical, and Doctrinal, delivered in Christ Church, Cheltenham. By the Rev. C. E. KENNAWAY. 8vo. London: Hatchards. 1842.


BOTH these volumes consist of Sermons especially calculated for usefulness in the respective spheres where they were preachedMr. Kennaway's in the wealthier circle of Cheltenham, and Mr. Clinton's in the more simple village congregations of Cromwell and Orston. They are both founded on the sound principles of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the congregations of each will, we doubt not, thankfully avail themselves of the advantage of having the sermons which they heard from the pulpit, for their private perusal. We doubt not also that they will diffuse the truths which they contain, more widely and extensively than any one local neighbourhood would admit.

In Mr. Kennaway's sermons there is refinement, vigour, tenderness and unction. The second advent is practically applied to the awakening of the careless to due preparation and the joy of the faithful disciple. In both volumes Christ is held forth as the light, hope and glory of sinners.

Very needful is it for faithful ministers to publish plain and Scriptural discourses at a time when the Church is flooded with so much that is mingled with the leaven of Roman superstitions. We e copy one passage from Mr. Kennaway's, the truth of which will be felt by those who have been grieved by certain passages in a recent episcopal charge:

"It is very easy to be religious when we worship idols. It is very easy to bow down to gods which we make ourselves. It is easy to wash, like the poor Hindoo, in the Ganges, to the honour of the river god, or to repeat texts of the Koran like the Mahommedan, or to count our beads, and say paterposters, like the poor Romanists; but to bend the will, to believe the word, to worship exactly as God bids us worship; to cast the weight of our hearts' woes, and the burden of our hearts' sins, on IIim whom he commands us to cast them on; to believe without seeing; to trust without seeing, and to obey without questioning; this is the hard point for man; but this is his great attainment, this is the great and blessed achievement of a living faith."(pp. 119, 120.)

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