Imágenes de páginas

Date and




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June 8 (23) June 20

June 30

June 30

July 3

From the Minister in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Departure of Dominican political leaders for Washington.
From Mr. Sumner Welles

Plan of withdrawal proposed by Dominican representative
in conference (substance printed) by which Provisional Gov-
ernment will be elected to administer government until Presi-
dent and other officials are duly elected, after which conven-
tion of evacuation will be agreed upon. Welles' objections
and substitution of somewhat similar plan whereby Provisional
Government would operate under supervision of Military

To the Dominican Representatives

Submission of draft memorandum of plan of withdrawal, dated June 29, as discussed in conference (text printed) providing for a Provisional Government which would amend Constitution preparatory to election of President and negotiate convention of evacuation recognizing the validity of all measures taken by Military Government, the United States reserving right to modify convention for protection of third parties.

From the Dominican Representatives

Necessity for a Dominican reservation should the United States insist upon maintaining their reservation regarding third parties.

To the Dominican Representatives

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Observation that Dominican objections to U. S. reservation are not necessary, since modification would be made by Department and not by third parties.

July 3


July 6

July 12

Memorandum of the Plan of June 30, 1922, for the Withdrawal
of the Military Government

Provisions for setting up Provisional Government to pro-
mulgate legislation to regulate holding of elections, to provide
for reorganization of provincial and municipal governments,
to make amendments to Constitution, and to negotiate
convention of ratification (substance printed) which will recog-
nize validity of all measures taken by Military Government:
To the Appointed Commissioner in the Dominican Republic

Appointment as Commissioner with rank of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to represent the President in Dominican Republic and report conditions with view to agreement for withdrawal of U. S. forces. Transmission of copy of plan of withdrawal as signed by Dominican representatives, and related papers.

To the Acting Secretary of the Navy

Request that instructions be given Acting Military Governor to suspend sentence of young Dominicans for publishing articles attacking application of land law, and to refrain from taking official cognizance of purely political offenses without concurrence of Department of State, in view of pending negotiations for agreement.





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1922 July 13

From the Acting Secretary of the Navy



Aug. 7 (5)

Aug. 9 (6)

Aug. 9 (17)

Aug. 9 (33)

Aug. 11 (1)

Aug. 12 (8)

Aug. 14 (2)

Aug. 18 (10)

Aug. 21 (3)

Aug. 29 (13)

Information that steps have been taken to comply with wishes of Department of State regarding sentence given certain young Dominicans.

From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)

Report on his tour of investigation to various towns; estimate of situation, with conclusion that majority of Dominicans favor Department's program; recommendations as to personnel of committee to select Provisional Government; desire to publish Department's plan.

From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)

Objections to certain amendments to plan of withdrawal suggested by Military Governor, on ground that amendments would be regarded by Dominicans as breach of faith and would destroy agreement. Suggestion that certain of the amendments be discussed with committee and be made the subject of an exchange of notes.

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To the Minister in the Dominican Republic (tel.)


For Welles: Approval of personnel of committee named for selecting members of Provisional Government; authorization to publish officially Department's program.

From the Minister in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Objections to Military Governor's proposed changes, as
any variation in principle from Department's plan would
strengthen charges of bad faith on part of Department.

To the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Approval of position taken; message to Navy Department
stating that no changes are to be made in plan except as agreed
upon between Welles and Dominican leaders. Navy's
instructions to Military Governor to cooperate.

From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Enumeration of certain amendments to Department's plan
suggested in conference with Dominican Commission, to be
effected by exchange of notes, subject to sanction by Depart-
ment of State and commission.

To the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Approval of modifications of plan.

From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Request for authorization to make a certain slight modifi-
cation of plan, which will win for it support of influential
nonpolitical group.

To the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Authorization to make desired modification in plan.
From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic

Agreement providing for the instruction of Dominican
officers and recruits to continue during life of Provisional
Government under sole jurisdiction of Military Government;
commission's selection of commander in chief of Dominican
police at once in order that he may obtain necessary knowledge
of position prior to installation of Provisional Government.












Date and



1922 Aug. 29 (11)

Aug. 31 (19)

Sept. 2

Sept. 7 (4)

Sept. 12 (17)

Sept. 14 (5)

Sept. 19 (18)

Sept. 20 (19)

Sept. 21 (19)

Sept. 21 (20)

From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Recommendation that General Receiver's act of retaining
over 5 percent of customs revenues be validated by U. S.
Government, in order that Executive order therefor may be
included in list for ratification.

To the Minister in the Dominican Republic (tel.)

Approval of action of General Receiver of Customs in retaining more than 5 percent of collections.

From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)

Compilation of Executive orders, etc., to be ratified in proposed convention; approval of list by Welles, the Commission, and Military Governor; enumeration of three clarifying amendments to articles 1 and 2 of convention contained in plan which Commission requests.

To the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)

Slight change in wording of one of proposed amendments to article 2, insistence upon addition to amendment of article 1 of reservation of right of diplomatic intervention in appropriate cases in accordance with principles of international law. From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)

Commission's proposal of substitute for Department's reservation added to article 1, by favoring resort to arbitration in case of denial of justice by courts and failure of agreement by diplomatic intervention.

To the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)

Further modification of clause in question to effect agree-
ment for arbitration where United States and Dominican
Republic only are concerned, since the United States cannot
attempt to bind other nations to agreement for arbitration.
From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Signing by Commission of final version of plan with com-
plete list of Executive orders, etc. Request for deferred pub-
lication until simultaneous publication can be effected.
From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Military Governor's disapproval of plan; his approval,
however, of arrangement for Policia officers and recruits to
receive training under sole jurisdiction of Military Govern-
ment during life of Provisional Government.
From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic

Plan of withdrawal as amended and signed at Santo Do-
mingo, September 18 (text printed); copy of manifesto ad-
dressed by Commission to Dominican people; arrangements
for simultaneous publication throughout Republic.
From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)

Dominican anxiety lest U. S. Senate fail to approve con-
vention contained in plan and Department be forced to aban-
don evacuation. Request for confirmation of understanding
that policy of evacuation will not be changed provided Do-
minican Republic carries out its obligation and its Congress
passes law ratifying acts of Military Government.

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Date and number




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To the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Assurance that evacuation will take place as soon as pro-
visions of plan have been complied with by Constitutional
Government and conditions warrant.

From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Recommendations as to wording of proclamation to be made
by Military Governor in regard to setting up of Provisional

From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic

Five conditions agreed to by the Commission for the func-
tioning of the Provisional Government (text printed).
From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Information that Commission will commence selection of
members of Provisional Government on October 2, all fric-
tion between members of Commission having been satisfac-
torily adjusted.

From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)

Refusal of Military Governor to grant request of Commission that marines be prevented from leaving camp during elections. Desire for instructions.

From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic

Correspondence between Military Governor and Welles
(texts printed) in which latter objected to appointment of
member of Military Government as special agent of Domini-
can Republic to audit accounts for bond issue of 1908, on
ground that appointment should be made by Provisional

From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Selection of Vicini Burgos as Provisional President.

To the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Information that Navy Department is being requested to
instruct Military Governor to comply with Commission's
request to detain marines in barracks during election period.
To the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)

Substance of letter to Secretary of Navy regarding procedure
in installation of Provisional Government, it not being neces-
sary for Military Governor to remain in Republic; other offi-
cials remaining to give advice, if requested; marines to be
concentrated in three cities; advice regarding suspension of

From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic

Modification of conditions for functioning of Provisional
Government whereby is inserted, upon Welles' recommenda-
tion, principle of life tenure of office for Justices of Supreme
Court and Judges of Courts of Appeal.

From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)

Commission's request that one company of cavalry be temporarily retained in Province of Seybo because of existence of banditry. Request that Military Governor be so instructed. (Footnote: Instructions to this effect to Military Governor, October 12.)

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Date and





Oct. 9 (29)

Oct. 11 (32)

Oct. 17 (13)

Oct. 20 (16)

Oct. 21 (38)

Oct. 23 (35)

From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Belief that Department will not modify its views in regard
to keeping marines in barracks during election hours, notwith-
standing Military Governor's protest against instructions to
this effect.

From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)

Draft proclamation (text printed) approved by Military
Governor, to be issued announcing installation of Provisional
Government. Request for approval and authorization to set
date of installation.

To the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Approval of wording of proclamation and authorization to
determine date of installation of Provisional Government in
accord with Military Governor.

To the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
President Harding's message of felicitation to Provisional
President upon his installation (text printed).

From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (tel.)
Passages from inaugural address of Provisional President
(text printed) declaring faith in Dominican people and pledg-
ing impartiality and justice in administration of office.
From the Commissioner in the Dominican Republic

Departure from Santo Domingo of Military Governor,
leaving Acting Military Governor during life of Provisional
Government. Welles' purpose before leaving to obtain
formal approval of draft electoral law and his plan to avoid
friction by means of conferences between Commission, Acting
Military Governor, and U. S. Minister. Outlook as to party
realignment for general elections.

Oct. 30 Provisional President Burgos to President Harding (tel.)
Desire that Welles' mission should not terminate before
inauguration of Constitutional President.

Nov. 8

(Footnote: Similar telegram to Department from Domin-
ican Commissioners.)

President Harding to Provisional President Burgos (tel.)
Assurance that best means of carrying out plan signed by
Welles will be considered, in case he is unable to return to
Dominican Republic.

[blocks in formation]

(Footnote: Similar telegram sent by Department to Dominican Commissioners.)

Nov. 28 (30)

To the Minister in the Dominican Republic (tel.)


Nov. 29


From Welles: Request that Department be advised
whether election law has been promulgated by Provisional
Government, and, if not, probable date of such promulgation.
From the Minister in the Dominican Republic (tel.)

Expectation that election law will be ready for publication
within ten days but will not be promulgated until people have
had opportunity to criticize and suggest changes.


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