Imágenes de páginas
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Contests of Ormond and the clergy-Clanricarde's
adminiftration-Negociation with the duke of Lorrain
-Progrefs of the republicans-Siege of Limerick
Executions-Siege of Galway-Further proceedings
-Executions-Difpofal of forfeitures-


protector Mifcellaneous tranfactions-Cromwel's indulgence to the Irish-Arbitrary measure with refpect to the press—Administration of Henry Cromwel-His refignation-Proceedings of the royalifts

Council of officers-Ludlow-Seizure

of the Castle and its reduction.


HILE Ireton and Coote were completing their CHAP. conquests, the former in the fouth, the latter in the XXVII. north, the marquis of Ormond was deeply engaged, Contests besides his military efforts, in contests with the Romish clergy, who, intent on a delufive object, the clergy.



of Ormond and the

CHAP. establishment of the papal power in Ireland under
XXVII. their own administration, by the intervention of a

foreign prince, counteracted the plans of the roy.
alifts, and thus unintentionally facilitated the pro-
grefs of the English republicans to the fubjugation
of the whole. As all Connaught, with Limerick,
ftill remained in the hands of the confederates, and
as this town, together with thofe of Sligo and Gal-
could be easily fortified beyond any danger
from Ireton's force, and were commodious by their
ports for the reception of fuccours from abroad, a
fuccefsful oppofition might long have been made to
the republican arms, if unanimity and refolution
had prevailed among the profeffed abettors of the
royal caufe. Propofing, by the advantage of the
important poft of Limerick, to prepare in the win.
ter an army fit to face the enemy in the ensuing
fpring, but denied by the citizens, when he requested
their admiffion of eighteen hundred men for a gar-
rion, Ormond, by the advice of the commiffioners
of truft, fummoned twenty-four prelates to this
town to confult with him on the distracted state of
affairs, and proposed to them that either obedience
to his authority fhould be procured by their influ-
ence, or fome other way fhould be recommended,
by which it might be preserved, on his withdrawing
from the kingdom.

Among the proposals of this affembly, mostly lax and indefinite, the most precife and important were, that the receiver-general should account for the fums levied fince the peace; and that a privy council fhould be compofed of native nobility, fpiritual and


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