Aristotle's Politiques, &c.2 from the Fr. by J. D. fol. Lond. The eight Bookes of Xenophon, containing the Institution, Schole, and Education of Cyrus, the noble King of Persye, &c. tranfl. out of Gr. into Engl. by Mr. William Bercher, Lond. 12mo. 1567 and 1569 D°. by Dr. Philemon Holland. Xenophon's Treatise of House-hold, right connyngly tranfl. out of the Greke tongue, &c. by Gentian Hervet, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1532, 8vo. 1534 1544, 8vo. 1573 The Arte of Riding from Xenophon, &c. Lond. The Manuell of Epictetus, tranfl. out of Greeke into French, and now into English, &c. Alfo the Apothegmes, &c. by James Sandford, Lond. 12mo. CEBES. The Table of Cebes, the Philosopher. How one may take profite of his ennemies. Translated out of Plutarche. ** This tranflation is entered in the books at Stationers' Hall. "Adam Iflip.) Aristotle's Politiques with expositions; to be tranflated into Englishe by the French copie, 1598." 3 In the books of the Stationers' Company, Feb. 12, 1581, Tho. Easte entered Enchiridon in English. A Treatise perswadyng a man paciently to fuffer EUNAPIUS SARDIANUS.4 The Lyves of Philosophers and Orators, from the ACHILLES TATIUS. - 1579 The most delectable and pleasant Hift. of Clitophon Tatius, &c. by W. B. 4to. 15975 The Golden Boke of Marcus Aurelius, Emperour 1553 Translated out of Fr. into Eng. by Sir John 4 Thus entered in the books of the Stationers' Company. 5 This book was entered in the same year by Thomas Creede, • This book is only introduced, that an opportunity may be Other editions of this are in 1534, 1535, 1536, 1537, 1559, 1586, 1588. DIONYSIUS. Dionyfius's Description of the Worlde. Englyshed by Tho. Twyne, 8vo. Lond. EUCLID. 1572 Euclid's Elements of Geometry, tranfl, into Engl, by Rich. Candish who flourished, A. D. 1556 Euclid's Elements, Pref. by John Dee, Lond. 1570 HIPPOCRATES. The Aphorifmes of Hippocrates, redacted into a certaine Order, and translated by Humfrie Llhyd, 8vo. See Granger's Biographical History, Vol. I. p.270. The Beginning of Æthiopical History in Engl. Hexameters, by Abrah. Fraunce, 8vo. Lond. 15917 Heliodorus's Æthiopic Hift. tranfl. by Tho. Underdown, B. L. 4to. Lond. 1577 and 1587 "A tranflation of the fame book is likewise entered at Stationers' Hall, 1602, and again twice in 1604, for different printers. ÆSOP. Esop's Fables in true Orthography, with Grammar notes, tranflated out of the Latin by William Bullaker, B. L. 8vo. 1585 VIRGIL. The Boke of Eneydos, &c. by Caxton, fol. Lond. profe 1490 The thirteen Bukes of Eneados in Scottish Metir, by Gawin Douglas, 4to. Lond. 1553 Certaine Bookes of Virgiles Æneis turned into English Metir, by the right honourable Lorde, Henry Earle of Surrey, 4to. Lond. 1557 The first seven Bookes of the Eneidos, by Phaer, Lond. 4to. B. L. This Translation is in rhyme of fourteen fyllables. The nine first Bookes, &c. by Phaer, 4to. Lond. 1562 8 This is a tranflation of the second and fourth books into blank verse, and is perhaps the oldest specimen of that metre in the English language. The following "Epytaphe of Maister Thomas Phayre," is found in a very scarce book entitled "Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes. Newly written by Barnabe Googe, 1563, 15 Marche. Imprynted at London by Thomas Colwell, for Raffe Newbery, dwelyng in Fletestrete a little aboue the Conduit in the late shop of Thomas Bartelet." "The hawtye verse yt Maro wrote "made Rome to wonder muche, 1 "And meruayle none, for why the style " And weightynes was suche, "That all men iudged Parnaffus mownt "And brought forth one that seemd to drop " from out Mineruaies brayne. The thirteene Bookes of Eneidos, by Phaer and Twine, 4to. Lond. 1584, 1596, 1607, &c. The first four Bookes of Virgil's Æneis, translated into Engl. heroic Verse, by Richard Stanyhurst, &c. 12mo. Lond. I 2 1583 The Bucolickes of Publius Virgilius Maro, &c. by I "But wonder more maye Bryttayne great "That Virgils verse hath greater grace "And leaue a worke unperfyt so Among the entries in the books of the Stationers' Company, is the following. "Tho. Creede] Virgil's Æneidos in Englishe verse, 1595." Again, in 1600. Again, his Bucolics and Georgics in the same year. 2 The copy which I have seen, was in 4to. printed at Leiden, and was entered as fuch on the books of the Stationers' on the 24th of January, 1582. |