Imágenes de páginas



Acton, R. Our colonial empire. London: Cassell, 1881. 192 pp. 8°.

Adderly, Sir Charles Bowyer. Review of "The colonial policy of Lord John Russell's administration," by Earl Grey, 1853; and of subsequent colonial history. London: Stanford, 1869. viii, 423 pp. 8°.

Avalle, Ernest. Notice sur les colonies anglaises, géographie, histoire, population, gouvernement, justice, etc. Paris: Berger-Levrault et Cie., 1883. 696 pp. 8°. (Reproduction d'articles publiés dans la "Revue Maritime et Coloniale.")

Balfour, Betty, Lady. The history of Lord Lytton's Indian administration, 1876 to 1880; compiled from letters and official papers. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899. viii, 551 pp. Portrait. 8°.

Bannister, Saxe. British colonization and coloured tribes. London: William Ball, 1838. xii, 323 pp. 16°.

Beer, George Louis. The commercial policy of England toward the American colonies. (In Columbia College. Studies in history, economics, and public law, vol. 3, pp. 299–465. New York, 1893.)

Bell, Sydney Smith. Colonial administration of Great Britain. London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, and Roberts, 1859. xi, 470 pp. 8°.

Bérard, V. L'Angleterre et l'impérialisme. Paris: Colin et Cie., 1900. 381 pp. 12°.

Besant, Sir Walter. The rise of the empire. series.)

London: Horace Marshall & Son, [1898]. xiv, (2), 125 pp. 16°. (Story of the empire

Blosseville, Bénigne Ernest Poret, Vicomte de. Histoire de la colonisation pénale et des éstablissements de l'Angleterre en Australie.
Evreux: Imprimerie de Auguste Hérissey, 1859. xxxii, viii, (2), 569 pp. 8°.
Bowen, Sir George Ferguson. The federation of the British empire. (In Royal Colonial Institute. Proc., vol. 17, pp. 283-315.
London, 1886.)

Thirty years of colonial government. A selection from the despatches and letters of Sir G. F. Bowen, governor successively of
Queensland, New Zealand, Victoria, Mauritius, and Hongkong. Edited by Stanley Lane-Poole. London: Longmans, Green
& Co., 1889. 2 vols.
2 vols. 8°.

Buller, Charles. Mr. Mothercountry, of the colonial office. (In Wakefield, E. G.: A view of the art of colonization, pp. 279–296. London, 1849.)

Burrows, Montagu. The history of the foreign policy of Great Britain. William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh and London, 1895. xiv, 372 pp. 8°.

Caldecott, Alfred. English colonization and empire. London: John Murray, 1897. viii, 282 pp. Maps in the text. 16°. (University extension manuals.)

Canning, Albert Stratford George. British rule and modern politics. A historical study. London: Smith Elder & Co., 1899. xvi, 342 pp. 8°.

Carton de Wiart, Edmond. Les grandes compagnies coloniales anglaises du xixe siècle. Avec une préface de Eugène Étienne. Paris: Perrin et Cie., 1899. xix, (1) 280 pp. 12°. Contents: La "British North Borneo company;" La "Royal Niger company;' L' "Imperial British East Africa company;" La "British South Africa chartered company;" Considérations générales sur les nouvelles "chartered" anglaises. Bibliographie, p. 271.

Cawston, G., and A. H. Keane. The early chartered companies (A. D. 1296-1858). London: Arnold, 1896. 342 pp. 8°. Chalmers (R.) A history of currency in the British colonies. London: Printed * * * by Eyre and Spottiswoode, [1893]. viii, 495 pp. 8°.

Chevilliard, G. Les colonies anglaises. Paris: A. Challamel, 1899. 415 pp. 8°.

Clarke, Sir G. S., and J. R. Thursfield. The navy and the nation; or, Naval warfare and imperial defence. London: Murray, 1897. 352 pp. 8°.

Clayden, A. British colonisation. London: 1891. 40 pp. 8°.

Colomb, John Charles Ready. The defence of Great and greater Britain. Sketches of its naval, military, and political aspects; annotated with extracts from the discussions they have called forth in the press of greater Britain. With a map. London: Edward Stanford, 1880. viii, 264 pp. 8°.

Cooper, Augustus. The colonies of the United Kingdom. A descriptive and statistical work of reference.
Gazette" Printing Company, 1888. 182 pp. 8°.

Brighton: "Brighton

Cotton, J. S., and E. J. Payne. Colonies and dependencies. London: Macmillan & Co., 1883. vi, (2), 164 pp. 12°. (The English citizen.)

Creasy, Sir Edward S. The imperial and colonial constitutions of the Britannic empire, including Indian institutions. London:
Longmans, Green & Co., 1872. xv, (3), 403 pp. Folded map. 8°.

Cunningham, G. C. A scheme for imperial federation; a senate for the empire. London: Longmans, 1895. 116 pp. 8°.
Cunningham, William. Growth of English industry and commerce during the early and middle ages. 3d edition. Cambridge:
University Press. 1896. 730 pp. 8°.

Growth of English industry and commerce in modern times. Cambridge: University Press. 1890-1892. 2 vols. 8°.
Dawson, G. M., and A. Sutherland. Geography of the British colonies. 1892. 330 pp. 8°. (Macmillan's Geographical series.)
Denison, Sir William. Varieties of vice-regal life. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1870. 2 vols. Folded maps. 8°.
Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth. The British empire. London: Chatto & Windus, 1899. 160 pp. 8°.

Greater Britain. A record of travel in English-speaking countries during 1866-1867. Two volumes in one, with maps and illustrations. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1869. 8°. Problems of Greater Britain. 2d edition. London: Macmillan, 1890. 2 vols. 8°.

Same. 4th edition, revised. London and New York: Macmillan, 1890. xii, 737 pp. Maps. 8°. Contents: North America; Newfoundland; The Dominion of Canada; The United States, Canada, and the West Indies; Australasia; Victoria; New South Wales; Queensland; Australia and New Zealand; The Cape; South Africa; India; Crown colonies of the present and of the future. Colonial problems: Colonial democracy; Labour, provident societies, and the poor; Protection of native industries; Education; Religion; Liquor laws.-Future relations between the mother country and the remainder of the empire.-Imperial


Dilke, Sir C. W., and H. S. Wilkinson. Imperial defence. London, 1892. 234 pp. 8°.

Douglas, James. Canadian independence; annexation and British Imperial federation. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1894. vi, (2), 114 pp. 8°. (Questions of the day.) Doyle, J. A. The English in America. The Puritan colonies. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1887. 2 vols. Folded maps. 8°. English colonies in America. Virginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1882. xvi, 420 pp. Folded maps. 8°. Egerton, Hugh Edward. A short history of British colonial policy. London: Methuen & Co., 1897. xv, (1), 503 pp. 8°. Pp. 481-489 contain a bibliography. "This book deals with British colonial policy historically, from the beginnings of English colonisation down to the present day. The subject has been treated by itself, and it has thus been possible within a reasonable compass to deal with a mass of authority which must otherwise be sought in the State papers. The volume is divided into five parts: (1) The period of beginnings, 1497-1650. (2) Trade ascendency, 1651-1830. (3) The granting of responsible government, 1831-1860. (4) Laissez aller, 1861-1885. (5) Greater Britain. The whole story of the growth and administration of our colonial empire is comprehensive and well arranged, and is set forth with marked ability."-Daily Mail. "It is a good book, distinguished by accuracy in detail, clear arrangement of facts, and a broad grasp of principles." Manchester Guardian. "Able, impartial, clear. * * * A most valuable volume."-Athenæum. Emancipation in disguise, or the true crisis of the colonies. To which are added considerations upon measures proposed for their temporary relief and observations upon colonial monopoly, showing the different effects of its enforcement and relaxation, exposing the advantages derived by America from Louisiana. *** London: Printed for J. Ridgeway. 1807 (4), iv, 220 pp. 8°. Franklyn, H. Mortimer. The unit of imperial federation. A solution of the problem. London: Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey & Co., 1887. xvi, 260 pp. 8°. Froude, James Anthony. Oceana; or England and her colonies. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1886. ix, (2), 396 pp. Plates. 8°. Fuchs, Carl J. Die Handelspolitik Englands und seiner Kolonien in den letzten Jahrzehnten. (Die Handelspolitik der wichtigeren Kulturstaaten in den letzten Jahrzehnten, volume 4.) Leipzig: Verein für Sozialpolitik, 1893. x, 358 pp. 8°. Geffcken, Friedrich Heinrich. The British Empire. With essays on Prince Albert, Lord Palmerston, Lord Beaconsfield, Mr. Gladstone, and reform of the House of Lords. Translated from the German, by S. J. Macmullan. London: Sampson Low [etc.], 1889. ix, (3), 312 pp. Portrait. 8°.

Geroldt, Fritz. Nine colonies. London: Chapman, 1881. 144 pp. 8°.

Gibbins, H. de B. British commerce and colonies. London: Methuen, 1893. 136 pp. 8°. (Methuen's commercial series.)
Greswell, William Henry Parr. British colonies and their industries. London, 1893. 132 pp. 8°.

Outlines of British colonization. London: Percival & Co., 1893. xvi, 358 pp. 12°. Contents: The West Indies; Newfoundland;
The Dominion of Canada; The West African settlements; The South African colonies; The Australian colonies; New Zealand;
The islands of the Pacific; The Fiji group; Ceylon and the Maldive archipelago; Mauritius; Hongkong; The Straits Settlements;
British North Borneo; Labuan.

Grey, Henry George, 3d Earl. The colonial policy of Lord John Russell's administration. In two volumes. London: Richard Bentley, 1853. 8°.

Commercial policy of the British colonies and the McKinley tariff. London, 1892. 79 pp. 8°.

Hubert Hervey, student and imperialist. London: Arnold, 1899. 160 pp. 8°.

Hall, Hubert, The imperial policy of Elizabeth, from the State papers, foreign and domestic. (In Royal Historical Society. Transactions. New series, vol. 3, pp. 202-241. London, 1888.)

Hart, Arthur Wellington. "Our Colonies." London: Richardson. Liverpool: Joshua Walmsley. 1849. 44 pp. 8°.

Heising, Albert. England und die anglosächsische Staaten-Bildung in Amerika, Westindien u. Australien vom Ursprung bis auf die Gegenwart. Berlin: A. Sacco, [1854]. 252 pp. 12°.

Hodgetts, J. Frederick. Greater England. Being a brief historical sketch of the various possessions of Her Majesty, the Empress Queen, in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and Oceania. London: Hatchards, 1887. xvi, 330 pp. 8°. Contents: Preface. Little Britain: Account of the opinion formed of the aborigines by the English on their taking possession of Britain; Hatred of tyranny, and especially of Rome; Assumption of Romance manners and language by the Normans, and consequent hatred between the English and them; Continual struggle between the descendants of the old Scandinavian English and those of Rome. North America: Discovery of America by the Scandinavians in the 10th and 11th centuries; English discoveries in 1497, Spanish discoveries in 1492, in the West Indies; Columbus independent of the Norsemen; Continued struggle between ourselves and Romance races in America, resulting in European war and English victory. The Caribbean Sea: Continued battle of the races; Fights in the Caribbean Sea; Sir Henry Morgan's victory at Panama; His true value in English history. Oceania: Historical sketches of our settlements in the islands of Australia, New Zealand, and Borneo; Accounts of the aborigines, of our own intercourse with them, and of their subsequent decay. Africa: The Cape Colony and causes of discomfort there; Suggestions for removing the trouble; the Dutch and English never friends. India: Portuguese, Dutch, and French preceding us; The war of race continued and resulting in English victory; Troubles in India, their cause; Clive, Warren Hastings; The mutiny and the Empire. Ceylon: Battle of the races continued; The Dutch our enemies as well as the Portuguese and French; Final occupation of the island by the English; Descendants of the Portuguese black, a circumstance militating against Darwin's theory; The cause considered; Buddhism, devil worship, and Christianity; Ferguson's work quoted; Possible future value of Ceylon to the English race.

Hübner, J. A., Baron von. Through the British Empire. In two volumes, with a map. London: John Murray, 1886. 8°.
Hughes, W., and Williams, J. F. Geography of the British colonies. London, 1892. 232 pp. 8°. (Philips' Geographical Manuals.)
Hurlburt, J. Beaufort. Britain and her colonies. London: Edward Stanford, 1865. xv, 271 pp. 8°. Contents: Government of the

first English colonies; American confederations from 1643-1790; Colonial governments, ancient and modern; Introduction of parliamentary or responsible governments; Confederation of British North America; Policy of the mother country; Commercial policy; Cost, defence, and advantages of colonies; Opinions, imperial and colonial; Evidence given before the select committee of the House of Commons on colonial military expenditure in 1861; Future of the colonies. Huskisson, William. Substance of two speeches delivered in the House of Commons on the 21st and 25th of March, 1825, respecting the colonial policy and foreign commerce of the country. Baltimore: Published by F. Lucas, jr., 1826. 88 pp. 8°. Johnson, Theodore. Imperial Britain. A comprehensive description of the geography, history, commerce, trade, government, and religion of the British Empire. London: The Imperial Press, 1898. xvi, 295 pp. Illustrations (woodcuts). Maps. 8°. (The Imperial Library.) Latham, R. G. The ethnology of the British colonies and dependencies. London: John Van Voorst, 1851. vi, 264 pp. 16°. Lazarides, D. G. History of the commerce, industry, and colonies of England. London: Clayton & Co., 1882. 150 pp. 8°. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. The Empire: its value and its growth. An inaugural address, Nov. 20, 1893. London: Longmans, 1893. 48 pp. 8°.

Ledsham, J. B. Geography of the British isles and colonies. Manchester: J. B. Ledsham, 1877. 16°.

Lord, Walton Frewen. The lost possessions of England. Essays in imperial history. London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1896. vii, (3),
326 pp. 12°. Contents: Retrospect; Dunkirk; Tangier; Minorca; Cuba; Manila; Corsica; Buenos Ayres, and Montevideo;
Java; The Ionian Islands; Forecast.
Lucas, Charles Prestwood. Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1887. xii, 142 pp.
Maps. 12°.

A historical geography of the British colonies. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1888-1897. 4 vols. in 5. Maps. 12°. Contents:
1. The European dependencies of Great Britain: Heligoland; Gibraltar; Malta; Cyprus. The minor Ásiatic dependencies:
Aden and Perim; Socotra; Ceylon and the Maldives. The British dependencies in the Malay seas: The Straits Settlements;
Perak; Selangor; Sungei; Ujong; Labuan; North Borneo; Hongkong. Dependencies in the Indian Ocean: Mauritius and its
dependencies; The Cocos Islands. 2. West Indies: The Bermudas; European colonization in the West Indies; The Bahamas;
Jamaica and its dependencies; The Leeward Islands; Barbados; The Windward Islands; Trinidad and Tobago; British
Guiana; British Honduras; The Falkland Islands and South Georgia. 3. The British colonies and dependencies in Africa:
Early exploration of Africa down to the opening of the route round the Cape of Good Hope. The West African dependencies:
The west coast; Early European trade and settlement on the west coast of Africa; The African companies and the slave trade;
English, French, and Dutch on the west coast, 1660-1821; The rise of the British west coast settlement; The last twenty years
in West Africa; The Gambia; Sierra Leone; The Gold coast; Lagos; The Niger protectorates; The islands in the South
Atlantic: Ascension; St. Helena; Tristan da Cunha, and Gough Island. 4, part 1. South and East Africa. Historical: The
Cape, 1487-1652; The founding of the Dutch settlement at the Cape; The Cape Colony in the eighteenth century; The
missionary movement and British immigration; The Kaffir wars; The beginnings of Natal and the Boer republics; The
growth of the Cape Colony and Natal; The last twenty years in South Africa. 4, part 2, Geographical: The Cape Colony;
Natal; Zululand; Basutoland; The Bechuanaland protectorate; Matabeleland and Mashonaland; British Central Africa; British
East Africa. Index.

Lyde, L. W. Commercial geography of the British Empire. London: Methuen, 1894. 156 pp. 8°. (Methuen's Commercial Series.) Macdonald, A. Our sceptred isle and its empire. London: Low, 1883. 196 pp.

Macknight, Thomas. Thirty years of foreign policy. A history of the secretaryships of the Earl of Aberdeen and Viscount Palmerston. London: Longman, Brown, etc., 1855. xi, (i), 440 pp. 8°.

Martin, Robert Montgomery. The political, commercial, and financial condition of the Anglo-Eastern Empire in 1832. An analysis of its home and foreign governments, and a practical examination of the doctrines of free trade and colonization, with reference to the renewal or modification of the East India Company's charter. London: Parbury, Allen & Co., 1832. xi, (i), 403 pp. 8°. Colonial policy of the British Empire. Part I.-Government. London, 1837. (2), 87 pp. 8°.

Statistics of the colonies of the British Empire in the West Indies, South America, North America, Asia, Austral-Asia, Africa,
and Europe; comprising the area, agriculture, commerce, manufactures, shipping, custom duties, population, education, religion,
crime, government, finances, laws, military defence, cultivated and waste lands, emigration, rates of wages, prices of provisions,
banks, coins, staple products, stock, movable and immovable property, public companies, etc., of each colony, with the charters
and the engraved seals. From the official records of the colonial office. London: Wm. H. Allen & Co., 1839. 602, 304 pp.
Folded map. 8°.

History of the colonies of the British Empire in the West Indies, South America, North America, Asia, Austral-Asia, Africa, and
Europe; comprising the area, agriculture, commerce, etc., of each colony, with the charters and the engraved seals. London:
Wm. H. Allen & Co., 1843. v, (3), 602, 304 pp. 2 folded sheets, folded map. 8°.

Martineau, John. The life and correspondence of Sir Bartle Frere. In two volumes. 2d edition. London: John Murray, 1895.
Folded maps, portraits. 8°. (Colonial administration in India and South Africa.)
Mills, Arthur. Colonial constitutions; An outline of the constitutional history and existing government of the British dependencies,
with schedules of the orders in council, statutes, and parliamentary documents relating to each dependency. London: John
Murray, 1856. xxi, (i), 399 pp. 8°. Contents: Introduction; An outline of the constitutional history and existing government
of the British dependencies; Historical sketch of the home administration of the British dependencies; Laws and government
of the British dependencies as affected by the mode of their original acquisition, either (1) by the occupation of vacant
territory, or (2) by cession or conquest from other powers; The existing constitutions of the British dependencies: (1) Those
not possessing representative government, (2) those possessing representative government; Powers of colonial governors;
Powers of the executive councils; Powers of the legislative councils; Powers of the representative assemblies; Prerogatives
reserved to the Crown in the administration of the British dependencies: (1) In respect to the confirmation or disallowance
of colonial acts or ordinances, (2) in respect of territorial revenues, and royalties on minerals, (3) in respect of appellate
jurisdiction, (4) in respect of the foreign relations of the dependencies; European dependencies; Ionian Islands, Malta,
Gibraltar, Heligoland, Isle of Man, and Channel Islands; Asiatic dependencies; British India, Ceylon, Hongkong, and Labuan;
African dependencies: (1) Southern-Cape of Good Hope; British Kaffraria; Natal; (2) Western-Sierra Leone, Gambia,
Gold Coast settlements; (3) Mauritius; (4) St. Helena; Ascension; American dependencies: (1) Northern-Canada; Nova
Scotia; New Brunswick; Newfoundland; Prince Edwards Island; Hudson's Bay territories; Vancouvers Island; Bermudas;
(2) Central-Honduras; Jamaica; Bahamas; Windward Islands; Leeward Islands; St. Lucia; Trinidad; (3) Southern-British
Guiana; Falkland Islands; Pitcairn; Australian dependencies: (1) Australia, comprising New South Wales, Victoria, South
Australia, Western Australia; (2) Tasmania and Norfolk Islands; (3) New Zealand; Chatham Islands; Auckland Islands;
Historical sketch of the system of transportation of criminals to the British dependencies, with orders in council; Acts of
Parliament, and Parliamentary documents relating thereto; Statistical table: Dates of acquisition and population of the
dependencies, also, imports and exports; Revenue and expenditure for 1854; Rules and regulations for Her Majesty's colonial
service (cap. 1, 2, and 3); Local government of India, and relations of the Imperial Government with the native States;
Statistical table: Dependencies of the European powers, with the area of each; Laws relating to Christianity in the British
dependencies; Index.

Colonial constitutions; an outline of the existing forms of government in the British dependencies. London: E. Standford, 1891. 55 pp. 8°.

Milne, James. The romance of a proconsul; being the personal life and memoirs of the Rt. Hon. George Grey. London: Chatto & Windus, 1899. Portrait. ix, 214 pp. ix, 214 pp. Cr. 8°.

Moffatt, Wm. Geography of British colonies. London: Moffatt & Paige, 1880. 77 pp. 8°.

Molteno, Percy Alport. A federal South Africa. A comparison of the critical period of American history with the present position of the colonies and states of South Africa, and a consideration of the advantages to follow. With maps. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1896. xxii, 260 pp. 12°.

Napier, Charles James. The colonies; treating of their value generally, of the Ionian islands in particular; the importance of the latter in war and commerce. * * Strictures on the administration of Sir Frederick Adam. London: Thomas and William Boone, 1833. xv, (3), 608 pp. Plates, map. 8°.

Navez, L. Les causes et les conséquences de la grandeur coloniale de l'Angleterre. Bruxelles, 1890. 56 pp. 8°.
The problem of national unity. London: Macmillan, 1892. xii, 314 pp. 8°.
263 pp. 8°.

Parkin, George R. Imperial federation.
Round the empire. London, 1892.

Pridham, Charles. England's colonial empire; an historical, political, and statistical account of the empire, its colonies and dependencies. Vol. I. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1846. xii, (2), 410 pp. Folded maps. 8°. Contents: The Mauritius and its dependencies. Ransome, Cyril. Our colonies and India; how we got them, and why we keep them. 4th edition. Cassell & Co., London, Paris, and Melbourne, 1895. 102 pp. Folded map. 16°. Rawlings, Thomas. The confederation of the British North American provinces; their past history and future prospects; including also British Columbia and Hudson's Bay territory; with a map and suggestions in reference to the true and only practicable route from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, 1865. x, (2), 244 pp. Plates (lithographs). 8°. Ritchie, Leitch. The British world in the East; a guide historical, moral, and commercial to India, China, Australia, South Africa, and the other possessions or connections of Great Britain in the Eastern and Southern seas. In 2 vols. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1847. 12°. Contents: 1. The history of India from the earliest time to the downfall of the Mahomedan empire; The civilization of India under the Hindoos and Mahomedans; The history of the settlements of the English and other European nations in India; The constitution and régime of the East India company; A geographical outline of India: its connection with Europe by means of steam navigation, and a comparative view of the condition of the country under Hindoo, Mahomedan, and British rule. 2. The countries adjoining India; The Chinese Empire: its internal resources and foreign relations; The Empire of Japan; Australia and the islands of the Pacific; Southern Africa and the islands of the Indian and south Atlantic


Roberts, Browne. History of the colonial empire of Great Britain. London: Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, 1861. xi, (1), 313 pp. 12°. Robertson, John M. Patriotism and empire. London: Grant Richards, 1899.

(6), 208 pp.

(6), 208 pp. 8°. Contents: The springs of patriotism and militarism; The military regimen; The theory and practice of imperialism. Robinson, Sir John. Same. London: Macmillan & Co., 1899. vi, 128 pp. 8°. (In Royal Colonial Institute. Proceedings, vol. 30, pp. 324-367. London, 1899.)

Royal Colonial Institute Proceedings. London, 1870-1899. 30 vols. 8°.

Salmon, C. S. The crown colonies of Great Britain. An inquiry into their social condition and methods of administration; with a chapter on "The black and the brown landholder of Jamaica," by R. G. Haliburton. Cassell & Co., London, etc., 1885. 184 pp. 16°. Scholes, Theophilus E. S. The British Empire and alliances; or, Britain's duty to her colonies and subject races. London: Elliot Stock, 1899. viii, 415 pp. 8°. Scott, Eben Greenough. The development of constitutional liberty in the English colonies of America. New York, London: G. P.

Putnam's Sons, 1893. xv, 334 pp. 12°. Contents: The era of constitutional development in England; The era of State development in America; Descent; Remoteness of situation; The forms of the colonial governments and the political relations of the colonies; Religion of the northern provinces; The mysticism of West Jersey and Pennsylvania; Rationalism of New England; Faith of Maryland; Manners in southern provinces; Manners of the frontier; Manners in the middle provinces; New England's five advantages as enumerated by John Adams; The commercial relations of the colonies; The era of constitutional development in America.

Seeley, John Robert. The expansion of England. Two courses of lectures. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1883. vii, 308 pp. 12°. Contents: Tendency in English history; England in the eighteenth century; The empire; The old colonial system; Effect of the New World on the Old; Commerce and war; Phases of expansion; Schism in Greater Britain; History and politics; The Indian Empire; How we conquered India; How we govern India; Mutual influence of England and India; Phases in the conquest of India; Internal and external dangers; Recapitulation.

Our colonial expansion. Extracts from The expansion of England. London: Macmillan & Co., 1887. 96 pp. 16°. The growth of British policy; An historical essay. In 2 vols. Cambridge (Eng.): University Press, 1895. Portrait. 12°. Contents: 1. Memoir; Introduction; Elizabeth; The growth of the house of Hapsburg; The first phase of policy; The counter-reformation; The British question; The middle period of Elizabeth; The Spanish monarchy; From peace to war; The war of Elizabeth; Close of the Elizabethan age. Reaction; Epochs in the reign of James I; James I and the Thirty Years' War; The policy of Charles I; The transformation of France; The transformation of England. 2. Cromwell and the military state; The first Dutch war; The peace of Cromwell; War of Cromwell. The second reaction: The restoration and Charles II; The French ascendency; Revival of the dynasty system; The rise of a new opposition; The last phase of the counter-reformation; The Stuart dynasty and the nation; William III and the commercial state

Sitwell, Sidney Mary. Growth of the English colonies. 2d edition. London: Rivingtons, 1886. vii, (1), 125 pp. 16°. Stokes, Anthony. A view of the constitution of the British colonies in North America and the West Indies at the time the civil war broke out on the continent of America; in which notice is taken of such alterations as have happened since that time with a variety of colony precedents. London: Printed for the author, 1783. (2), xvi, 555, (1) pp. 8°.

Storey, Alfred Thomas. The building of the British Empire; the story of England's growth from Elizabeth to Victoria. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. 2 vols. Plates. 8°.

Tarring, Charles James. Chapters on the law relating to the colonies; to which are appended topical indexes of cases decided in the privy council on appeal from the colonies, Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man, and of cases relating to the colonies decided in the English courts otherwise than on appeal from the colonies. 2d ed., enlarged. London: Stevens & Haynes, 1893. xxiii, (1), 478 pp. 8°.

288 pp. 8°.

Temple, A. The making of the Empire. London: A. Melrose, 1895. Todd, Alpheus. Parliamentary government in the British colonies. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1880. xii, 607 pp. 8°. Parliamentary government in the British colonies. 2d ed., edited by his son. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1894. xx, 929 pp. 8°. Wilkinson, Spenser. The nation's awakening. Essays towards a British policy. Westminister: A. Constable & Co., 1897. xxviii, 202 pp. 8°. Contents: Our past apathy; The aims of the great powers; The defence of British interests; The organization of government for the defence of British interests; The idea of the nation; The foundations of British power; The meaning of empire. Wood, J. Dennistoun. System of land transfer adopted by the colonies. (In Royal Colonial Institute. Proceedings, vol. 17, pp. 343-367. London, 1886.) Woodcock, Henry Iles. The laws and constitution of the British colonies in the West Indies having legislative assemblies. 2d ed. London: R. and W. Swale, 1838. xii, 304 pp. 8°.

Woodward, W. H. A short history of the expansion of the British Empire, 1500-1870. Cambridge (Eng.): University Press, 1899. x, 326 pp. Maps. 12°.

pp. 8°.


Young, Frederick. Imperial federation of Great Britain and her colonies. London: S. W. Silver & Co., 1876. xxix, 184 pp. 8vo.
Emigration to the colonies. (In Royal Colonial Institute. Proceedings, vol. 17, pp. 368-389. London, 1886.)
Editor. Imperial federation of Great Britain and her colonies. London: S. W. Silver & Co., 1876. xx, 184 pp.
Letters edited by Frederick Young.)
Zimmermann, Alfred. Die kolonialpolitik Grossbritanniens. 2 Theile. Berlin, 1898-1899. Maps. 8°. (In his Die europäischen
Kolonien, 2, 3.) "Verzeichniss der wichtigsten quellen und bearbeitungen," i, 476-479; ii, 400-407. Contents: i. Von den
anfängen bis zum abfall der Vereinigten Staaten. 1898. ii. Vom abfall der Vereinigten Staaten bis zur Gegenwart. 1899.


1897-98. Makers of the Dominion of Canada. By J. G. Bourinot. Canadian Mag., vol. 10 (Nov. 1897), 3, to vol. 11 (Oct., 1898), 567. 1898. Politisch-geographische Rückblicke: Das englische Weltreich. F. Ratzel. Geographische Zeitung, vol. 4 (1898), 211. A critical study of the relations between the British colonies and the mother country. Society of Arts Journal, vol. 46 (1898), 497.

1898. The British Empire: its resources and its future. J. Lowles.

1898. The Anglo-French dispute in West Africa. F. de Pressensé. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 17 (Jan., 1898), 80. 1898. European powers in West Africa. Independent, vol. 50 (Jan. 13, 1898), 51 [map].

1898. Colonial champions in the mother country. Quarterly Rev., vol. 187 (Jan., 1898), 153.

1898. Britain's exploitation of the Nile valley. F. C. Penfield. Forum, vol. 24 (Feb., 1898), 698.

1898. Undercurrents in Indian political life. F. H. Skrine. Harper's Monthly, vol. 96 (Feb., 1898), 452.

1898. An open West Africa. (England and France in West Africa.) Outlook (Eng.), vol. 1 (Feb. 19, 1898), 80. 1898. England and France in West Africa. Outlook (Eng.), vol. 1 (Feb. 26, 1898), 103.


Dominion parliament. Public Opinion, vol. 24 (Feb. 10, 1898), 171.

1898. The dispute in West Africa. (England and France in West Africa.) Spectator, vol. 80 (Feb. 26, (1898), 292. 1898. French at Lake Chad. Chambers' Journal, vol. 75 (Mar., 1898), 221.

1898. England and Egypt. A. S. White. Forum, vol. 25 (Mar., 1898), 59.

1898. Face to face in West Africa. F. A. Maxse. National Rev., vol. 31 (Mar., 1898), 29.

1898. England at war. T. E. Kebbel. Nineteenth Century, vol. 43 (Mar., 1898), 337.

1898. 1898.

West Indian depression.

Outlook (Eng.), vol. 1 (Mar. 19, 1898), 199; (Mar. 26, 1898), 232.

[blocks in formation]

1898. Is England growing weak? (England at war.) Comment. Spectator, vol. 80 (Mar. 12, 1898), 368. 1898. Clerical work in the colonies. Spectator, vol. 80 (Mar. 19, 1898), 401.

1898. Prosperity of Egypt since the occupation. Spectator, vol. 80 (Mar. 26, 1898), 432.

1898. England and France in West Africa. W. T. Stead. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 17 (Apr., 1898), 463. [Map.]
1898. Life and death in the Niger delta. Blackwood's Mag., vol. 163 (Apr., 1898), 451.

1898. England and France in West Africa. J. Westlake. Contemp. Rev., vol. 73 (Apr., 1898), 582.
1898. England and France in West Africa. T. G. Bowles. Forum, vol. 25 (Apr., 1898), 144.
1898. France and England in West Africa. F. de Pressensé. Living Age, vol. 217 (Apr. 30, 1898), 283.
1898. Ruin of India by Rritish rule. S. H. Kellogg. Missionary Rev., vol. 21 (Apr., 1898), 275.
1898. Imperial defense and colonial responsibility. National Rev., vol. 31 (Apr., 1898), 312.
1898. West Indian depression. M. M. Beeton. Outlook (Eng.), vol. 1 (Apr. 2, 1898), 267.

New development theory in the West Indies. Outlook (Eng.), vol. 1 (Apr. 16, 1898), 346. 1898. French case in West Africa. Spectator, vol. 80 (Apr. 2, 1898), 470.

1898. England, the Sudan, and France. H. Norman. Independent, vol. 50 (May 5, 1898), 575.
1898. Life and death in the Niger delta. Living age, vol. 217 (May 21, (1898), 525.
1898. Bond of empire. J. E. G. de Montmorency. Westminster Rev., vol. 149 (May 1898), 552.
1898. England and France in West Africa. F. de Pressensé. Eclectic Mag., vol. 130 (June, 1898), 721.
Public Opinion, vol. 24 (June 2, 1898), 683. [Map.]

1898. England and France in West Africa.
1898. England and France in West Africa; settlement. Spectator, vol. 80 (June 18, 1898), 849.

1898. The Anglo-French boundaries in West Africa. E. G. Ravenstein. Geog. Jour., vol. 12 (July, 1898), 73. [Map.]
1898. British influence in the Western Soudan. R. P. Lobb. Imperial and Asiatic Quar., 3d series, vol. 6 (July, 1898), 322.
1898. Imperial parliament supreme in India. J. Jardine. Imperial and Asiatic Quar., 3d series, vol. 6 (July, 1898), 1.
1898. What Britain has done for Egypt. R. Richardson. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 167 (July, 1898), 12.


Australian federation; some constitutional comparisons. J. W. Russell. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 167 (July, 1898), 27. 1898. Imperial concentration. Spectator, vol. 81 (July 30, 1898), 137.

1898. Map of Anglo-French boundary dispute in West Africa. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 18 (Aug., 1898), 140. 1898. The prospects of Australian federation. J. Vogel. Contemp. Rev., vol. 94 (Aug., 1898), 275.

1898. Dissatisfaction with British rule in India. R. A. Hume. Missionary Rev., vol. 21 (Aug., 1898), 580.
1898. Anglo-German agreement. Public Opinion, vol. 25 (Sept. 15, 1898), 330.

1898. Makers of the Dominion of Canada. J. G. Bourinot. Canadian Mag., vol. 11 (Oct., 1898), 505.
1898. How Canada is governed. J. G. Bourinot. Canadian Mag., vol. 11 (Oct., 1898), 508.
1898. English colonization in the Western world. E. Parsons. Chautauquan, vol. 28 (Oct., 1898), 29.
1898. European powers in West Africa. Edinburgh Rev., vol. 188 (Oct., 1898), 465. [Map.]
1898. The doom of the West Indies. Living Age, vol. 219 (Oct. 1, 1898), 40.
1898. Are the West Indies disloyal? Outlook (Eng.), vol. 2 (Oct. 22, 1898), 361.

Secrets of British success. Spectator, vol. 81 (Oct., 1898), 433.

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