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monster often filled his mind with groundless fears; fometimes fuggefting, by a dream, that thieves had broke into his cabbin, and feized upon his treasure. Terrified by fuch vifions, the wretched Yaarab often waked in horror, and ran to fecure it: fometimes intimating that it might very probably be discovered by fome prying eye, which put him upon inventing new expedients to hide it.--Among the monsters that invaded the repofe of the once happy peasant, Ambition was not idle. Ambition has often found accefs to the cottages of ruftics, and feeing fo fair an opportunity to gain over Yaarab's heart, refolved not to neglect it.---This Dæmon frequently reproached him with his meannefs, and laid before him a variety of plans by which he might raise himself to dignity and honour. Yaarab, in confequence of these representations of Ambition, was fometimes elated with prefumtuous hope he, in imagination, faw himself at the head of armies, or admitted to the council of Princes; but these fanguine hopes foon gave way to doubts and scruples. He diftrufted his own abilities, and, with reason, apprehended that his aspiring would tend to his deftruction. It was then that Avarice feized the opportunity to tell him, that in the pursuits of ambition he would only confume his wealth; whereas, by liftening to the prudent advice of him, who had nothing but his real intereft in view, he might hope to encrease the riches he had found, by the addition of accumulated treasure.

After many conflicts, Yaarab at last yielded to the fuggestions of Ambition, and repaired with his gold to Damafcus, where, for a long time, he lived in obfcurity, not knowing how to avail himself of the treafure which had fallen into his hands. He fometimes regretted the lofs of his dear Fatima; but ftill an over-weening hope prevented him from returning to the delightful plains, where he had paffed fo many happy days in her company.

One evening, as he walked folitary in one of the public fquares of Damafcus, he was accofted by a venerable old man, whose filver beard added dignity to a countenance, in the lineaments of which wisdom and experience appeared, united with humanity and goodness of heart. The fage, after a fhort converfation with Yaarab, fpoke to him as follows:

"My fon, I know you have merit; but merit may long lie concealed, if the poffeffor of it is not endowed with the fecret to make it appear in the eyes of other men. Take this ring, therefore; it is endowed with a virtue which will make your latent qualifications vifible; and repair to Court, where you will, in a fhort time, meet with that preferment which wealth alone could never have procured you."

Yaarab made many acknowledgements to the fage, who departed, telling him he would vifit him again whenever he had oc


cafion for his affiftance. The fhepherd, with this ring, repaired to the Court of the Sultan of Damafcus, where he was immediately taken notice of by the Grand Vizir, and was employed for a confiderable time in a place of truft, the duties of which he discharged entirely to his fatisfaction. He was foon admitted to the prefence of the Sultan himself, who, having asked him feveral questions, perceived by his anfwers that he was poffeffed of an uncommon degree of genius and penetration. The Vizir Naerdan died in a fhort time after; and the Sultan, who had conceived a very high opinion of the abilities of Yaarab, conferred that important place upon him, and every day fhewed him new marks of favour and confidence.

Thus did Yaarab find himself fuccefsful beyond his most fanguine hopes. His ambition and his avarice were gratified to the utmoft; but ftill there remained a craving void in his breast. He now found, by experienc, that there is a paffion stronger than either avarice or ambition. Fatima resumed her place in his heart, and her abfence rendered his grandeur and opulence tastelefs and infipid. He, therefore, refolved to go in queft of her; and having obtained leave of the Sultan, set out for the happy plains, where he had with her enjoyed a blifs, for the lofs of which his power and elevation could not compenfate. Fatima, who, ever since his departure, had languifhed with forrow, was overjoyed at seeing him, and readily confented to go with him to Damafcus, where fhe eclipfed the most brilliant beauties of the Court. Yaarab, however, thought it below his dignity to marry her, and therefore did his utmost to perfuade her to live with him as his mistress :---a propofal to which the never would liften. Yaarab, unable to reconcile his paffion to his vanity, again became miserable, and lived for a long time in a continal conflict between pride and inclination. Hereupon the fage Toulouchia, from whom he had received the ring, came to his affiftance, and addreffed him in the following terms :---"Yaarab, let not a vicious pride prevent thee from indulging a virtuous love. If thou yieldest to its dictates, thou wilt foon repent of thy folly. All inordinate paffions punish themfelves: thou haft already experienced the truth of this affertion; and thy father's example ftill further confirms it. Know, Yaarab, that Naour was thy father fuch was his fordid avarice, that he formed a refolution to be buried with his treasure, that he might be never separated from it: but Providence has counteracted his bafe defigns. In thy infancy he gave thee to be educated by a thepherd in the neighbourhood of Damafcus, defiring him to bring thee up as his fon, that thou mighteft not inherit that wealth which he held dearer than all the world befides; the treasure which thou haft obtained, and by which thou haft, with my affiftance, arrived at grandeur and power.---Thy happiness cannot be complete with


out the poffeffion of Fatima. Do not refufe the blifs which offers Itfelf."-----This remonftrance of the fage had fuch an effect upon Yaarab, that he married his beloved Fatima without any further delay; and, in his union with her, found all that fatisfaction which he had hoped in vain from wealth, favour, and elevation.

A fingular Inftance of the Sagacity in HORSES. From Mr. Outhier's Journal of a Journey to the North.

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7 HAT Mr. Outhier relates of the fagacity of horfes in this country, is worthy of attention. Perhaps it would be thought to border a little upon the marvellous, were it not now generally agreed, that it is our intereft to confider animals in a more refpectable light than mere machines, as what we call instinct in them, is often fuperior to what we call understanding in mankind.

In May, when the fnows are melted, the horfes leave their mafters, and go to certain parts of the forefts, where, it seems, they hold a general rendezvous. There they form themfelves into different companies, which never mix with others, or feparate; and each company chufes a particular place of pasture, a department they never quit to encroach on the territories of others. When they have confumed the grafs here, they decamp with the fame order to another part. The polity of these focieties is fo well regulated, and their marches fo uniform, that their masters know always where to find them, in cafe of need. After their work is done, the horfes return to their companions in the woods. In September, when the feafon fets in, they quit the forefts in troops, and each goes back to his mafter's ftall.

Thefe horses are fmall, but fure and brifk, and very vicious. Though they are commonly gentle, yet fome are not catched without difficulty, or harneffed to the carriages. Thefe are ufually in good plight when they come from this foreft expedition; but the continued labour to which they are put in winter, and the little nourishment given them, foon bring them down again. They roll themselves on the fnow as our horfes do on the grafs, and, in the bittereft colds, ftand night after night in the yard as well as in the ftable.

PUBLIC LIBERTY cannot fubfift where there is a Love of Money..

N King William's reign, when fome Acts were paffed which rather reftrained the prerogative, there was in the House of Commons a certain perfon of great natural cunning and penetration, factious, enterprizing, verfed in bafenefs, and very knowing


in the difpofition of the times in which he lived. This man came fecretly to the King, and entertained him with the following harangue : I perceive, Sir, you are much cast down with the bounds that have been fet to your authority; but perhaps you have not loft fo much as you imagine. The people are very proud of their own work, and look with great fatisfaction on the outfide of their new-erected Government; but those who can fee the infide too, find things too rotten and fuperficial to laft very long. The two things in nature the most repugnant and inconfiftent with each other, are the love of liberty, and the love of money: the laft is fo ftrong among your subjects, that it is impoffible the former can fubfift. I fay, Sir, they are not honeft enough to be free. Look round the nation, and judge whether their manners agree with their conftitution. Is there a virtue which want does not difgrace, or a vice which riches cannot dignify? Has not luxury infected all degrees of men amongst them? Which way is that luxury to be fupported? It must neceffarily create a dependence, which will foon put an end to this dream of liberty. Have you a mind to fix your power on a fure and lafting bafis, fix it on the vices of mankind: fet up private intereft against public; apply to the wants and vanities of particulars; fhew those who lead the people, that they may better find their account in betraying than defending them.---This, Sir, is a fhort plan of such a conduct as would make you really fuperior to all restraint, without breaking in upon those nominal fecurities which the people are more attached to a great deal than they are to the things themselves. If you please to trust the management to me, I fhall not be afraid of being obnoxious to the spirit of liberty; for, in a little time, I will extinguish every spark of it: nor of being liable to the juftice of the nation, for my crime itself shall be my protection.'

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A Defcription of the extraordinary SALMON LEAP at Ballyshannon. From Twifs's Travels, lately published.

THE Salmon, in coming from the fea, are neceffarily obliged,

at Ballyshannon, to leap up this cafcade; and it is hardly credible, but to thofe who have been eye-witneffes, that these fish should be able to dart themselves near fourteen feet perpendicular out of the water; and, allowing for the curoature, they leap at leaft twenty. I remained hours in obferving them. They do not always fucceed at the firft leap; fometimes they bound almost to the fummit, but the falling water dafhes them down again: at other times they dart head-foremost and fide-long upon a rock, remain ftunned for a few moments, and then struggle into the water again. When they are fo lucky as to reach the top, they swim out of fight VOL. VII. 158.




in a moment. They do not bound from the furface of the water; and it cannot be known from what depth they take their leap: it is probably performed by a forcible fpring, with their tails bent for the chief ftrength of most fifh lies in their tail. They have often been shot, or caught with ftrong barbed hooks fixed to a pole, during their flight, as it may be termed; and instances have been known of women catching them in their aprons. At high water the fall is hardly three feet, and then the fish swim up that eafy acclivity without leaping. Sometimes I have seen at low water fifty or fixty of thefe leap in an hour, and at other times only two or three. I placed myfelf on a rock on the brink of the cafcade, fo that I had the pleasure of feeing the furprizing efforts of these beautiful fifh close to me; and, at the bottom of the fall, porpoifes and feals tumbling and playing among the waves; and fometimes a feal carries off a falmon under his fins.

The famous original Addrefs of the Emperor Adrian to his Sou! on his Death-Bed.

In English Profe, thus :

"A LAS! my foul, thou pleafing companion of this body! Thou fleeting thing, that art now deferting it, whither art thou flying? To what unknown scene? All trembling, fearful, and penfive! What now is become of thy former wit and humour ?--Thou shalt jeft and be gay no more.

In English Verfe, thus:

AH! fleeting fpirit, wand'ring fire!
That long haft warm'd my tender breast;
Must thou no more this frame inspire?
No more a pleafing, chearful guest?
Whither, ah! whither art thou flying?
To what dark, undifcover'd fhore?
Thou feem'ft all trembling, fhiv'ring, dying,
And wit and humour are no more.


LORD Harcourt, the prefent Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, arriving late in the evening in Dublin-harbour, and meeting no fit accommodation for him and his fuite at his landing-place, set off, after refreshing themselves, for the Caftle, where they did not arrive till midnight. Lord Townfhend, who only ftaid in Ireland to receive him, was at this period with half a dozen convivial friends over a bottle, which Lord Harcourt being informed of,

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