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wife, fhall meet with no lawful impediment in the profecution of their just rights.

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Art. IV. That there fhall be no future confifcations made, nor any profecutions commenced gainst any perfon or perfons for or by reafon of the part which he or they may have taken in the pre. fent war; and that no perfon fhall on that account foffer any future Jofs or damage either in his perfon, liberty, or property, and that those who may be in con. finement on fuch charges at the time of the ratification of the -treaty in America, fhall be imme. diately fet at liberty, and the profecutions fo commenced be dif'continued.

Art. VII There fhall be a firm and perpetual peace between his Britancic ajetty and the faid -United States, and between the fubject of the one and the citi. zens of the other; wherefore all hoftilities both by fea and land fhall from henceforth ceafe; all prifoners on both fides fhall be fet at liberty, and his Britannic mas jelty hall, with all convenient fpeed, and without caufing any deftruction, or carrying away any negroes or other property of the American inhabitants, withdraw all his armies, garrifons, and fleets, from the faid United States, and from every pott, place and harbour, within the fame; leaving in all fortifications the American artillery that may be therein; and fhall alfo order and eaufe all archives, records, deeds, and papers belonging to any of the faid ftates, or their citizens, which in the courfe of the war may have fallen into the hands of

his officers, to be forthwith restored and delivered to the proper ftates and persons to whom they belong.

Art. VIII. The navigation of the river Miffiffippi, from its fource to the ocean, fhall for ever remain free and open to the fubjects of Great Britain and the citizens of the United States.

Att. IX. In cafe it fhould fo happen that any place or territory belonging to Great Britain, or to the United States, fhould have been conquered by the arms of either from the other, before the arrival of the faid provifional articles in America, it is agreed that the fame fhall be reftored without difficulty, and without requiring any compenfation.

Art. X. The folemn ratifica tions of the prefent treaty, expedited in good and due form, fhall be exchanged between the con. tracting parties in the space of fix months, or fooner, if poffible, to be computed from the day of the fignature of the present treaty.

In witnefs whereof we the un. der-figned, their minifters plenipotentiary, have in their name, and in virtue of our full powers, figned with our hands the prefent definitive treaty, and caufed the feals of our arms to be affixed

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Treaty of perpetual Friendship and Alliance between the H.nourable Eaft India Company and the Pefbwa Madboo Row Fundit Purdhan, Jettled by Mr. David Anderfon on the Part of the Honourable Company, in Virtue of the Powers delegated to him for that Purpofe, by the Honourable the Governor General and Council, appointed by the King and Parliament of Great Britain, to di-rect and controul all the political Affairs of the Hon. English East India Company in India; and by Maha Rajah Subadar Maahoo Row Scindia, as Plenipotentiary on the Part of the Peshwa Madhoo Row Pundit Purdhan, Ballajee Pundit Nand Furnavese, and the whole of the Chiefs of the Mahratta Nation, agreeably to the following Articles, which shall be for ever binding on their Heirs and Succeffors, and the Conditions of them to be invariably objerved by both Parties.

Art. I.

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Tis ftipulated and agreed to between the Hon, the English Eaft India company and the Pefhwa, through the mediation of Madhoo Row Scindia, that all countries, places, cities, and forts, including Baffeen, &c. which have been taken from the Pefhwa, during the war that has arifen fince the treaty fettled by Colonel Upton, and have come into the poffeffion of the English, fhall be delivered up to the Pefhwa. The territories, forts, cities, &c. to be restored, fhall be delivered within the pace of two months from the period when this treaty fhall become complete (as hereafter defcribed) to fuch perfons as the Peshwa, or

his minifter Nana Furnavese shall appoint.

Art. II. It is agreed between the English company and the P.fhw, that Salfette, and three other iflands, viz. Elephanta, Caranja, and Hogs which are in. cluded in the treaty of Colonel Upton, fhall continue for ever in the poffeffion of the English. If any other iflands have been taken in the courfe of the prefent war, they fhall be delivered up to the Pethwa.

Art. III. Whereas it was ftipu lated in the 4th article of the treaty of Col. Upton, That the Pefhwa and all the chiefs of the Mahratta ftate do agree to give the English company for ever all right and title to the city Baroach, as full and complete as ever they collected from the Moguls or o therwife, without retaining any claims whatever; fo that the Eng. claim cf Chout, or any other lifh company fhall poffefs it with. out participation or claim of any kind." This article is accordingly continued in full force and effe&t.


Art. IV. The Peshwa having formerly, in the treaty of Colonel Upton, agreed, by way of friend. fhip, to give up the English a country of three lacks of rupees near Baroach, the English do now, at the request of Madhoo Row Scindia, consent to relinquish their claim to the faid country in favour of the Peshwa.

Art. V. The country which Seeajee and Futty Sing Gwickwar gave to the English, and which is mentioned in the 7th article of the treaty with Col. Upton, being therein left in a state of fufpence; the English, with a [r] 4


view to obviate all future dif. pures, now agree, that it fhall be restored, and it is hereby fettled, that, if the faid country be a part of the established territory of the Gwickwar, it fhall be restored to the Gwickwar; and if it fhall be a part of the Pefhwa's territories, it fhall be restored to the Peshwa.

Art. VI. The English engage, that having allowed Ragonaut Row a period of four months, from the time which this treaty fhall become complete, to fix on a place of refidence, they will not after the expiration of the faid period afford him any fup. port, protection, or affittance, nor Supply him with money for his expences and the Pefhwa on his part engages, that if Ragonaut Row will voluntarily, and of his own accord, repair to Maha Rajah Madhoo Row Scindia, and quietly refide with him, the fum of 25,000 rupees per month fhall be paid him for his maintenance, and no injury whatever shall be offered to him by the Piwa, or any of his people.

Art. VII. The Hon. English Eaft India company and the Pefhwa being defirous that their refpective allies fhall be included in this peace, it is hereby mutually ftipulated, that each party fhall make peace with the allies of the other in the manner herein after fpeGified.

Art. VIII. The territory which has long been the established jagheer of Seeajee Gwickwar, and Futty Sing Gwick war, that is to fay, whatever territory Futty Sing Gwick war poffeffed at the com. men ement of the prefent war, fhall hereafter for ever remain on

the ufual footing in his poffeffion; and the faid, Futty Sing fhall, from the date of this treaty being complete, pay for the future to the Peshwa the tribute as ufual, previous to the prefent war; and fhall perform fuch fervices, and be fubject to fuch obedience as have long been established, and cuftomary. No claims fhall be made on the faid Futty Sing, by the Pefhwa, for the period that iş past.

Art. IX. The Pefhwa engages, that whereas the nabob Hyder Ally Cawn, having concluded a treaty with him, hath disturbed and taken poffeffion of territories belonging to the English and their allies, he fhall be made to relinquifh them, and they fhall be reftored to the company, and the nabob Mahomed Ally Cawn. All prifoners that have been taken on either fide during the war, fhall be released, and Hyder Ally Cawn fhall be made to relinquish all fuch territories belonging to the English company, and their allies, as he may have taken poffeffion of fince the ninth of the month Ramzan, in the year 1180, being the date of his treaty with the Pefhwa; and the faid territories fhall be delivered over to the English, and the nabob Mahomed Ally Cawn, within fix months after this treaty being complete and the English in fuch cafe agreed, that fo long as Hyder Ally Cawn fhall afterwards abliain from hoftilities against them and their allies, and fo long as he shall continue in friendship with the Pethwa, that they will, in no refpect, act hoftilely towards him.

Art. X. The Pewa engages


on his own behalf, as well as on behalf of the nabob Nizam Ally Cawn, Ragojee Boufala, Syna Sa heb Souba, and the nabob Hyder Ally Cawn, that they fhall in every refpect maintain peace to. wards the English and their all:es the nabob Afophul Dowlah Beha der, and the nabob Mahomed Ally Cawn Behader, and fhall in no refpect whatever give them any disturbance. The English engage on their own behalf, as well as on the behalf of their ailies the nabob Afophul Dowlah, and the nabob Mahomed Ally Cawn, that they fhall in every respect maintain peace towards the Pefhwa, and his allies the nabob Nizam Ally Cawn, Ragojee Boufala, and Syna Saheb : and the English further engage ცე their own behalf, as well as on the behalf of their allies, that they will maintain peace alfo tcwards the nabob Hyder Ally Cawn, under the conditions fpecified in the 9th article of this treaty.

Art. XI. The Hon. the Eat India company, and the Peshwa mutually agree, that the veffels of each hall offer no disturbance to the navigation of the veffels of the other; and the veffels of each fhall be allowed accefs to the ports of the other, where they fhall meet with no mo! ftation, and the fullest protection fhall be reciprocally afforded.

Art. XII. The Peshwa, and the chiefs of the Mahratta ftate, hereby agree, that the Engl fh fhall enjoy the privilege of trade as formerly, in the Mahratta territories, and fhall meet with no kind of interruption: and in the Same manner, the Eaft India com

pany agree, that the fubject of the Pefhwa fhall be allowed the privileges of trade without interruption in the territories of the English.

Art. XIII. The Pefhwa hereby engages, that he will not fuffer any factories of other European nations to be eftablished in his territories, or thofe of the chiefs dependent on him, excepting only fuch as are already eftablished by the Portuguese; and he will hold no intercourfe of friendship with any other European nations: and the English on their part agree, that they will not afford affiftance to any nation of Decan, or Hindoftan, at enmity with the Peshwa.

Art. XIV. The English and the Pefhwa mutually agree, that neither will afford any kind of affittance to the cnemies of the other.

Art. XV. The Hon. the go. vernor-general and council of Fort William engage, that they will not permit any of the chiefs, dependents, or fubjects of the English, the gentlemen of Bornbay, Surat, or Madras, to act contrary, at any place, to the terms of this treaty. In the fame manner the Peshwa Madhoo Row Pandit Purdhan engages, that none of the chiefs or fubjects of the Mahratta flate fhall act contrary to them.

Art. XVI. The honourable East India company, and the Peshwa Madhoo Row Pundit Purdhan, having the fulleft confidence in Maha Rajah Subadar Madhoo Row Scindia Behadar, they have both requested the faid Maha Rajah to be the mutual guarantee for the perpetual and invariable adherence of both parties to the conditions

conditions of this treaty; and the faid Madhoo Row Scindia, from a regard to the welfare of both ,ftates, hath taken upon himself the mutual guarantee. If either of the parties fhall deviate from the conditions of this treaty, the faid Maha Rajah will join the other party, and will to the utmost of his power, endeavour to bring the aggreffor to a proper understanding.

Art. XVII. It is hereby agreed, that whatever territories, forts or - cities in Guzzerat, were granted by Ragonaut Row to the English, previous to the treaty of Col. Upton, and have come into their poffeffion, the reftitution of which was ftipulated in the 7th article of the faid treaty, fhall be reftored, agreeable to the terms of the faid treaty.

This treaty, confifting of feventeen articles, is fettled at Salbey, in the camp of Maha Rajah Sub. adar Madhoo Row Scindia, on the 4th of the month Jemmad ul Saany, in the year 1187 of the Hiegera, correfponding with the 17th of May, 1782, of the Chrif tian æra, by the faid Maha Rajah, and Mr. David Anderfon. A copy hereof shall be fent, by each of the above-named perfons, to their refpective principais at Fort William, and Poonah: and on both copies being returned, the one under the feal of the Hon. the Eaft India company, and fignature of the Hon. governor-general and council of Fort William, fhall be delivered to Maha Rajah Madhoo Row Scin. dia Behader, and the other under the feal of the Pefhwa Madhoo Row Pundit Purdhan, and the fignature of Ballagee Pundit Nana

Furnavefe, fhall be delivered to Mr. Anderfon; this treaty fhall be deemed complete and ratified, and the articles herein contained fhall become binding on both the contracting parties.

(Written in the Mahratta character, by Ragoo Phow Dewan.) "In all 17 articles, on the 4th of Jemmad ul Akher, or the 5th of Jeyt Adeck, in the Shukul Pattah, in the year 1182.”

Subfcribed in the Mahratta cha-
racter, by Mahajee Scindia,
on the fame day.

Agreed to what is above written,
(Signed) D. ANDERSON.

A true tranflation,

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Tranfcript of the Treaty between France and the United States of America, together with the Rati fication of the fame by Congress.

HE United States, affem


bled in congrefs, to all who fhall fee thefe prefents greeting. Whereas Benjamin Franklin, our minifter plenipotentiary, by vir tue of full powers vefted in him,


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