If once he come to be a cardinal, He'll make his cap co-equal with the crown. K. HEN. My lords ambaffadors, your several fuits Have been confider'd and debated on. Your purpose is both good and reasonable: GLO. And for the proffer of my lord your maf ter, I have inform'd his highness fo at large, K. HEN. In argument and proof of which contrách, Bear her this jewel, [To the Amb.] pledge of my affection. And fo, my lord protector, fee them guarded, [Exeunt King HENRY and Train; GLOSTER, WIN. Stay, my lord legate; you shall first re ceive The fum of money, which I promised Should be deliver'd to his holiness For clothing me in these grave ornaments. LEG. I will attend upon your lordship's leifure. WIN. Now, Winchester will not fubmit, I trow, Or be inferior to the proudest peer. Humphrey of Glofter, thou fhalt well perceive, That, neither in birth,5 or for authority, [Exeunt. SCENE II. France. Plains in Anjou. Enter CHARLES, BURGUNDY, ALENÇON, LA PUCELLE, and Forces, marching. CHAR. These news, my lords, may cheer our drooping spirits: "Tis faid, the ftout Parifians do revolt, And turn again unto the warlike French. ALEN. Then march to Paris, royal Charles of And keep not back your powers in dalliance. Enter a Meffenger. MESS. Succefs unto our valiant general, And happiness to his accomplices! CHAR. What tidings fend our scouts? I pr'ythee, speak. MESS. The English army, that divided was s That, neither in birth,] I would read-for birth. That is, thou shalt not rule me, though thy birth is legitimate, and thy authority fupreme. JOHNSON. Into two parts, is now conjoin'd in one; CHAR. Somewhat too fudden, firs, the warning is ; But we will presently provide for them. BUR. I truft, the ghost of Talbot is not there; Now he is gone, my lord, you need not fear. Puc. Of all bafe paffions, fear is most accurs'd :Command the conqueft, Charles, it shall be thine; Let Henry fret, and all the world repine. CHAR. Then on, my lords; And France be for tunate! SCENE III. The fame. Before Angiers. [Exeunt. Alarums: Excurfions. Enter LA PUCELLE. Puc. The regent conquers, and the Frenchmen fly. Now help, ye charming spells, and periapts ;" 6 7 parts,] Old copies-parties. STEEVENS. ye charming Spells, and periapts ;] Charms fowed up. Ezek. xiii. 18: "Woe to them that fow pillows to all arm-holes, to hunt fouls." POPE. Periapts were worn about the neck as prefervatives from difease or danger. Of thefe, the firft chapter of St. John's Gospel was deemed the most efficacious. Whoever is defirous to know more about them, may confult Reginald Scott's Difcovery of Witchcraft, 1584, p. 230, &c. STEEVENS. The following ftory, which is related in Wits, Fits, and Fancies, 1595, proves what Mr. Steevens has afferted: "A cardinal seeing a priest carrying a cudgel under his gown, reprimanded And ye choice fpirits that admonish me, Enter Fiends. This speedy quick appearance argues proof him. His excufe was, that he only carried it to defend himself against the dogs of the town. Wherefore, I pray you, replied the cardinal, ferves St. John's Gospel? Alas, my lord, faid the priest, these curs understand no Latin." MALONE. 8 monarch of the north,] The north was always supposed to be the particular habitation of bad fpirits. Milton, therefore, affembles the rebel angels in the north. JOHNSON. The boaft of Lucifer in the xivth chapter of Isaiah is faid to be, that he will fit upon the mount of the congregation, in the fides of the north. STEEVENS. 9 Out of the powerful regions under earth,] I believe Shakfpeare wrote-legions. WARBUrton. The regions under earth are the infernal regions. Whence else fhould the forcerefs have selected or fummoned her fiends? STEEVENS. In a former paffage, regions feems to have been printed instead of legions; at least all the editors from the time of Mr. Rowe have there fubftituted the latter word instead of the former. See p. 131, n. 1. The word cull'd, and the epithet powerful, which is applicable to the fiends themselves, but not to their place of refidence, fhow that it has an equal title to a place in the text here. So, in The Tempeft: my blood, O, hold me not with filence over-long! They hang their heads. [They shake their heads. Cannot my body, nor blood-facrifice, [They depart. See! they forfake me. Alarums. Enter French and English, fighting. LA PUCELLE and YORK fight hand to hand. La PUCELLE is taken. The French fly. YORK. Damfel of France, I think, I have you faft: Unchain your spirits now with spelling charms, 1 Where-] i. e. whereas. So, in Pericles, Prince of Tyres "Where now you're both a father and a fon." STEEVENS. 2vail her lofty-plumed creft,] i. e. lower it. So, in The Merchant of Venice: 66 Vailing her high top lower than her ribs." See Vol. VII. p. 235, n. 1. STEEVENS. |