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Entered in the postoffice at Kansas City, Mo., as second-class matter.

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Unity is issued on the 15th, and Wee Wisdom on the 1st of the month.


The next course of lessons by Mr. and Mrs. Fillmore, at the Unity Rooms, Kansas City, will begin Monday, April 1st, at 8 P. M., and close Saturday, April 13th. Twelve lessons, one each evening for two weeks, Sunday excepted. Free-willofferings.

Mrs. Margaret Butts, of Chicago, began another successful class in Divine Healing and Teaching at 6327 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, March 14th. Two lessons are given per week, on Tuesday and Thursday. Free-will offerings only received. Healing meeting Monday at 10 o'clock, and daily concentration meeting

at 10 A. M.

Church of the Science of Being, under the auspices of the Exodus Society, Chicago, Ill., hold regular Sunday services at II A. M., in University Hall, 203 Michigan Ave. It is a church without creed or dogma, a church of right thinking and right living. Monday afternoon classes at 2: 30 P. M.; Tuesday and Friday meetings at 8:15 P. M.; Ministration meetings first and third Friday of each month at 10:30 A. M. Members or associates are in attendance at Room 601 daily between the hours of 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. They will be glad to meet visitors and friends, and offer suggestions in regard to treatment of the sick, and advise with those in need.

In asking assistance of Silent Unity always give the name of the one you want help for.

The three lectures on Practical Christianity, by Prof. LeRoy Moore, published in an attractive booklet, have been reduced in price from 25 cents to 15 cents. They are for sale by us.

We have just issued 12,000 copies of "FAITH," a booklet of great interest to enquirers. Its price is 10 cents per copy, but we have decided to send this edition free to all who apply. A postal will bring it.

Will our readers please take notice that we can no longer receive orders for subscriptions to Universal Truth at club rates with UNITY, as that excellent magazine has ceased to exist, having been merged into Mind, of New York. See our combination rate for UNITY and Mind on inside first cover.

Edith Rhind, who has been associated with the Home of Truth in Los Angeles, Cal., has been for some time desiring to begin an individual work, and makes her first announcement in the Teachers' and Healers' Directory this month. She is highly recommended by well-known friends.

Dr. T. Y. Kayne is doing much active and efficient work in Chicago. He recently closed two evening classes, one having an attendance of about seventy, and the other about two hundred. On February 11th he opened another day class which is also largely attended. Dr. Kayne is always "abounding in the works of the Lord." His address is 1419 Masonic Temple, Chicago.


It is usual that back numbers of any periodical are double in price, but we call your attention to a list of back numbers of UNITY for an exceptionally low amount. These magazines are rich in metapyhsical teaching by some of the best-known writers. If you are provided with plenty of reading matter, perhaps you can think of some friend who would be made happy, healthy and prosperous by reading a package of this literature.

Complete year, January - December, 1897, (24 numbers) 50c. Complete year, September, 1898 - August, 1899, containing full course of Primary Lessons in Christian Living and Healing, by Annie Rix Militz, 50 cents.

Leatherette bound volume, June - December, 1896, 50 cents. Package of about twelve miscellaneous numbers of 1896 and 1897, or all in 1897, 10 cents.

Quite a few of our readers have at odd times asked for a picture of Leo Virgo. You will find it on the fly-leaf of this UNITY. It was done by our son Rick with his little kodak in the "Den." If it falls short in any respect put the blame on him; he is young and can stand it.

In the February UNITY we published an "Invocation," giving credit to Vivia A. Leeman as author. Mrs. Leeman sends us word that she is not the author. We found the "Invocation" on a slip in our mail, and it seemed to have dropped out of a letter from Mrs. Leeman, so we put her name to it and gave it to the printer. We have since learned that Anna W. Mills is the author. It is a fine production, and we are glad of this opportunity to again call our readers attention to it.

WEE WISDOM is the only metaphysical journal for children now published. It is a sixteen page paper, printed monthly, and freely illustrated. Only 50 cents per year. Send all subscriptions to UNITY TRACT SOCIETY, 1315 McGee St., Kansas City, Mo. The contents of the March number are as follows: The Garden, the Gate, and the Key, by Mary B. de Witt. I'll Wait Till Mama Comes, illustrated, by Victor's Mama. More of Joy's

Ways, by Virginia Belle Waddingham. What Shall We Name the Baby? illustrated, by Eulalia Richardson. Poem, The Christ Child, Warren Holden. "The Word is the Seed"- Class Word; Jewel Word; Song Word; Verse Word. Extract from Uncle John's Letter. Poem, The Robin, the Snowbird, and the Squirrel, by Kathryn Wallace. Letters from many Wee Wisdoms. Wanted - A Girl. A Strange Request, by Florence Harvey. Juvenile Bible Lessons, by Harriet H. Rix. Poem, Castle Building, by Wilhelmine Smith. Poem, The Tardy Valen. tine, by Mary B. de Witt. Ye Editor's Sanctum. March rhymes, notes, comments, etc.


When you change your location between the 10th and 20th of the month leave postage with your postmaster to forward your UNITY to your new address. We cannot supply missing numbers when you neglect to notify us in time of your change of address.

REMITTANCES. - Personal checks should include at least 10 cents for bank collection, as also Canadian bills, which are discounted in Kansas City.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS.-In changing address the exact postoffice address where you have been receiving UNITY must always be given as well as the new address.

DISCONTINUANCES.-All subscriptions are continued until requested stopped, when all arrears should be paid in full. The label shows date of expiration.


Several weeks ago I was discouraged and said to myself, "I will give this up; I can't see into it. I don't make any headway; don't understand it; don't get inspired or healed. I'm going to drop it." When bedtime came instead of picking up the Bible I took up a copy of UNITY and commenced to read. It must have been God's hand that led me to do it, for the first piece I read suited my case. It said, "You may think you can turn back to the old way, but you will find it not so easy to drop, for nothing will be the same," etc. I read on and felt as if God was directing me, and took hold with new vigor.

We are holding little meetings, and this afternoon when we were deeply interested in reading the Presbyterian minister came to call on Mrs. -. Of course we felt embarrassed and so did he, but Mrs. is so enthused with the subject that she told him we met to study and talk about God's words. That broke the ice and we all joined in, and he gave us lots of encouragement, and said if people would read and study on this subject more how much better it would be. He fell right in with us, and gave us some good thoughts, and then asked us to pray with him. Then giving us his best wishes and God-speed he left. We were all tickled that it turned out so nicely. Mrs. said he talked all right, but he did not pray right. He did not pray like those people did at Kansas City. Mrs. since her return from Kansas City has not worn her glasses, after using them for seven years. She says her eyesight is coming back stronger and stronger every day.

[This is an extract from a private letter between two UNITY readers. The editor made it surreptitiously.]

In the January UNITY I see where you so lovingly offer to join your power with us who have faith in Silent Unity, Yes, my beloved, my faith is unwavering in Silent Unity. It has been proven to me by the healing of my son. Over three years ago I called upon Silent Unity to help me manifest healing for my son, who had a belief of seven years' standing, and he was soon restored to perfect health, and is in perfect health still. Of course I believed this would be done before I called upon you.-J. L., Rockyford, Ga.

Last week two clergymen called on me and said they heard I was a Christian Scientist, and it was too bad I was so mistaken. They asked if they might offer prayers for my conversion to Christ. I then explained something of our doctrine. One of them was a sincere man, and I saw he was deeply impressed by my words. He has returned twice since, and asked questions and borrowed books from me.


The Christ said, "What wilt thou have me do?" thou be made whole?" It is a great thing to be able to make a

man feel he is able to do whatever he wishes after he has been

healed of his infirmities. living, is all of mortal sense. truth. Who shall it be? toil not, neither do they spin." I work." I do believe in work. lily, and it is growth to the man. ompense to the man; another necessary result is a benefit to others. What we call pay, the thing of the market, is only to us the result of what we have done. No man can make me work for pay if I choose to work from another motive. I shall perhaps get pay, but it was not the pay I was working for. This mental attitude raises one at once above competition, and all the friction of industry, and makes one feel he is his own master. There can be no greater mistake than hating work, and making of one's daily task drudgery, groaning under it. This is the condition of the working classes today. How can I help them out of this bondage? I speak the liberty of the Sons of God for them constantly in the silence. I would like to shout it from the house-tops. I would like to call them all in to the marriage supper.

The question of labor, of earning one's

Someone must tell the masses the Behold the lilies how they grow; they "My Father worketh hitherto, and It is to man what growing is to the One of the results of labor is rec

I am with you heart and soul in the work of the Society of Silent Unity, as I have been since the beginning of the Society. It is a power for righteousness. Yours in Truth.

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DEAR UNITY: I have been reading many publications and various articles on What Think Ye of the Christ?" In UNITY, January, 1901, I find more truth to me than in all the rest combined. All others have accepted the answer of the Pharisees as correct and satisfactory. The Christ could not possibly be the son of David, having had existence from the beginning of Intelligence, being the General and Guide of all the great men of olden times as in the now; was with Moses, was before Abraham, was in the beginning of intelligent thought, is in the Now and ever will be the Supreme; was always persecuted, but never quite killed dead, has always been more or less alive, and always will be in the Now and also in the great Go-on-forever. The Christ in a person is that person's only hope of glory, honor, immortality, and eternal life. Why? Because it is with our intellect, understanding and knowledge of the Truth that we build or make our records. This record will be enduring or of short duration according to its value in Truth. The things of ignorance, the cause of all error, are soon forgotten; while the things of worth, of Truth and goodness, stand forth as enduring as the sun in all its splendor and brightness. HOLLIS A. HOLCOMBE, Savona, N. Y.

DEAR UNITY: A little rhyme in Mrs. Haseltine's article in February UNITY reminds me of an incident that may help some

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