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The Owl.

An indiscreet friend, says the proverb, is more dangerous than the naked sword of an enemy; and, truly, there is nothing more fatal than the act of a misjudging ally, which, like a mistake in medicine, is apt to kill the unhappy patient it was intended

to cure.

which enlivens all its fellow birds to chirp and sing, than it goes back, and mopes under the most dismal corners. I have known many human persons to have those peevish fits, and to reject kindness as perversely ;-but who would look for such unnatural humors in a simple bird? Wherewith, taking the monkish fowl from its dull leafy cloisters, she disposed him once more on the sunny lawn, where it made still fresh attempts to get away from the over-painful radiance, but was now become too fee. ble and ill to remove. Zerlina, therefore, began to believe that it was reconciled to its situation; but she had hardly cherished this fancy, when a dismal film came suddenly over its large round eyes, and then, falling over upon its back, after one or two slow gasps of its beak, and a few twitches of its aged claws, the poor martyr of kindness expired before her sight. It cost her a few tears to witness the tragical issue of her endeavors; but she was sttll more grieved, afterwards, when she was told of the cruelty of her unskilful treatment; and the poor owl, with its melancholy death, were the fre

This lesson was taught, in a remarkable manner, to the innocent Zerlina, a peasant; to conceive which, you must suppose her to have gone, by permission, into the garden of the Countess of Marizzo, near the Arno, one beautiful morning of June. It was a spacious pleasure ground, excellently disposed, and adorned with the choicest specimens of shrubs and trees, being bounded, on all sides by hedge-rows of laurels and myrtles, and such sombre evergreens, and in the midst was a pretty verdant lawn, with a sun-dial. The numberless plants that belong to that bountiful season were then in full flower, and the delicate fragrance of the orange blossoms perfumed the universal air. The thrushes were singing, merrily, in the copses; and the bees, that cannot stir without music, made a joyous hum-quent subject of her meditations. ming with their wings. All things were vigorous and cheerful, except one,-a poor owl, that had been hurt by a bolt from a cross-bow, and so had been unable, by day-light, to regain its accustomed hermitage, but sheltered itself under a row of laurel trees and hollies, that afforded a delicious shadow in the noon-tide sun. There, shunning and shunned by all, as it is the lot of the unfortunate, he languished over his wound, till a flight of pert sparrows espying him, he was soon forced to endure a thousand twittings, as well as buffets, from that insolent race. The noise of these chatterers attracting the attention of Zerlina, she crossed over to the spot, and, lo! there crouched the poor bewildered owl, blinking with his large bedazzled eyes, and nodding as if with giddiness from his buffetings, and the blaze of unusual light. The tender girl, being very gentle and compassionate by nature, was no way repelled by its ugliness, but thinking only of its sufferings, took up the feathered wretch in her arms, and endeavored to revive it, by placing it on her bosom. There, nursing it with an abundance of pity and concern, she carried it to the grass plat, and, being ignorant of its habits, laid out the poor, drooping bird, as her own lively spirits prompted her, in the glowing sunshine; for she felt in her own heart, at that moment, the kind and cheerful influence of the genial sun. Then, withdrawing a little way, and leaning against the dial, she awaited the grateful change, which she hoped to behold in the creature's looks; whereas, the tormented owl, being grievously dazzled, and annoyed more than ever, hopped off again with many piteous efforts, to the shady evergreens. Notwithstanding, believing that this shyness was only because of its natural wildness, or fear, she brought it back again to the lawn, and then, run-readily, that I belong to an obscure race, and taunt ning into the house for some crumbs to feed it with, the poor old owl, in the meantime, crawled partly back, as before, to its friendly shelter of holly.

The simple girl found it, therefore, with much wonder, again retiring towards those gloomy bushes. Why, what a wilful creature is this, thought she, that is so loth to be comforted. No sooner have I placed it in the warm, cheerful sunshine,

In the year after this occurrence, it happened that the Countess of Marizzo was in want of a young female attendant, and, being much struck with the modesty and lively temper of Zerlina, she requested her parents to let her live with her. The poor people, having a numerous family to provide for, agreed very cheerfully to the proposal, and Zerlina was carried by her benefactress to Rome. Her good conduct confirming the prepossessions of the Countess, the latter showed her many marks of favor and regard, not only furnishing her handsomely with apparel, but taking her as a companion, on her visits, to the most rich and noble families, so that Zerlina was thus introduced to much gaiety and splendor. Her heart, notwithstanding, ached oftentimes under her silken dresses, for, in spite of the favor of the Countess, she met with many slights from the proud and wealthy, on account of her humble origin, as well as much envy and malice from persons of her own condition. She fell, therefore, into a deep melancholy, and being interrogated by the Countess, she declared that she pined for her former humble, but happy estate; and begged, with all humility, that she might return to her native village. The Countess being much surprised, as well as grieved, at this confession, inquired if she had ever given her cause to repent of her protection; to which Zerlina replied with many grateful tears, but still avowing the ardor of her wishes. "Let me return," said she, "to my homely life,-this oppressive splendor dazzles and bewilders me. I feel, by a thousand humiliating misgivings and disgraces, that it is foreign to my nature; my defects of birth and manners making me shrink continually within myself, whilst those who were born for its blaze, perceive,

me with jests and indignities for intruding on their sphere. Those also, who should be my equals, are quite as bitter against me for overstepping their station, so that my life is, thus, a round of perpetu al mortifications and uneasiness. Pray, therefore, absolve me of ingratitude, if I long to return to my native and proper shades, with their appointed habits. I am dying, like the poor owl, for lack of

my natural obscurity." The curiosity of the Countess being awakened by the last expression, Zerlina related to her the story of that unfortunate bird, and applied it, with a very touching commentary, to her own condition; so that the Countess was affected even to the shedding of tears. She immediately comprehended the moral, and carrying back Zerlina to her native village, she bestowed her future favor so judiciously, that instead of being a misfortune, it secured the complete happiness of the pretty peasant.

Origin of Balloons.

WHAT engaged the Messieurs Montgolfier in the research that led to the discovery of balloons, was the desire of inventing some engine, for the siege of Gibraltar, more effectual than floating batteries. This inclination, vague as it was in itself, inspired by their natural industry, and the interested motive of filling up their hours of leisure from their manufactory, encouraged them to persevere, and not to be discouraged by many ineffectual attempts. At length they succeeded in forming a balloon. An experiment of Boyle, on the comparative weights of different kinds of air, suggested the first hint,and the trial gave earnest of their success. It is much the same with celebrated discoveries as with an illustrious family,-we are desirous of collecting the most trifling details of their origin.

A piece of silk, which Messieurs Montgolfier intended as linings for their clothes, appeared to them better adapted to physical experiments. By the assistance of a few seams, the silk soon took the form, more or less exact, of a globe. They found a mode of introducing forty cubic feet of air; the balloon escaped from their hands, and rose to the ceiling of the apartment. The joy of Archimedes, at solving his famous problem, could not have exceeded that of our two natural philosophers. They hastened to grasp their machine, and let it loose in the garden, where it rose beyond thirty feet. Having improved upon their first success by new experiments, they constructed the grand machine, which was elevated on the 5th of June, 1783. The globe was thirty-five feet in diameter. It was made of cloth, cased in oiled paper. They procured the gas with which it was filled, by a very simple and cheap process, namely: burning moist straw, and different animal substances, as wool, and other greasy materials, more or less inflammable. This smoke, left to itself, raised the balloon out of sight, and to an elevation, calculated by some at three thousand feet,-by others, at six thousand. It descended again, ten minutes after, from the loss of gas which it enclosed. According to the calculation of Messieurs Montgolfier, the globe occupied the space of a volume of air of two thousand one hundred and fifty-six pounds in weight.


Many persons make a wonderful display of good will when you call on them; urge you to visit them often, and chide you for a long absence; when, at the same time, they are wishing you off, and will indulge in invidious remarks so soon as you are gone. There are many more of this class than superficial observers dream of.

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How unjust we are to woman!-most men who really study, begin to study after the age when women are married. But women cannot study after marriage. What do men know before twenty

Woman's Hand. There is scarcely in the whole scope of our enjoyment (it is a bold assertion-but ob, how true!) a sensation more delightful than that arising from the warm touch of a woman's hand. Its very delicacy and weakness, as it glides into a more strong fire? About as much as women before eighteen. and manly grasp, is a fit emblem of the just confidence the heart is so desirous to bestow upon its destined protector. And whilst the nerves thrill over the soft fingers and the electricity of passion is firing every vein-whilst a spirit richer and more refined than thought itself, flutters in the bosomhow the heart seems striving to expand itself into that unutterable ecstacy of being, so seldom felt, so impossible to be described.

The above beautiful extract will undoubtedly awaken reminiscences with every male reader. The caption addressed itself to our attention. We can speak for one, of the warm touch of a woman's hand-and though many years have passed since those thrilling feelings were enjoyed from such a contact, yet do they live in our memory as sensations of yesterday. The writer talks of the "electricity of passion"-alas, he does even less than justice to the sensation; for ourselves, we can say that there was in our youthful veins, a very lava current of passion, as our boyish ears tingled to the

hand of the mistress of our school.

Look to the opportunities and encouragement of men. Rivalry-conversation-clubs-lectureslearned associations-always living, talking, and listening-and always in the open air.-Look at the opportunities and encouragement of womenmost of them pass their lives almost, from necessity, in a room of perhaps twelve or fifteen feet square; always surrounded by the same objects— the same faces. To embroider and work muslinto whip children and direct servants-nay' to suckle fools and chronicle small beer,' is not to be educated. And yet our young whipper-snappers affect to laugh at the understandings of womenfools! Give women but half their opportunities, or a little of their encouragement, and they outstrip nineteen-twentieths of the men about them.

Generosity of the Lion.

The Arabs tell some singularly superstitious tales of the generosity of the lion. The following has been related to us, as a fact, by different peasants; but I must confess that, like the generality of Arab tales, it partakes of the marvellous; yet, perhaps, with a melange of fable, there may be some kind of foundation of truth. They say, that when the lion seizes the cow of a peasant, he will permit the owner to carry away a portion, particularly if he asks for it in the name of his mother, wife, or family, and takes it without showing any fear.

A Kerry Schoolmaster. "Here by's (boys), shake a grain of straw along the wall for the little girls to sit on-throw your turfs in the corner, and bring over my stool here close to the fire. I thought I'd tould you before, Felix, to bring a sod of turf every morning. Sit down, sit down, I say, on the floor with the rest, and get your lesson, and don't let me see you neer the fire all this blessed day. Now by's, what are you about? Silence! A-b ab; b-a-g bag; Silence! Jem Doherty, whip the door off the hinges and clap it on this row of sods-there now, borrow a bit of chalk from Kernaham, till I write a large hand copy. Hum, buz-ba, be, bi, bo, buz-Tony Flanaham, come over here. Arrah, why, but you come, sir, when I bid you? See, here, spell me this word-Con-stan-ti-no-ple. By's, that's the name of the grand Turk! See what it is to know navi-erature and the world, are discussed upon a footing gation. I don't suppose there's a man in the barony, barring myself and the priest, who can tell you who Constantinople is !"

Things I have never seen.


I have never seen such hard times as the present in all my life. I have never seen old maids decidedly opposed to matrimony.-I have never seen pretty girl that did not know it.-I have never known a lawyer refuse a fee on account of his cli ent's poverty.-I have never seen a woman that was tongue tied.—I have never seen rich men prefer marrying poor girls.-I have never seen but one lady use a bed wrench and pin to tighten her corsets. I have never seen a woman die with the lockjaw.

Mind should mingle with mind, as much in the converse with different sexes, as with those of the same; it is a species of humiliation to a woman of sense, to be treated with the whipped syllabub of flattery, for personal charms with the baby fondling, commonly misnamed gallantry, as it would have been for Jupiter to have taken ambrosia from the hands of his cup bearer, through a quill. When man meets his fellow he treats him as he would wish to be used-the interests of fact, opinion, lit

of equality; wit is brightened by mutual corruscation, and wisdom schooled from argument and a sound expression of mutual opinion.

But how is it that the sexes meet? The greatest trifler of our own sex is the most agreeable to the other; argument or a confliction of sentiment between the two, is deemed rudeness; a conversation ties to a charge of pedantry. The whole art of upon scientific matters, subjects either of the parpleasing in the society of the fair, seems to be acknowledged by all, as consisting (in the Scotch gentleman's phrase) in 'booing and booing.'


If we were to consider extenuating circumstances in the conduct of our neighbors as much as we do in our own, our consciences would have less of the sin of uncharitableness to bear. But we are

A woman's love is like the plant which shows always disposed to impute the worst motives to its strength the more it is trodden on.

those around us and reserve the best for ourselves.


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