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RULE 3. The Collegiate Professors of Natural History, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Political Economy, and of the Theoretical and applied Sciences generally; also Civil Engineers and Architects who have been employed in the construction or superintendence of public works, may become members on subscribing to these rules.

RULE 4. Persons not embraced in the above provisions, may become members of the Association, upon nomination by the Standing Committee, and by a majority of the members present.


RULE 5. The Officers of the Association shall be a President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, who shall be elected at each Annual Meeting, for the meeting of the ensuing year.


RULE 6. The Association shall meet annually, for one week or longer, the time and place of each meeting being determined by a vote of the Association at the previous meeting; and the arrangements for it shall be entrusted to the Officers and the Local Committee.

Standing Committee.

RULE 7. There shall be a Standing Committee, to consist of the President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Association, the Officers of the preceding year, the Chairman and Secretaries of the Sections, after these shall have been organized, and six other members present, who shall have attended any of the previous meetings, to be elected by ballot.

RULE 8. The Committee, whose duty it shall be to manage the general business of the Association, shall sit during the meeting, and at any time in the interval between it and the next meeting, as the interests of the Association may require. It shall also be the duty of this Committee to nominate the General Officers of the Association for the following year, and persons for admission to membership.


RULE 9. The Standing Committee shall organize the Society into Sections, permitting the number and scope of these Sections to vary, in conformity to the wishes and the scientific business of the Association.

RULE 10. It shall be the duty of the Standing Committee, if at


any time two or more Sections, induced by a deficiency of scientific communications, or by other reasons, request to be united into one; or if at any time a single Section, overloaded with business, asks to be subdivided, to effect the change, and, generally, to readjust the subdivisions of the Association, whenever, upon due representation, it promises to expedite the proceedings, and advance the purposes of the meeting.

Sectional Committees and Officers.

RULE 11. Each Section shall appoint its own Chairman and Secretary of the Meeting, and it shall likewise have a Standing Committee, of such size as the Section may prefer. The Secretaries of the Sections may appoint assistants, whenever, in the discharge of their duties, it becomes expedient.

RULE 12. It shall be the duty of the Standing Committee of each Section, assisted by the Chairman, to arrange and direct the proceedings in their Section, to ascertain what written and oral communicasions are offered, and for the better forwarding the business, to assign the order in which these communications shall appear, and the amount of time which each shall occupy; and it shall be the duty of the Chairman to enforce these decisions of the Committee.

These Sectional Committees shall likewise recommend subjects for systematic investigation, by members willing to undertake the researches, and present their results at the next Annual Meeting.

The Committees shall likewise recommend Reports on particular topics and departments of science, to be drawn up as occasion permits, by competent persons, and presented at subsequent Annual Meetings.

Reports of Proceedings.

RULE 13. Whenever practicable, the proceedings shall be reported by professional reporters or stenographers, whose reports are to be revised by the Secretaries before they appear in print.

Papers and Communications.

RULE 14. The author of any paper or communication shall be at liberty to retain his right of property therein, provided he declares such to be his wish before presenting it to the Society.

General and Evening Meetings.

RULE 15. At least three evenings in the week shall be reserved for General Meetings of the Association, and the Standing Committee

shall appoint these and any other General Meetings which the objects and interests of the Association may call for.

These General Meetings may, when convened for that purpose, give their attention to any topics of science which would otherwise come before the Sections, and thus all the Sections may, for a longer or shorter time, reunite themselves to hear and consider any communications, or transact any business.

It shall be a part of the business of these General Meetings to receive the Address of the President of the last Annual Meeting, to hear such reports on scientific subjects as, from their general importance and interest, the Standing Committee shall select; also, to receive from the Chairmen of the Sections abstracts of the proceedings of their respective Sections, and to listen to communications and lectures explanatory of new and important discoveries and researches in science, and new inventions and processes in the arts.

Order of Proceedings in Organizing a Meeting.

RULE 16. The Association shall be organized by the President of the preceding Annual Meeting: the question of the most eligible distribution of the Society into Sections, shall then occupy the attention of the Association, when, a sufficient expression of opinion being procured, the meeting may adjourn, and the Standing Committee shall immediately proceed to divide the Association into Sections, and to allot to the Sections their general places of meeting. The Sections may then organize by electing their officers, and proceed to transact scientific and other business.

Local Committee.

RULE 17. The Standing Committee shall appoint a Local Committee from among members residing at or near the place of meeting, for the ensuing year; and it shall be the duty of the Local Committee, assisted by the officers, to make arrangements for the meeting.


RULE 18. The amount of the Annual Subscription of each member of the Association shall be one dollar, which shall entitle him to a copy of the proceedings of each meeting. The members attending an Annual Meeting shall pay, on registering their names, an additional assessment of dollars. These subscriptions to be received by the Treasurer or Secretary.


RULE 19. The Accounts of the Association shall be audited annually, by Auditors appointed at each meeting.

Alterations of the Constitution.

RULE 20. No Article of this Constitution shall be altered or amended without the concurrence of three-fourths of the members present, nor unless notice of the proposed amendment or alteration shall have been given at the preceding Annual Meeting.

It was then, on motion,

Resolved, That the Association will meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

Wednesday, September 20, 4 P. M.

At this hour the Association again assembled, and Prof. W. B. ROGERS, who, as Chairman of the last Annual Meeting, had thus far presided at the organization of the present, now introduced his successor, Wм. C. REDFIELD, Esq. President elect for the present year.

On taking the chair, Mr. Redfield expressed a diffidence in his ability to discharge satisfactorily the high duties which had been assigned to him, and on which he entered with unfeigned reluctance. He trusted, however, to the support and indulgence of the Association, for giving efficiency to his sincere desires and endeavours to fulfil the duties, which he only regretted had not fallen into abler hands. He distrusted his abilities to render so efficient aid to their deliberations, or to give so much satisfaction as the learned gentlemen who had preceded him in that office, but he would do his utmost in the station to which he had been called, and trust to the indulgence of his co-labourers for the result.

The President then declared the Association duly organized for the transaction of scientific business.

The first business before the Association, was the disposal of papers already entered on the docket, the reading to follow the order assigned by the Standing Committee.

The first

paper read was by PETER A. BROWNE, LL.D., entitled



A mineral substance is found at Mullica Hill, Gloucester County, New Jersey, to which has been given the name of Mullicite. Dr. Thompson, in the first volume of his Mineralogy, has described this substance in an imperfect manner, owing no doubt to his not possessing sufficient specimens. Having in my cabinet, a number of them which exhibit the mineral in all its phases, I am induced to point out some of its peculiarities, and to endeavour to show its origin.

It will be recollected, that the fossil, long known by the name of "Belemnite," has been recently shown to be a portion of the skeleton of a Cephalopodes, which for convenience sake may be described as consisting of-1st. A circular wall of a chamber, in which the living animal preserved a sac containing an inky fluid, which it ejected to destroy the transparency of the water, to enable it to escape its enemies. 2d. A number of conical shaped pieces fitting into each other, forming as many chambers, all communicating by a central opening. 3d. A solid, straight, conical-shaped, fibrous portion, terminating in a point, and perforated throughout by a central tube or siphuncle.

Perfect specimens of this skeleton, found fossil in England, may be seen in the cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; and drawings and a description may be consulted in Buckland's Geology and Mineralogy. The only portions found at Mullica Hill, appertain to sections No. 2 and 3 of the above description.

Mullica Hill belongs to the tertiary formation, and consists of small grained gravel and sand, bound together by hydrated peroxide of iron, which abound in fossils in various stages of preservation; some of these (so far only as it is necessary to understand the Mullicite,) I will now attempt to describe; at the same time exhibiting the spe


Specimen No. 1.-This is a mass of the above noticed gravel and ferruginous sand, loosely aggregated, containing A-a portion of the petrified remains of this so called Belemnite; showing its straight conical shell (No. 3,) of the length of 2 inches, and of the diameter of 4-10ths of an inch; the anterior portion is broken off, but the accuminated posterior one is exposed; also the central tube an inch long,

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