And without trial fell; God's peace be with him! : But where they mean to sink ye. All good people, Farewell: And when you would say something that is sad, [Exeunt BUCKINGHAM and Train. 1 Gen. O, this is full of pity!--Sir, it calls, I fear, too many curses on their heads, 2 Gen. If the duke be guiltless, 'Tis full of woe: Yet I can give you inkling Of an ensuing evil, if it fall, Greater than this. 1 Gen. Good angels keep it from us! Where may it be? You do not doubt my faith, sir? 2 Gen. This secret is so weighty, 'twill require A strong faith to conceal it. 1 Gen. Let me have it; I do not talk much. 2 Gen. I am confident; : You shall, sir: Did you not of late days hear A buzzing, of a separation Between the king and Katharine? [6] Strong faith, is great fidelity. JOHNSON 1 Gen. Yes, but it held not; 2 Gen. But that slander, sir, 1 Gen. 'Tis the cardinal; 2 Gen. I think you have hit the mark: But is't not cruel, That she should feel the smart of this? The cardinal Will have his will, and she must fall. 1 Gen. 'Tis woful. We are too open here to argue this; SCENE II. [Exeunt. An Ante-chamber in the Palace. Enter the Lord Chamber lain, reading a letter. Cham. My lord, The horses your lordship sent for, with all the care I had, I saw well chosen, ridden, and furnished. They were young, and handsome; and of the best breed in the north. When they were ready to set out for London, a man of my lord cardinal's, by commission, and main power, took 'em from me; with this reason, His master would be served before a subject, if not be fore the king: which stopped our mouths, sir. I fear, he will, indeed: Well, let him have them: He will have all, I think. Enter the Dukes of NORFOLK and SUFFOLK. Cham. I left him private, Full of sad thoughts and troubles. Nor. What's the cause? Cham. It seems, the marriage with his brother's wife Has crept too near his conscience. Suff. No, his conscience Has crept too near another lady. Nor. 'Tis so ; This is the cardinal's doing, the king-cardinal : Cham. Heaven keep me from such counsel! 'Tis most true, These news are every where; every tongue speaks them, The French king's sister. Heaven will one day open Suf. And free us from his slavery. And heartily, for our deliverance; Suf. For me, my lords, [7] This may allude to the retinue of the cardinal, who had several of the nobility among his menial servants. JOHNSON. [8] The allusion seems to be to the 21st verse of the 9th chapter of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans: "Hath not the potter power over the clay of the same Pump, to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?" COLLINS. I love him not, nor fear him; there's my creed : If the king please; his curses and his blessings Nor. Let's in; And, with some other business, put the king From these sad thoughts, that work too much upon him: -My lord, you'll bear us company ? Cham. Excuse me ; The king hath sent me other-where: besides Health to your lordships. Nor. Thanks, my good lord chamberlain. [Exit Lord Chamberlain. NORFOLK opens a folding door. The King is discovered sitting, and reading pensively. Suf. How sad he looks! sure, he is much afflicted. Nor. 'Pray God, he be not angry. K. Hen. Who's there, I say? How dare you thrust Nor. A gracious king, that pardons all offences Malice ne'r meant: Our breach of duty, this way, Is business of estate; in which, we come To know your royal pleasure. K. Hen. You are too bold; Go to; I'll make ye know your times of business: Is this an hour for temporal affairs? ha? Enter WOLSEY and CAMPEIUS. Who's there? my good lord cardinal?-O my Wolsey, Thou art a cure fit for a king. - You're welcome, [TO CAMPEIUS. Most learned reverend sir, into our kingdom; Wol. Sir, you cannot. [TO WOLSEY. [9] I take the meaning to be, Let care be taken that my promise be performed, that my professions of welcome be not found empty talk. JOHNSON. I would, your grace would give us but an hour Of private conference. K. Hen. We are busy; go. [To NORF. and Sur. Nor. This priest has no pride in him ? Suf. Not to speak of; I would not be so sick though, for his place :1 But this cannot continue. Nor. If it do, I'll venture one heave at him. Suf. I another. Aside. [Exeunt NoRF. and Sur. Wol. Your grace has given a precedent of wisdom One general tongue unto us, this good man, K.Hen. And, once more, in mine arms I bid him welcome, K. Hen. Two equal men. The queen shall be acquainted Forthwith, for what you come :- Where's Gardiner ? Wol. I know, your majesty has always lov'd her So dear in heart, not to deny her that K. Hen. Ay, and the best, she shall have; and my favour To him that does best; God forbid else. Cardinal, Pr'ythee, call Gardiner to me, my new secretary; [1] That is, so sick as he is proud. JOHNSON. [Exit WOLSEY. [2] The construction is, have sent their free voices. MALONE. |