Imágenes de páginas
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AMERICAN annual cyclopædia, 1861-76; new series, 1876-95; third series, 1896-.
N. Y. 1863-. 38v. 4°.

General index to vols. 1-15, 1861-75. N. Y. 1877. 4°.
Index, 1876 to 1887, inclusive. N. Y. 1888. 4°.

AMERICAN Cyclopædia. Ed. by G. Ripley and C. A. Dana; index by T. J. Conant.
N. Y. 1881. 16v. and index, 1883. 4°.

ENCYCLOPÆDIA Americana. New ed., including American biography on the
basis of the 7th ed. of the German Conversations-Lexicon. Phil. 1851.
13v. and supp. 8°.

ICONOGRAPHIC encyclopædia. Ed. by J. G. Heck, tr. by S. F. Baird. N. Y. 1857.
Text 4v., plates 2v. 4°.

INTERNATIONAL cyclopædia. Ed. by H. T. Peck. N. Y.
JOHNSON'S universal cyclopædia. Ed. by C. K. Adams.

1895. 15v. 4°. N. Y. 1895. 8v. 4°.


Ref. 6, 7, 8

Encyclopædias, English.

BRANDE, William Thomas, and Cox, Sir George William. Dictionary of science,
CHAMBERS's encyclopædia. New edition. Lond. 1892. IOV. 4°.

literature, and art. Lond. 1865-67. 3v. 8°.

EDINBURGH encyclopædia. First American edition. Phil. 1832. 20v, 4°.
ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica. [Third edition.] First American edition. Phil.
1798. 18v. Supp., 1803. 3v. 4°.

Supplement to the fourth, fifth and sixth editions. Edin. 1824. 6v. 4°.
Seventh edition. Edin. 1842. 21v. 4°.

Eighth edition, with additions and engravings. Bost. 1853-60. 2IV. and
index. 4°.

Ninth edition. Bost. 1875-89. 24v. and index. 4°.

ENCYCLOPÆDIA metropolitana. Lond. 1845. 25v. and index, 3v. plates. 4°.
GLOBE encyclopædia. Ed. by J. M. Ross. Edin. 1879. 6v. 4°.
GREGORY, George. Dictionary of arts

and sciences; second American from
last London edition. N. Y. 1821, 1822. 3v. 4°.
KNIGHT, Charles. English cyclopædia. Lond. 1854-72. 26v. 4°.

Division 1. Geography, 4 v. and supp.

2. Natural history, 4v. and supp.

Division 3. Biography. 6v. and supp.
4. Arts and sciences, 8v.; index.

LONDON encyclopædia; or, Universal dictionary of science, art. literature and practical mechanics, including an English lexicon. Lond. 1829. 22v. 8°. PENNY cyclopædia. Lond. 1833-45. 27v. and supp. in 15v. 4°.

REES, Abraham. New cyclopædia: or

Universal dictionary of arts and

sciences. First American edition. Phil. 46v. 4°.


Encyclopædias, French.

Ref. 9

BACHELET, Jean Louis Théodore, and Dezobry, Charles Louis. Dictionnaire gén-
éral des lettres, des beaux-arts et des sciences morales et politiques.
Paris. 1872. 2v. 4°.

BELEZE, Guillaume Louis Gustave. Dictionnaire universel de la vie pratique, etc.
Paris. 1882. 8°.

BOUILLET, Marie Nicolas. Dictionnaire universel des sciences, des lettres et des
arts. Paris. 1884. 8°.

DICTIONNAIRE de la conversation et de la lecture. Par une Société de Savants, etc. Seconde édition. Paris. 1873-75. 16v. 4°.

DIDEROT, Denis, and Alembert, Jean le Rond d'.

1780-82. 36v. and 3v. plates. 8°.

Encyclopédie. Lausanne.

ENCYCLOPEDIE moderne; nouvelle edition, publiée par Didot sous la direction de L. Reinier. Paris. 1846-60. 30v. 8°.

LAROUSSE, Pierre. Grand dictionnaire universel du xix siécle. Paris. 1866-76. 17v. 4°.


Encyclopædias, German.

Ref. 9

BROCKHAUS, Friedrich Arnold. Conversations-Lexikon; allgemeine deutsche
Real-Encyklopädie; Dreizehnte Auflage, mit Abbildungen und Karten.
Leipzig. 1882-86. 17v. 4°.

MEYER, J. H. Konversations-Lexikon; Encyklopädie des allgemeinen-Wissens;
vierte Auflage mit Karten und Abbildungen. Leipzig. 1886-91. 18v. 8°.

[blocks in formation]

CALDERWOOD, Henry. Vocabulary of philosophy, on the basis of Fleming's
Vocabulary. Lond. 1894. 12°.

FRANCK, Ad. Dictionnaire des sciences philosophiques. Paris. 1885. 8°.
KRAUTH, Charles Porterfield. Vocabulary of the philosophical sciences; includ-
ing the vocabulary of philosophy by W. Fleming. N. Y. 1885. 8°.
THOMSON, J. R., ed. Dictionary of philosophy. Lond. 1887. 8°.
VOLTAIRE, François Marie Arouet de. Philosophical dictionary. Lond. 1843
2V. 12°.
A 11


BOWEN, Francis. Modern philosophy from Descartes to Schopenhauer and Hart-
mann. 5th ed. N. Y. 1887. 8°.
ERDMANN, Johann Eduard. History of philosophy. 3d ed. Lond. 1892-93. 3v. 8°.
MORELL, John Daniel. Historical and critical view of the speculative philosophy
of Europe in the nineteenth century. 2d ed. Lond. 1847. 2v. 8°. A 21
RITTER, Heinrich. History of ancient philosophy; tr. by A. J. W. Mor-
rison. Oxford. 1838. 4v. 8°.

UEBERWEG, Friedrich. History of philosophy; tr. from 4th German ed.,
by G. S. Morris, with additions by Noah Porter. N. Y. 1872. 2v. 8°.

[blocks in formation]

CALDERWOOD, Henry. Hand-book of moral philosophy. Lond. 1888. 8°. A 71
DYMOND, Jonathan. Essays on the principles of morality; with preface by
G. Bush. N. Y. 1836. 8°.
A 71

JOUFFROY, Thomas Simon, called Théodore. Introduction to ethics; tr. by
W. H. Channing. Bost. 1840. 2v. 12°.
LECKY, William Edward Hartpole. History of European morals from Augustus
to Charlemagne. N. Y. 1869. 2v. 8°.

A 71

A 71

MARTINEAU, James. Types of ethical theory. 3d ed. Oxford. 1891.
IV. 12°.

2v. in

A 71

German philosophy.

SPENCER, Herbert. Principles of ethics. N. Y. 1896. 2v. 8°.

Evolution, Philosophy.



C 43

CROLL, James. Philosophical basis of evolution. Lond. 1890. 8°.
FISKE, John. Outlines of cosmic philosophy based on the doctrine of evolution.
with criticisms on the positive philosophy. Bost. 1889. 2v. 8°. A 33
HÄCKEL, Ernst Heinrich. History of creation; or The development of the earth
and its inhabitants by the action of natural causes; a popular exposition of
the doctrine of evolution in general, and of that of Darwin, Goethe, and
Lamarck in particular. 4th ed. N. Y. 1892. 2v.
C 43
SPENCER, Herbert. First principles of a new system of philosophy.
N. Y. 1874. 12°.
1884. 12°.
HIRSCH, William. Genius and degeneration. N. Y. 1896. 8°.
LOMBROSO, Cesare. Man of genius. Lond. 1891. 12°. (Contemporary science

3d ed.

[blocks in formation]

GERMAN philosophical classics [series]. Ed. by George S. Morris. Chicago. 1886-. 8v. 16°.

[blocks in formation]

BINET, Alfred, and Féré, Charles. Animal magnetism. N. Y.

[blocks in formation]

KRAFT-EBING, R. von. Experimental study in the domain of hypnotism.
1889. 8°.

N. Y.

A 64

MOLL, Albert. Hypnotism. N. Y. 1890. 12°. (Contemporary science series.) OCHOROWICZ, J. Mental suggestion; with preface by C. Richet; tr. by J. Fitzgerald. N. Y. 8°.

A 64

A 64

Insanity, Psychology.

MERCIER, Charles Arthur. Sanity and insanity. N. Y. 1890. 12°.
porary science scries.)


A 58


HAMILTON, Sir William. Lectures on logic; ed. by H. L. Mansel and J. Veitch.
Bost. 1860. 8°.

MAHAN, Asa. Science of logic. N. Y. 1857. 8°.

A 81 A 81



RIBOT, Théodule. Diseases of memory: an essay in the positive psychology.
N. Y. 1882. 12°. (International scientific series.)
MAUDSLEY, Henry. Responsibility in mental disease. N. Y. 1874.
(International scientific series.)

Mental pathology.

RAY, Isaac. Contributions to mental pathology. Bost. 1873. 8°.

MILL, John Stuart. System of logic, ratiocinative and inductive. N. Y. 1872. 8°.
WHATELY, Richard, Archbp. of Dublin. Elements of logic. Bost. 1855. 12°. A 81
LANGE, Friedrich Albert. History of materialism, and criticism of its present
importance; tr. by E. C. Thomas. Lond. 1892. 3v. 8°.
A 33
FAUVEL-GOURAUD, Francis. Phreno-mnemotechny; or, The art of memory.
N. Y. 1845. 8°.
A 53

A 53


A 58

A 58


HAMILTON, Sir William. Lectures on metaphysics; ed. by H. L. Mansel and J
Veitch. Bost. 1859. 8°.


A 41

LOTZE, Rudolph Hermann. Metaphysic; translation ed. by B. Bosanquet.
Oxford. 1887. 2v. 12°. (Lotze's System of philosophy, pt. 2.)
DARWIN, Charles Robert. Expression of the emotions in man and animals.
1873. 8°.
LAVATER, Johann Caspar. Essays on physiognomy, tr. by T. Holcroft;
Memoir. 18th ed. Lond. 8°.

[blocks in formation]

MANTEGAZZA, Paolo. Physiognomy and expression. N. Y. 1891. 12°. (Contemporary science series.)

A 65

STANTON, Mary Olmsted. System of practical and scientific physiognomy; or,
How to read faces. Phil. 1890. 2v. 8°.
WARMAN, Edward B. Gestures and attitudes; an exposition of the Delsarte
philosophy of expression. Bost. 1892. 8°.
WARNER, Francis. Physical expression; its modes and principles. N. Y.
12°. (International scientific series.)

A 65

A 65


A 65

Physiological psychology.

BAIN, Alexander. Mind and body; the theories of their relation. N. Y.
12°. (International scientific series.)
CARPENTER, William Benjamin. Principles of mental physiology.

[blocks in formation]

DONALDSON, Henry Herbert. Growth of the brain. Lond. 1895.
porary science series.)

[blocks in formation]

LADD, George Trumbull. Elements of physiological psychology. N. Y. 1887. 8°.
A 61
LUYS, J. Brain and its functions. N. Y. 1882. 12°. (International scientific
A 61




COMTE, Isidore Auguste Marie François Xavier. Positive philosophy; tr. and
condensed by Harriet Martineau. 3d ed. Lond. 1893. 2v. 8°.
A 34
LEWES, George Henry. Comte's philosophy of the sciences: being an exposition
of the principles of the Cours de philosophie positive of A. Comte. Lond.
1890. 12°.
A 34
BROWN, Thomas. Lectures on the philosophy of the human mind. Edin. 1820.
A 51

JAMES, William. Principles of pyschology. N. Y. 1893. 2v. 8°.
science series: advanced course.)

HAMILTON, David H. Autology: an inductive system of mental science whose
centre is the will. Bost. 1873. 8°.
A 51
A 51

MORGAN, C. Lloyd. Introduction to comparative psychology. Lond. 1894. 12°
(Contemporary science series.)
A 51

PORTER, Noah. Human intellect; with an introduction upon psychology and the soul. N. Y. 1868. 8°.

REID, Thomas. Essays on the intellectual powers of man; ed. by J. Walker. 6th ed. Bost. 1855. 12°.

SPENCER, Herbert. Principles of psychology. N. Y. 1872. 2v. 8°.
SULLY, James. Human mind; a text-book of pyschology. N. Y. 1892. 2v. 8°.

A 51
A 51

Outlines of psychology; with special reference to the theory of education.
N. Y. 1891. 8°.

TAINE, Hippolyte Adolphe. On intelligence. 8.

A 51
A 51

WUNDT, Wilhelm. Outlines of psychology; tr. by C. H. Judd. Leipzig. 1897. 8°. A 51 Scientific method.

JEVONS, William Stanley. Principles of science; a treatise on logic and scientific method. Lond. 1883. 12°.


PEARSON, Karl. Grammar of science. Lond. 1892. 12°. (Contemporary science series.)

PODMORE, Frank. Apparitions and thought-transference.

(Contemporary science series.)

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
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BEETON, Samuel Orchart. Illustrated dictionary of the physical sciences. Lond. 8°.
BROWN, Robert, ed. Science for all. Lond. 5v. 4°.

BUCHANAN, W. M. Dictionary of science and technical terms, with supp.; ed.
by J. A. Smith. Lond. 1884. 12°.

CHAMPLIN, John Denison. Young folks' cyclopædia of common things. N. Y. 1884. 8°.

CONTEMPORARY science series. Ed. by Havelock Ellis. N. Y. 1889-. 30v. 12°.

[blocks in formation]

15. GUYAU, J. M. Education and hered-

G 32

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origin, etc.

[blocks in formation]

A 65

19. HULL, E. Volcanoes.

C 23

5. SUTTON, J. B. Evolution and dis


C 43

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DICTIONARY of scientific illustrations and symbols.

INTERNATIONAL scientific series. N. Y. and Lond. 1872-. 81v. 12°.

30. HADDON, A. C. Evolution in art.
N. Y. 8°.

Y 68

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