Imágenes de páginas




U. S. Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section A, from St. Croix River to
Cape Cod.

U. S. Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, from Cape Cod to Sandy
Hook, including Long Island Sound__

U. S. Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section C, Sandy Hook to Cape Henry,
including Delaware and Chesapeake Bays--

U. S. Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section D, Cape Henry to Key West_-_
U. S. Coast Pilot, Gulf Coast, from Key West to the Rio Grande (this

U. S. Coast Pilot, West Indies, Porto Rico, and Virgin Islands_-
Inside Route Pilot, coast of New Jersey-

Inside Route Pilot, New York to Key West--
Inside Route Pilot, Key West to the Rio Grande..

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U. S. Coast Pilot, Pacific Coast, California, Oregon, and Washington____
U. S. Coast Pilot, Pacific Coast, Alaska, Part I, from Dixon Entrance
to Yakutat Bay--.

U. S. Coast Pilot, Pacific Coast, Alaska, Part II, Yakutat Bay to Arctic

U. S. Coast Pilot, Hawaiian Islands__.

U. S. Coast Pilot, Philippine Islands, Part I, Luzon, Mindoro, and

U. S. Coast Pilot, Philippine Islands, Part II, Palawan, M ndanao, and
Sulu Archipelago_.


Boston, Mass., Appraisers Building, 408 Altantic Avenue.

New York, N. Y., 311-312, Maritime Exchange Building, 78 Broad Street.
New Orleans, La., room 314, Customhouse.

San Francisco, Calif., room 305-306, Customhouse.
Seattle, Wash., room 202, Burke Building.

Manila, P. I., Intendencia Building.

At these stations complete files of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey charts, Coast Pilots, Tide Tables, Current Tables, and other publications relating to navigation may be consulted and information affecting navigation obtained without charge. Light Lists, Buoy Lists, and Notices to Mariners are kept for sale or for free distribution to mariners. The field stations are also sales agencies for the Coast and Geodetic Survey publications. A chart catalogue, giving lists of charts, coast pilots, tide tables, and agencies of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, can be obtained from any of the field stations, or will be sent, free of charge, on application to the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washingtion, D. C. Frequent changes occur in the agencies, and the list of agencies is published in the first notice each month of the Notices to Mariners.


The Coast and Geodetic Survey is charged with the survey of the coasts, harbors, and tidal estuaries of the United States and its insular possessions and issues the following publications relating to these waters as guides to naviga

tion: Charts, Coast Pilots, Tide Tables, Current Tables, a catalogue of these publications, and Notices to Mariners, the last named published weekly by the Bureau of Lighthouses and Coast and Geodetic Survey.

CHARTS bear three dates, which should be understood by persons using them: (1) The date (month and year) of the edition, printed on the late charts below the border in a central position; (2) the date of the latest correction to the chart plates, printed in the lower left-hand corner below the border; (3) the date of issue, stamped below the the border and just to the left of the subtitle. Charts show all necessary corrections as to lights, beacons, buoys, and dangers, which have been received to the date of issue, being hand corrected since the latest date printed in the lower left-hand corner. All small but important corrections occurring subsequent to the date of issue of the chart are published in Notice to Mariners and should be applied by hand to the chart immediately after the receipt of the notices. The date of the edition of the chart remains unchanged until an extensive correction is made on the plate from which the chart is printed. The date is then changed and the issue is known as a new edition. When a correction, not of sufficient importance to require a new edition, is made to a chart plate, the year, month, and day are noted in the lower left-hand corner. All the notes on a chart should be read carefully, as in some cases they relate to the aids to navigation or to dangers that can not be clearly charted. The charts are various in character, according to the objects which they are designed to subserve. The most important distinctions are the


1. Sailing charts, mostly on a scale of approximately 1:1,200,000, which exhibit the approaches to a large extent of coast, give the offshore soundings, and enable the navigator to identify his position as he approaches from the open sea.

2. General charts of the coast, on scales of 1: 400,000 and 1: 200,000, intended especially for coastwise navigation.

3. Coast charts, on a scale of 1: 80,000, by means of which the navigator is enabled to avail himself of the channels for entering the larger bays and harbors.

4. Harbor charts, on larger scales, intended to meet the needs of local navigation.

NOTE.-General charts of the Philippine Islands are on scales 1:1,600,000, 1: 800,000, and 1: 400,000; coast charts are on scales 1: 100,000 and 1: 200,000. COAST PILOTS, relating to surveyed waters of the United States, Porto Rico, Alaska, Hawaiian Islands, and the Philippine Islands, contain full nautical descriptions of the coast, harbors, dangers, and directions for coasting and entering harbors. From time to time, as the material accumulates, supplements are issued, containing the more important corrections since the publication of the volume. The supplements are printed on one side of the paper only, so that they may be cut and pasted in the appropriate places in the volume. Supplements and other corrections for any volume can be furnished, free of charge, on application to the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C., or any of its field stations, provided the volume itself has not been superseded by a subsequent edition.

TIDE TABLES.-The Coast and Geodetic Survey Tide Tables are issued annually in advance of the year for which they are made and contain the predicted times and heights of the tide for each day in the year at the principal ports of the world, including the United States and its possessions. A table of tidal differences is given by means of which the tides at about 3,500 intermediate ports may be obtained. Separate reprints from the general Tide Tables are issued for the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States and its dependencies.

CURRENT TABLES, which have heretofore been issued as a part of the Tide Tables, are now published separately as Current Tables, Atlantic Coast of the United States, and Current Tables, Pacific Coast of the United States.

AGENCIES for the sale of the Charts, Coast Pilots, Tide Tables, and Current Tables of the Coast and Geodetic Survey are established in many ports of the United States and in some foreign ports. They can also be purchased in the office of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C., or any of the field stations. If ordered by mail, prepayment is obligatory. Remittances should be made by postal money order or express order, payable to the "Coast and Geodetic Survey." Postage stamps, checks, and drafts can not be accepted. The sending of money in an unregistered letter is unsafe. Only catalogue numbers of charts need be mentioned. The catalogue of charts and other

publications of the survey can be obtained free of charge on application at any of the sale agencies or to the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. OTHER PUBLICATIONS.-Lists of Lights, Buoys, and other Daymarks of the United States, its insular possessions, and the Great Lakes, are published by the Bureau of Lighthouses and may be purchased from its sale agencies or from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Notice to Mariners, relating to the same waters, is published weekly by the Bureau of Lighthouses and Coast and Geodetic Survey; this publication can be obtained free of charge on application to the Division of Publications, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C.


ACCURACY OF CHARTS.-The value of a chart depends upon the character and accuracy of the survey on which it is based, and the larger the scale of the chart the more important do these become. In these respects the source from which the information has been compiled is a good guide. This applies particularly to the charts of the Alaska Peninsula, Aleutian Islands, Arctic Ocean and part of Bering Sea, and the Philippine Islands. The early Russian and Spanish surveys were not made with great accuracy, and until they are replaced by later surveys these charts must be used with caution.

With respect to these regions the fullness or scantiness of the soundings is another method of estimating the completeness of a chart. When the soundings are sparse or unevenly distributed, it may be taken for granted that the survey was not in great detail. A wide berth should therefore be given to every rocky shore or patch, and this rule should invariably be followed, viz, that instead of considering a coast to be clear unless it is shown to be foul, the contrary should be assumed.

With respect to a well-surveyed coast only a fractional part of the soundings obtained are shown on the chart, a sufficient number being selected to clearly indicate the contour of the bottom. When the bottom is uneven, the soundings will be found grouped closely together, and when the slopes are gradual fewer soundings are given. Each sounding represents an actual measure of depth and location at the time the survey was made. Shores and shoals where sand and mud prevail, and especially bar harbors and the entrances of bays and rivers exposed to strong tidal currents and a heavy sea, are subject to continual change of a greater or less extent, and important ones may have taken place since the date of the last survey. In localities which are noted for frequent and radical changes, such as the entrance to a number of estuaries on the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts, notes are printed on the charts calling attention to the fact.

It should also be remembered that in coral regions and where rocks abound it is always possible that a survey with lead and line, however detailed, may have failed to find every small obstruction. For these reasons when navigating such waters the customary sailing lines and channels should be followed, and those areas avoided where the irregular and sudden changes in depth indicate conditions which are associated with pinnacle rocks or coral heads.

DREDGED CHANNELS.-These are generally shown on the chart by two broken lines to represent the side limits of the improvement. Before completion of the project the depth given is that shown by the latest survey received from the engineer in charge. After completion the depth given is the one proposed to be maintained by redredging when necessary. The actual depth of a completed channel may be greater than the charted depth shortly after dredging and less when shoaling occurs as a result of storms or other causes. These changes are of too frequent occurrence and uncertain duration to chart. Therefore, when a vessel's draft approximates the charted depth of a dredged channel, the latest information should be obtained before entering.

DANGER CURVES.-The curves of depth will be found useful in giving greater prominence to outlying dangers. It is a good plan to trace out with a colored pencil the curve next greater than the draft of the vessel using the chart and regard this as a "danger curve," which is not to be crossed without precaution. Isolated soundings shoaler than surrounding depths should be avoided, as there is always the possibility that the shoalest spot may not have been found.

CAUTION IN USING SMALL-SCALE CHARTS.-It is obvious that dangers to navigation can not be shown with the same amount of detail on small-scale charts as on those of larger scale; therefore in approaching the land or dangerous banks regard should be had to the scale of the chart used. A small error in laying

down a position means only yards on a large-scale chart, whereas on a small scale the same amount of displacement means large fractions of a mile. For the same reason bearings to near objects should be used in preference to objects farther off, although the latter may be more prominent, as a small error in bearing or in laying it down on the chart has a greater effect in misplacing the position the longer the line to be drawn.

DISTORTION OF PRINTED CHARTS.-The paper on which charts are printed has to be dampened. On drying distortion takes place from the inequalities in the paper, which varies with the paper and the amount of the original dampening; but it is not sufficient to affect ordinary navigation. It must not, however, be expected that accurate series of angles taken to different points will always exactly agree when carefully plotted upon the chart, especially if the lines to objects be long. The longer the chart the greater the amount of this distortion. BUOYS. Too much reliance should not be placed on buoys always maintaining their exact position, especially when in exposed positions. It is safer, when possible, to navigate by bearings or angles to fixed objects on shore and by the use of soundings.

GAS BUOYS and other unwatched lights can not be implicitly relied on; the light may be altogether extinguished or, if intermittent, the apparatus may get out of order.

LIGHTS.-The distances given in the light lists and on the charts for the visibility of lights are computed for a height of 15 feet (4.6 m.) for the observer's eye. The table of distances of visibility due to height, published in the Light List, affords a means of ascertaining the effect of a greater or less height of the eye. The glare of a powerful light is often seen far beyond the limit of visibility of the actual rays of the light, but this must not be confounded with the true range. Again, refraction may often cause a light to be seen farther than under ordinary circumstances.

When looking for a light, the fact may be forgotten that from aloft the range of vision is increased. By noting a star immediately over the light a bearing may be afterwards obtained from the standard compass. The actual power of a light should be considered when expecting to make it in thick weather. A weak light is easily obscured by haze, and no dependence can be placed on its being seen. The power of a light can be estimated by its candlepower as given in the light lists and in some cases by noting how much its visibility in clear weather falls short of the range due to the height at which it is placed. Thus a light standing 200 feet above the sea and recorded as visible only 10 miles in clear weather is manifestly of little brilliancy, as its height would permit it to be seen over 20 miles if of sufficient power.

FOG SIGNALS.-Sound is conveyed in a very capricious way through the atmosphere. Apart from the wind, large areas of silence have been found in different directions and at different distances from the origin of the sound signal, even in clear weather. Therefore too much confidence should not be felt as to hearing a fog signal. The apparatus, moreover, for sounding the signal may require some time before it is in readiness to act. A fog often creeps imperceptibly toward the land and is not observed by those at a lighthouse until it is upon them, whereas a vessel may have been in it for many hours while approaching the land. In such a case no signal may be sounded. When sound travels against the wind it may be thrown upward; in such a case a man aloft might hear it when it is inaudible on deck. The conditions for hearing a signal will vary at the same station within short intervals of time. Mariners must not, therefore, judge their distance from a fog signal by the force of the sound and must not assume that a signal is not sounding because they do not hear it. Taken together, these facts should induce the utmost caution when nearing the land or danger in fog. The lead is generally the only safe guide and should be faithfully used.

SUBMARINE BELLS have an effective range of audibility greater than signals sounded in air, and a vessel equipped with receiving apparatus can determine the approximate bearing of the signal. These signals can be heard also on vessels not equipped with receiving apparatus by observers below the water line, but a bearing of the signal can not then be readily determined.

TIDES. A knowledge of the tide, or vertical rise and fall of the water, is of great and direct importance whenever the depth at low water approximates to or is less than the draft of the vessel and, wherever docks are constructed so as to be entered and left near the time of high water. But under all conditions such knowledge may be of indirect use, as it often enables the mariner

to estimate in advance whether at a given time and place the current will be running flood or ebb. In using the tables slack water should not be confounded with high or low tide nor a flood or ebb current with a rising or falling tide. In some localities the tide may be at a high or low water stand while the current is at its maximum velocity.

THE TIDE TABLES published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey give the predicted times and heights of high and low waters for most of the principal ports of the world and tidal differences and constants for obtaining the tides at all important ports.

PLANE OF REFERENCE FOR SOUNDINGS ON CHARTS.-For the Atlantic coast of the United States and Porto Rico the plane of reference for soundings is the mean of all low waters; for the Pacific coast of the United States and Alaska, with the one exception noted below, and for the Hawaiian and Philippine Islands, it is the mean of the lower low waters. For Wrangel Strait, Alaska, the plane of reference is 3 feet below mean lower low water. For the Atlantic coast of the Canal Zone, Panama, the plane of reference for soundings is mean low water, and for the Pacific coast of the same it is low-water springs. For foreign charts many different planes of reference are in use, but that most frequently adopted is low-water springs.

It should be remembered that whatever plane of reference is used for a chart there may be times when the tide falls below it. When the plane is mean low water or mean lower low water, there will generally be as many low waters or lower low waters below those planes as above them; also the wind may at times cause the water to fall below the plane of reference.

TIDAL CURRENTS.-In navigating coasts where the tidal range is considerable special caution is necessary. It should be remembered that there are indrafts into all bays and bights, although the general set of the current is parallel to the shore. The turn of the tidal current offshore is seldom coincident with the time of high and low water on the shore.

At the entrance to most harbors without important tributaries or branches the current turns at or soon after the times of high and low water within. The diurnal inequality in the velocity of current will be proportionately but half as great as in the height of the tides. Hence, though the heights of the tide may be such as to cause the surface of the water to vary but little in level for 10 or 12 hours, the ebb and flow will be much more regular in occurrence. A swift current often occurs in narrow openings between two bodies of water, because the water at a given instant may be at different levels. Along most shores not seriously affected by bays, tidal rivers, etc., the current usually turns soon after high and low waters.

Where there is a large basin with a narrow entrance, the strength of the current in the entrance may occur near the time of high and low water, and slack water at about half tide, outside. The swiftest current in straight portions of tidal rivers is usually in the mid-channel, but in curved portions the strongest current is toward the outer edge of the curve. Counter currents and eddies may occur near the shore of straits, especially in bights and near points. THE CURRENT TABLES published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey give the predicted times of slack water and other current data for a number of places on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North America.

TIDE RIPS AND SWIRLS Occur in places where strong currents occur, caused by a change in the direction of the current, and especially over shoals or in places where the bottom is uneven. Such places should be avoided if exposed also to a heavy sea, especially with the wind opposing the current. When these conditions are at their worst, the water is broken into heavy, choppy seas from all directions, which board the vessel, and also make it difficult to keep control, owing to the baring of the propeller and rudder.

CURRENT ARROWS on charts show only the usual or mean direction of a tidal stream or current. It must not be assumed that the direction of the current will not vary from that indicated by the arrow. In the same manner the velocity of the current constantly varies with circumstances, and the rate given on the chart is a mean value, corresponding to an average range of tide. At some stations but few observations have been made.

FIXING POSITION.-The most accurate method available to the navigator for fixing a position relative to the shore is by plotting with a protractor, sextant angles between well-defined objects on the chart. This method, based on the "three-point problem" of geometry, should be in general use.

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