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at once minute and brilliant, of exquisite judgment, and a very modern taste, he seems to leave nothing to acquire. Neverthe less when we remark some negligencies and inequalities; when we find him yielding to what artists very properly call," le petit jeu," we soon perceive that these censures are directed, rather against the composer than the virtuoso; and that the defects of style in one character, impair the beauties of execution, in the other.


The Russian cloaks, lately introduced among the Parisian Belles, are of three cuts, and as many different sorts of wadding, according as the wearer is more or less delicate, from rude health to an invalid state. They are also adapted to the different shapes, some for slender persons, some for embonpoint, and some for those who are much encumbered with flesh.

The Surtout a la Sultane is an open dress, worn over white, or some bright colour: it has a train, and has a graceful effect.

The Robe a la Calypso is in narrow plates on the neck. It has two bars, one in the shape of a tongue, and the waist behind is of a new cut. It also has a long train; the sleeves are short, and with three tufts.

The straw hats, which are now worn by the ladies in such abundance, seem emblematic of the plentiful havest.


THE cruelties exercised in India by Thomas Kouli Khan, were such that a dervise had the courage to present a writing to him, conceived in these terms, "If thou art a God, act as a God; if thou art a prophet, conduct us in the way of salvation; if thou art a king, render the people happy, and do not destroy them." To which the barbarian replied: "I am no God, to act as a God; nor a prophet, to shew the way of salvation; nor a king, to render the people happy; but I am he whom God sends to the nations which he has determined to visit with his wrath."


THERE was much sound palpable argument, in the speech of a country lad to an idler, who boasted his ancient family" so much the worse for you," said the peasant, as we plowmen say, "The older the seed, the worse the crop."








THE confidence which we have placed in the assurances of his

Majesty's new Ministers has been realized; and it is to their wis dom and moderation that the world is indebted for the great work of general pacification.

It is indeed maintained, that the terms of peace are not adequate to all the objects of the war, and this position it would be absurd to deny. But although we have failed in common with all the great powers of the Continent, in reducing France within her ancient limits, it may be fairly contended, that the civilized world has gained much by the melancholy, yet satisfactory proofs, resulting from the contest, that pure democracy is but a chimera, and that anarchy is the certain forerunner of ruin. This country, in particular, has, notwithstanding its immense expences, derived many advantages from the war. It has preserved its constitution and internal tranquillity unimpaired, and extinguished, we trust, for ever, the deadly spirit of Jacobinism, which threatened the destruction of every thing that is dear to Britons. The question for consideration is not, we conceive, whether the articles of the treaty concluded with the French Republic are commensurate to the ends proposed by the contest; but whether they are not as good as any that could be obtained at the crisis when they were signed? The necessity of the case justifies, in every point of view, the terms of peace; and the most honourable sanction which the conduct of ministers can have, is to be found in the heart-felt effusions of joy and gratitude manifested throughout every part of the united kingdom. This event, so truly consoling to humanity, and to which all other considerations, however important, are but trifling, must be attended with the most beneficial consequences to the British empire. It will prove a deathblow to the sordid and baneful practice of monopoly, infuse new life into our manufacturers, and give additional vigour to every branch of our trade and commerce. Let those who argue against the peace, and hold its blessings in contempt, consider the perilous situation of the country when the direction of public affairs was entrusted to the present administration!

VOL. 2. No. 10.





THE First Consul of the French Republic, in the name of the

French People, and his Royal Highness the Prince Regent of the kingdom of Portugal and Algarva, equally animated with the desire of establishing those relations of commerce and amity which subsisted between both states previous to the war, have determined to conclude a Treaty of Peace, through the mediation of his Catholic Majesty, and have appointed for this purpose the following plenipotentiaries, viz.

The First Consul has nominated, in the name of the French People, Citizen Lucien Bonaparte; and his Royal Highness the Prince Regent of the kingdom of Portugal and Algarva, his Excellency Cypriano Bibeiro Freire, Commander of the Order of Christ, one of the Council of his Royal Highness, and his Minister Plenipotentiary to his Catholic Majesty; which Plenipotentiaries after having exchanged their respective powers, have agreed upon the following articles:

1. There shall be from henceforth peace, friendship, and good understanding, between the French Republic and the kingdom of Portugal. All hostilities, both by sea and land, shall cease immediately after the exchange of the Ratifications of the present treaty; that is to say, within fifteen days in Europe and the seas which bound it and the coast of Africa of this side of the equator; within forty days after the aforesaid ratifications in the territories and seas of America and Africa on the other side of the equator; and three months after, in all the territories and seas to the westward of Cape Horn, and to the east of the Cape of Good Hope. All the prizes made after these respective periods, in the latitudes mentioned, shall be respectively restored. The prisoners on each side shall be restored, and the same political relations re-establish ed between the two powers as existed before the war.

II. All the ports and roads of Portugal, in Europe, shall be im mediately shut, and continue so, until the conclusion of peace be tween France and England, against all English vessels both of war and trade; and the said ports and roads shall be open to all the vessels of war and trade belonging to the French Republic and her allies.

As to the ports and roads of Portugal in other parts of the world, the present article shall be obligatory within the periods above fixed for the cessation of hostilities.

III. Portugal engages not to furnish, during the course of the present war, to the enemies of the French Republic and her allies, any succours in troops, vessels, arms, ammunition, provision, or money of any kind, or in any manner whatever. All anterior


acts, engagements, or conventions contrary to the present article, shall be revoked, and regarded as null and void.

IV. The boundaries of French and Portuguese Guyana shall be determined in future by the river Carapanatuba, which flows into the river Amazon, about a third of a degree of north latitude, above Fort Macapa. These limits shall follow the course of the river to its source, whence they shall take a direction to the grand chain of mountains which divide the course of the river; they shall follow the windings of that chain to the point nearest to Rio Branco, between the second and third degree north of the equator. The Indians of the two Guyanas, who in the course of the war may have been carried off from their habitations, shall be respectively restored,

The citizens, or subjects of the two powers, who may be comprised within the new determination of the limits, may recipro cally retire to the possessions of their respective states. They shall likewise have power to dispose of their property, moveable and immoveable, for a period of two years, to be computed from the day of exchanging the ratifications of the present treaty.

V. A Treaty of Commerce shall be negociated between the two powers, to establish in a definitive manner the commercial relations between France and Portugal: in the mean time it is agreed upon

First, That the communications shall be re-established imme diately after the exchange of the ratification, and that the agents and factors of commerce shall, on each side, be restored to the possession of the rights, immunities, and prerogatives which they enjoyed before the war.

Secondly, That the citizens and subjects of the two powers shall equally and reciprocally enjoy in the states of both all the rights which those of the most favoured nations enjoy.

Thirdly, That the commodities and merchandize produced from the soil or manufactures of each of the two powers, shall be ad mitted reciprocally without restriction, and without being liable to any duty which would not equally affect the commodities and merchandize of a similar nature imported by other nations.


Fourthly, That the French cloths may be immediately imported into Portugal, on the footing of the most favoured merchandize.

Fifthly, That in other points all the stipulations inserted in the preceding articles, and not contrary to the present treaty, shall be provisionally executed until the conclusion of a treaty of Definitive Commerce.

VI. The ratifications of the present treaty shall be exchanged at Madrid within the term of twenty days at farthest.

Exchanged by duplicata the 7th Vendemiaire, in the 10th year of the French Republic, (29th Sept. 1801.)



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THE First Consul of the French Republic, in the name of the French people and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, animated with the desire of re-establishing the relation of good understanding which subsisted between the two governments be fore the present war, and to put an end to the evils with which Europe is afflicted, have appointed for that purpose for their plenipotentiaries, viz.

The First Consul of the French Republic, in the name of the French people, Citizen Charles Maurice Talleyrand, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, the Sieur Arcadi, Count de Marcoff, his Privy Counsellor, and Knight of the Order of St. Alexander Neuski, and Grand Cross of that of St. Wlademir of the first Class, who, after the verifica tion and exchange of their full powers, have agreed upon the following articles:

Art. f. There shall be in future peace, friendship, and good understanding, between the French Republic and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias.

II. In consequence, there shall not be committed any hostility between the two states, reckoning from the day of the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty; and neither of the contracting parties shall furnish to the enemies of the other, internal as well as external, any succour, or contingent, in men or money, under any denomination whatever.

III. The two contracting parties wishing, as much as is in their power, to contribute to the tranquillity of the respective governments, promise mutually not to suffer any of their subjects to keep. up any correspondence, direct or indirect, with the internal enemies of the present government of the two states, to propagate in them principles contrary to their respective constitutions, or to foment troubles in them; and as a consequence of this concert every subject of one of the two powers, who, during his residence in the states of the other, shall make any attack upon its security, shall immediately be removed out of the said country, and carried beyond the frontiers, without being able, in any case, to claim the protection of his government.

IV. It is agreed to adhere, with respect to the re-establishment of the respective legations, and the ceremonies to be followed by the two governments, to that which was in use before the present


V. The two contracting parties agree, till a new treaty of commerce be made, to re-establish the commercial relations between the two countries on the footing in which they were before the


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