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ing recently at which Mr. Fox reported on the Northfield Conference and Miss Gurley on the Silver Bay Conference. The reports were very interesting and helpful.


The union meeting of the Alpha and Roger Baconian societies was held in their hall Saturday evening, Nov.-4. The question debated was "Resolved, That war points toward an advancement in civilization." Mr. Charles Sullivan and Miss Elizabeth Briggs upheld the affirmative while Mr. Conrad O'Malley and Miss Teresa O'Brien supported the negative. The decision was rendered in favor of the affirmative.

The election of officers took place Friday evening, Nov. 17. Miss Charlotte Reynolds was elected president, Miss Elizabeth Briggs, vice president, Miss Chaffee critic Miss Short recording secretary, Miss Ena Buchanan corresponding secretary.

Much of the society work of the past quarter has been upon the current events, which at this time furnish such a broad field for study.


The following officers were recently elected for the second quarter: Pres., Miss Louise Stowell; Vice Pres., Miss Ruth Bartlett; Rec. Sec., Miss Mabel Schermerhorn Cor. Sec., Miss Grace McLaughlin; Treas., Miss Mayme Stewart.

A special initiation was held during November at which time a number of new girls were taken into the society.

The debaters chosen by our society for the FrankCalliopean Public, which will occur during the latter part of the term are Misses Maynard and Contryman.

We are glad to hear that one of our members, Miss Harris, is recovering from her long illness.

Roger Baconian.

We have commenced the second quarter's work with a determination to eclipse all past efforts, and thus far the programs have been very interesting and helpful. While in the work of the last quarter great emphasis has been given to extemporaneous, more attention will now be given to regularly prepared papers. During Mr. Cleland's administration many of the new, men were tried and the ability and desire for conscientious work they have shown prophesies a brilliant future for the Roger Baconians.

This school year will probably be made a banner year in the gentlemen's societies as the graduation of the class of June '06, containing as it does twenty-five boys, most of them society men, will cripple both societies.

The officers of the Rogers are as follows: Pres., J. C. Crowley; Vice Pres., J. G. Lenney; Rec. Sec., Fred Crane; Cor. Sec., Walpole Ginn; Critic, Mr. Cleland; Gen. Com., George Sullivan, Carlton Kitts, Charles Sullivan

Francis Baconian.

Mr. Howard Lockwood has returned to school thus adding one more member to our list.

Mr. Albert Reynolds has recently decided to graduate in the February instead of the June class. We are sorry to think that he is to leave us so soon.

Messrs. Brady and Herrick were taken into our society during the past month.

The Frank society had their picture taken on Wednesday, Nov. 29.

The following officers have been elected for the second quarter: Pres., Mr. Albert Reynolds; Vice Pres., Mr. J. C. Herring; Rec. Sec., Mr. Herrick; Cor. Sec., Mr. Strait; Critic, Mr. Lamberton; Gen. Com., Messrs. McCormick, Hemenway, L. Coit.

President Reynolds gave us a very inspiring address at the beginning of his term of office.

Roll of Honor.

$3.00 from Michael H. O'Brien, July '07.
$2.50 from May E. Wright, March '08.

$2.25 from Wm. W. Walling, Nov. '06.

$2.00 from Mrs. Mildred Frauton Sanford, March '09; Mrs. Millard S. Young, Nov. '06; Mary M. Hamilton, June '05; Mabel Cousins, March '07; Minnie L. Benson, April '11; J. J. Lynch, Feb. '08; Elsa E. Evans, Feb. '06; Charlotte L. Mawson, July '06.

$1.50 from Martha Benson, June '06; Mrs. Chas. J. Parker, Oct. '06; Geo. G. Sweet, Nov. '08; H. Estella Howe, Nov. '06.

$1.00 from Mary B. Bradley, Nov. '05; Franklin B. Taylor, June '06; Norah Palmer, Feb. '06; Nora McCarthy, June '05; Esther Thurber, June '06; Lucy Z. Reynolds, June '07; Lena M. Greene, June '07; Miss Adelaide Norris, Feb. '06; Prof. Stansbury Norse, March '06; Lena C. Boyd, Nov. '06; Silas Carey, March '07; Annie Weston Ashley, Feb. '09; Edith M. Hall, Feb. '07.

50 cents from Mabel M. O'Brien, June '06; Mrs. Jennie Drake, July '05; Grace Dryden, Nov. '06; A. O. Hammond, Nov. '06; Mary Walsh, Oct. '06; Albert M. Haley, Oct. '06; A. H. Kibbe, Nov. '07; Mabel Wilmarth, Dec. '06 Emma Schermerhorn Nisbeth, March ,00.


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New York

Have you seen our new plan of registration? Here it is:
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Most hearty Christmas greetings from State Normal School, Randolph Center, Vermont.


Best wishes and holiday greetings to all who read the

Normal Magazine.

Rensselaer Falls, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Cubley:

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the children of Potsdam Normal School from MABEL ASH PELTON.

Mt. Kisco, N. Y.

Editor Normal Magazine:

Dear Sir: Instead of champagne to my real friends, and real pain to my sham friends, I send as my Christmas greeting to the Magazine my check for renewal of my subscription. I have read every number of the Magazine since its birth and hope to be able to welcome it as a visitor to my fireside for many years to come.

Very truly yours,

SILAS B. CAREY, '98. Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, N. Y.

Dear Editor:

Remembering how greatly I enjoyed the Christmas letters in the Normal Magazine last year, I will now add my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all readers of our beloved Magazine, and especially to its editors, who are laboring so faithfully for its ALBERTA C. BENTS, '06.


52 1-2 Academy St., Watertown, N. Y.

Dear Magazine:

I have never received one of those gentle reminders of an unpaid subscription, but I am inclined to think it is due to an oversight on the part of some one at the other end of the line, so will enclose money order. One would be truly ungrateful who did not appreciate the efforts of the editors to make the Magazine a success, and I anticipate a hearty response to the plan for the coming year. Let us hear from all the '86 people on the Pacific With best wishes for '06,

coast. Adams, N. Y.

Dear Editors-in-Chief:

LENA C. BOYD, '86 and '96.


Here are Christmas greetings from Cincinnati. shall not have the pleasure of paying a visit to the Normal this year, as I shall spend the Holidays with my sister in Lincoln, Nebraska. Here are best wishes for a Merry Christmas to all who read these lines.

Yours very sincerely, FRANK W. BALLOU. The Technical School, University of Cincinnati, O.

To the Magazine and its Readers, Greeting:

My excuse for a long and unbroken silence is the same as of others-procrastination and a failure of convincing myself that I have anything of interest to relate unless it be the weather which at present is chiefly rain and mud. But when it comes to wishes the best of them are none too good for the Magazine.

There are several Normalites of our affinity in Watertown, many of whom, however, I have not seen this fall as our small daughter, now ten weeks old, occupies much of my attention. Miss Slack calls occasionally and I've met Miss Halladay, Miss Moore, Mary Quinn, the Gillette girls are living within sight of us. Mrs. Jessie Parsons Johnson, also Mrs. Armitta Grimshaw Peck reside in town. I hear from Miss Beckwith at Ilion and Zula Richardson is there also. Faith Croan and Edith Drury

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