The following table shows the sex of persons for whom detailed information was secured in the households studied, according to general nativity and race of head of household: TABLE 5.-Sex of persons for whom detailed information was secured, by general nativity and race of head of household: Paterson, N. J. The table next presented classifies the persons for whom detailed information was secured by general nativity and race of individual, instead of by that of head of household: TABLE 6.-Persons for whom detailed information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race of individual: Paterson, N. J. THE PREPARATION OF THE REPORT. In preparing the data secured for publication the same divisions were observed as were followed in the study of the industry. The report as presented in the following pages therefore consists of three parts: Part I, General survey of the silk goods manufacturing and dyeing industry; Part II, The silk goods manufacturing industry in the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania; Part III, Silk dyeing. The general survey of the industry consists of the presentation of the statistical data secured from all the households and employees studied in all the localities investigated. Part II, which is a statistical survey of the operating forces in the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania, has been introduced for purposes of comparison with Paterson and the industry as a whole. Part III is a statistical survey of the employees of the silk-dyeing establishments in Paterson, N. J., where the industry is more highly specialized than in any other locality in the country. EMPLOYEES FOR WHOM INFORMATION WAS SECURED. The table and charts following exhibit, by sex, the number and per cent of employees of each race for whom information was secured: TABLE 7.-Employees for whom information was secured, by sex and, general nativity and race. |