TABLE 9.-Per cent of foreign-born employees in the United States each specified number of years, by sex and race. (STUDY OF EMPLOYEES.) [By years in the United States is meant years since first arrival in the United States. No deduction is made for time spent abroad. This table includes only races with 80 or more persons reporting. The total, however, is for all foreign-born.] The preceding table shows that small proportions of employees have been in the United States one year or under, considerably larger proportions have been in this country two, three, and four years, while by far a larger, or 26.6, per cent have been in the United States from five to nine years. Between 9 and 12 per cent have been in this country from ten to fourteen, from fifteen to nineteen, and for twenty years or over. Females show considerably larger proportions than males Per cent of foreign-born male employees in the United States each specified number of years, by race. ZZA - 20 YRS. OR OVER Per cent of foreign-born female employees in the United States each specified number of years, oy race. - 20 YRS. OR OVER for those who have been in the United States under one, and from one to five years, while males show the greatest proportion with a residence of five years or over. The table further shows Germans having by far the highest per cent with a residence of twenty years or over, Bohemians and Moravians ranking next, but in much smaller proportions, while Hebrew other than Russian, and Magyars show between 15 and 20 per cent who have been in this country twenty years or over. Of the total number of foreign-born employees, 43 per cent have been in the United States under five years and 26.6 per cent have been here from five to nine years. The greater proportion of the males have been in this country under ten years, the greater proportion of the females under five years. More than 50 per cent of the North Italians, Lithuanians, Russians, and Slovaks arrived in the United States less than five years ago. Less than 5 per cent of the Roumanians have been here as long as ten years. The following table shows, by race of individual, the per cent of foreign-born persons in the households studied who have been in the United States each specified number of years: TABLE 10.-Per cent of foreign-born persons in the United States each specified number of years, by race of individual. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [By years in the United States is meant years since first arrival in the United States. No deduction is made for time spent abroad. This table includes only races with 20 or more persons reporting. The total, however, is for all foreign-born.] Of the 2,653 foreign-born persons employed in the clothing industry, 30 per cent have been in the United States under five years; 58.8 per cent under ten years, and 85.1 per cent under twenty years, leaving 14.9 per cent who have been in this country twenty years or over. Of those of each race with a period of residence in the United States under five years, the South Italians show the largest, and the Bohemians and Moravians the smallest proportion. This is true also with regard to those with a period of residence of less than ten, as well as those with a period of residence of less than twenty years, consequently the Bohemian and Moravian show the largest, and the South Italian the smallest proportion who have been in the United States twenty years or over. The racial movement to the different clothing manufacturing centers may be seen from the two tabulations next presented. The first table which follows shows, by locality and race, the per cent of foreign-born employees in the United States each specified number of years. TABLE 11.-Per cent of foreign-born employees in the United States each specified number of years, by locality and by race. (STUDY OF EMPLOYEES.) [By years in the United States is meant years since first arrival in the United States. No deduction is made for time spent abroad. This table includes only races with 80 or more persons reporting in each of two or more localities. The total, however, is for all foreign-born.] The preceding table shows that of employees who have been in the United States under five years, Chicago shows a higher per cent than either Baltimore or New York City. Russian Hebrews, North Italians, and South Italians show larger proportions in Baltimore who have been in the United States under five years than in New York City, while Lithuanians show a slightly higher proportion in the latter locality with a residence of under 5 years than Baltimore. Where the period of residence in the United States is under ten years each race except the Polish shows larger proportions in Chicago, |