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That training which does not disclose the secret of power is unworthy the name of education.- President Jordan.

1. The first article of the educational series which has been published in The Cosmopolitan was founded upon the following hypothesis: "The pursuit of all mankind is happiness.* There is no other basis upon which any tenable theory of education for youth may be built than that the training received tends, in the highest degree, toward those conditions of mind and body which will best serve to bring happiness to the individual educated and to those about him. That, at least, is the ideal toward which education must move with ever-quickening strides."

Do you believe that this is the true ideal? If not-what?

Answer of President Jordan.-I should say rather effectiveness. But all true happiness depends on action, there is not so much difference. But mere pleasure or contentment should not be called 'happiness."

2. Do you think that the training of the mind of youth can be accomplished by the study of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Psychology and English, German and French Literature as thoroly as by that of Latin and Greek?

Answer of President Jordan.-With most men better.

3. Will not a curriculum made up of the sciences and modern literature develop the reasoning powers to a higher degree than one in which the study of Latin and Greek is the chief factor?

Answer of President Jordan.-With most men-yes.

4. Inasmuch as the student, in a large percentage of cases, immediately following graduation enters upon a professional or business career and not infrequently assumes family cares, should not provision be made for thoro instruction by lectures on choice of occupation or profession-the intention being to afford him the widest possible information regarding the occupations of life, and to enable him to choose with knowledge rather than with prejudice?

Answer of President Jordan.-Lectures are not very effective in this regard. Personal conversation is better.

. Should not thoro instruction regarding the duties of the married state, the psychological aids to selection and to happy wedded relations and the proper bringing up of children, constitute an important part of every college course?

Answer of President Jordan.-Such information is most valuable and should be included. But it should not be spurious, hysterical, mawkish. It takes a manly man with thoro knowledge to give such instruction.

6. Should not all students be compelled to include, as part of their daily duties, exercise sufficient to develop sound bodies while establishing habits tending to maintain health at a maximum of efficiency?

Answer of President Jordan.-A student should be led to seek such training, but education is largely a training of the will. He should seek it for himself, not be obliged to take it.-Extract from an article in March Cosmopolitan.

*FROM WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY.-Happiness is generic, and is applied to almost every kind of enjoyment except that of the animal appetites.

FROM THE CENTURY DICTIONARY.-Every man speaks of happiness as his end of ends he wishes to live well or to do well, which he considers to be the same as being happy. But men disagree exceedingly in their opinions as to that which constitutes happiness; nay, the same man sometimes places it in one thing, sometimes in another-in health or in riches, according as he happens to be sick or poor.-Grote's Aristotle.


Concerning "Tom."

"Tom" is the average young American-boy or girl. Bishop Vincent knows Tom, and what is good for him, and how to tell it so Tom's teachers and mothers and fathers and employers can understand it and govern themselves accordingly. Here is a sample paragraph or two:

Now for the radical lessons which Tom must learn. He must Le taught to consider himself a person and not a thing, a cause and not an effect. There is current an idea which receives its support from weak fiction, cheap lecture platforms and even from shabby pulpits the idea that men are the creatures of circumstances and environment, that evil tendencies are the result of the choice of a great-grandfather. Tom must learn that he is in the world for the purpose of overcoming heredity, breaking thru environment and putting circumstances under foot, and he must stand as a man, not a thing. I take great stock in a boy who is courageous enough to assert his principles in spite of "the fellows;" such a boy is a power and not a piece of putty.

Knowing that he is power, Tom must be taught to be independent and to earn his own way. And this applies to girls as well as to boys. I detest tramps, rich and poor. When Tom has learned to be independent himself he will respect others who have to earn their own way in the world. Again, Tom's teachers must teach him that he being a power and independent, should not forget the law of independence. That is why I like the public school. It brings future citizens together on an equal footing. It is a good thing for broadcloth and homespun to sit side by side: it doesn't hurt homespun and it does broadcloth good.

Tom's most effective teacher, when the boy is between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one, is the man for whom he works and who pays him money. Here Tom's parents have a responsibility. They must choose his employer wisely. Finally, I would say, never give Tom up. If his teacher is cross and sarcastic. take up a missionary collection and send that teacher to the north pole. Remember that some boys do not mature until they are twenty-five and some men have astonished the world at fifty. The stupid-boy of to day may be the valedictorian at college, the statesman of future years. It sometimes takes the Almighty Father eighty years to get a good grip upon a human soul. Therefore, I say, Tom's teachers at home and in society should never give up.

Paul Hull; writing of the Jacksonville (I11.) Institution for the Blind, in the Chicago Inter Ocean, tells the story of two blind boys who were overheard exchanging views about heaven: "What would you like to see first when you get there?" said the first, I'd like to see my mother," was the answer.

"I wouldn't. I'd like to see the days of the week."

Susie's grandmother had been scolding her. A few minutes later, Susie sat alone with her grandmother, playing with her kitten. She took the kitten in her arms and said: "Kitty, I wish one of us three was dead. 'Tisn't you, Kitty, and 'tisn't me, Kitty."

The Necessity of Special Training for Business.

[Extract from an address delivered by Dr. C. S. Haley, Vice-President of
Heald's Business College, before the State Teachers Association.]
"The necessity of special training for business" is a subject
worthy of the first consideration by the members of this Associa-
tion, for-

"A little learning is a dangerous thing;
Drink deep or taste not the Pierian Spring!
There, shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
But drinking largely sobers us again."
Measured by Pope's philosophy, special training would be a
necessity to any calling laying claims to the attainment of a suc-
cessful outcome.

The course pursued in England and on the coutinent to gain a knowledge of business is to bind a young man for a term of years without compensation and thus imbibe the methods of the transaction in the commercial world by a species of inheritance.

Education for business was cradled in this land of liberty and Its birth has scarce doffed its swaddling clothes in foreign lands. and growth in our own country does not date back beyond the confines of the latter half of the present century, and even in the last decade,

The Efficiency of Business College Work

Has more than doubled and tripled in its usefulness to prepare the generation that is to succeed us to occupy a higher plane in life and more readily comprehend the intricacies of business.

To best and most effectually establish the value of anything is to present an argument by analogy, and in pursuance of this plan and asserting that right accorded to all Yankees, I purpose arguing my point by asking a few pertinent questions.

Special Training for the Professions.

Is there to be found in a civilized land a person so idiotic that he would employ the services of a man without a special education to administer remedies in case of sickness of himself or his family? Imagine a surgeon, with scalpel in hand, cutting and slashing a human subject without first gaining a knowledge of the anatomy of man!

Who would pay a retaining fee to a lawyer to defend or prosecute a case at the bar of justice who has not fitted himself for such service by the study of the statutes and made himself acquainted with the manipulation of cases in the courts of law?

Who is there among you that would be led to the salvation of the soul by a person not qualified for the ministrations of the gospel, or dignified by the title of "the cloth" or even the soles of his shoes to be patched up by a cobbler not properly in his line of work?

Would you as teachers be fitted to take charge of your schoolrooms without being educated for the duties devolving upon you, that of modeling the young mind, storing it with useful thoughts and stamping it with morals so that the boy shall grow to manhood endowed with traits of goodness and worth?

Why has there been established a State Normal School but to educate you as teachers, that you may be qualified to teach, that your high and holy calling (than which none is higher or holier) shall be revered and honored by the civilized world?

Have I need of further arguments on this line of thought in addressing the educators of the State? Lest there be reflected an indignity upon your intelligence, I shall forbear, for it is doubtful if any thoughtful person can be found who will father the contention that training is not necessary to the pursuit of any calling, trade, or profession. The educated farmer makes a better farmer, and he should be familiar with the proper transactions of business affairs, and it is just as essential for him to have this special training as it is for the professional or commercial man.

An old farmer, many years ago, who had adopted a method of keeping his accounts in chalk on the back of the kitchen door, found that his good house-wife on a scrubbing-day had washed them off. Feeling sorely chagrined over the misfortune, she urged her husband to try to restore them from memory. hours of earnest study, he told his sorrowing spouse he had succeeded in replacing them and that he had faith in believing they were charged to better men.

After many

This method of bookkeeping, if crowned with success, insures more profitable results than Business Colleges have been able to devise.

Have you, my friends, ever thought with Shakespeare "What

Often it is said it takes a wise man to fools we mortals be?" know that he is a fool, for as the field of thought widens and broadens, just in that ratio does man realize his own littleness. The Bounded Horizon of Our Knowledge, We are all fools only in different degrees, but the less one Two and two make four, but is it knows, the more he knows. susceptible of proof? Who among you can say whence you came or whither you go? Who can explain Newton's Law? What is electricity? Who can tell how grows the seed? Who can comprehend the laws upon which our Weather Bureau bases its prognostications, for when it forecasts fain it is generally fair? What folly there is in wisdom and what wisdom in folly?

This contrast is between the finite and infinite, but when we come to consider man of low and high degree, we know that what elevates the one to a higher plane in life than another is education.

When we reflect what a broad field of learning is spread be fore us as food for the brain, when we deliberate on the bounty and magnitude of the subjects for our study, is it a wonder that the brain, like the stomach, should become dyspeptic when taxed to digest such a multiplicity of subjects as is undertaken to be taught in our public schools? The law of digestion when food is taken for our sustenance rebels against variety, and when overtaxed in that direction fails to properly nourish the body. So with the brain, if fed upon miscellaneous food, little will be digested and meager the accomplishment

The Infinitely Great and the Infinitely Little

Take for illustration the study of the microscopic world which leads us to examine atoms, microbes and bacteria, whereby all fashionable diseases are traced to a germ, or perhaps more aptly expressed by that homely, though somewhat inelegant, distich, "Big fleas have little fleas to bite 'em,

And so on ad infinitum,

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And compare it to that opposite pathway that leads us to the revelations of the telescope, through which man leaves the earth at will and sores into confines of space and locates worlds like our own and solar systems, each with its own planets and satellites, assuring us of the probability that in the infinitude of space the worlds are as numberless as the sands of the seashore.

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The justly celebrated Dr. Thomas Chalmers, the Scotch astronomer, thus contrasts the telescope with the microscope:

"The one led me to see a system in every star; the other leads me to see a world in every atom. The one taught me that this mighty globe, with the whole burden of its people and of its countries, is but a grain of sand in the high field of immensity; the other teaches me that every grain of sand may number within it the tribes and families of a busy population. The one told me of the insignificance of the world I tread on; the other redeems it from all its insignificance, for it tells me, that in the leaves of every forest, and in the flowers of every garden, and in the waters of every rivulet there are worlds teeming with life and numberless as the firmament."

Contemplate the study of the microscope in delving into the mysteries of nature, unfolding by master minds the infinitesimal worlds as a life-word to the greatest good of the human race; and also the revelations of the astronomer with the aid of the telescope; and consider the widely opposite directions these two fields of labor lead the thoughts of those who seek these paths of investi gation, and you must know that success could be achieved only by special training, laying the foundation of the one study to the exclusion of the other; and what is true of the microscope and the telescope is alike applicable to any and all of the professions and callings that every man may select as a vocation to pursue for a livelihood.

Every human being should

Live for a Purpose;

And I count that man a failure who does not leave the world better for having lived in it.

Imagine a young man launching his ship upon the stormy sea of life to buffet the tempestuous waves without compass of chart, or a knowledge of their uses, adrift upon the trackless ocean, swept by every wind whither it listeth and driven and washed by every wave through a purposeless voyage till wrecked upon the quicksands or dashed to pieces upon the rocks, and you have the pictured fate of a great majority of those who enter upon life's stern duties unprepared for its battles, unlearned and untrained in the callings selected for their life-work.


PROF. EARL BARNES, London, England-Formerly Stanford University, California.

No American can live in England, even for a few months, without realizing that the whole theory and practice of human control is very different from what it is with us. If from England the visitor goes on to France the marked characteristics of English control are still more emphasized.

The English are a strong people-their present empire is a sufficient proof of this statement. They are frankly, directly masterful; and this masterful quality is most simply expressed in their attitude toward corporal punishment. Everywhere one is brought face to face with the national dependence on physical pain and discomfort as a means of correcting evil ways. Thus in the London Daily Telegraph of Sept. 3, 1897, one reads that Henry Bunce, aged 13, was charged at a London police court with stealing a water-can, value 2s. 6d. "Prisoner said he certainly broke into the house by forcing the back window catch, but all he did to the house was to wind the clocks. (Laughter.) Prisoner had been previously convicted, receiving six strokes with the birch. for stealing. He now pleaded guilty, and Mr. Bird reduced the charge to one of stealing, and ordered him twelve strokes with the birch." Again, from the Telegraph of September 21: "Walter Tucker, 9, school-boy, was charged with stealing a pair of tennis shoes. Prisoner was sentenced to receive eight strokes with the birch."

One reads such statements in all the papers; nor are the birchings confined to children in the police courts. Flogging was abolished in the United States navy half a century ago; but in the same London Telegraph for September 21, we read that, "A court martial was held yesterday on board the flagship " Victory" -for the trial of James Watkins--charged with being absent without leave--and with having struck his superior officer. Prisoner was sentenced to receive twenty-four cuts with the birch, then to be imprisoned for one year, and afterwards to be dismissed from her Majesty's service.

One does not need to go to the newspapers to realize this constant dependence of the English people on immediate physical reactions. One cannot walk ten blocks in London without being impressed with this pushing and pulling tendency of the common people; and if his walk take him through one of the tenement districts he feels that the parents have never heard of any treatment for children except that prescribed by Solomon. One might

say this is because London is a great city, but the traveler may walk about Paris for a week and never see a child struck or kicked.

In his last novel, Captains Courageous, Mr. Kipling has again summed up and expressed the whole English philosophy of control. The hero is Harvey Cheyne, the spoiled son of an American millionaire. We first meet him on an Atlantic liner on his way to "be finished in Europe." At this time he is "a slight, slimbuilt boy, a half-smoked cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth. His pasty, yellow complexion did not show well on a person of his years, and his look was a mixture of irresolution, bravado, and very cheap 'smartness' "' On the way he falls overboard and is picked up by a boat belonging to the schooner We're Here, of Gloucester, out on a four months' cruise. He demands He demands to be taken home but the captain does not believe his story and he has to remain. He is offered regular employment but he refuses it and so he suffers forcible indoctrination in seamanship, his first lesson taking the form of a knock-down blow, instantly productive of one of "them hemmeridges" that are warrented to clear the head.

In this spirit his instruction is inflexibly continued. Teachings and admonitions are alike convincingly emphasized by severe but dispassionate thrashings with a knotted rope, and Harvey soon discovers that it is his immediate personal interest to apply himself cheerfully to the performance of whatever duties may be assigned him by his master. "The same smartness that led him to take such advantage of his mother made him very sure that no

one on the boat would stand the least nonsense." The thorogoing reformation of his character dates from the moment when this conviction becomes implanted in his mind. When restored to his parents at the close of the cruise, Harvey Cheyne is a frank, resolute, even-tempered youth, inured to hardships, trained to obedience, and proud of his ability to earn his own living.

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This form of control is reduced to a working system and dignified by tradition and noble associations in the great public schools of Etou, Harrow and Rugby. Thomas Arnold counted on the "fagging system" of Rugby "as the key-stone of his whole government. When a liberal journal made an attack on corporal punishment, he replied: "I know well of what feeling this is the expression; it originates in that proud spirit of personal independence, which is neither reasonable nor Christian-but essentially barbarian. It visited Europe with all the evils of chivalry, and is thaeatening us now with those of Jacobinism. At an age when it is almost impossible to find a true manly sense of the degradation of guilt or faults, where is the wisdom of encouraging a fantastic sense of the degradation of personal correction? What can be more false, or more adverse to the simplicity, sobriety and humbleness of mind, which are the best ornament of youth and the best promise of a noble manhood?"

When corporal punishment is common, and grounded in a generally accepted philosophy of control it does not carry with it that disgrace which attaches to it where any form of physical assault is considered as not only painful but as personally insulting. Hence we find that in England this form of control is not lacking in elements that may appeal to taste and be used to give brightness and color to literature and art. Tom Brown at Rugby will occur to every one; and in Kenneth Graham's Golden Age we have a charming treatment of the physical give and take solution of human relations in a well-to-do English home. Or take the review in a current English paper where Mr. G. W. Stevens quotes Elizabeth Turner's child's lyric:

"Mama had ordered Ann, the maid,

Miss Caroline to wash;

And put on with her clean white frock

A handsome muslin sash.

But Caroline began to cry,

For what you cannot think: She said, 'Oh, that's an ugly sash; I'll have my pretty pink.' Papa, who in the parlor heard Her make the noise and rout, That instant went to Caroline,

To whip her, ther's no doubt."

And then Mr. Stevens adds the commentary: "When Caroline reappears in the story, naughty, you notice that she is 'Miss' Caroline no longer. In the second line of the second stanza we have the unheard-of-heinousness of her conduct finely emphasized. And then, in the third, the awful suddenness of the apparition of papa! How subtly papa is pictured, lying in wait in the parlor, silent, no doubt, listening, the door ajar, for the least hint of whipable naughtiness. That instant, you observe, he was up and at her. Note, finally, the art with which the catastrophe is suggested rather than stated. Papa is moving in the direction of Caroline; we do not hear the slaps or the screams—but we imagine."

This attitude toward physical compulsion is not an unconscious accompaniment of environment and racial qualities; it is, instead the accepted philosopy of the people, and they look with distrust and apprehension upon any people holding a different view. The attitude of English writers toward the French in matters of government, art, literature and social relations, from the impassioned utterances of the days of the French Revolution to

the current articles in to-day's Chronicle or Telegraph all express this distrust of activity that is carried on outside the shadow of the strong arm of a law that can be distinctly seen and felt if necessary. Or the current editorials on our recent elections illustrate the point as well. To read them one would imagine that America, light. fickle, with no fixed policy, and no vissble power of compulsion, was on the brink of anarchy. England's attitude towards us is very much like our attitude toward Brazil or Guatamala.

Now this attitude toward law, with its accompaniment of possible pain, has been characteristic of the great conquering nations of all time. All that has been said of England would have been even more true of ancient Rome; and wherever a great work is accomplished through a long period of time we cannot doubt that the agent working in harmony with the constitution of things. Capital punishment then, using the phrase with its largest content, would seem to have its place and function. What is it?

The studies made on children's attitude toward punishment during these past four or five years go to show that young children accept physical reactions as a perfectly natural thing against which they teel no particular revolt. Their own tendency is to impose physical pain as a means of bringing things or people into line with what they think ought to be done. Farther, all our studies on undisciplined and spoiled children go to show that a young child finds at first the conditions of sound mental and moral growth only in absolutę obedience to a will and a direction superior to his own. But from the earliest age the child is also struggling for self direction and if he is prevented from following this natural development we have as a result either the helpless and dependent human being, or the revolutionist with his hand. turned against all law. So with a primitive people, all history teaches that they find their best conditions of growth in strong paternal rule, backed by immediate physical pain. An unprejudiced observer cannot be brought into immediate relations with the lower classes of our negro population without feeling that any one of them would find his best condititions for mental and moral growth in a state of immediete dependence on a wise and sympathetic superior. If a child or a primitive people misses this normal stage in its growth we have the hoodlums of our American cities, or the lower type of citizens in our Spanish-American republics. In these cases we must apply the rule, Better late than never. Spoiled people may find their salvation, even late in life, in a strong hand backed by immediate and painful penalties.

These, then, are cases where direct physical rule seems desirable: with young children; with primitive peoples; and with certain types of spoiled people. It will be noted that these are exactly the cases with which Mr. Kipling deals, the neglected and spoiled son of a New York millionaire, the English "gutter devil" and the Egyptain fellaheen, with his centuries of oppression and misuse behind him, and in him. But the trouble comes when we take it for granted that this is the whole secret and science of government. It seems to me that this mistake marks the whole attitude of the English people toward control. All sane and healthy living must certainly start in absolue and willing obedience to some superior human power; without this start, no sound growth. But it is equally true that from the first each individual must not only be allowed, but encouraged to struggle for and to attain self-direction;-that is to say, a direction that is in accord with the constitution of the universe, his own nature and human society being two elements of that universe. Absolute control, backed by prompt physical penalties will give the foundations for healthy growth; it will form a great army; it will conquer and govern provinces; it will at least hold in subjection the criminal and spoiled classes, and it will sometimes cure them. But if it is too long continued it will destroy initiative, crush out artistic development and ultimately brutalize a people. These conditions have not been realized in England, but the national tendency seems to me in that direction.

Meantime the new movement that is centering about the free common schools seems destined to work a great change in Eng. lish public opinion. In the past England has never believed in the free general education of her people. Not until 1870 did she establish schools under the direction and control of government; and not until 1892 did she make elementary education free.

With the expansion of the suffrage, however, all parts of the country, and especially the great municipalities, have made rapidly increasing grants for the support of elementary education: and just now all England is facing the problem of free secondary

education. The influence of the free schools is already seen in an attempt on the part of the lower classes of society to realize existence as individuals as well as parts of society. These first attempts at self-direction and expression will be rude and often vulgar, but an American must believe that in the long run they will justify themselves.

When we turn to America the conditions are all very different. The free life of our early settlers developed an extreme confidence. in self-direction; our revolutionary struggle with England strengthened this confidence into a conviction which is formulated in our Declaration of Independence. With plenty of room for growth we passed the period of swaggering young manhood, from 1800 to 1840, without having our self confidence properly tempered by a large and cosmopolitan experience. Then came the anti-slavery agitation with its vehement denunciations of the whip and personal degradation, and its soul-stirring orations on our black brother and human equality. Whatever ideas of direct control and compulsory obedience might have survived these national experiences have been still further obscured by the varied immigration with which our country has been flooded since 1840. The German has had no respect for the Irishman's ideas of public control, and the Irishman has rejected the German's traditions. As a consequence of our development we have accepted as the basis of control in the family and school, and even in our relations with our Indians and negroes a variety of doctrinaire belief often better fitted to the society that we hope will exist in 2098 than to the society that actually exists in 1898.

Thus it has come about that the difference between the social faiths of England and America is profound. With us the individual is the centre of the universe; we believe in him; we trust him; and this trust rests in a deeper optimism, in a belief in the essential rightness and sanity of the universe. To slightly change Lincoln's saying;-"We believe that some of the people will go wrong all of the time, and all of the people will go wrong sometimes,--but all of the people cannot go wrong all of the time." This belief must inevitably produce a state of unstable equilibrium among the molecules of our commonwealth; and the Englishman watching us grows giddy, for he has not in the bottom of his heart that profound faith in the rightness of human nature in which the American rests.

But in this general optimism have we not carried our theories of physical inviolability so far that it has unfitted us for dealing intelligently with backward people and diseased classes? Our lowest class of negroes, our lazy and habitual tramps, and our city hoodlums are the hardest problem we have to meet. We have a lot of work in our country that could be very effectively done by Sergeant Whatisname. Our children especially suffer from this lack of discrimination on our part. Freedom that comes too soon, before the individual is ready for it, is ruin; and we in America have to learn when in the advance from savagery to civilization, from childhood to manhood, the admonitions of experience need the back ing of physical force.

If England's danger lies in the direction of a force that may weaken artistic power, destroy initiative and ultimately brutalize a people, ours lies in the direction of a lawless individualism that precociously ripens children, develops hoodlums, and leaves us powerless to deal with the infinitely difficult social and political problems of the undeveloped peoples within and all about our borders. Extracts from an article in Education.



The biennial Conventiont of County Superintendents will meet at Sacramento, April 25, '98, in the Senator Chamber.

Superintendent R. H. Webster will issue his report of the City Schools of San Francisco during the present month.

The institutes of Riverside, Orange, San Bernardo and Los Angeles will be held March, 28, 29, 30, and the Southern Teachers Association, March 31, and April 1.

Prof. Geo. Davidson has been elected to a chair of Commercial Geography by the Board of Regents of the State University in the College of Commerce.

The Moscow, Idaho, Schools, J. C. Muerman Superintendent, had an enrollment for February, of 736, and only two tardy. The decrease in tardy marks of from 133 in. February, 1893, to one or two at the present time has been accomplished by simply creating a sentiment against tardiness.

Mr. E. Munigan, Clerk of Lincoln School District, Alameda County, has served continuously as clerk of that district since its organization in 1865. Is there another such record in Alameda County or in any other?

Superintendent McPhaill was at Woodville this week to install the new principal of the schools there. He is L. E. Lynn of Los Angeles. There was no available teacher in Tulare county unemployed to take the posiLynn had to be sent for to the south end of the State. Mr. McPhaill also visited the Surprise and Oakdale schools while he was absent. - Visalia Delta.

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Prof. James Edward Keeler, who has been appointed Director of the Lick Observatory to succeed E. S. Holden, is not unknown to scientific work on this Coast. He was the first practical astronomer to take hold of the Lick Observatory, having gone there as "astronomical observer" under the Lick Trustees in 1886. For two years, or until the transfer of the Observatory to the University, he carried on the time service and made all possible use of the equipment. When the great refractor was mounted by the late Alvan G. Clark, in January, 1888, Professor Keeler made the first observations through it, and at the inception of the Observatory made studies and drawings of the planet Saturn that are standard to this day. He was in charge of the first eclipse expedition sent from the Lick Observatory. On January 1, 1889, at Bartlett Springs, in Lake county, he made observations of the total solar eclipse which were published in the Lick Observatory records, and he subsequently determined the geographical position of the station at Norman, Cal., occupied by an Eastern observing party. A few years later he resigned from the Lick Observatory to accept the directorship of the Alleghany Observatory, where he has since continued work in his special line of astronomical spectroscopy, with results that have gained


for him an international renown.
Keeler is a native of Illinois and was gradu-
ated from the Johns Hopkins University,
after some years of study in Germany. He
served for many years under Prof. S. P.
Langley before coming to the Lick, and
while working with that distinguished
scientist came to Mr. Whitney in 1881 to
make bolometer observations of the sun at
high altitudes. He was married in 1890 to
Miss Matthews, a ward of the late Captain
R. S. Floyd.

A lack of interest in educational circles is
quite apparent. The two county associations
of this county are receiving a very meagre
support, and with great effort are keeping
their organizations in tact. Interesting pro-
grams are the order in each; but the teach-
ers are already so wise that they cannot learn
more, or so selfish that they care not to give
of their wisdom to others. Apparently,
many feel that there is no more to learn,
that all knowledge is stored up with them.
It is certainly to be regretted that our
teachers are so wise (?) that they can learn
nothing from association with others of their
own profession. Yet there are many teach-
ers who have no excuse for absenting them-
selves, who are continually absent. We can
but believe that if not a crime, it is certainly
unprofessional conduct, and deserves censure,
if not more severe treatment. There are
nearly 150 teachers in this county and prob-
ably two-thirds of them are within reach of
the association meetings, and yet a paltry
25 or 30 are all that have a pride in their
profession. The County Board of Education
and the Boards of School Trustees should
observe and make a note of such absences.-
Public School Reporter, San Luis Obispo Co.

Earnest Appeal to Teachers.

J. S. McPhaill has sent out to the teachers of Tulare County from his office the following circular letter:

"VISALIA. California, February 5, 1898To the teachers of Tulare County: Again I wish to call your attention to the importance of securing the best possible attendance in your schools. This is the season when your earnest efforts in this direction are most needed. Persistent and continuous work will surely do a great deal of good.

In two years we have reduced the absences by 6963 days We should reduce it as much more this year. Last year there were over 24,000 absent days reported to this office. This should be reduced to 10,000 or less. Will we do it? That depends entirely upon the efforts of each individual teacher.

If your school averages one absence per pupil per month your attendance is poor and you should spare no effort till you get better results. The increased attendance during the past two years saved the country several thousand dollars, and this year we should do better and save more. Individual districts will have much more money if the average


daily attendance is high., Impress this on patrons and pupils. Visit the parents of irregular pupils, and by every means strive to get them with you in this work.

Many books belonging to the teachers' library have been out for months. Those having such books will confer a favor by returning them at once. Respectfully,

J. S. MCPHAILL County Superintendent.

Resignation of Francis A. Parmeter.

For some time Miss Parmeter had been feeling that the failing health of her only brother demanded that she go to him' and render a sister's service to a dear one; so, as letters continued to come telling that the dread disease, consumption, was surely and rapidly taking away every hope, her duty was made plain to her, and, near the close of January, she tendered her resignation and went to minister to him.' As a mark of appreciation of her services and of regret at her departure, President Ritter called the Faculty together, and they unamimously passed and signed the following resolutions.

"After seven years of service our associate teacher, Miss Francis A. Parmeter, Preceptress, resigns her position that she may minister to the wants of her invalid brother, therefore, be it

"Resolved, That, in Miss Parmeter's with drawal, we lose a worthy associate, the school a superior teacher, and the students a warm and sympathizing friend; and be it further

"Resolved, That with our knowledge of
Miss Parmeter's qualifications, ability and
worth, we feel it a duty we owe to ourselves,
to her, and to the cause of education, to say
that she excels as teacher, and that her
every act as Preceptress is worthy of imita
tion, (Signed.)
Faculty of the State Normal School at Chico


Twelve Success Maxims.

The President of the London Chamber of Commerce gives twelve maxims for success, which he says he has tried through five years of business experience:

1. Have a definite aim.
2. Go straight for it.
3. Master all details.

4. Always know more than you are expected to know.

5. Remember that difficulties are only made to overcome.

6. Treat failures as stepping-stones to further effort.

7. Never put your hand out farther than you can draw it back.

8. At times be bold; always prudent. 9. The minority often beats the majority in the end.

10. Make good use of other men's brains. 11. Listen well; answer cautiously: decide promptly.

12. Preserve, by all means in your power; "a sound mind in a sound body."

The waste of life is greater than its accumulation-Mark Hopkins.

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