Imágenes de páginas

there would be at the recruiting office. One of them, speaking at the reception, said she had never before seen the time when she regretted being a woman, but now she longed to enlist and fight for "Old Glory." She was applauded to the echo, and the ovation to her was as generous as any given the recruits on the platform.

The weekly seminar of the Faculty is doing much valuable work for the unification of all the varied interests of the Normal. All school men are at work on a course of study. Investigation shows that those of former years were made more with the plan of introducing all the subjects than for any psychological basis, or special reference to the development of the faculties of the child. In later years the demand for a greater number of subjects has increased the difficulties of program makers. The Seminar is studying this subject from a purely scientific stand-point. What does psychology teach, and what does the child require? It is not merely what the teacher demands, but the interest of the child must be regarded.


The plan lays out in general from the number of minutes each week assigned to the main lines of work, language or literature, mathematics, science, and the formal subjects in a course. cussion is being held upon these varied topics, the various suggestions as to the best adaptation are carefully considered, the experience of the Faculty in their work in the school-room, and their observation upon working plans are given due weight. Step by step the work goes on, and little by little the course is being built, not by one person at his desk, but from the results secured by the whole number.


What shall be the science work in the several years? It is in measure, a new field, and to bring the child, even from the youngest, in touch with Nature Study is a question of paramount importance. It has already been shown how readily the teacher may introduce that part, which relates to force, to the attention of a class of young pupils by interesting and varied experiments. It goes without saying, that these things have a fascination for the child. He loves to see these physical forces, and it is no dif

More About a Vacation Outing.

In response to several questions the following additional suggestions are made in reference to the summer vacation. First it must be understood that while in the planning recreation will stand foremost. Yet in the execution it must become merely incidental. He who goes out merely and solely to seek for health will, in all probability, return empty-handed. The picture of a systematic health-seek r, rising at dawn to take his "constitutional," and after an hour's walk, sitting down on a cold, damp stone, to figure up how much health he has gained, is not more ludicrous than painful.

Health Does Not Come That Way.

There must be some other leading purpose, one that will keep the mind as vigorously engaged as it does the body. Change of thoughts and feelings is quite as important as are changes of air and surroundings.

Among the things, to be sought, the following may be named: The study of nature in her wider forms, in mountain and valley, rock and stream. One should learn to appreciate, and therefore to enjoy the beautiful, the grand and the sublime in nature. Our own State abounds in such scenery. One interested in plant-life may make his leading purpose the collection of rare and ceautiful flowers, fitting his vasculum every day with specimens of nature's fairest handiwork.

If he fits into one end of his vasculum, as I did, an insect case containing a wide-mouthed cyanide bottle and a few boxes and papers in which to store his specimens, he can enrich his own and many other collections with some of our rare butterflies and beetles. A fishing rod has been my constant companion, and while I have been beguiling the wily trout from his mountai stream he has beguiled many hours from me, and together we have beguiled health into making its home with

the fisherman.

If one is interested in geological studies, he will find rare opportu nities to study volcanic action, wave action and glacial action in their

ficult matter to step with them into the subject of geography, and easily illustrate errosion, evaporation, and many other phe



The recent outline of the plan for botany was intensely interesting, and plans the work upon the basis, that every tree or plant is a living entity, that with each goes on the struggle for existence as in animals. It brings plant-life nearer and closer to The children, in this way, get a personal interest in the little life as it springs up from mother earth. They will talk to it, love it, and have a deeper abiding interest in its development; it becomes, in a sense, a personal matter. An animated discussion grew out of this view, and inquiry was made, whether this personal element in the life of the plant was to reach on thru all the

years of school life. A little inquiry showed that it not only belonged to children but also clung to the adult in perhaps a modified form. Myths are the very life of the child, but as he comes to maturity, the spirit of personality of the earlier years has crystallized into some form of habit or action for the benefit of the adult..

Thus the discussion goes on every Wednesday afternoon and gradually our professional department is collecting data, which will be used in the proposed course of study.

Our Senior class of about eighty members will graduate on June 23rd. It is the first of the four-years course. The wisdom of adding a year to the course is clearly manifest, for this class goes from us with greater power than any preceding. This must be expected, and it is no reflection upon former classes. More is expected at the present time of a graduate than could possibly have been demanded five years ago. The schools have grown; the work in psychology has made possible many claims, and so the teacher must reach up to meet these greater demands. This Normal School has kept these things constantly in view, and at all times is zealously aiming to develop the best for the work The increase in the number of students, graduates of High Schools, is an interesting feature in our School, an account of which will be given in a later paper. H.

most instructive forms. And the more of a crank one is on any of these lines, the more likely will he be to get recreation and health from the outing.

All of these cost a little money, but if the work is judiciously planned and reasonably well executed, they will repay many times what they cost. The question where to go is the most difficult one to settle. There are so many charming places bec koning to us that it is sometimes hard to decide. Bearing in mind, however, that a change is what is wanted, settles some of the difficulties. A teacher rom the coast should go to the mountains, or to some of the elevated inland valleys. One from the low, warm inland valleys, to the sea shore or the mountains. Seek a place that is the complement of the one where you work, and you cannot go widely astray.

Taking into consideration all it gives one, the trip t› Yosemit Valley is, perhaps, the best in the State. It is somewhat expensive, but one can afford to save up money for some time for such a trip. When I made the trip in '80, it cost me ten days' time and one hundred dollars, and although the tax was a severe one I have always felt the trip was worth it. The cost now is a little less than half that sum. Whoever can eke out this sum and take in the grandeur and beauty of the valley will never regret it.

The trip taking in Lake Tahoe and surrouddings, Mount Shasta with its wonderful revelations, the Geysers, or the ever-interesting springs and lakes of Lake County, al. of which are accessible at excursion rates, can be made at a comparatively light expenditure, and either one of them will afford the teacher who will use his eyes, material not only for after instruction and enjoyment, but for actual use in the work of the school room.

Whenever such an outing is t be planned for, it is best to enter into correspondence with the transportation companies, asking for routes, time tables and rates. All such i quiries will be promptly and courteously answered, and much useful information will be gained. The various folders and illustrated pamphlets issued by the Southern Pacific Company are val able in themselves as a matter of geographical education.

Department of of Supervision

Items of Interest for Trustees, Parents and Teachers.

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Section 1629 of the Political Code requires that, "Boards of Trustees must annually, on the first Saturday in July, meet and elect one of their number Clerk of the district." It is to be hoped that the various Boards of Trustees throuout the State will attend promptly to this matter and notify the County Superintendent at once of their action. It is important that Boards select their own clerk and that they select a man (or a woman) capable of performing the clerical duties of the officer which are defined in Section 1650 and 1651 of the Political Code, and are as follows:

1650. It is the duty of the Clerk:

First-To call meetings of the Board at the request of two members, and to act as Clerk of the Board, and keep a record of its proceedings, and an accurate account of the receipts and expenditures of school moneys. Second-To keep his records and accounts open to the inspection of the electors of the district, in suitable books provided by the Board of School Trustees for that purpose.

Third-To place the monthly journal designated as the official organ of the Department of Public Instruc tion in the school district library each month; and if he fails to receive it regularly, to immediately notify the publishers of such fact.

Fourth-To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board.

1651. The Clerk of each district must, under the direction of the Board of Trustees, provide all school supplies authorized by this chapter, keep the school house in repair during the time school is taught therein, and exercise a general care and supervision over the schoo premises and school property during the vacations of

the school.

The Trustees are required to report annually to the County Superintendent of Schools the receipts and expenditures for the year. This duty, of course, devolves upon the various clerks, and ought to be complied with as soon as practicable after the 30th day

of June.

The attention of each clerk is respectfully called to the important duties laid down in Section 1650, and particularly to that clause referring to the care of school property during vacations. Next month I shall give a summary of the more important duties, financial and otherwise, for the guidance of the newly elected school trustees. It is necessary to do this through the official organ this year, as this officer, owing to the failure of the appropriation for the support of the State Printing Office, has no copies of the school law for distribution. Trustees going out of office ought to turn over the copies of the law in their possession to their successor in office.


Supt. of Public Instruction.


State Board of Education. ...Governor, Sacramento President of the Board SAM'L T. BLACK, Supt. Pub. Instruction, Sacramento Secretary of the Board A. H. RANDALL,..... Pres. State Normal School, San Jose E. T. PIERCE.....Pres. State Normal School, Los Angeles C. M. RITTER,... Pres. State Normal School, Chico MARTIN KELLOGG, Pres. University of Cal., Berkeley ELMER E. BROWN,. ...University of Cal., Berkeley Professor of Pedagogy.

The annual census of Los Angeles, just com pleted by the School Department, shows the number of children under 17 years of age in the city of Los Angeles to be 32,118. The number of children between 5 and 17 is 24,766. The proportion of children to the total popu lation when the census of 1890 was taken was one to four and one-half. Taking this proportion as a basis for reckoning the population in 1898, 111,447 is found to approximate the number of people in Los Angeles. The gain over last year in the number of school children is 1382.

Refined Bravery.

People in the Far East who are ready to credit those of the "Far West" with being of the type known as the "wild and woolly," the men who wear long hair which is never combed, red flannel shirts which are never buttoned at the throat, buck-skin pantaloons forever tucked into the tops of heavy boots from which protrude the ever-present bowieknife, with a brace of revolvers ever strapped around the loins, and a dare-devil sort of bearing generally, are very much surprised on reaching the Pacific Coast to find that the heroes of mythology were just as real as are the cut-throats and desperadoes with which vivid imaginations have populated the cities and towns and the interior of California and adjacent States. But, upon careful study of the people found here, the tourist is ever convinced that for a happy combination of inde pendence and gentleness, retirement and aggression, refinement and bravery, California holds the palm over the world. A beautiful example is found in the following, related by a gentleman who is acquainted with the lady:Mrs. W. S. Parks is the wife of W. T. Parks of Napa County, he being a trustee of Park District School. She is a small, slight lady of refinement and culture, rather demure than otherwise. And yet, as an expert with the rifle, and as a fearless hunter, she is possibly without a peer among the ladies and gentlemen of equal culture and refinement in the prosaic East. During the last few years, she has killed with her Winchester rifle, seventy deer, one California lion, and one cinnamon bear, besides countless numbers of small game. She shoots birds of prey on the wing with her rifle with as much ease as does the "crack shot" who bags ducks and geese for the market with his shot-gun. If Mrs. Parks has a superior for bravery and marksmanship, let her stand up.

Professor James, who occupies the chair of public administration at Chicago University, delivered the address at the Commencement Exercises at Berkeley.

Science Work in the Public Schools.

The discussions in "The department of Science" in the Southern California Association were intensely interesting. The following are a few extracts from papers presented:


In answer, Superintendent Hyatt of Riverside, said:-

"Most certainly they have," would be my answer. They have time to do anything that will make them less bookish, more practical, less artificial, more real. Too many people come from our schools with the ingrained idea that nothing is of value or dignity or worth that does not come out of books; too many teachers have their mental horizon bounded by the covers of books; too many have as their ideal of the perfect fruit of the public school a slim-legged youth with pie-crust complexion, staggering under a heavy armful of books. The most serious weakness that a wide-minded, patriotic critic can point out in our school system to-day is that it is lopsided-it is driving the intellectual powers with whip and spur; the brains are subjected to the high pressure of every available ounce of steam-no expense is too great, no extra labor too hard, to push them a little further in their studies. But what do we do for the souls? Almost nothing. And what for the bodies? Almost nothing. A town of a thousand people invests fifteen or twenty thousand dollars upon an educational plant and has a monthly pay roll of four or five hundred dollars-to train and stimulate the children's brains. How much does it invest, how much pay out per month to train their consciences or develop their bodies?

Now, there is nothing that tends more to correct this lopsidedness, more to get these artificial youngsters out of themselves, out of their bookishness, than this Nature Study, led by a teacher who loves Nature. By it they are brought in contact with old Mother Earth again-they come in touch with the things that must surround them and affect them all the days of their lives-they see the outside world thru new eyes and refresh their souls by finding out the secrets of air and water and bug and tree. They find that there is more in heaven and earth than they had dreamed of in their philosophy.

Hence, I think we have time for Nature Study, even if it should bring upon us the calamity of an 8th grade pupil not being able to complete his grammar, history, arithmetic, physiology, word analysis, drawing, music, reading, spelling, English literature, rudiments of geometry and algebra, geography, civil government, penmanship, book keeping. etc,, etc., etc., at the mature age of 15 years!

But, as a matter of fact, this Nature Study, carried on in a natural way, costs little or no school time at all. It is so different from the book studies that it is like a bodily exercise in resting rather than otherwise. The walks and rides and excursions that it entails improve the health and elasticity of the pupils' hearts and bodies and brains-in nowise does it diminish the amount of academic work they can do. The most of the Nature Work a skillful teacher will get out of his boys and girls will be during evenings and mornings and Saturdays, entirely utside of school hours. The very finest Nature Lessons I ever saw or heard of were at half past eight in the morning, where a teacher was surrounded at his desk by a dozen or more boys and girls, eagerly looking at, talking about, inquiring about the things they had found on a picnic trip the day before."


B. W. Griffith said:-

"At this time perhaps there is no subject of greater importance to the average student than the study of Natural Science; for "He who knows what sweets and virtues are in the ground, the water, the plants, the heavens, and how to come at these enchantments is the rich and loyal man.' It is not necessary to contrast the schools of to-day with those of twenty years ago, when reading, writing, arithmetic and spelling were the only studies considered of vital importance, to the primary or grammar grade pupil. Now we find in every county of Southern California, and generally thruout the State, that Nature Study or some form of Elementary Science has been introduced even in the very first year of school life and continued thruout the primary, grammar and high school years. So then it may be truthfully said that The study of Natural Science is the best camel that can get his nose inside the tent of the public school.'

The work if properly conducted is not a fad, for if it be a fad then the very foundation of our educational system, even from the kindergarten to the University, is a fad. For, said Froebel, the object of the kindergarten is that "It shall give the children employment suited to their nature, strengthen their bodies, exercise their senses, employ the waking mind, make them acquainted judiciously with Nature and society, cultivate especially the heart and temper,and lead them to the foundation of all living-to unity with themselves."

Moreover the best prose and poetry in the English language is on the same footing. It is said that one of the great American poets, Mr. Bryant, composed that grand poem, Thanatopsis, even while walking in the forests over fallen trees and dry leaves. Not only has the best prose and poetry been written under the spell of Nature, but the most beautiful: nd sublime paintings are out of door scenes, and the very highest degree of excellence in all art has been achieved by those who have been most susceptible to the influence of Nature. Hence it seems that not a day should pass without the quickening of every child's mind to some of the beauties and wonders of Nature, the plants, the animals, the minerals, the clouds, the stars are all inexhaustible subjects. The chief aim in every year of early school life should be to inspire the pupil to higher work, to develop a taste for more extensive and minute study of Nature and also to cultivate the power of expression and the habit of close observation. It is surprising after one has taken up a special study of natural objects, to find how common they are. The scales of ignorance are removed from our eyes. and we soon find out objects when we have learned to take an interest in them, for the art of "taking an interest in anything is half the battle."

Nature's realm is so very large and the objects of special interest in each locality so varied that it is almost useless to specify a particular, systematized course of study. We do not need text-books, courses of study, supplementary readers etc., as much as true professional teachers who will sacrifice time and self for the benefit of those who are placed in their keeping. However the teacher should not try to cover too much ground; a little careful observation is worth far more than much scattered work. The teacher who presents these Nature lessons from day to day to her class must herself be an earnest student or Nature, else the work will be a burden and detriment to the pupils, rather than a benefit. The objects must be seen by the pupils or they will have only a vague idea of the work. days of reading about such objects and presenting only the dry bones of science, as it were, wrapped up in a beautiful little story, have passed away-"Seeing is bejieving" and it would be an absolute waste of time to tell pupils about the cells n animal and plant life, the blood corpuscle, striated muscles, Haversian canals, he structure and use of compound eyes of certain irsects or the scales from but


terflies' wings and mosquitoes' feet, without showing the objects just as they are in Nature.

As a result of such well directed, careful work, children who will not enter the high school will be far better prepared for the duties of life, while those who enter the high school and Universities will have developed an early taste for the Natural sciences and will be the Edisons of the first half of the coming century. While the teachers themselves, as a class will have learned the ways of observation and in due time will be thoroly skilled science teachers; for surely if we as teachers become thoroly interested in every line of our work, there will be no difficulty in having our pupils become interested; then we can truthfully say with the great poet

"And this, our life, exempt from public haunt,

Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks,
Sermons in stones, and good in everything."

Homer C. Wilson said:

"Before taking up the minerals themselves, I gave two or three preliminary lessons on color, lustre, structure, hardness, weight, and cleavage, illustrating these by means of objects familiar to every child.

I will mention only a few illustrations as examples:-porous structure was represented by rope: compact by iron, slates, lead; metallic lustre by door-knobs, bell, gold, and silver: glassy lustre by window panes: and many others which I have not space to mention.

Each pupil was provided with a note-book and pencil, a piece of glass, and a small piece of iron or better still, a small file. The glass, being number five or about the middle of the scale of hardness, was used to test the hardness of the minerals: The iron, to scrape off particles in order to tell the streak or color of the powder; and the note book to keep a record of everything found out.

As an example of the way in which the lessons were given, I will give a brief description of a lesson on coarse granite, one of the commonest minerals of Southern California.

Spcimens of coarse granite containing quartz, feldspar and mica were distributed among the pupils, and they were allowed five minutes in which to examine the specimens closely, determine the number of minerals they contained, and find out all they could about the structure, lustre. hardness, and streak of each by comparing them with the objects already studied in the preliminary lessons.

After the five minutes were up, I had them describe the specimens fully: bringing out obscure points by questioning. After this was done, if they did not already know the name, it was told them; but after they became somewhat accustomed to the work they generally knew the name of the specimen by the time we were ready for it.

Last of all, after naming the specimen, name its uses: for instance, coarse granite is used for monuments, curbstones, houses, steps, pillars, hitching posts, supports for bridges, etc.

After all this was done, each pupil made a systematic record of the lesson in his note book; the hard words being used in language and spelling lessons in order that the pupils might become familiar with them.

Knowing that glass was number five; and that chalk, or anything that could be scratched with the finger nail was number one in the scale of hardness; we soon worked out a list of minerals making a complete scale from one to seven.

We also worked out lists of minerals illustrating the different structures and these lists we used as a basis with which to compare each new mineral that we took up, in order to decide where it belonged in the scale of hardness, lustre, structure, etc. To say that the pupils were interested and enthusiastic, is putting it mildly indeed."


F. A. Wagner of Redlands said:-

"Omitting the discussion of what constitutes ideal moral character, I pass at once to the inquiry: To what extent does elementary science contribute to the formation of man's moral being? Broadly speaking, every act that is in harmony with man's environment is essentially moral; the contrary, immoral.

Elementary science opens to the child Nature's inspired volume from whose pages he is to gather unnumbered lessons that make for his mental and moral welfare. But, of more importance than the immediate lessons learned is the habit of mind acquired. During the first eight or ten years of life, the child's chief concern is to exercise and develop his observing powers. He bas a hunger to know the material and animate world about him. Exclude from him natural objects and phenomena, and you deprive him of the food upon which these powers depend for their growth.

If perception be dwarfed in these early years, the mind will be dwarfed in all its activities, since the other faculties of the soul are dependent upon sense percepts for their data, or material. The child will, therefore never be able to make those wider generalizations, which, to the keen observer, become controlling guides to right living, such a degeneration of the moral nature thru lack of exercise, just as the parasitic plant becomes imperfect by refusing to put forth sufficient energy to get an independent living.

Other habits, equally potent, are fixed by nature study. The restless, listless child, even the proverbially bad boy, has had his interest aroused by the skillful presentation of butterflies, quartz crystals, or ferns. Properly pursued, this study combines with mental effort considerable physical exercise, which, of itself, contributes largely to correct conduct. A mind actively engaged in gathering bees and grasshoppers, in observing the phenomenon of evaporation or comparing stamens and pistils, in finding out the purpose of the nectar in the flower, in short, in thinking God's thoughts after him-such a mind cannot be immoral, because it is in complete harmony with the world above and the natural world below.

Pupils need but little insight into natural phenomena to conclude that every immoral act brings punishment. This just and inevitable law of the universe is taught most effectually by the study of man and nature. Precept falls on unheeding ears. How easily the child recognizes why the neglected tree withers and decays. Birds migrate, or suffer and die. He sees how the trap-door spider builds his house and tells readily the reason, or notes an insect's egg, out of its proper environment, shriveled and lifeless. This certainty of penalty brings with it also a sense of justice. How quickly the pupil resents a punishment having the slightest semblance of injustice. But punishments which are the natural consequence of wrong doing (as are all of Nature's penalties) are recognized by the youngest mind as just and right, thereby developing the sense of justice in the child's character."

Miss Sidney Vail said:

I think to prove to you that real benefits are derived from science work, I will tell you of a circumstance that occurred in my own school.

Children, in fact I think we all, like something new; but there are enough exceptions to prove the rule; and one boy in my school seemed a decided exception.

He was one of these don't care boys; didn't care if his writing did resemble turkey-tracks, didn't care if he had a poor spelling lesson, didn't care if he did not learn anything.

I tried everything I could think of, ancient, medieval and modern, to awake him from the state of semi-torpidity in which he seemed to be living.

When we commenced the study of mineralogy I noticed a tiny spark of interest; and as lesson followed lesson and we explored the country around our school-house, this boy became one of the most enthusiastic specimen hunters. He discovered that if he wished to describe any of his beloved minerals he must be acquainted with more words, or for a written description he must be able to spell correctly and write plainly.

One would hardly know him as the same boy. He walks straighter, has an alert, wide-awake look that changes his whole appearance; he has lost his don't care ways and expression and in two years time has done the work of three years.

Our whole neighborhood has been and is still interested in our science work. Specimens and questions have come in from all quarters.

The clerk of my district very kindly made a case for our collection, bearing the expense himself, thus showing his interest.

Prospectors near have taken pains to save and send us samples from their claims, and an old miner brought us specimens from Lower California, while another miner sent us about twenty specimens of gold, silver and copper quartz.

Mineralogy has helped the children in distinguishing colors and also in cultivating the imagination.

Miss Alma Patterson said:-

"In one California school where entomology is, just now, the chief theme for Nature Study, the subject was begun in this way. The teacher and pupils, on one of their excursions, found on the evergreen trees, a number of fuzzy black and yellow caterpillars. A quantity of these were collected. Each child brought a jelly glass and a piece of thin cloth to tie over it. Then each was given a caterpillar for his very own, to care for and to study. The glasses were marked with the owner's name and the date at which the specimen was obtained and all were placed upon a convenient table. When lessons were learned in less than 11sual time, the children were permitted to take their pets to their desks and watch them. The little students are delighted to observe and to describe in words or, so far as possible, by drawings, the caterpillar's mode of moving, clinging, eating and breathing. And many are the experiments devised to see what the little creature will do under varied conditions. When a caterpillar lies still, refusing to eat, then breaks open his old skin and crawls out of it, his hairy covering wet and standing out in points like the down on a newly hatched chicken, great is the delight of the children.

On another excursion the class will find out for themselves why these caterpillars live in the little bunches on the tops of the trees, looking so much like the cones in color and shape that they could scarcely be noticed, did not the bare branches reveal their presence. They will see how the hairy covering serves to break the fall of the unfortunates shaken off by the wind.

They will learn why the region is not over-run by that kind of caterpillars when they discover the infesting parasites. But the climax of wonder and delight will come when the larva forms his cocoon, and after many days of apparent sleep, emerges a beautiful moth.

And so lessons on the whole life history of insects are learned without much absorption of time and with what gain to the little learners ?

In another school, teacher and pupils have set to work to find out what is happening in the world about them. Once a week the time for morning exercises is devoted to reports. A book of "Nature Notes" is kept containing the weather record; notes on the budding, leafing, blossoming and fruiting of trees, on common plants, how they scatter their seeds, how the seeds germinate, the plants develop flower and fruit; on birds, their nests, eggs, food, habits; on the life history of insects; and on any other natural phenomena that may attract the children's notice. Now and then questions from the teacher lead thought into new channels. The query, "How is a bird fitted for its life? How is a fish? A bee?" led to earnest research.

In response to the suggestion, "Look for something beautiful in the nature world" came animated descriptions of the rosy sunset glow on the snowy mountains, the rainbow coloring on an ant's wing, the delicate tracery on a bird's egg, the exquisite beauty of a flower petal. All were eager to tell of beauty recognized and enjoyed."

Here is the place for correlated literature. The children will appreciate the poet's description of what their own eyes have seen, and be led by his interpretation to finer insight and fuller enjoyment.

"Flower in the crannied wall,

I pluck you out of the crannies,

And hold you here root and all in my hand,

Little flower-but, if I could understand

What you are, and all and all in all,

I should know what God and man is."

Since the above was written, the following was said by one 'who attended:

Riverside County had great good luck at the late meeting of the Southern Association at Los Angeles. In the Nature Study round table half a dozen of her teachers were on duty to describe their experiences in teaching insects and minerals during the past two years. Among them were J. C. Boyce, Homer Wilson, Alma Patterson, Stella M. Atwood, Sidney Vail. They made a most bright and spicy exercise of it, one that gave them plenty to do in answering the questions of the other counties and plenty to do in replying to the letters that were provoked by the discussion.

Then in Round Table of Superintendence, Riverside County was publicly complimented by State Superintendent Black for its original and vigorous methods of work; and he requested Superintendent Hyatt to send to every county in the State copies of the different outlines and guides that were used to shape the Riverside work. It is needless to say that appreciation from such a source was highly gratifying and that the Orange-Growing Teachers went home happy.

The following letter to Superintendent Hyatt is self explanatory:

Dear Mr. Hyatt:-I received those suggestions on Nature Study. There are just enough of them to make me want some more. I think you are undoubtedly on the right track. I have examined books on the subject until I am convinced that there is no book published giving a graded course that a teacher can follow with profit. But will you suggest some of the best books on minerals to have on the teacher's desk for reference and classification? I note the ones you suggest on entomology. I would like, too, if it meets your approval, to put six or eight of our teachers in correspondence with as many of yours who are particularly successful in teaching the subject of minerals. Will you give me the names and addresses of such, representing teachers who have succeeded in the various grades and possibly one or more who taught it to all grades? Have you an extra copy of your county manual for me? Ventura, April 20th.

P. W. KAUFFMAN, Principal,

A Record of Individual Impressions.


I attended the seventh annual session of the Southern California Teachers' Association more with the object of seeing the country and obtaining a general impression of the teachers and schools of the southern part of the state than for the purpose of special attendance at the meetings of the Association. I, however, was present at most of its general sessions and at as many of its Round Tables as possible.

I left San Francisco on Tuesday, March 29th, and reached Los Angeles the following afternoon. As soon as I had located myself I went to the High School where I found the Los Angeles City Institute in session. I was there in time to hear the closing remarks of Superintendent J. A. Foshay and to see all of the teachers. They were a fine body of men and women. I was glad to see among them so many men. It was my first impression that the women were handsomer than our teachers, but on closer observation I changed my opinion. Perhaps my being in Sin Francisco now has something to do with my judgment in the matter.

The opening session of the Association was held the following morn. ing at the First Congregational Church. The church was admirably adapted for the purpose of the meeting except that it was not quite large enough, although having a seating capacity of between a thousand and fifteen hundred. It was literally filled to overflowing. The most distinctive feature of the opening exercises was the singing of "America" by the entire audience. I am certain that I never heard a national hymn rendered by so large a body, not previously trained together, before. I was standing near the platform where I could see over the entire audience and it seemed to me that I could not see a single person who was not sing. ing. The unanimity and the spirit with which our national anthem was sung impressed me very much, as well as many others. State Superin. tendent Black spoke to me about it at the time.

In my opinion Superintendent J. P. Greeley of Orange County, Presi dent of the Association, presided with dignity, firmness and fairness thru the various sessions.

I formed a most favorable opinion of Dr. C. C. Van Liew of the Los Angeles State Normal School. I heard him before the general session as well as in the History Round Table.

The address of Professor C. A. Dunniway, who spoke before the gen. eral session upon the subject of American History in the Public Schools, was well received, as was also his address in the History Round Table on the subject of American History in Secondary Schools. No one who heard Professor Dunniway could fail to feel that he not only has a broad grasp of his subject but that he is a real teacher. I should say that the teachers who listened to him went away strengthened in their work.

I should like to see the thought advanced by Professor Beinard Moses in his address-The Neglected Half of American History-presented to the readers of THE JOURNAL in some future issue. Professor Moses was one of the profound thinkers present at the meeting.

I attended the History Round Table. It was well conducted and will no doubt prove of great value to those present. It was one of the largest Round Tables. The principal speakers were Dr. A. E. Winship, Professor Dunniway, Dr. Van Liew and Professor Moses. The local teachers who took part in the meeting appeared to be exceptionally able.

I attended the grade section of the Science Round Table. As I understand there will be a full report of this department in THE JOURNAL, I will not make any detailed remarks upon it. I am satisfied from my half day in this Round Table that some portions of Southern California are doing exceptionally fine work in science, notably Riverside County under the enthusiastic leadership of Superintendent Edw. O. Hyatt.

After the close of the Association I visited the schools of Santa Ana, San Bernardino, Riverside and Los Angeles, as also the Los Angeles Normal School.

Dr. Gregory, City Superintendent of Santa Ana, is sustaining the high reputation of the schools of that thriving young city. Departmental work seems to be a success there. I spent an hour in one of the sixth grades in that city. The children read and talked well. I also heard a very interesting lesson in English history.

In San Bernardino I met Superintendent N. A. Richardson and visited the F Street School of which F. W. Conrad is principal. I heard a sixth grade class read in that school. They read exceptionally well. I spent short time in the eighth grade in the same school, taught by the principal. I found the class exceedingly bright.

to me.

City Superintendent P. L. ord of Riverside was exceedingly courteous I saw a good many of his classes. All appeared to be doing good work. Mr. J. C. Boyd, a member of the County Board of Education, is doing excellent work in the Riverside schools. I spent some time in a class which he was instructing in history.


I spent a half day with Superintendent Foshay and Principal E. T. Pierce in the Los Angeles State Normal School. I have not had the opportunity In recent years to observe in detail the workings of a modern Normal School. I was, therefore, extremely interested in what I saw. should say that the kindergarten in connection with the schools was as near perfect as could be, and that the two ladies in charge of it-one, I understand, furnished by the State and the other by the city-were capable and efficient. The work of the school in geography interested me very much, as also the drawing. I am satisfied from what I saw that the instruction in drawing is such as will give the students not only the ability to draw; but ability to teach the subject and to carry out any reasonable system of drawing. The manual training that the students are receiving will in time solve this question in so far as Southern California is concerned. Without going into detail or attempting to speak of any other important feature of the school, I will say that no one can spend even so brief a time as I did in this school and not feel that it is in the hands of a man of fine organizing ability, and that its teaching force is excellent and the quality of its work first-class in every detail. It is a great, inspiring and uplifting institution.

I spent a day with Superintendent Foshay in the Los Angeles City Schools. I should say in the beginning that Superintendent Foshay knows his schools. He is a superintendent in fact as well as in name. In Deputy Superintendent C. L. Ennis he has an able assistant.

I will not attempt to mention the names of the schools that I visited but I will mention some of the things that impressed me in particular.

The kindergartens in Los Angeles are a part of the public school system. In all the schools I saw a kindergarten class. It was invariably in a pleasant room and in charge of first-class teachers. A piano was in each of these rooms. I was interested in the pianos as they were the first school pianos I had ever seen that were in tune. I should say from my observation that the kindergartens were a success.

I should say that music is a feature of the Los Angeles schools. I do not mean to intimate that it is receiving more than its due share of attention, but that it is receiving the attention that it deserves. While there is a special teacher of music I found the class teachers capable of intelligently seconding her efforts. The children were capable of singing understandingly by note. They sang well. They did not screech. They made no attempt at show work.

I was very much interested in examing in an incidental way the drawing which I saw. I did not ask to see any drawing books or ask to have any class attempt any work in this direction for my special benefit, but I observed two eight grade classes at work. I was interested in the drawing for the reason that it is the only city that I have ever had the opportunity of visiting in which the pupils of the highest grammar grades had pursued substantially the same course of instruction and under the same direction from the beginning of their school course. I examined the work of the classes somewhat particularly. If the work I saw was a fair sample of the culmination of the drawing in the schools, and I presume it was, it gives me hope that we may accomplish something in this line in San Francisco. Of course we cannot equal the drawing that I saw for some time to come for the reason that we do not continue on any line of work long enough to get any results.

In establishing the work in manual training Los Angeles has recognized the fact that the manual training teacher should not only possess professional ability equal to that of a grade teacher, but he should possess technical skill acquired with the idea of its professional presentation. In other words, there are no carpenters pretending to teach manual training in Los Angeles. The classes in manual training are taught by young ladies combining both professional and technical skill and supervised by Mr. Chas. A. Kunou, who is widely known for his special preparation and ability for manual training work. Mr. Kunou teaches some classes himself. Manual training so organized must of necessity be a success.

Tho my visit to the high school was necessarily brief, I could easily perceive that Principal W. H. Housh had his school well in hand. I was present at a time when I was able to see a large number of the twelve or thirteen hundred pupils in attendance, and could not help but notice that they were a fine body of young men and women. I saw enough of the department of science to satisfy me that the school was particularly strong in that direction.

The Successful Teacher.

We meet her. The young teacher watches her with an almost envious admiration, and longs to follow in her footsteps. Feeling the immensity of the charge laid on her shoulders, human souls intrusted to her care, she asks herself, "What is the magic power by which Miss works out her wonders ?"

I have noticed that the successful teacher, from the popular standpoint is the one who gets along with the least fuss and passes the greatest number of pupils on examination. This does not seem to me to conflict with a pedagogical success but is rather a sign of the latter. "Getting along with little trouble" should not be construed to mean without any fuss, but it means that the teacher is to do all in her power to prevent unpleasantness.

For instance: The pupils in a certain school caused a disturbance by going into the belfry. One teacher forbids the children to go up there and at the same time leaves the door unlocked "to develop their moral power." A child of Adam goes up (rather in that spirit of joke by which more sin is committed than from pure wickedness)and must be punished. Another teacher prevents this unpleasantness by keeping the door locked and giving no order. One teacher considers that as the children help to dirty the floor, they should take their turn sweeping. Another sees that it is disagreeable to the children and so does it


A very successful, well beloved teacher often says that she gives as few orders as possible, so the children are not often tempted; though, when given, woe to the unfortunate urchin who does disobey! "I try

She never asks

to think of some other way to get over the difficulty."
a child a thing if she has reason to believe that he will lie. She may
not be responsible for that lie before the Almighty Judge, but she finds
she often can prevent his sin by taking some other way.

Prudence says, "Prevent unpleasantness, but do not stop there."
With many dispositions, imperfections, faults, with the embryo tramps,
burglars, forgers, swindlers, the teacher must get along peaceably be-
fore she can successfully accomplish much along the line of intellectual
training. This is the only way she can do it. I have noticed that
there is a way of securing moral development which is far richer in
results than punishment for preventable wrong-doing.

[graphic][merged small]

In a recent address Prof. Moses made the following vigorous and caustic comment on patriotism in our schools:

"You may float the flag from every schoolhouse in the land and send eloquent and patriotic lecturers to every teachers' convention that meets between the oceans, but if at the same time trustees traffic in positions of trust, and your school boards are filled with rottenness, your hopes of youth are vain, your emotional converts to patriotism will become backsliders and will grow to maturity either in disgust with the society around them or determined to have some part in the illegitimate spoils of their elders.

Unless the teaching of history which comes to the great body of the American people in broadened and more careful of the truth, the bulk of the nation will be likely to fall into a certain social bigotry, scarcely less belittling than that bigotry which has sometimes attended the advocacy of religion.

It is high time that we should stop telling lies about our own history for the sake of patriotic results. If we tell the truth and the whole truth, in its clear and healthy form, patriotism will take care of itself. There is enough that is good and strong and uplifting in the history of our country to develop a broad, intelligent patriotism, even if we know somewhat of other nations.

As the years go by there appears to be no disposition to let the fires go out that have been lighted on the altar of our conntry. We have no need of the patriotic lies of text-book makers, nor the distortions of overcareful teachers. We have no need, moreover, of the extraordinary means employed to develop patriotic emotions in the pupils of our schools."

Teacher in Seattle-"Charlie, why are you eating that rub-
ber band?"

Teacher-"What part of your body do you think that will
build up?"
Charlie "Rubber-neck."


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