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A joint meeting of the Boards of Trustees of the California Normal Schools was held in Los Angeles April 8th.

Representatives of the four boards were present and the

For training in the quick comprehension of the relations of presidents of the three schools in operation. The reports of the


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presidents, which were read at the meeting, showed a notable increase in the attendance at each school, and that a growing interest is evident in the matter of normal instruction.

Work has not begun on the building at San Diego, as the State Board of Examiners has not yet approved the plans submitted. No steps were taken in the direction of electing a president for the school.

The faculty of the school at Los Angeles gave a reception to the visitors which was, of course, a very enjoyable gathering.

President Randall, who spent two days in the Normal School at Los Angeles inspecting its work, reports that they are doing excellent work there. The faculty is strong and harmonious and therefore efficient. His time there was, however, too short. No one can become acquainted with the work of a Normal School without spending from one to two weeks in its class rooms.

With three Normal Schools in operation with an aggregate attendance of more than twelve hundred and with pedagogical departments in our two great Universities, it would seem that the demand for trained teachers will soon be, even if it is not already, supplied. There was a time when the supply fell far short of the demand and teachers came in great numbers from the East.

The conditions will soon be reversed, the supply will exceed the demand and there will be little nducement for outside teachers to come to California.

When traveling over the State years ago I became convinced that many of our best and a few of our poorest teachers were mportations. This is probably true to-day.

A surplus of teachers is not an unmixed evil. Fortunately, under our State school law and our State usage, this cuts no great figure in the matter of salaries. It results in leaving the surplus unemployed, compelling them to enter other vocations. If it worked out the desirable result of "the survival of the fittest" the condition would be one to be greatly desired.

In many cases it will do this, but there are others where nepotism, "pull and push" will make room for inferior teachers. In such cases it will be the strongest "that must go to the wall." Their consolation may be that they are like the martyrs of old "of whom the world (the schools) was not worthy. If they are really strong they can get on better without the schools than the schools can without them.

Prize Composition.


The Following Composition Won the Prize Offered in April "Journal." Once there lived in the city of San Jose a little girl named Florence. Santa Claus brought her a box of paints for Christmas and her oldest sister, Mary, said she would teach her how to paint.

After a few lessons and a great deal of practice Florence felt able to paint a picture all by herself for her mother's birthday present.

One Saturday morning she thought it time to begin the mother's favorite flowers, arranged them loosely in a glass of clear, picture, so she went out into the garden, gathered a bouquet of her cool water and took them to her room to paint.


She did not ask Mary to help as she wanted to surprise her Her materials were taken from the drawer and placed upon the table. She first drew the flowers, then painted them with But just as she was about to give the finishing touch, the dinner bell rang and she went down to the dining room leaving every thing just as it was.

great care.

After she had gone her pet kittens, Snowball and Mischief, jumped in at the window down on the drawing table and scattered the paints, palette and brushes over the table, knocked the box on the floor and rubbed the wet sponge over the picture.

that her pets had given her picture the finishing touch? Now can you imagine poor Florence's surprise on finding

RENA E. COYNER (10 years). Birdhaven School, Monterey County.

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Hear the sound of fife and drum!
See the banner how it waves!
Hear the tread of marching feet,
Nearing now the soldiers' graves
For they come with wreaths and flowers,
All the budding flowers of May,-
Fresh with Heaven's brightest dews,
Fit tribute for our Decoration Day.

"Silvery Chimes of Patriotism" is a program consisting of Songs, set to Music, and Recitals brim full running over with Patriotism and prepared especially for Memorial Day exercises, and other patriotic occasions. For convenience they are arranged in sets of 8 copies each. Place these in the hands of the young people for preparation, and you will not only have an exercise to be proud of, but one which will be appreciated by all.

Wherever the "Chimes" have gone they have met with appreciation. Especially appropriate for "Flag Day," and other patriotic occasions in the public schools.

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Accelerated progress is a saving of time; GILLOTT'S pens pay for themselves by the time they save.



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