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At the sight of this priestly ornament, Jeanne humbly fell upon her knees before the curate, in token of respect to his sacred calling; after which she replied to all the interrogatories put to her by the governor, who, though unwilling to take any thing upon himself, conceived the affair of sufficient importance to warrant his addressing the king upon the subject.

Durand Laxart was under the necessity of returning home, and he conducted his niece to the village of Petit Burey. We are not informed from history whether Jacques d'Arc, at this period, had any knowledge of the journey undertaken by his daughter it is, however, most probable that he was ignorant of the fact, since he permitted her to reside peaceably with her uncle.

Jeanne had completely succeeded in convincing Laxart of the truth of her mission, so that his faith was by no means shaken by the difficulties he had to surmount; and at the beginning of Lent, in the same year, he again consented to accompany his niece to Vaucouleurs. Seeing how many impediments prevented the accomplishment of her

from our presence; but if it is upon the part of God, then remain." See the depositions of Catherine, wife of Henri the blacksmith, at whose house Jeanne resided at Vaucouleurs, which statements were delivered during the revisal on Saturday, January 31, 1456.

views, Jeanne adopted the resolution of setting forward on foot, accompanied by her uncle and another individual named Jacques Alain, who offered to follow her, for the fulfilment of the mission wherewith she conceived herself to be charged. But while on her route, Jeanne called to mind that it would not be decorous thus to depart, and she therefore retraced her steps to Vaucouleurs.

Jean Novelompont, surnamed of Metz, a gentleman of some consideration in that country, happening to call at the house of Jeanne's hostess, and doubtless perceiving that, although clad in mean red attire, the young maid carried something in her appearance far above the common, made inquiry respecting the business that had led her to Vaucouleurs: "I am come," said she, "to request of Robert de Baudricourt, that he will cause me to be conducted to the king, either by himself or some other person: but he does not concern himself either about me or my representations. And yet it is absolutely necessary that I should see the king before the middle of Lent, even if I am compelled to wear my legs to the very knees in the journey. For no living creature, nor kings, nor dukes, nor the daughter of the king of Scotland, nor any others, can retake the kingdom of France, since there is no succour for him save through myself; though I should much better like to remain at home spinning by the side of my poor


mother; for such is not a work fitted for me: yet I must go and do it, for such is the will of the Lord." "And who is your Lord?" inquired Jean de Metz: "It is God," was Jeanne's reply. Forcibly struck with the words of the girl, and placing his hand within hers, he declared upon his faith that he would escort her to the king; and then demanded when she wished to set forwards: "Rather to-day than to-morrow," she made answer: he further requested to know if she was desirous of proceeding in the clothes she then wore, to which she replied, she would willingly accept of man's apparel, which he caused to be brought, and Jeanne immediately dressed herself in the same.

Bertrand de Poulengy, who had been present at the interview between Jeanne d'Arc and the lord de Baudricourt, speedily followed the example of Jean de Metz, being anxious to share the honour of conducting the maid on her journey. Jeanne, however, still wished to procure the sanction of Baudricourt, in proportion as the fame of her alleged mission increased throughout the country.

Charles, duke of Lorraine, weakened by a malady which baffled the art of medicine, was desirous of seeing Jeanne d'Arc for the purpose of consulting her; wherefore Laxart accompanied La Pucelle upon

This deposition was made by Jean de Novelompont, gentleman, a resident of Vaucouleurs, on Saturday, January 31, 1456.

her journey which she undertook, to comply with the desire of that prince.* During this interview the duke proposed several questions relating to herself,

* According to the depositions made by the lady de Touroulde, at the revisal of Jeanne's sentence, we find that her uncle conducted her on a pilgrimage to St. Nicholas, near Nanci, when the duke of Lorraine, having heard statements respecting her, was desirous of seeing the maid; and for this purpose he despatched a passport for her safe conduct to Nanci, which event took place a short time prior to the feasts of Pentecost (Whitsuntide), of 1428. The prince was then labouring under a malady, and although his mind felt much more disquietude on that account than any other, he nevertheless proceeded to interrogate Jeanne about the reports that were disseminated concerning her. She immediately stated her desire to go and assist the Dauphin, and then supplicated the duke in the most urgent manner to issue his commands to his son, (René of Anjou, who had espoused his daughter,) that he would undertake to conduct her in safety to the Dauphin, Charles; and that she would offer up her prayers to the Lord for the recovery of his health. The duke then demanded what was her opinion respecting his illness; whereto she ingenuously replied, "that as he lived on bad terms with his wife, who was a very virtuous princess, he would not recover unless he changed his conduct in regard to her." The duke then dismissed Jeanne with a present of four francs, which she instantly confided to her uncle, who subsequently remitted the amount to her parents. - Lenglet, vol. i. p. 20, &c.; Laverdy, p. 301.

In a work written by M. Luchet, which we shall have occasion to quote, the author not only ridicules the idea of supernatural agency as being connected with Jeanne d'Arc, but also adduces arguments for the purpose of depreciating the merit so generally

and then proceeded to inquire if she could point out any means for the recovery of his health; but Jeanne answered that she was incapable of throwing any light upon that subject. She, however, exhorted him to live in peace with the duchess, his wife, who was a good and virtuous princess, stating that he would not recover unless he changed his conduct in regard to her; and, lastly, she entreated that the duke would furnish her with an escort under the command of the prince, his son, for the purpose of conducting her to Charles the Dauphin of France.

The parents of Jeanne d'Arc could not long remain ignorant of her departure from Petit-Burey, of the ardent resolution she had formed of presenting herself to the king, and of the success attending her visit to Vaucouleurs. When apprized of these facts, they were completely paralyzed, and Jacques d'Arc thus saw realized the dream he had had some years before, by which he was forewarned that his daughter would depart with men at arins. In consequence of this, Jeanne's parents set out with all expedition for Vaucouleurs, in order to

attached to La Pucelle. When speaking of this visit to the duke of Lorraine, he states, "that the prince dismissed the pilgrim, but did not think fit to change his conduct in regard to the duchess; yet," adds M. Luchet," the duke was subsequently cured of his malady, notwithstanding the menace of the prophetess." Ed. 1776, page 5.

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