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tide of fortune changed, and victory abandoned the French standard. Jeanne d'Arc was at her hotel near Renard Gate; and to the present day the chamber is pointed out which she occupied in the residence of Jacques Boucher, treasurer of the duke of Orleans, now known by the name of La Maison de l'Annonciade.

Jeanne d'Arc had retired to rest, when suddenly awaking, she cried aloud for her arms, saying that the blood of Frenchmen was flowing, and complaining that she had not been earlier aroused from sleep. She instantly accoutred herself, mounted the horse of her page, which she found in the street, and ordered Louis de Contes to go for her banner, which she had forgotten; and so much was she pressed, that she desired he would hand it to her through the casement. Having procured her standard, she spurred her horse, and rode direct for the scene of danger, using such speed that Daulon and Louis de Contes could not overtake her until they arrived at Burgundy Gate.*

* Jeanne was lodged at the western gate of Orleans, whereas that of Burgundy is to the east; so that she traversed the whole city before her squires overtook her, such being the rapidity of her


When La Pucelle gained Burgundy Gate, she met some men bearing the wounded into the city; upon which she exclaimed, "I never behold the blood of Frenchmen flow, but my hair stands erect upon my head."-Chaussard, vol. i. p. 24.

The presence of Jeanne gave confidence to the retreating French, whom she commanded to return to the assault; thus changing the posture of affairs by her presence of mind, celerity, and courage. Lord Talbot in vain gave orders that the English who garrisoned the other fortresses should repair to aid the bastille besieged. The French, who had hitherto continued within the city, flew to the scene of action, and repelled those English who sought to assist the besieged; even lord Talbot did not dare advance to the spot whither the heroine directed her steps, so that the boulevard was at length taken by main force, and all that refused to surrender were put to the sword.+

On the fifth of May, being the festival of the Ascension, La Pucelle declared that nothing should be undertaken to disturb the solemnity of the day; and in the evening Jeanne once more had recourse

Hume agrees in stating that Talbot, after having ordered the troops from the bastilles, did not dare appear in open country against so formidable an enemy.

Such was the piety of Jeanne d'Arc, that she gave orders that no injury should be done to the chaplains or ecclesiastics who should be found within the forts, as they were stationed there only for spiritual purposes. These prisoners, after being humanely treated in the city, were suffered to return to the English camp; a mode of conduct La Pucelle uniformly pursued during the various attacks that took place. -Deposition of Louis de Contes, Lenglet, vol. i. 67.

to pacific measures, sending a third letter to the English, which was affixed to the end of an arrow, whereto she annexed the following sentence: "C'est pour la troisième et dernière fois, et ne vous écrirai plus désormais: It is for the third and last time, and I shall write to you no more in future.”*

La Pucelle attacked the bastille or fort of the Tournelles, having previously exhorted the officer (Glasdale), who commanded, to adopt peaceable measures with France and return to England, otherwise misfortune would attend him. To this Glasdale replied, by loading Jeanne with the most opprobrious epithets, which so affected her that she shed tears. The mode of sending this letter, according to the deposition of P. Jean Pasquerel, was somewhat singular; the document being tied to an arrow, which was shot from a bow, and lighted on the fort. In this letter she informed the English captains that she had adopted that means in consequence of the detention of her heralds, and at the same time she caused these words to be proclaimed aloud: "Prenez et lisez, voici des nouvelles: Take and read, here is news."-Lenglet, vol. i. p. 63.

Chaussard, referring to this letter, states the contents to have been as follow:

"Vous Anglais, qui n'avez aucun droit au royaume de Français, le Roi des cieux vous ordonne par moi, Jeanne la Pucelle, de remettre vos forts et de vous en aller chez vous; si non, je vous ferez un tel Ah, Ah, qu'on en parlera toujours: c'est pour la troisième et dernière fois que je vous l'ecris. Signé Jesus Maria; Jeanne la Pucelle.

"Je vous aurais envoyé ma lettre d'une manière plus honnête; mais vous retenez Guienne mon héraut; renvoyez-le moi, je vous renverrai des prisonniers de votre fort St. Loup.

"You English, who have no right to the kingdom of France,

After the French, uniformly headed by La Pucelle, had become masters of several fortresses, as will

appear in the progress of the Diary, the English still kept possession of the bastille Saint Privé, and the boulevard of the Tournelles, on the left bank of the Loire. These Jeanne had equally proposed to besiege, when, having just terminated a very abstemious repast of which she uniformly partook, news was brought her respecting the

the King of heaven orders you, by me, Jeanne la Pucelle, to give up your forts, and to go back to your homes; if not, I will perform such an Ah, Ah, that it shall always be spoken of: it is for the third and last time that I write it. Signed Jesus Maria; Jeanne la Pucelle.

"I should have sent my letter in a more civil manner, but you retain Guienne, my herald; send him back to me, and I will restore you prisoners from your fort of Saint Loup."

The English, on receiving this paper attached to the end of an arrow, exclaimed: "Here is something new from the w — of the besiegers!" which expression made Jeanne sigh and weep. —Chaussard, vol. i. p. 26.

M. Luchet, at page 16, says, "The fourth day count Dunois attacked the English, La Pucelle being in his company, 'et moult encourageoit les assaillans—and much encouraged the assailants."" "The English then loaded her with such abuse that she shed tears," says M. Lenglet. "This excess of weakness and sensibility," adds Luchet, "strangely belies the character of a person gifted with inspiration." The last history of France states that the French were conducted by her; whereas the most ancient histories of the siege of Orleans affirm that she accompanied the Bastard Dunois.

council having resolved that nothing further should be undertaken until the arrival of fresh succours from the king. La Pucelle instantly replied to those who brought the ultimatum of this deliberation: "Vous avez été en votre conseil, et j'ai été au mien, mais croyez que le conseil de mon Seigneur tiendra et s'accomplira, et que celui des hommes périra: You have held your council, and I have been to mine; but believe me, the advice of my Lord shall hold and be accomplished, and that of men shall perish." Jeanne had indeed other designs to execute, and she commanded her chaplain to call her very early the ensuing morning, and never to quit her: "Car," added she, "j'aurai demain beaucoup à faire; il sortira du sang de mon corps audessus du sein. Je serai blessée devant la bastille du bout du pont. I shall have much to do to-morrow; blood will issue from my body above my bosom. I shall be wounded in front of the bastille before the end of the bridge."

Saturday the seventeenth of May, Jeanne being completely armed, in opposition to the orders passed in council, but seconded by the Orleanese, prepared to conduct the troops to attack the Tournelles. Just as she was quitting the mansion of her host, a man brought a shad which he had caught in the Loire. Having eaten nothing, Jeanne was entreated to stop, that the fish might be dressed, when she made answer: "Gardez la jusqu'à ce soir, car je vous

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