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rapidity that the Philippine Government is now under the immediate control of the Filipinos, and the ultimate success of America's experiment in nation culture depends upon the wisdom and ability of the Filipinos, instead of the Americans. If they succeed, "it will justify the faith in the inherent capacity of the natives upon which our Philippine policy is based, and redound to the honor of the United States and to the credit of the men who laid the foundation upon which the present structure rests."

I shall close this review by quoting the following paragraph from the preface of the author to the second volume:

I believe that the assumption of control over the Philippines could not honorably have been avoided without a shrinking from responsibility which would have been unworthy of a great and self-respecting nation. Its responsibilities have been borne without reward or hope of reward, other than that which comes from the faithful performance of gratuitous service for others. The United States is a greater and a nobler nation for having lifted the Filipinos out of the slough in which they were floundering and placed them well on the road toward nationality. ANTONIO M. OPISSO.

America's Case against Germany. By Lindsay Rogers. New York: E. P. Dutton Co. 1917. pp. xv + 264. $1.50 net.

In a compact volume consisting of a very useful bibliographical note, twelve brief and clear chapters, an appendix containing President Wilson's speech asking for recognition of the existence of a state of war, a list of German outrages on American ships and lives, and a sufficient index, Professor Rogers has presented the legal — and incidentally the moral case of the United States against Germany.

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The book is intended for the general reader. It gives an account as nearly as possible chronological, with explanations and interpretations, of the illegal acts of Germany and the consequent diplomatic controversies which ultimately left to the United States no alternative but to resort to arms in defense of American rights and the rights of all peoples. Untechnical, concise, and precise, it is easy reading and should serve admirably the purpose for which the author intended it: to contribute to the understanding of "the primary and indispensable part of America's case . . . which should be had by every intelligent citizen." It deals with practically all of the major points which have been at issue, many of them of course not exhaustively, but all clearly.

Though obviously not intended for technical use, the very characteristics which recommend it for the purposes of the lay reader give it a value for the jurist or the student of international law: it epitomizes; it states facts, cases, and arguments, briefly and clearly.

Professor Rogers has been especially successful in convicting the German Government, from the evidence and admission of its own statements, of the violation and disregard of law with which it has been charged.

There are points at which and features in respect to which it will occur to probably every reader familiar with the materials that a somewhat fuller treatment and some modifications of method might have been made. Greater uniformity in the matter of giving dates, and the inclusion of footnote references to diplomatic documents and others with perhaps a compendium of the most important - would be useful. But, as regards choice and statements of fact, and interpretation and argument, the author has been conspicuously sound. He has not attempted to pass judgment on the policies or decisions of the American Government. One of the nearest approaches appears in the statement: "The pretense of armed neutrality was anomalous and inadequate;" but he shows how the administration itself soon. realized this to be the case. Whatever diversity of opinion men held as to whether the United States was tardy in entering the war, - before at last it did enter, "the issue had been made translucently clear." If there are still any to whom the case of the United States against Germany is not thus absolutely and supertranslucently clear, to such in particular Professor Rogers's presentation of the case may be recommended. STANLEY K. HORNBECK.

Los Extranjeros en Venezuela. By Dr. D. Simón Planas Suárez. 2d ed., Lisbon: Centro Tipográfico Colonial. 1917. pp. 368. The first edition of this book was published at Caracas in 1905. This is much more than a reprint. The author says that changes in legislation had caused him to decide to revise and complete the work, adapt it to the laws now in force, and add portions needed to make it useful and practical. He considers it a patriotic service to explain to foreigners the liberal treatment offered by Venezuela, which country, he says, is destined to occupy a prominent place in future migratory movement because of its geographical position, its natural


wealth, the generosity of its people, and its admirable laws. thinks such a compendium indispensable to foreigners in the country and to those outside who wish to know what their condition would be if they entered. It is also needed by the executive and judicial officials in Venezuela and the legations and consulates of that Power in foreign countries, and by foreign diplomatic and consular officials in Venezuela.

His introductory essay on "Foreigners in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and Modern Times" is very interesting. From the Greek attitude of eternal war on the barbarians and the early Roman total disregard of the rights of foreigners, he traces the changing sentiment through the medieval ages, which he says was due to the Christian teaching of the essential unity of the human family. The law of nations, he thinks, had its birth in the Christian idea. Modern commercial relations and scientific discoveries, he adds, have brought mankind into such intimate relations that frontiers have disappeared and the individual has a universal country where his person, his dignity, and his independence are preserved intact. In most respects foreigners now enjoy the same privileges as nationals. The only important differences are that the former are deprived of certain political rights and, in case their presence might be dangerous to the state, may be excluded or even expelled.

His first chapter treats of "The Admission of Foreigners." The right to exclude implies the right to fix the conditions of admission. Venezuelan laws are extremely liberal, he says; but its frontiers are not open ad libitum. To establish beyond question the right to exclude and regulate he quotes from many well-known authorities on international law. Then he gives the provisions of Venezuelan constitutional and statute laws on the subject.

The second chapter is on "The Expulsion of Foreigners." After establishing the right by arguments and numerous quotations, he gives the provisions of Venezuelan laws on this subject. He follows this by a brief statement of the laws of expulsion in sixteen other countries, which makes this chapter of much wider interest and value than most of the others.

The third chapter sets forth the "Civil Rights of Foreigners," relating to domicile, marriage, divorce, property, inheritance, corporations, copyrights, trade-marks, patents, educational institutions, etc. The fourth treats of "Political and Public Rights and Duties."

The fifth deals with the knotty problem of "Claims Against the Nation" by foreigners, which has given so much trouble to Venezuela and to most of the other Latin American states, because of the effort of foreigners to hold the governments responsible for losses occasioned not only by the public authorities, for which liability is conceded, but also for losses caused by armed rebellion and other acts of violence which the officials were unable to prevent, and for which, he contends, they can not properly be held responsible. For such losses, he says, foreigners, as well as nationals, ought to depend on the courts, and not appeal to the diplomatic agents of the countries of their origin. The sixth chapter, on "Nationality," tells the various ways in which nationality in Venezuela may be acquired, by naturalization, by marriage, by birth in Venezuela, the parents being foreign, and by the naturalization of parents. "International Penal Law" is the subject of the seventh chapter. It is a study of crimes committed outside of the territorial limits but punishable in Venezuela. The extradition of criminals is included under this head. Chapter eight, "Foreign Ships," studies the status, rights, privileges, and duties of foreign vessels, merchant and naval, in Venezuelan ports. The ninth, and last, chapter defines the "Immunities and Privileges of Foreign Diplomatic and Consular Agents."

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For a book on a highly technical subject the style is pleasing. There seem to be needless repetitions of the same ideas, with only slightly changed constructions and relations. Many of these, however, occur in quotations; and others doubtless are a result of the operation of the legal mind in its effort to heap up arguments, precedents, and opinions to support its contentions. The book will undoubtedly be very useful to foreigners in Venezuela and also to many who are not and never will be in the country but who may have commercial relations with or merely an intellectual interest in that republic. WILLIAM R. MANNING.

Teoria Crítica de las Bases del Derecho Internacional Privado. By Señor Doctor Don Orangel Rodriguez. Caracas: 1917. pp. x + 466.

This work is divided into three books. The first treats of what private international law is comprised. It contains an interesting discussion of the first cause of private international law and a com

parison between public and private international law. It also discusses the considerations which Lorimer makes in the classification of international law, and the opinion of Surville on the differences between public and private international law. The author then cites concrete cases in application of what he has stated, among which are the case of the Orinoco Steamship Company, Ltd., between the United States and Venezuela, one of the claims between Mexico and Venezuela, and the Rudloff case.

The first chapter of his first book deals with fundamental notions. He states that while man is generally subject to the laws of his native country, he often resides or is domiciled in another state, or travels beyond the jurisdiction of the laws of his own state, and comes under foreign control. He points out that public international law, equally with private international law, has for the reason of its existence the change of abode and of relations between men of different states, which supposes relations of a public character as much as those of a private character. The first is found in relations of general interest between the states, while the second is supported in the relations which are of private interest, or which include that interest.

The author shows that it is not disputable that relations strictly civil enter in the sphere of private international law. But the same does not happen with reference to mercantile relations. It can be pretended that commercial law is of a different nature from civil law. He states consequently the affinity between public international and private international law, which is constituted by the circumstance that both suppose relations between states and is to be understood solely in the limited form that the principles of the first determine the original foundation of the extra-territoriality applications which serve as the object for the second.

The second book treats of the sources of private international law and the connection between jurisprudence, customs and treaties. The conflicts of jurisprudence and of treaties are given considerable thought. To find the fountain of international private law various origins have been proposed, such as custom, jurisprudence, international treaties, and the doctrines of jurisconsults. The author believes that states ought not to legislate over foreign rights.

In his third book the author discusses the judicial reasons for the extra-territoriality of laws, the absolute sovereignty of nations, and the theory of strict law. He states that extra-territoriality of laws

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