Imágenes de páginas

on behalf of the United States. By Elihu Root. Edited by Robert Bacon and James Brown Scott. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1917. pp. cix, 445, maps. $3.00.)

Miscellaneous Addresses. By Elihu Root. by Robert Bacon and James Brown Scott. University Press. 1917. pp. ix, 313. $2.50.)

Collected and edited (Cambridge: Harvard

A Survey of International Relations between the United States and Germany, August 1, 1914-April 6, 1917. Based on official documents. By James Brown Scott. (New York: Oxford University Press (American Branch). 1917. pp. cxvi, 390. $5.00.)

Reports to the Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907. Being the official explanatory and interpretative commentary accompanying the draft conventions and declarations submitted to the conferences by the several commissions charged with preparing them, together with the texts of the final acts, conventions and declarations as signed, and of the principal proposals offered by the delegations of the various Powers as well as of other documents laid before the commissions. Publication of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Division of International Law. Edited, with an introduction, by James Brown Scott, Director. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 1917. pp. xxxii, 940.)

A Treatise on International Law. By William Edward Hall. 7th edition. Edited by A. Pearce Higgins. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press (American Branch). 1917. pp. xl, 864. $9.60.)

German Imperialism and International Law. Based upon German authorities and the archives of the French Government. By Jacques Marquis de Dampierre. With illustrations, charts and fascimiles. 2d impression. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1917. (Authorized translation from the French.) pp. 277.)

Trading with the Enemy. By Charles Henry Huberich. (New York: Baker, Voorhis and Company. 1918. pp. xxxiii, 485.)

European Treaties Bearing on the History of the United States and its Dependencies to 1648. Edited by Frances Gardiner Davenport. (Washington: The Carnegie Institution. 1917. pp. vi, 387.)

Early Diplomatic Relations between the United States and Japan, 1853-1865. By Payson J. Treat. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1917. pp. ix, 459. $250.)

The President's Control of Foreign Relations. By Edward S. Corwin. (Princeton: University Press. 1917., 216. $1.50.)

Guide to the Law and Legal Literature of Argentina, Brazil and Chile. By Edwin M. Borchard. (Washington: Government Printing Office. 1917. pp. 523. $1.00.)

The Commonwealth at War. By A. F. Pollard. (London: Longmans, Green and Company. 1917. pp. vi, 256. $2.25 net.)

The War and the Bagdad Railway. The story of Asia Minor and its relation to the present conflict. By Morris Jastrow. (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. 1917. pp. 160. 14 il. map. $1.50.)

Cinco Años en la Corte de Justicia Centroamericana. By Manual Castro Ramirez, Magistrado de El Salvador en la Corte. (San José: Imprenta Lehmann Sauter and Co. 1918. pp. 184.)

Het Beginsel der Openbare Orde in het International Privaatrecht. By R. D. Kollewijn. ('s-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff. 1917. pp. 134.)

Onderzoek Naar Den Juridischen Wereldbouw. By F. M. Van Asbeck. (Amsterdam: A. H. Kruyt. 1916. pp. 323.)

Het Prijsrecht Tegenover Neutralen in den Wereldoorlog van 1914 en Volgende Jaren. By J. H. W. Verzijl. ('s-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff. 1917. pp. vi, 343.)

Neutraliteitsrecht te Land. By J. Wijnveldt. ('s-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff. 1917. pp. 217.)

Treaty Ports in China. A Study in Diplomacy. By En-Sai Tai. (New York: Columbia University Press Bookstore. 1918. pp. x, 202.)

Le Tunnel sous la Manche et le Droit International. By C. J. Colombos. (Paris: Rousseau et Cie. 1917. pp. 161. 6 fr.)

Répertoire des Thèses de Droit soutenues dans les Facultés Françaises, Période 1911-1920. Premier fascicule, année scolaire 1910-11; deuxième fascicule, année scolaire 1911-12; troisième fascicule, année 1912-13. (Paris: Librairie Centrale des Facultés. pp. 76. Index. 2 francs each.) America's Message to the Russian People. Addresses by the members of the Special Diplomatic Mission of the United States to Russia in the year 1917. (Boston: Marshall Jones Company. 1918. pp. vi, 154.)


[For list of abbreviations, see p. 403]

Agency. Termination of agency by war. Harvard Law R., 31:637. Feb.

Aliens. Alien enemy persons, firms and corporations in English law. Cyril M. Picciotto. Yale Law J., 27:167. Dec.

Droit (Le) d'agir en justice des sujets ennemis en Italie. J. Valery. Clunet, 45:121.

German laws relating to payments to alien enemies. Charles Henry Huberich. Columbia Law R., 27:653. Dec.

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Liquidation forcée des biens français en Alsace-Lorraine par les autorités allemandes. Clunet, 45:170.

Mesures prises et à prendre en Angleterre contre les sujets ennemis. L. D. Clunet, 45:89.

Séquestre des biens des sujets ennemis en France. E. Audinet. Clunet, 45:51.

Séquestres et déclaration des biens ennemis devant l'administration judiciaire. Clunet, 45:104.

Status of alien enemies in courts of justice. Harvard Law R., 31:470. Jan. Alsace-Lorraine. Allemagne et Alsace-Lorraine. Partage projeté entre la Prusse et la Bavière. Clunet, 45:426.

Alsace-Lorraine and the principle of nationalities. Paul Helmer. 19th Century, 83:229. Feb.

Germany and Alsace-Lorraine. G. K. Chesterton. N. American R., 207:354. March.

Germany's claim to Alsace. A study of Frederic Masson. Current History, 7 (pt. 2):485.

Why Alsace-Lorraine should be restored without a plebiscite. Albert Thomas. Current History, 7 (pt. 2):490.

Assyria. Assyrian government of dependencies. A. T. Olmstead. American Political Sci. R., 12:63. Feb.

Balance of Power. Balance of power by disarmament. John R. Commons. R. of R., 57:177. Feb.

Balkans. Austria-Hungary and the Balkans. Noel Buxton. Atlantic, 121:370. March.

Belgium. Actitud (La) de los Estados Unidos ante la violación de la neutralidad de Bélgica. Ernesto J. J. Bott. R. de Ciencias Económicas, 5:205.

Belgique. Office des dommages de guerre. Réclamations contre les gouvernements et les sujets ennemis. Convention de la Haye. Clunet, 45:363. Blockade. Development of the allied blockade. M. Saint-Brice. Current History,

7 (pt, 2):153.

Bolshevism. Bolshevism as a world problem. Nicholas Goldenweiser. 57:188.

R. of R.,

Brazil. Utilisation des navires allemands réquisitionnés par le Brésil. Clunet, 45:164.

Chile. Problems in dispute between Chile and Peru. R. of R., 57:213. Feb. China. Allemands (Les) en Chine. Louis Taxier. Mercure, 125:445. Feb. Ambitions of the United States in China. A cautious policy for Japan.

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New East, 1 (No. 4):99.

German (The) hold on China. New East, 1 (No. 4):85.

Rough (The) road of Young China. Gardiner L. Harding. Forum, 59:297. March.

Colonies. Colonial dependencies: "Possession" or "Trusteeship." John H. Harris. Contemporary, 113:207. Feb.

Contracts. Effect of war on contracts. Harvard Law R., 31:640. Feb.

Contributions. Ligue neutre protestant contre l'abus des contributions de guerre allemandes en pays d'occupation. Clunet, 45:346.

Copyright. International copyright relations of the United States. Herbert A. Yale Law J., 27:348. Jan.


Cost of War.

Capital and the cost of war. W. H. Mallock. 19th Century, 83:197.

Declaration of London. Conséquence de l'abrogation par l'Angleterre de la déclaration navale de Londres de 1909. Clunet, 45:117.

Diplomacy. Modern diplomacy. Quarterly R., 229:222. Jan.

Diplomatic Agents. Immunities of diplomatic officers. Yale Law J., 27:392. Jan. Eastern Question. Eastern (The) Question. J. Agar Beet. London Q. R.,

1918:43. Jan.

European War. Allemands (Les) dans les régions envahies. C. Journelle. La Nouvelle R., 33 (2):141.

Du sort des Associations scientifiques internationales après la guerre. Clunet, 45:342.

End (The) of the alliance of the Emperors. Serge Gorianiov. American Historical R., 23:324. Jan.

Finance (The) of the war. Harold Cox. Edinburgh R., 227:146. Jan. German exposure of the Hohenzollern plot. Herr Thyssen's revelations. Current History, 7 (pt. 2):479.

German (A) Liberal's idea of "reconciliation." Professor Gerhardt von Schulze-Gaevernitz. Deutsche Politik, Oct. 1917. R. of R., 57:198. Feb.

Hohenzollerns (The) versus the Hapsburgs. Fabricus. Fortnightly, 108:24. Jan.

New Year Musings. E. J. Dillon. Fortnightly, 103:180. Occupation militaire des navires allemands internés dans les ports des divers États de l'Amérique du Sud. R. S. Clunet, 45:163.


Pan-Germans forced the war: Official proofs. Current History, 7 (pt. 2):146.
Psychologie (La) des belligérents. Denys Cochin. R. Bleue, 56:65.
Strategy (The) that will win the war. Emile Mayer. Yale R., 7:450.

War declarations by peace organizations. World Court, 4:188.

Far Eastern Question. États-Unis (Les) et l'extrême-Orient. A. Gérard. R. des deux Mondes, 43 (4):912.

Finland. Republic (The) of Finland. Finnish separatism since the revolution. Abraham Yarmolinsky. Current History, 7 (pt. 2):437.

Flemish Question. Vlaamsche (De) bewegung en oorlog. Leo van Puyvelde. De Gids, 33:316.

France. France. Passeports. Clunet, 45:402–414.

Future (The) of France and of civilization. Politicus. Fortnightly, 103:213. Feb.

Leçons (Les) de notre histoire et la paix de demain. Camille Julien. R. Bleue, 56:1.

Freedom of the Seas. 83:210. Jan.

Freedom of the Seas. John Leyland.

19th Century,

Liberté des mers dans les rapports internationaux. F. T. Clunet, 45:93. Germany. Business world's grievance against Germany. A nation organized like a trust, conspiring for the restraint of all trade without guidance of reason or conscience. Edward A. Bradford. N. Y. Times Magazine. March 17, 1918. Great (The) illusion about Germany. F. V. Keys. N. American R., 207:345. March.


How to destroy Pan-Germany. André Chéradame. National R., 70:549.

Inglaterra y Allemanha. M. de Oliveira Lima. R. de Derecho, Historia y Letras, 59:159. Feb.

Prussian frightfulness and the savage mind. Louis H. Gray. Scribner's, 63:308. March.

Social-democratie (La) allemande après le Congrès de Würtzburg. Paul Louis. Mercure, 125:411. Feb.

Honduras. Gobierno (El) de Honduras propone la Unión Centro-Americana. Mariano Vásquez. R. de Derecho, Historia y Letras, 59:195. Feb.

Indemnities. Right (The) to indemnities. Henry A. Forster. American Law R., 52:85. Jan.-Feb.

India. Berlin-Batum-Baku-Bombay. New dream of a railway route to India instead of Berlin to Baghdad lies behind Germany's demand for cession of Russian territory to Turkey. N. Y. Times Magazine, March 17, 1918. Interallied Conference. Interallied Conference at Paris, and Supreme War Council of the Allies at Versailles. Nov.-Dec. 1917. Current History, 7 (pt. 2):89. International Law. Ligue (La) maritime française et les violations du droit international par l'ennemi. Clunet, 45:337.

Nature (The) and future of international law. Munroe Smith. American Political Sci. R., 12:1. Feb.

Italy. Italy and the liberation of the Slavs. J. C. Powell. New Europe, 6:89. Jan.

Italy and the Southern Slavs. Quarterly R., 229:176. Jan.

Japan. Armed America and the natural extinction of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance. Ryosuke Shimadani. New East, 1 (No. 4):98.

Future (The) of the Anglo-Japanese alliance. Fears for its extinction. New East, 1 (No. 4):98.

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