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1 St. John iii. 2.


Beloved, now are we the Sons
God, and it doth not yet appear,
what we shall be: but we know,
that when he shall appear, we
fhall be like him; for we shall
fee him as he is.

S a Spirit of Perfecution raged SERM.
in the Enemies of the Cross of V.
Chrift from the firft Preaching
of the Gofpel, St. John, fenfible

of the fevere Trials, and strong

Temptations to Apoftacy, which the new Converts would be expofed to, after having cautioned them against Seducers, and exhorted them to adide in the Truth, which



SERM. they had heard from the Beginning (a), proceeds to engage them in a stedfast Adherence to the Faith, from the Greatness of the Reward annexed to it, being no less than eternal Life (b). And the Affurance thereof by the Earneft of the Spirit, the Unition from the Holy One (c). And then he lays the Foundation of this Confidence in the Hearts of Chriftians on the fingular Love of God towards them, manifefted by his calling them his Sons, Behold what manner of Love the Father bath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the Sons of God (d).

AND what could be better calculated to keep up the Spirits of the Disciples, than fuch weighty and affecting Confiderations ? Which our Apoftle therefore fo earnestly inculcates, because he well knew, that without these Encouragements, their Strength would be too prone to fail, their Zeal be too apt to be extinguifhed, under the Preffures, they were fure to meet with; it being impoffible, but that Offences must come from an unbelieving World. For they were looked upon with a jealous Eye by the Gentiles, who had been perfuaded to


(a) St. John ii. 24.

(b) V. 25.

(c) V. 20, 27.

(d) Ch. iii. 1.

think, that the Followers of Chrift Jefus did SERM. all contrary to the Decrees of Cæfar (e), V. and with a malicious Eye by the Jews, who reckoned them no better than impious Subverters of the Law of Mofes (f), which they were prejudiced to fuppofe to be of perpetual Obligation.

So that the Jew and Gentile, who could accord in nothing elfe, yet united heartily to harrafs and opprefs the Christian. Nor could milder Treatment be expected by thofe, who had been exprefsly forewarned, that the Difciple is not above his Mafter, nor the Servant above his Lord (g), and who well knew, that against their Lord and Master Jefus Chrift, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the People of Ifrael were gathered together (b); whom, after the most despiteful Usage and barbarous Indignities offered to him, they had with wicked Hands crucified and flain (i).

ALL this, as it was not done in a Corner, and was the repeated Subject of all the Apoftles most publick Difcourfes, they, who believed in the Gospel on their Preaching,

(e) Acts xvii. 7-
(g) St. Matth. x. 24.
(i) A&ts ii. 23.

(f) Acts xxi. 28.
(b) Acts iv. 27.


SERM. could not be ignorant of; and were befides V. taught to look for as little Mercy from

their Saviour's Enemies, as he himself had found, being to be hated of all Men for bis Name's Sake (k).

HENCE the very benevolent St. John judged it altogether neceffary for him to give the Faithful under thefe Difcouragements fome Confolation, by putting them in Mind, that, however diftreffed their Condition might be, still it was really preferable to that of their Perfecutors, and upon the whole, much more happy as well as honourable.

THIS he does in the Words. I have read to you; concerning which, that they are a folid Ground to Chriftians of the moft comfortable Reflections, it fhall be my Endeavour to evince in the prefent Difcourfe : And I fhall, I prefume, to a tolerable Degree, have obtained this End ---when I have fhewn bow and in what Sense we may be faid to be the Sons of God, and proceeded afterwards to confider, the Duties and Frivileges which attend that high Character:

THE Title of being the Sons of God has di

(k) St. Matth. x. 22.



vers Meanings given to it in the Sacred V. Writings.

In its primary Senfe and most exalted Signification, Chrift Jefus our Saviour, the First-born, or Lord, of every Creature (1) can alone be faid to be the Son of God, as having been begotten by his Almighty Father from all Eternity, and being fo the Son of God, as to be equal to, and one in Effence, with the Father: As the Father bath Life in himself, fo bath he given to the Son (which he declares in his Words, and, demonftrates in his Works) to have Life in himself (m); whereby he is, abfolutely fpeaking the living and true God.

THIS Mystery, however incomprehenfible, by us, imperfect Creatures, ought to be received with the utmoft Fullnefs of Affurance; fince it is certainly revealed in holy Scripture: From which Teftimony of his infallible Doctrine we are fatisfied beyond all reasonable Doubt, that Jefus is the Son of God by an eternal Communication of the Godhead, and that this is the Generation,--whereon his Divine Sonfhip is founded, in a Way not to be accounted for, nor even conceived

(2) Coloff. i. 15.

(m) St. John v. 26.

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