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artificial fly from nature, to etch them with his own hand, and to colour, or superintend the colouring of each particular impression.

He therefore presumes to hope that he has succeeded in giving a useful collection of the leading flies for every month in the season, and that anyone who may be led by it to a choice of flies from the stock of the manufacturer, or to the construction of his own, will not have cause to repent having consulted the catalogue, chiefly composing the fourth chapter.

One thing is certain, that whoever masters the art of making the delicate Duns and dashing Palmers of Ronalds, will be at no loss to frame those coarser imitations of nature that are successful in Scotland or elsewhere. Learn to imitate the various patterns of this work, exactly, first; and when once an adept, you may vary your imitation almost endlessly; and following the guidance of Nature's self, may

Snatch a grace beyond the rules of art.

But to sit down by the brook-side, and

copy the fly that you have just beaten from a bush upon the stream, is a feat that the learner had better not attempt. Enough for him, if he can, in a warm, sunny window, with all his tools about him, first make his droppers, hacklewise, and point his lash with the best he can purchase, till study and practice have perfected him sufficiently to make a Winged fly also, well put together the hackle just covering the point and bend of the hook, and no more; and the wing the exact length of the fly, from head to tail, and neither too full in the feather, nor too scanty.


The present edition of the "Fly-Fisher's Entomology" has the full sanction of the Author, for whose approval the chief alterations were sent to him in Australia. These will be found to consist mainly in revising the nomenclature of Chap. IV. and ascertaining the specific names of all the insects where not previously given, so that the real insect may be examined in the collections of naturalists, and often obtained from them. It is to be hoped that some fly-makers will adopt the plan of keeping cases of the

real insects for sale, as well as the artificial imitations. A set of such specimens, pinned in a small glazed case, lined with cork about three-sixteenths of an inch in thickness, would be a very useful illustration and accompaniment of the present work. And the difficulty will appear trifling, when it is considered that while to an entomological collector the rarity of a species enhances its value, to a fly-fisher, on the other hand, the frequent occurrence of a species, and its being widely dispersed, or found upon all waters, constitute the strongest reasons for preferring it; because the fish (ceteris paribus) feed upon such species the more readily, as we see in the instances of the green drake, and of various caddis flies.

Another addition is the number of the hook proper to be used in imitating each fly, and remarks wherever a variation in this respect is to be recommended.

The fourth chapter of the work has also received an Introduction of some length, and the Plates have been corrected; and where the meaning of the Author seemed imperfectly conveyed, a fuller explanation

has been given in the text. A few other alterations too will be found. Particular attention has been bestowed on the Double Palmers, as these are so important a feature in the work, and so deservedly celebrated. There are anglers on the Dove who never use any other fly on their lash but two of these Palmers, Nos. 45 and 46. This, however, is going to an extreme, and savours of prejudice, or laziness, rather than of sportsmanlike skill and industry. Such anglers seldom make their own flies; and unless this accomplishment has been attained, half the pleasure of fly-fishing has not been tasted.

As this book is intended to encourage and assist the observation and ingenuity of the young angler, the instructions have been in places simplified, as in the section showing" How to make a Fly;" for to encumber the process with "invisible knots," and other niceties, seemed too discouraging to the beginner; and he will find that newly made flies will not come to pieces (though finished with a very simple knot) before the gut is frayed near the head of

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the fly. This danger, more imminent, has been provided against, by advising to make all large flies on loops, and so guard the weakest point. The fear of "cracking off a fly is thus lessened materially, and the pleasure of the beginner much enhanced.

The prospects of the fly-fisher are materially brightened by the recent investigations of scientific men on the subject of breeding fish artificially. The protection of the spawn and of the fish apyoung pears so simple a means of multiplying our best fish, that we may hope to see many a troutless stream replenished, and fresh Subscription Waters started, under the most hopeful auspices. The fear of thinning the fish will not haunt the proprietor of a good stream so painfully as heretofore, and the graceful art of fly-fishing will gain fresh votaries. That anyone who has once conceived a taste for it, should transfer his affections to other sports, need not be apprehended. For, to use the words of Mr. Bainbridge, to whom fly-fishing is so deeply indebted, "It is a fact worthy of

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