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that same night, all the old Tracts that could be secured, were gathered together, to the number of about forty, and these not in the best condition. However, that no time might be lost, these, as they were, were divided into six packets, and delivered to six persons, who, we were sure, had a mind to work. In two days these were all distributed in different districts. This was the simple beginning of our present Society, which now consists of twenty-nine working members, all in separate districts of the town, with at least twenty-four Tracts each. Nor have we been labouring in vain; for we have seen much good result from our labours. We have seen sinners brought to the foot of the Cross, and there find rest to their troubled souls. One man, who had not entered a church, or been once decently clothed, for twenty years, now enters the house of God well clad, and is a devout worshipper of Jehovah. Scores of children have been sent to the Sabbath-school, which has increased in an astonishing manner. Prayer-meetings have been established in some districts, and mouths which were only accustomed to profanity have learned to pray and sing praises to our God; so that in one district the people have been heard to say, that it is like another place, so great is the change for the better. And these are but a few out of many instances of good which we have already seen, and which encourage us to persevere. During the year, thirty-five Distributors have been employed, and one thousand four hundred and forty Tracts have been put into circulation. A few of these have been sent to the country and other towns; and one packet, in covers, has been given to a young man who wanted them to read to the people in the ship, on his passage to America. Two thousand eight hundred Handbills have been distributed. The people are in almost all cases exceedingly thankful. They read the Tracts, and are careful of them. Sometimes they will rather buy the Tract than part with it. The Roman Catholics in nearly every case at first refuse the Tracts, but afterwards ask for them. One great blessing resulting from the visiting is finding out old Methodists. Many have been found out, especially among those who came from Ireland; and some have been recovered. Our Society, we are thankful to state, is in great prosperity.

A very interesting Report has been received from Fleetwood, which will be given in the next "REPORTER."

Communications have also been received from some other Tract-Societies.

The officers of Tract-Societies may have specimens of the new Tracts, on application monthly to the Superintendents of Circuits.

And it is particularly requested, that the Secretaries and friends of Tract-Societies in the country will forward reports or accounts of their proceedings and successes, with any narrations of interesting results of their labours,—such as the improvement of public morals in the neighbourhoods visited, conversions to God, additions to the societies, &c.,-as early as convenient, addressed to the REV. THEOPHILUS WOOLMER, Secretary to the Wesleyan Tract Committee, 14, City-Road, London.

[Price 2s. per 100, net, to Tract-Societies.]



MAY, 1851.




THE subject of this memoir was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Baker Banks, of Charlestown, in the St. Austle Circuit. Her excellent parents were long connected with the Methodist Society. Mrs. Banks, after living fifty years in the fellowship of saints, and the simplicity of Christian love, died happy in the Lord. Mr. Banks enjoyed a high degree of Christian consolation. His faith and hope abounded. Mighty in the Scriptures, and accustomed to delight much in spiritual conversation, he was respected by all men, and finished his course with joy. A memoir of this man of God appears in the Wesleyan Magazine for 1842.

Early in life Miss Banks occupied a prominent place among her young relatives and friends; several of the former being officers in the navy, and all holding her in high esteem. She drank into the spirit of the world, and, as far as she was permitted, followed with avidity its maxims and fashions. Intelligent, frank, agreeable in manners, full of sympathy and vivacity, she seldom failed to add to the festivity and happiness of the youthful circle in which she was found. During her twentieth year, the Rev. James Hyde laboured in the St. Austle Circuit, and was occasionally entertained at her father's house. He remonstrated with her on the necessity of preparing for death and eternity. Although such remarks could not be otherwise than unpalatable to her natural taste, yet she respected him for his ministerial fidelity. Like many others, Miss Banks, while pursuing the vanities of the world, was compelled by force of conscience inwardly to admit the wisdom of that religion which she neglected, and the error of those ways she frequented. Hence a Minister, or a religious professor, sank in her esteem, not by reproving with "kind severity," but by allowing her delinquencies to pass unrebuked, or joining with her in worldly or unedifying conversation.

The seed was sown in a "good ground." It took deep root. Her whole heart and mind were soon captivated by the Spirit of truth and righteousness. Rest for her soul she longed after, but could not find. She thought her repentance was not deep enough, and earnestly wished she could feel more sorrow for sin. That she might "so run" as to "obtain," "every weight" was sternly "laid 2 G


aside." Her former companions, whose friendship could not lead her to God, were given up with a promptitude that marked her full determination to forsake all for Christ. Among these was one, deeply attached to her, who might probably have obtained her hand. On the day that she set out in the heavenly race, this acquaintance ceased. The sufficient, decisive, unanswerable reason was, that, with her new views, she could not think for a moment of being united to one who was not a child of God.

Fashion was henceforth contemned. The gay young lady was entirely changed. She was as one clothed with sackcloth and ashes. A mode of dress, most rigidly plain, was adopted. She was intensely anxious to be an humble follower of the Lamb; and she took the steps which she thought requisite in order to free herself from all entanglements. But when she knew more fully the plague of her own heart, and the deep wiles of its deceitfulness,—although to the end very decidedly opposed to "outward adorning," she often frankly acknowledged that self and pride had striven hard for ascendency under the form of severe "Quaker style." The moral struggle was, nevertheless, valuable: it promoted self-crucifixion, and nonconformity to the world; it strengthened the consciousness of her sincerity, gave impetus to the soul in first coming to Christ, and laid the foundation of deep lessons of self-knowledge.

Her chief difficulty in obtaining the joy of God's salvation, she often said, lay in the effort to comprehend the nature and the work of repentance. Ready to do anything to obtain remission of sins and the Spirit of adoption, and feeling that she had not repented enough, she received from a religious friend the seasonable counsel, "Miss Banks, you must pray for repentance." At once she threw herself before the mercy-seat, and fervently prayed to Him who is "exalted" "to give" both "repentance and remission of sins." Her broken and contrite heart was now in the right position, as well as in the right state. Pierced and bleeding, it was presented to Christ. Instead of looking into herself for salvation, she was found looking to Him who "was wounded for" her "transgressions." Thus led by the Spirit, she could not long fail. Christ could in no wise cast her out. Waiting in the meekness of humility, and by faith casting herself with all her sins on the atoning blood, she was filled with love and joy from the presence of the Comforter, and "tears of dark despair were exchanged for "tears that told her sins forgiven."

It was about three years after her conversion that she was first brought to experience deliverance from inbred sin. Her perception of the necessity of inward holiness was strong; her struggles for the victory over indwelling sin were great; and her subsequent enjoyments, unspeakable and full of glory. When, from an increase of light, or some other cause, she perceived within her own breast, after the bright joys of justification, the unmistakable symptoms of pride and many other evils, she was roused to an unexpected and severe conflict. She did not merely lament their existence, but

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