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clusively than in other parts of the volume.

From the Methodist Quarterly Review. This valuable and eminently practical work supplies a want which has long ex- In part second, the author treats o isted in the American community, and Gesture. His object is not only to assist especially in literary institutions of all the learner in correcting the awkwardgrades. It is the only book we have seen ness of careless habits, and in acquiring which treats of both branches of the such command over his muscles that he speaker's art, utterance and action; and may take easy attitudes and make gracethough the size of the volume is mo- ful movements; but also to teach him derate, these subjects are discussed and how to adapt his action to the illustraillustrated with sufficient fullness to meet tion, embellishment, and enforcement of the necessities of the learner, and with a his subject, and to the significant expresscientific precision which shows the hand sion of every species of emotion. This of a master. It is also equally adapted portion of the work contains numerous to the wants of the private learner, and wood cuts designed to illustrate those atof the student in a public seminary; and titudes and gestures which ought to be will be found as beneficial to him who avoided, as well as those which are apwishes to read well, as to him who as-propriate. pires to be an orator.

The appendix contains some excellent hints on the elocution adapted to the pulpit, and on the action suited to the imitative representation of human passions. The minister of the gospel who desires to be "a workman that needeth not to be ashamed," can hardly fail to derive benefits from the careful perusal of the first chapter of the appendix; and among these benefits, an inducement to study the entire work will not be the least valuable.

The work consists of two parts and an appendix. Part first treats of the Voice, The author begins with an analysis of the vocal sounds of our language, and then proceeds to a full and perspicuous exposition of the functions of the human voice. In this chapter the learner will find all the information he may need on articulation, on the different kinds of stress, and on the pitch, slides, waves, force, quality, and melodies of the voice. The author next applies the principles. which he has established to a great vaFrom the Philadelphia Inquirer. riety of practical examples, and treats of accent, emphasis, drifts, expression, tran- "Is a good Elocution of sufficient imsition, and cadence. The section on Em-portance to deserve the attention of the phasis is a precise and clear analysis of American scholar? And can the printhat important subject, with appropriate ciples of Elocution be so taught as to examples of several kinds. The same become practically useful?" The author may be said of the section on Expression, of the book before us commences his inwhich teaches the application of the vocal troduction with these questions. The principles to the language of sentiment first of them any man can answer for and feeling. This subject is new in works himself. The second must be answered, of this kind, and is treated with the co- if at all, by such books as the one before piousness and accuracy which its import-us. Many have doubts upon the subance demands. This portion of the book ject; but we think they generally arise will be found none the less instructive from imperfect conceptions of the nature because the author was compelled, in its preparation, to draw from the resources of his own mind, and to be guided by his own experience and judgment, more ex

of elocution itself. Of course, any merely artificial elocution must be false; but the true design of the art is to develope and employ properly the means with which na


ture has endowed men for the expression | preacher who is not too old to learn, and of their thoughts, feelings, and passions. who is desirous of becoming an effective Professor Caldwell has evidently formed speaker, and at the same time of so a just idea of the functions and limits of training his voice that he may speak elocution; and presents it both as a sci- with ease to himself, should at once proence and an art, in the work before us, cure this volume, and give to its practiwith admirable clearness. The proper cal lessons diligent attention. method of training the voice is a subject rarely or never treated in elementary

books of Elocution, which are generally From Wiley and Putnam's Literary News mere compilations of rules more or less Letter, Feb. 1845. valuable, but unconnected by any philo- Merritt Caldwell, Esq., A. M., Professophical principles. In Professor Cald-sor of Elocution in Dickinson college, has well's book, the elementary sounds of the just published, "A Practical Manual of language are analysed with rigid accu- Elocution: embracing Voice and Gesracy, and the whole theory of their ut- ture. Designed for Schools, Academies, erance, and the various modifications of and Colleges, as well as for Private emphasis, stress, pitch, tone, and quality, Learners." This valuable work, the represented with admirable clearness and sult of sixteen years successful practice, method. The principles thus developed will be found to supply an obvious want, are there applied in a series of practical at the present time, of a suitable text book exercises, which cannot fail, if fairly pur- in Elocution, This work possesses a sued, to insure every excellence in vocal great advantage over others-that of preexpression that can be desired. The se-senting both branches of the subject in cond part of the work takes up the sub- the same volume, which must prove a ject of Gesture, which is treated in the great convenience to the teacher, as same way, both theoretically and practi- well as the learner. The section on Excally. A tone of excellent practical sense pression, it is believed, is a more full atpervades the treatise throughout. It does tempt to present the vocal "language of not make vague promises never to be ful-the passions," in intelligible terms, than filled, but leads the pupil on, by a progres-has ever before been made. We confisive and connected series of exercises, to dently recommend the work, the highest attainments of the art. could wish that all elementary books were distinguished by as scholarly a tone and as skilful an arrangement as this work. The book is got up in excellent style and illustrated by a large number of wood cuts. The publishers, Messrs. Sorin and Ball, seem determined to get the good will of the community, by publishing good books and no others. They deserve every encouragement.


From the Baltimore American. This is a new work on Elocution, by Professor Caldwell, of Dickinson college. It is designed for instruction and discipline in the use, management, and modulation of the voice, and for facilitating the other requisitions necessary to make an accomplished reader or speaker. The work seems to have been prepared with great care and labor. The analysis of the elements of vocal utterance and

From the Christian Advocate and Journal, power, is minute, and is in accordance

New York.

Professor Caldwell has given us, in the preparation of this Manual, satisfactory evidence of his qualifications as a teacher of elocution. Acknowledging his indebtedness to the standard philosophical work of Rush, and to Austin's "Chironomia," the author has at the same time thought for himself, and prepared a work not only adapted for the use of students in colleges and academies, but most especially, and this we deem its chief excellence,of those who are engaged in the active duties of the ministry.

As a practical work, we have no hesitation to commend it as superior to any thing of the kind we have ever seen. We doubt not, that a discerning public will agree with us in opinion. Every

with the principles laid down by Dr. Rush, in his "Philosophy of the Human Voice." The student will find in Professor Caldwell's volume a valuable assistant and guide, in a department of education generally too much neglected.

From the Albany Daily Advertiser.

The author of this work is no tyro on the subject of which he treats. He has a mind not only adapted, but trained, to physical analysis, and familiar with the science of Elocution in all its progressive stages. It is a work to be studied carefully rather than read cursorily a work for those who teach Elocution as well as for those who learn it; and, we cannot doubt, that it is destined to perform an essential service in leading to a more

general, intimate, and philosophical ac-|are valuable indeed, and would be of service quaintance with this highly important to all our preachers."

branch of learning.-S.

From the Southern Christian Advocate,

Charleston, S. C.

A cursory examination leads us to be

From the Albany Evening Atlas. This treatise is constructed throughout upon philosophical principles, and is evi-lieve that this is a valuable manual, in dently the result of much profound re- which the reader or student will find all flection and laborious search. We doubt the important principles embodied, which not, that it is destined to be adopted in in reading or publie speaking, and a full relate to the management of the voice our higher literary institutions, and we trust it may contribute not a little to analysis of the elements of gesture in an elevate the standard of public speaking confessedly of the highest importance in accomplished Elocution. The subject is throughout the land We have been especially interested in the chapter on this country; and we commend to the the eloquence of the pulpit, which brings favorable notice of Teachers and Profesmuch sound and excellent thought with- sors, this publication. in very narrow limits; and we are quite sure, that if our clergymen generally would study it, and would reduce to practice the rules which it contains, it would be found an important auxiliary both to their popularity and usefulness.E.

From the Western Christian Advocate,

This work comes before the public, in our opinion, with considerable claims for very general use in colleges and academies. We cannot, however, claim much value for our opinion in regard to the best use of voice and gesture, unskilled as we are in both these very important parts of public speaking. Nevertheless, unless we are mistaken, Mr. Caldwell's book will be well and generally received.

From Zion's Herald and Wesleyan Jour

nal, Boston.

The chief excellencies of this work are, first, It embraces the two subjects of voice and gesture; and, secondly, These are thoroughly and minutely developed. It makes a practical application of the principles of Rush, in regard to the former, and draws amply from the "Chironomia" of Austin for the latter. It is a critical and technical text book, adapted for the thorough drilling of the student. He cannot pass through it without becoming master of the two great implements of Elocution-voice and gesture.

From the Christian Mirror, Portland.

The author of this Manual, who is well known in this State as a faithful and experienced teacher, remarks that, "the question was once asked by the Bishop

We cannot withhold the following extract of a letter from Dr. Durbin, to our-of Cloyne, in relation to Great Britain, self, in which he mentions Mr. Caldwell's book, in the following terms. President Durbin's opinion is of great value in this case, as he has had much opportunity of witnessing the practical utility of the book, and is withal, a master in the very department treated on. The annexed is the extract:

whether half the learning of the kingdom was not lost for want of having a proper delivery taught in our schools and colleges?" And, he adds, "a similar inquiry cannot but force itself on any thoughtful observer, in regard to our own country." Permit a correspondent, Mr. Editor, to suggest, that if he has formed "The Manual of Elocution, by Professor any correct. estimate of this book, all Caldwell, of Dickinson college, has just apology for the future neglect to teach been published by Sorin and Ball, of Phila- Elocution in our schools and colleges, is delphia. I have been intimately acquainted removed. Having some slight familiarity with the principles laid down and illus- with other works on Elocution, I think I trated by Professor Caldwell, and am satis- cannot be mistaken in giving the decided fied that they are the true principles of Elo- preference to this over any other I have cution. I have seen them applied and illus- met with. It is simple in its plan, comtrated in practical instruction in this college prehensive in the views it takes of the during the last ten years; and the success requisites to a perfect orator, and is full attending their application has fully esta- of precepts and lessons for practice, blished their value. I am persuaded that which cannot be studied in vain. you will find the book exceedingly well Altogether, it appears to be a scholaradapted to instruction in colleges and aca-like production; is remarkably neat and demies, and of great service to private accurate in its typography; and though learners. The pages on pulpit elocution modestly dedicated by the author, to

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