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Glassdal, (Glasdale) spake these or the like words to him: " My lord, look at your city, you see it well and at ease from here;" and suddenly came a stone from a cannon of the said city, which struck against one of the sides of the said window, in such wise, that the said window assailed the said earl upon the face in such a manner, that three or four days afterwards he passed from life unto death. And no man of the said city could learn who had set fire to nor discharged the said cannon, and nothing was known in the said city."

"In the tower that was taken at the bridge ende, as you before have heard, there was a high chamber, havyng a grate full of barres of yron, by the which a man might loke all the length of the bridge into the city; at which grate, many of the chiefe capteynes stoode dyverse times, viewyng the citie, and devisyng in what place it was best assautable. They within the citie perceyved well this totyng hole, and layde a piece of ordinaunce directly agaynst the windowe. It so chaunced that the lix day after the siege layd before the citie, the erle of Salisbury, Sir Thomas Gargrave, and William Glasdale, and diverse other, went into the sayde tower, and so into the high chamber, and looked out at the grate; and within a short space, the sonne of the maister goonner, perceyvyng men looke out at the chamber windowe, tooke his matche, as his father had taught him, which was gone downe to dinner, and fired the goon, which brake and shevered the yron barres of the grate, whereof one strake the erle so strongly on the hed, that it stroke away one of his eyes and the side of his cheeke; Sir Thomas Gar


grave was likewise stricken, so that he died within two dayes."-Grafton, p. 531.

"But sorowe it is to tell and doolfull to wryte, whyle one day the sayd good erle, Sir Thomas Montagu, rested hym at a bay wyndow, and beheld the compasse of the citie, and talked with his familiers, a gonne was leveyled out of the citie from a place unknowen, whiche brake the tymbre or stone of the wyndowe with such vyolence, that the peces therof all to quashed the face of the noble erle, in suche wyse that he dyed wythin thre dayes folowyng. Upon whose soule all christen Jesu have mercy. Amen.

"Thus after dyvers wryters was initium malorum, for after this myshape the Englyshmen loste rather then wanne, so that by lytell & lytell they loste all their possession in Fraunce. And albeit that somewhat they gate after, yet for one that they wane thei loste thre, as after shall appeare."-Fabian's Chronicle, fol. 376.

"It so chanced, that the 59th day after the siege was layd, the erle of Salisburie, Sir Thomas Gargrave, and William Glasdale, with divers other, went into the said tower and so unto the high chamber, and looked out at the grate, and within a short space, the sonne of the master gunner perceiving men looking out at the window, tooke his match, as his father had taught him, who was gone downe to dinner, and fired the gunne, the shot whereof brake and sheevered the iron barres of the grate, so that one of the same barres strake the earle so violently on the head, that it stroke away one of his eyes, and the syde of hys cheeke.

"Sir Thomas Gargrave was likewise striken, and dyed within two dayes."- Holinshed, vol. ii. p. 1240. Ed. 1577.

"For in like manner, as when you break off the point of an arrow, rendering the rest of the iron harmless; so this chief (the earl of Salisbury) having been beaten down like the point of a sword, the courage of the English was overcome, insomuch so, that it rather seemed to have died with him than they to have lost it. For prior to his coming they had performed no very memorable war in France, nor any action worthy of praise, and at his death they did not signalize themselves by victories, but by losses and the misfortunes that attended them. So that it appears obvious, all the glory they had acquired in France was born and died with this great general of armies. His body having been opened and embalmed, was transported to England, and placed in the tomb of his ancestors. Many regarded this death as a blow from heaven and the effect of its wrath and vengeance, in consequence of his having broken the oath made to the duke of Orleans, a prisoner in England, that he would spare the cities subject to him; whereas, he had besieged and battered into ruins the town of Orleans, as well as for his having pillaged with a sacrilegious hand the treasures of churches and religious houses, which had till then been carefully preserved; and in particular, for robbing the church of our Lady of Clery, where, from a principle of avarice, he had melted down the plates and chalices, with other presents of gold and silver, which

had been dedicated by the piety of the wealthy, for the service of him who punishes the sacrilegious and the robber. There were many other beautiful and sacred monuments of piety which princes and devout persons had bequeathed in testimony of their gratitude for the recovery of health, or the having miraculously escaped from perils, or on account of just victories gained over their enemies. This loss was sensibly felt by all good Catholics, and in particular by devout women, who were accustomed to carry their vows and their prayers to this beautiful church of our Lady so fruitful in grace and in miracles."-Dubreton, p. 25, &c.

Page 6. John Bastard of Orleans.

Jean d'Orleans, count de Dunois and de Longueville, was natural son of the lady de Cany and Louis duke of Orleans, which latter prince was assassinated by order of the duke of Burgundy. John the Bastard was born on the 23d of November, 1407, and such was afterwards the celebrity he acquired, that Valentine de Milan, duchess of Orleans, lamented she was not his mother, being in the habit of stating, after the phraseology of that period, "Qu'il lui avait été EMBLÉ:" (derobé) "That he had been surreptitiously obtained from her."

The Bastard, when young, commenced his heroic career by the defeat of the earls of Warwick and of Suffolk, whom he pursued to the very walls of Paris. At the siege of Orleans he valiantly defended that place, as appears from this Diary, by which means sufficient time was afforded

for Jeanne d'Arc to bring up her reinforcement. Upon the raising of the siege, the various subsequent successes on the part of the French were to be attributed to the bravery and unremitting perseverance of this gallant warrior, who finally succeeded in chasing his enemies from the provinces of Normandy and Guienne; to which he gave the finishing stroke at Chastillon, in 1451, after having taken from the English Blaie, Fronsac, Bordeaux, and Bayonne; to which belligerent exploits Charles VII. was indebted for the possession of his throne. Such signal services called forth the gratitude of the monarch, who was not famous for rewarding benefits conferred, wherefore he was honoured with the enviable epithet of "Restaurateur de la Patrie," Saviour of the Country. To the Bastard was also granted the title of count de Longueville, while he was further honoured with the charge of grand chamberlain of France. This count de Dunois was no less esteemed by Louis XI., under whose reign he entered into the league denominated "Bien Public," Public Good; of which he proved the very soul, from his excellent conduct and consummate experience. The Bastard Dunois died on the 24th November, 1468, aged sixty-one; being regarded as a second Du Guesclin, and as much feared by the enemies of the state, as he was idolized and respected by all good citizens for his courage, prudence, greatness of soul, and beneficence: in fine, for a concentration of all those virtues which constitute the great and the good man.

Speaking of this renowned warrior at the siege of Orleans, Grafton thus expresses himself:

"Here muste I a little digresse, and declare to you, what

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